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350,000 Baht/Month To Rent A Shop-House


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Bit off topic but shows the MINDSET here. The wife's brother in law has 3 motors, one being a new truck which he really can't afford the payments, and 2 of his previous motors. I said to the Mrs ' Why doesn't he sell the 2 motors he doesn't use ' she said ' Because he won't get much for them '

l said ' But he pays the road tax/insurance on all 3 motors every year and the cars loose more money each year.' She laughed.:rolleyes:

Sentimental value sometimes is > actual scrap or resale value.

Same reason most folks (ideally anyway) don't get divorced and trade in for a new model every 6 years.


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wash our truck in the same place in krabi for a year 2days after getting it washed 1 day get phone call from owner do we want to buy car wash business 1 million bht

they only charge 150 bht per wash have many staff and use alot off water have to wash alot off cars to get your 1 million back me thinks i say no no no.....

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Sentimental value sometimes is > actual scrap or resale value.

Same reason most folks (ideally anyway) don't get divorced and trade in for a new model every 6 years.


THe disposal charges are too high

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wash our truck in the same place in krabi for a year 2days after getting it washed 1 day get phone call from owner do we want to buy car wash business 1 million bht

they only charge 150 bht per wash have many staff and use alot off water have to wash alot off cars to get your 1 million back me thinks i say no no no.....

I dunno, even if you washed say 30 cars, with 3 interiors and 1 polishes and the odd sale of wax etc... you'd probably be looking at 7,000 baht a day, 30 days in month = 210,000 - 20,000 (Rent) -40,000 (Staff) - 30,000 (water and electric) - 20,000 (expendibles), could still be looking at a profit of 100,000 a month.

take you 10 months to get your investment back.

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I dunno, even if you washed say 30 cars, with 3 interiors and 1 polishes and the odd sale of wax etc... you'd probably be looking at 7,000 baht a day, 30 days in month = 210,000 - 20,000 (Rent) -40,000 (Staff) - 30,000 (water and electric) - 20,000 (expendibles), could still be looking at a profit of 100,000 a month.

take you 10 months to get your investment back.

its a bit like our bungalow resort if you are full every day for 6 months yes you make alot off money

reality is full for christmas and songran rest off the season 50%-70% occupancy results just break even or very small profit

this car wash place would be lucky to wash 30 cars a week and the 150bht cost includes interior............................................

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I chatted to several women on the internet years ago before I came to Thailand for the first time, I asked was it best to bring cash if i came or change money in the UK, one suggested I could put all my money in her bank :o !!!!!!!!!.............

I did and a year later married her.......... 5 years later still married and the money's still in her bank!! :lol:

Hi yabaaaa


But you must admit you’re an exception not the rule……………..But well done!

With you now knowing more about Thailand, (not withstanding you still trust your wife)……………………….would you do it again?

Keep the faith.

Hmmmmmmmm that's a difficult question to answer, id be more dubious I think, but that could be an age thing????

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The owner of business property which was under lease, due to expire in 2 months, asked manager of business, if there was any way he could see the income/cost books prior to renewing the lease. The manager asked business owner if he wanted to show books to the property owner.

Is that worth a double?

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Hello Simon,

Obviously you met the wrong people in Ao Nang.

If your interested I know better places for less money to rent.

I'm living here for 6 years, contact me if you're interested to talk or just have a beer and a laugh about the crazy offers,


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My GF and myself were looking for a place to rent somewhere in between Nakhon Pathom and Kampaeng Saen... there were no places for rent, so we stopped and asked a lady who owned a wedding dress shop. She excitedly told us wait as her husband had a lovely place to rent and he'd come over and show it to us. So, we followed this old dude for about 2 km away from the main road... he pulled into a plot of land containing what could only be described as a shack. The door was hanging off, there was concrete and dirt on the single room floor, no kitchen, no toilet not even running water. I stood there flabbergasted that someone could genuinely think that another human would choose to live here - I kid you not, you would hesitate to have your dog kip there.

Then the kicker - only 10,000 Bhat a month!! I would have laughed in this guy's face, however, he was so earnest and was clearly short of dough, that I just didn't have the heart. I kindly told him that it wasn't exactly what we were looking for. Once back in the car, me and the missus couldn't talk for 5 minutes as we were laughing so hard!!!

Edited by Jim's_a_Thai_Fox
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Well, while I don't have an experience in the extremes as mentioned in this thread (thanks for sharing BTY), I do have a story that could have resulted in losing my car.

2 years ago had a Toyota Wish for sell with 100,000 km. Got an offer by a lady for 800,000 Bahts (purchased new for 1.2mio). She was a bit of a pain do deal with as she was late to see the car and sounded always very busy and pushy. However she did seem keen to buy the car. This lady said that she worked in a tent. For info, this is where second hand cars get traded in Thailand. I thought it was quite a high price for a car she intended to resell to someone else. My condition for the transaction was either by cash or cashier check. She said multiple times that this was not a problem.

On the morning the exchange was to take place, she say by phone that all is ok as her boss has already signed the check. Since cashier's check are signed by banks, that did not make sense. Upon insisting she said that no they did not have the cashier's check and that her boss had left for the weekend (it was Saturday) we would have to wait for the following week, while insisting on the great deal we where making and that she had the check in hand and all was fine. We did not give in, and told her it was cash or cashier's check or nothing! We never heard from her again.

A few weeks later we heard on the news that a gang had been arrested for signing fake checks for buying cars and they had quite a long list of victims.

The car was sold a month later for 750,000 bahts cash. A good price anyway.

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Generally Anyone who asks for money up front gets short shrift from me. Where is the incentive to work if you have the money already. Hardly gonna bust a gut for you, are they? :ermm:

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A bunch of years ago I was hanging out at some cheap watering hole and some American dude I vaguely knew offered me 3000 dollars plus flights etc to wear a pair of shoes to Japan. Wasnt exactly partial to the idea so I dunno what that was all about but he ended up doing seven in an Indonesian jail and got released just in time to go back to New Orleans for Katrina.

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I was recently offered a partnership in an SMS software startup business based in Phuket for 3 million baht!

When I made some probing enquires it turned out the guy had SFA! not even an office.

The sales pitch was great! even claimed he allready had customers.

A lot of scams out there ;)

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Once my neighbor was off to the cockfights and stopped by and offered to take my money and bet it for me since I would not be attending....

Presume that, if your bird lost, your consolation-prize was a roast-chicken, at least ? B)

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I was recently offered a partnership in an SMS software startup business based in Phuket for 3 million baht!

When I made some probing enquires it turned out the guy had SFA! not even an office.

The sales pitch was great! even claimed he allready had customers.

A lot of scams out there ;)

Just to comment that (as some Thaivisa members know), my own business for many years concerns SMS and I live in Phuket, but Livinginexile is talking about a totally separate business in Phuket (of which I'm aware).

Nothing to do with me, please move along



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When will I see a return on my 3 million investment, Simon?

Actually, if you did invest 3 million baht in my SMS work, (and I am not looking for investors),then you would be seeing a return rather quickly..

Try Googling 'simon luttrell sms' and you will see that 'Simon is de man' when it comes to SMS B)


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Too many to post long stories about so just some hi-lites

In no particular order:

* Fake Levis jeans for 3000 baht (199 baht list price)

* Fake sun glasses for 2000 baht (99 baht list price)

* Indian soothsayer asking for no money up front for some unsolicited mumbo-jumbo then looked angry/disgusted/surprised when he was denied 3000 baht for his "services"

* 500-1500 baht tuk-tuk rides in central Bangkok. "Better deal sil! Sigh-see!"

* 8.5 million Baht for a condo valued/worth/bought at 5.9 million

* 15 baht for 10 baht street pineapple

* 5000 Baht for a "private speedboat", which in fact turned out to be shared tugboat after inquiry. (150 baht fee)

* 2.5 million Baht to decorate a 60 smq condo. By a Farang company no less. Got the same done for 300,000 Baht including all custom furniture in teak wood. (by a Thai company)

* Thaivisa classifieds (at least some)

* The classic bait and switch at "tailors" offering US$ 99 suites with several shirts, ties, socks, their mother, and more. Turns out they want to sell you 45,000 baht jackets or some similar things valued at perhaps 1500 baht and of course are not tailor made.

* 200 baht beer at bars/discos/pubs/etc when in fact they get the beer free from their sponsors singha/chang/asahi/etc.

* The 70 million baht shophouse that was bought for 325,000 baht just 10 years ago.

...and a lot more.

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When will I see a return on my 3 million investment, Simon?

Actually, if you did invest 3 million baht in my SMS work, (and I am not looking for investors),then you would be seeing a return rather quickly..

Try Googling 'simon luttrell sms' and you will see that 'Simon is de man' when it comes to SMS B)


I did, and I didn't know porn sms chat was legal in Thailand. At least that's what the first result in google says. You developed the sms porn bot Natachata... If you didn't, maybe you should take more care of what you ask us to search for. :annoyed:

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Filingaccount, going OT, but please learn to read Google properly. The NataChata systsem was used legally in the UK and mainland Europe, never used in Thailand. It was an AI 'chat' system also used by charities to manage first points of contact, and with major stores for handling customer enquiries.

Back OT please :angry:


Edited by simon43
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When will I see a return on my 3 million investment, Simon?

Actually, if you did invest 3 million baht in my SMS work, (and I am not looking for investors),then you would be seeing a return rather quickly..

Try Googling 'simon luttrell sms' and you will see that 'Simon is de man' when it comes to SMS B)


I did, and I didn't know porn sms chat was legal in Thailand. At least that's what the first result in google says. You developed the sms porn bot Natachata... If you didn't, maybe you should take more care of what you ask us to search for. :annoyed:

Also the Jungle Telecom website seems to have gone missing. :rolleyes:

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Slip - I spent my first ten years after graduating designing satellite equipments/systems, then 10 years developing SMS applications. The hotel part was meant to be a more relaxing 'third' career :)

Now I find myself writing SMS applications again AND also starting up another hotel. But I'm getting no enquiries about working as a rocket scientist...

Jiu-Jitsu, yea I know, turn your back for 1 minutes and someone steals your website! (Actually, that link is quite a few years old and I'm back using the website domain of my first SMS business)


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I was recently offered a partnership in an SMS software startup business based in Phuket for 3 million baht!

When I made some probing enquires it turned out the guy had SFA! not even an office.

The sales pitch was great! even claimed he allready had customers.

A lot of scams out there ;)

Just to comment that (as some Thaivisa members know), my own business for many years concerns SMS and I live in Phuket, but Livinginexile is talking about a totally separate business in Phuket (of which I'm aware).

Nothing to do with me, please move along



Hi Simon,

Yes a completely different person, (David ......was his name).

I didn't know you was in that game, I too thought you are a hotelier :)

All the best mate.

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Filingaccount, going OT, but please learn to read Google properly. The NataChata systsem was used legally in the UK and mainland Europe, never used in Thailand. It was an AI 'chat' system also used by charities to manage first points of contact, and with major stores for handling customer enquiries.

Back OT please :angry:


Well, a heads up would have been nice about the porn stuff. Not everyone appreciates that kind of stuff you know... specially with children around.

You could have said that "Some of my developed products include NOT SAFE FOR WORK NOR CHILDREN APPROPRIATE".

Not everyone knows who you are, so when you throw out some name and general search terms please make sure you make it known that <xyz> has nothing to do with you and/or some are inappropriate for some viewers and/or use better targeted search terms. Would it make sense to look any further if the first result matches all words exactly? How would one know which result is relevant to you expect trust your search terms to bring up the most valid and relevant results (aka. result #1 in google)?

And if you wanted the topic to be ON topic, do not converse about different topics and invite users to action.

I propose a clean up of your off topic posts and my following posts as well.

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Well, a heads up would have been nice about the porn stuff. Not everyone appreciates that kind of stuff you know... specially with children around.

You could have said that "Some of my developed products include NOT SAFE FOR WORK NOR CHILDREN APPROPRIATE".

Good god man, he probably just assumed that you're an adult and didn't need your hand holding for everything you do out there in the big wide world.

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