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Bye Tv!won $11 Mill Lottery!


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First time I played the lottery in 5 years and I win $11 million dollars!Now it's off to Cairo then a Nile cruise down to Luxor then a hop over to Petra in Jordan.Then a flight to Rome for a week then a trainride up to Venice for a few days then a jump over to Paris for another week then its Eurostar to London.One month of spending money at 5 star hotels and drinking at the Lido and Folies Bergere.Anything or anyplace I should visit or do whilst I'm there?

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First time I played the lottery in 5 years and I win $11 million dollars!Now it's off to Cairo then a Nile cruise down to Luxor then a hop over to Petra in Jordan.Then a flight to Rome for a week then a trainride up to Venice for a few days then a jump over to Paris for another week then its Eurostar to London.One month of spending money at 5 star hotels and drinking at the Lido and Folies Bergere.Anything or anyplace I should visit or do whilst I'm there?

.....Folies Bergere is in Paris...NOT London.

Hmm...from Rome to Venice by train....are you kidding me...in the country where they build Ferrari's???????????????????????? :o forgot already you are a Multi-Millionaire?

and....than from Paris to London by train again :D

BIG spender you are!

OOOOohhhh yes, you HAVE to go to Disneyland - Paris; make sure you buy a few balloons for some kids! ...if you still have some money that is, of course.

Sorry, you must have been to the wrong travel agent.


Edited by LaoPo
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First time I played the lottery in 5 years and I win $11 million dollars!Now it's off to Cairo then a Nile cruise down to Luxor then a hop over to Petra in Jordan.Then a flight to Rome for a week then a trainride up to Venice for a few days then a jump over to Paris for another week then its Eurostar to London.One month of spending money at 5 star hotels and drinking at the Lido and Folies Bergere.Anything or anyplace I should visit or do whilst I'm there?

.....Folies Bergere is in Paris...NOT London.

Hmm...from Rome to Venice by train....are you kidding me...in the country where they build Ferrari's???????????????????????? :o forgot already you are a Multi-Millionaire?

and....than from Paris to London by train again :D

BIG spender you are!

OOOOohhhh yes, you HAVE to go to Disneyland - Paris; make sure you buy a few balloons for some kids! ...if you still have some money that is, of course.

Sorry, you must have been to the wrong travel agent.


Been to Paris before and also the Folies so know its in Paris along with the Lido and Moulin Rouge and Crazy Horse Saloon.Don't know about the clubs in London though.

I love trains and always wanted to ride through the Chunnel and why drive even if its a rented Ferrari besides I am buying a Maserati to go along with my new beachfront house somewhere in the Pacific region.

Will be starting a charity fund to aid expats who lost money running bars so email me if you need a few hundred thousand!

I'm going to Disneyland!To buy it!

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I think the IRS will take 40% of your winnings and the rest will be paid out annualy for over 25 yrs, skip all that and go straight to Brazil.... :o

Fortunately I picked the option of one lump sum instead of the 20 year annual payments so will net after taxes over $6.5 million.

Don't know what to do with it so will have to find a financial manager after I come back from my vacations.Don't know when that will be but probably after the Queen Mary 2 trans-Atlantic cruise early next year.

Applications will be accepted then.

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Just been talking to my astrologer - he says you are in grave danger!

Nigerian scammers have already seen this thread and they are preparing devioius emails of solicitation as we speak!!

With the current alignment of the planets and terrestrial buffalo herds - these email scammers have increased their collective powers and will shortly send you the most believable story in history! Nobody will be able to refuse its powers!!

My astrologer also said that you will be protected if you share a lazy million or so with your fellow TV members. With 19,770 members on the board, thats around $50.51 cents each :D and we all perhaps promise to buy you a beer with it :o

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Some times these windfalls can wreck havoc with your life ... be careful.

What is your plan to deal with all the relatives and 'old friends' who come out of the woodwork looking for loans and for you to be a business partner ? That is without alienating all of them.

Also, a good financial plan is important or 10 yrs from now it may all be gone. Buy some good income property and remember the most important word in investing ..... diversify.

Good luck.


Yeah probably a troll, but it's innocent fun .... we all love to imagine the feeling for ourselves.

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Lying bastard, if you ask me.

Strange it should happen to someone so obsessed with how much money other people have.

I wish I had a dollar for every millionaire I met in Thailand. I knew one guy who won $30 million in the OZ lottery. He lived in the same apartment block as me, 3500baht a month. I went back a year later and he was still there. Wouldn't even buy me a beer. This guy was seriously sick, really played the psrt, telling all farang that were in the area. He was obsessed with how others percieved him. Inside he was full of fear.

I've known guys with ferraris to teach English to kids for the fun of it, travelling 1 1/2 hours each way through the Bkk traffic.

Imagine, you win a fortune on the lottery and you have the time, and inclination to post on an internet forum.

Edited by Neeranam
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In a world of constant sorrow, what brings greater wealth, money or happiness?

Even with a small bank account, the one who is contented finds himself with great wealth.

A mouse found one single grain of salt and felt himself to be a grocer.


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Well if it's a troll who cares...and if it isn't I wish him luck!

Train travel is actually something that appeals to me too - in 89 my wife and I travelled through Europe for a month by train - great fun, and you see so much more of the place than flying over it...driving would also have been a good option, but I must admit to having been a little worried about driving over icy roads (it was February) in a foreign country and on the "wrong side" of the road (I was travelling from Australia at the time).

Haven't been to Egypt as yet, but hope to one day - I really enjoyed my 2 year stint in the Middle East, but never got across the Red Sea as I was working in UAE, Saudi and Lebanon.

An ocean cruise would be great - especially aboard such a luxurious ship...woohoo!

Ah well...we can all dream...and if this post is nothing more than a dream, so be it - but I kinda hope it's true - good luck on your travels! :o

Edited by Greer
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Rome to Venice by train is faster than even your Ferrari :o:D

Eurostar peaks out at over 300kph and only stops once, at Florence. I remember tearing up the main road north from Rome (heading for Florence) in my Fiat Punto, maxed out at 140kph, the train just went whoosh past us, bugger driving with all those crazy Italians.

Considering how long it takes to get from central Rome to Fiumicino airport it may even be quicker than flying.


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Troll? Maybe.

Any connection with Thailand or any relevance to Thailand, or the lives and tribulations of Thaivisa members, apart from the OP  - other than stimulating false admiration and/or envy, if true?

I think he justified the Thai relevance by saying goodbye .If he thinks wealth is the only criteria with which he will judge his associations by now, then good riddance.

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First time I played the lottery in 5 years and I win $11 million dollars!Now it's off to Cairo then a Nile cruise down to Luxor then a hop over to Petra in Jordan.Then a flight to Rome for a week then a trainride up to Venice for a few days then a jump over to Paris for another week then its Eurostar to London.One month of spending money at 5 star hotels and drinking at the Lido and Folies Bergere.Anything or anyplace I should visit or do whilst I'm there?

Well, this certainly explains why most lottery winners go bankrupt a few years after they win big. They think they can suddenly turn into jetsetters and philanthropists or they piss it all away on family and friends, and suddenly they don't have enough money to make the payments on the big house, yacht and fleet of Ferraris they bought.

Thing is, most millionaires have either EARNED that money, or lived with it all their lives, so they know their limits. Lottery winners are suddenly freed from the limits of a 5-figure salary and they get the delusion that they have no limits anymore, not true.

$11 million sounds like a lot of money? It's not. Put it into perspective: Take the lump sum payment: $6.5 million. OK, that's the first indication that this post is a troll, because he said that's what he'd get back after taxes, but actually they'd give you that as the lump sum AND THEN take taxes out of it, so you'd probably actually get closer to $3.25 million. But for the sake of argument, we'll buy into the $6.5 million figure (but I'll do the math for the $3.25 million figure too).

OK, so you've got $6.5 (or 3.25) million to work with. How long do you plan on living? How much do you want to leave for your dependents?

Let's say you're 40 years old and you plan on living slightly longer than the normal life expectancy of 76 years (which most people who make it to 40 do). That means you have to stretch that $6.5 million for 40 years. That's $162,500 per year for the next 40 years. A lot of money, but hardly enough to be jetsetting around the globe or buying a summer mansion on the sea shore. If we take the more realistic number of $3.25 million then it's only $81,250 per year. STILL a lot of money, but again, if you've got a wife and kids to support, you shouldn't be living large on the Riviera.

Face it, the best thing anyone could do with lottery winnings is to invest them in a stable money market account and use the investment earning to SUPPLIMENT their income from work.

Boring? Maybe. But actually, I don't see what so boring about having financial stability and security for the rest of your life. Seems like that'd be a pretty nice weight off of your back. Certainly would be nicer than having the finance company foreclose on your yacht.

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Supplement your income from work – please. A valid statement and defensable statement maybe for someone that wins only a couple of million – but not for $6.5 mill after tax.

Unless you love your job or have some pretty significant debt/ cash management problems. Most people should be able to pack it in and live a pretty comfortable life on $6.5 million after tax.

$6.5 million even in a bad money market account in the US right now would draw at lease 2% which is well over $100,000 US per year. Even if you assume 0 net worth or even negative $500,000 net worth current. One should easily be able to pay off all current debt, move to one of a number of destinations and live a happy life on $100,000 US per year.

The problem most lottery winners seem to have is living in moderation. Set aside 10% of the after-tax winnings to spend on what ever in the he11 you want. Stick the rest in low risk guaranteed return type investments and live within your means – easier said then done it appears.

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Supplement your income from work – please.  A valid statement and defensable statement maybe for someone that wins only a couple of million – but not for $6.5 mill after tax.

Unless you love your job or have some pretty significant debt/ cash management problems.  Most people should be able to pack it in and live a pretty comfortable life on $6.5 million after tax. 

$6.5 million even in a bad money market account in the US right now would draw at lease 2% which is well over $100,000 US per year.  Even if you assume 0 net worth or even negative $500,000 net worth current.  One should easily be able to pay off all current debt, move to one of a number of destinations and live a happy life on $100,000 US per year.

The problem most lottery winners seem to have is living in moderation.  Set aside 10% of the after-tax winnings to spend on what ever in the he11 you want.  Stick the rest in low risk guaranteed return type investments and live within your means – easier said then done it appears.

Yup, that's right 2% off 6.5 mil is about $130,000 a year, but then you're forgetting inflation. That's why I wasn't really counting investment earnings in my off-the-cuff calculation, because even if you put the whole 6.5 mil in the bank, you'd barely be keeping pace with inflation at that rate. You'd need roll over the whole $130,000 just to keep the SAME amount of money you had when you started.

Forty years from now, 6.5 million dollars will be worth a fraction of what it's worth today. Do you want to leave your dependants with nothing? That's why you'd probably still need to work even with a nest egg of 6.5 million. You have to remember, you're going to be alive (hopefully) for at least 40 years, and what you'd really, really like is to have MORE money in the bank after 40 years (after factoring in inflation), not less.

A diversified portfolio with a variety of investment choices, and a modest semi-retired lifestyle would be the best option. Open up a nice business, work 3 days a week, keep rolling your investment earnings over, and have some fun, that's what I'd do.

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First time I played the lottery in 5 years and I win $11 million dollars!Now it's off to Cairo then a Nile cruise down to Luxor then a hop over to Petra in Jordan.Then a flight to Rome for a week then a trainride up to Venice for a few days then a jump over to Paris for another week then its Eurostar to London.One month of spending money at 5 star hotels and drinking at the Lido and Folies Bergere.Anything or anyplace I should visit or do whilst I'm there?

You should really visit my Bank and make a rarther large deposit in my account.

I will then happily accompany you, giving you a personal guided tour of everywhere you intend to visit as I am a qualified expert on all the areas you are planning to visit (what a co-incidence eh?) BUT TRUE :o

PM me for further details :D

CONGRATULATIONS- Spend it wisely :D


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