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Thai Immigration Cancells Visa And Blacklists Composer Mickhail Pletnev

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I have no idea if the guy is guilty or not. As one of the jurors said about Michael Jackson, "We think he is guilty, but we don't think he is guilty of molesting this boy," or something to that effect. He could be guilty, but he could be being set up and that's why he's fighting.

Then again....he could be innocent.

Somebody has something to gain from this.

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I don't know if that is true but he has lost one in Switzerland. Ironically that is where the one charge against him had been dropped.

I have been reading these threads about Pletnev since the start. Yes, he has been suspended from his job in Switzerland. Re previous charges, I heard here and in the PDN about the supposed charges in Russia, but a search of the internet and information about the scandal newspaper that printed the story convinced me that they are almost certainly nothing more than rumour. But i am certain I have never heard of anything in Switzerland. If there is information about it, I would be most interested to read about it. What is your source? Are you sure you are not mixing him up with the Polanski case?


Yes, you can also go to Vegas and not play a dime. Thing is: Las Vegas is for gambling and Pattaya is for whores. I don't see anything wrong with it tough. I think prostitution is a very fine and respectable (decent, you would say) job.

Uh, what?

I know a lot of middle class Bangkokians that go there for the ocean.

Well, if you go to pattaya for the ocean you must be low class, more than middle.

I don't go there, but again, I know several middle class Thai's that do. There are several resorts in the area and they are all away from the walking street in question.

Maybe you just don't understand that.

It was an impersonal "you". Anyway.

I know many bkkians go to Pattaya on vacation.

I also know the ocean there is shit (unless you're talking about the islands and not pattaya itself, but thet's not pattaya)

I also know that the russian guy is not a bangkokian.

So i fully understand and without any doubt the only reason a guy goes frequently to pattaya is not the ocean or its resorts.


There is new and extremely interesting article in the PDN published today shortly after noon. It informs readers that Pletnev was permitted to leave Thailand for the birthday of his 89 year old mother ,but bail was increased. The interesting part is that one of the Russian media has interviewed someone they say is a 14-year old boy who claims he has had sex with Pletnev. According to the pDN reporter, the boy is far older than 14 and has obviously been coached in his answers. The alleged reporter also makes major mistakes during the commentary -

PDN reporter then visited the "Life News" website specified by Mr Pletnev and could do nothing, but admit the fact that the material posted on its pages was if not shocking, then, at least, really confusing.Not to mention 10 years added to Mr Pletnev's true age, as the author referred to him as a 63-year-old musician, not a single paragraph of this "creation" would stand criticism of any Russian who lived in Thailand for a length of time. Quote: "The Pletnev's house on the outskirts of Pattaya even by Russian standards could not be called cheap". This single phrase will make a reader imagine a luxurious mansion a nest of depravity. In fact, everything is just the opposite.

One of his houses, in which he lives, when coming to Pattaya, is so simple and modest that one hardly believes that it belongs to a world celebrity. Even by Thai standards, forgive us, Mr. Pletnev, this house is, at best, short of the average. The second house, located next to the badminton club, is in a much neglected state, and it seems, already in great need of repair. True, there is also the badminton club, built by Mr Pletnev, which is accessible to all residents of Pattaya for a very minimal entry fee. There are badminton courts, gym, large swimming pool and a club cafeteria. All this lives its own life, even in the absence of the owner, but is of no interest to "Life News" journalist. . . The fourteen-year-old "teenager from a remote Thai village", brazenly tells us about his sexual relationship with Mr. Pletnev, for some reason looks like a man of at least twenty years old. He gives us a full impression of a person responding to questions relying on a poorly memorized English text. A couple of times this "country boy" tries to use more complicated grammatical forms, of which he obviously has little if any understanding. Above all, what really strikes us is his readiness to say "yes" without hesitation to any reporter's target questions. . . . a PDN correspondent admits that this interview seems to be full of holes


If you play the interview at high volume, you can clearly hear this 'boy' being coached by someone whispering what he is to say!

This just adds weight to the suggestion that the Russian media is crucifying him -and to me makes rumours of previous charges in that country even less credible. He seems to have enemies there.

But it is all getting more and more curious.



....for a 14 year old boy the chap looks quite old with a voice as deep as a canyon...:whistling:

Next to that, of what I can understand of what he says, he looks a bit silly next to the way he speaks.

If that's all they have against Mr. Pletnev it's a weak case, next to what's been written in the end of the article:

"After thoroughly and repeatedly viewing the video and reading the article, which caused Mr. Pletnev's outrage and who claimed that he had never met or seen this young man, a PDN correspondent admits that this interview seems to be full of holes."


Yes he has not been convicted but with his track record I would not let him baby sit my kids. Seems kind of funny every body hollering that he hasn't been found guilty yet well I am here to tell you he has not been found innocent yet. And unless people would let him baby sit there kids with out giving it a second thought I would suggest they say nothing. Just a suggestion.:jap:

JJ, I wouldn't let you babysit my dogs, let alone my kids (if I had any). No offence, but I don't know you. Does that mean anything about your guilt or innocence of anything? No!


I don't think babysitting is the issue here. There is a huge percentage of parents who won't let any gay man near their child, certainly not alone. That is clearly bigotry and anti-gay bigotry (in some of reactions here in Thailand and in Russia) is clearly a part of the problem Mr. Pletnev is having. Of course I have no idea whether he is guilty or innocent of the alleged pedo crimes.


I don't know if that is true but he has lost one in Switzerland. Ironically that is where the one charge against him had been dropped.

I have been reading these threads about Pletnev since the start. Yes, he has been suspended from his job in Switzerland. Re previous charges, I heard here and in the PDN about the supposed charges in Russia, but a search of the internet and information about the scandal newspaper that printed the story convinced me that they are almost certainly nothing more than rumour. But i am certain I have never heard of anything in Switzerland. If there is information about it, I would be most interested to read about it. What is your source? Are you sure you are not mixing him up with the Polanski case?

A earlier poster posted the link to the news paper in Question. It mentioned the Swizerland case being droped. I would sugest that if you really want to see it you go through the first three pages and look for ones with a link.

Not sure what to say about your not finding anything on Google. I suppose there is some information some where but remember this was pre internet and Russia was still a Communist country with strict control over what was in the news papers. I am not one bit surprised you could not find any thing under those conditions. If as you say the paper that printed it was a scandal magazine I doubt that the government knew about the article until after it was posted.

From what I understand, he owns a house and an apartment. Plus he built with his own money a major sports complex for the people living in the area. This has several badminton courts with air conditioning (seems he is a keen badminton player), an Olympic size-pool, coffee shop etc.

I hope your other information is rather better sourced. The "major sports complex" is the Euro Badminton Club on Soi Chaiyapreuk 2, which can hardly be mistaken for the sports stadium a little further on!

It consists of a small "back garden" size pool, one badminton court (no a/c), a small open air bar and an equally small weights room; there used to be a table-tennis table, but it was not replaced after someone sat on it a few years ago. It is seldom used, as although it is open to anyone paying their charges these are on a par with many far better and more modern fitness centres.

His house? My dogs live in better conditions and surroundings - literally.

If these are his "substantial business interests" then the idea that he has been set up so that someone can get their hands on his assets is simply ridiculous - there is nothing worth getting.

From what I understand, he owns a house and an apartment. Plus he built with his own money a major sports complex for the people living in the area. This has several badminton courts with air conditioning (seems he is a keen badminton player), an Olympic size-pool, coffee shop etc.

I hope your other information is rather better sourced. The "major sports complex" is the Euro Badminton Club on Soi Chaiyapreuk 2, which can hardly be mistaken for the sports stadium a little further on!

It consists of a small "back garden" size pool, one badminton court (no a/c), a small open air bar and an equally small weights room; there used to be a table-tennis table, but it was not replaced after someone sat on it a few years ago. It is seldom used, as although it is open to anyone paying their charges these are on a par with many far better and more modern fitness centres.

I am sorry if my use of the term sports complex was wrong or misunderstood. In my understanding, a complex involves a cluster of facilities. Perhaps I erred in the use of the word "major" but that is a description quoted from one of the media. I never suggested it was a stadium. But it is certainly far larger than the picture you portray of it. A "back garden" sized pool? Absolutely incorrect. Go and look at it. In fact,I defy anyone to look at the photo in the PDN and then say that is anywhere near a description of a "back garden" pool. It looks to be around Olympic length, but not as wide. One badminton court? I have not seen inside but you can see from the road that the area under that roof is very considerable. There is certainly a lot more than one badminton court there. You mention the bar, but you do not mention the coffee shop upstairs? I'm told the entrance is about Bt. 60 for farang. I do not know how that compares to other centres in Pattaya.


A earlier poster posted the link to the news paper in Question. It mentioned the Swizerland case being droped. I would sugest that if you really want to see it you go through the first three pages and look for ones with a link

Not sure what to say about your not finding anything on Google. I suppose there is some information some where but remember this was pre internet and Russia was still a Communist country with strict control over what was in the news papers. I am not one bit surprised you could not find any thing under those conditions. If as you say the paper that printed it was a scandal magazine I doubt that the government knew about the article until after it was posted.

The point I was really trying to make is - irrespective of what was written way back in the Soviet era (which even then was in the Gorbachev era of openness), my earlier post at 21:11 about the Russian media really going after Pletnev - for whatever reason - and backed up by the Pattaya Daily News reporter, surely makes it rather strange that none of the present-day Russian media has dug up anything from the past. That part of Moscow is after all in their backyard and presumably any investigative reporter would find something far more easily than any of us, depending as we do on google and other search engines. So why aren't they printing anything about it? Google gets all the Russian news agencies and I have read nothing credible in reports over the last few weeks about past charges etc. apart from in a scandal mag which has never been picked up by any other media. So it remains an extremely weak rumour in my book, and nothing more for the time being.

As for Switzerland, I have been through every post. On page 6 you yourself post a comment referring to Switzerland and an attached link -

In Russia it has been posted on this thread. The article also says that there was a charge against him in Switzerland but it was dropped.

- but then you post no link! So, as you suggested, I have looked back at every thread and read every link. There is absolutely no mention of any charges or cases in Switzerland. There is one mention in the PDN that he has been dropped from conducting his Swiss Orchestra until the outcome of the court case is known. That is the only reference to Switzerland I can see anywhere. I am certain you are mistaken.


Sorry, I'm reading this development a different way...

If he's blacklisted and has his visa canceled, he'd either have to leave the country, or be actively deported by the Thai authorities, and be unable legally to return.

In that case, he'd never be present for the completion of the pending legal proceedings. So I'm not sure how the case could proceed to a verdict in those circumstances.

It seems rather a way of Thailand getting rid of the guy without having to put a prominent Russian artist on trial.... If true, that would seem to benefit a fair number of different interests in this mess.

...leaving aside the question of whether the guy is guilty or innocent. He's been accused before, so this episode would just be another one added to the list.

thanks for your opinion. I am pretty fed up with the Thai haters. Its nice to get one not based on Bias

Not being the lawyer most of these posters are I really can't say that he has to be deported because they canceled his visa. I am sure that the Thai legal system is the same as the one's I am familiar with in the US and Canada. You will notice I said legal system not Justice system. They are two separate animals. It is not uncommon in both countries to have a law that will nullify another one. In point perhaps they can hold him under another law.

Yes every one is rite he has not been convicted. However this is not his first charge would all these high moral minded people let him baby sit there kids.

Yes the Russian embassy might come in with there guns a blazing. But why, are they afraid he might return to Russia remember he has a reputation there for this kind of thing.

Oh, this is too much even from you man. This time you surpassed yourself, even.

Where you get that that any one here said he is innocent?

Again, as million times before yo did it here, you misunderstood whole point.

The point here is about juidicial system allowed him to go free without any chance we see he is guilty or not. That was the point here and read all posts carefully. This way it looks like you just want to opone again.

BTW don't be sarcastic to all of us here so to say we are high moral minded people because yes we ARE high moral minded people in this discussion.

Charged or not in some other country, it's irrelevant here and in this case and we are commenting about Thai way to accuse the man and after that to let him go. We are wondering how come. That's all.


What are you on about now. I never said he was innocent or guilty or any one else has. As for the judicial system I pointed out that I don't know. That is more than most of you high moral minded Thai hating expats have done you just attack it saying it is wrong.

I have to tell you 2 things.

I know you from your commenting red shirt protest here, i know way you think, so i know why you are doing this here.

I could bet i know why you do it but let that be for some later moment.

Do you see now what i am about on? Have a look again at your posts all but first look at this your words h e r e.

Yes, you never said that he is innocent or guilty. You are not so naïve to put it that way and directly. More than obvious is all the time here you are trying to make the people here to give up their opinions or to modify it or stop debate.

In all of this pages here, you are all the time in kind of confrontation, replying to the people who commented your any statement or thought.

Your presence here, in TV is like you are some kind of attorney or a spokeman for the Thai institution, trying to defend them all the time. Your attitude is easy to see by following your posting.

What are you trying to make?

Is it about your character and personality only or it is just your duty, your job?

Why i am saying you look like you are trying to defend Thai institutions?

Because you are labeling all of us as "THAI HATING EXPATS". Just to ask you are you normal to say that? Just because we see whole Pletnikov case as major set up (if we talk about that poor creature ladyboy who is having some"mentor" or coach behind), or some DEAL at least? (if we are talking about acting of authorities out of logic, at least) Just because of that you named us as Thai hating expacts? First of all it is so rude to say and i am wondering what mods are doing while you are insulting people here.

Next, i will tell you those your words sound like you are some Xenophobic Thai man,toward farangs, what we saw many times here.

To back to the story, let me tell you.

We LOVE Thailand but that doesn't mean we will be deaf, blind or mute about anything what is not right and unfair or senseless.

We are living here, we made a choice about place we want to spend the rest of our lives and exactly THAT FACT gives us right to"open mouth" about anything we think is abnormal here. We share life with Thais, we have families and jobs here so we want Thailand BETTER to be. We are interested for progress of Thai nation as we have children with Thai wives.

Above all, we are NOT second class citizens here, as we are paying tax and as we are personalities with some good reputations in our environment.

So, watch your mouth when you are labeling people here.

I think you owe us some apology, if you are civilized man, at all. IF you want to be respected and accepted here in TV, that is at least what you should do.


Judging from all the information I receive, I think this man is innocent. Perhaps a scam that when wrong, and someone is trying to cover it up.

Exactly my thoughts also, most likely a scam attempt but the scammers bit more off than they could chew and now try to cover it up,

After revoking his visa and then blacklisted maybe the end results are the same had the scam been a success...his assets fall into the same hands.

From what I understand, he owns a house and an apartment. Plus he built with his own money a major sports complex for the people living in the area. This has several badminton courts with air conditioning (seems he is a keen badminton player), an Olympic size-pool, coffee shop etc.

I hope your other information is rather better sourced. The "major sports complex" is the Euro Badminton Club on Soi Chaiyapreuk 2, which can hardly be mistaken for the sports stadium a little further on!

It consists of a small "back garden" size pool, one badminton court (no a/c), a small open air bar and an equally small weights room; there used to be a table-tennis table, but it was not replaced after someone sat on it a few years ago. It is seldom used, as although it is open to anyone paying their charges these are on a par with many far better and more modern fitness centres.

Now that we have seen the web link, let's get the facts straight. It is 5 badminton courts. So you are wrong about the "back garden size pool", wrong about the "one badminton court", you omitted the coffee shop/restaurant. So whose information was better sourced? Yours or mine?

From what I understand, he owns a house and an apartment. Plus he built with his own money a major sports complex for the people living in the area. This has several badminton courts with air conditioning (seems he is a keen badminton player), an Olympic size-pool, coffee shop etc.

I hope your other information is rather better sourced. The "major sports complex" is the Euro Badminton Club on Soi Chaiyapreuk 2, which can hardly be mistaken for the sports stadium a little further on!

It consists of a small "back garden" size pool, one badminton court (no a/c), a small open air bar and an equally small weights room; there used to be a table-tennis table, but it was not replaced after someone sat on it a few years ago. It is seldom used, as although it is open to anyone paying their charges these are on a par with many far better and more modern fitness centres.

Now that we have seen the web link, let's get the facts straight. It is 5 badminton courts. So you are wrong about the "back garden size pool", wrong about the "one badminton court", you omitted the coffee shop/restaurant. So whose information was better sourced? Yours or mine?

My penis is bigger than both of yours, but does it matter? Take your pissing contest into pvt chat as it doesn't really matter.

From what I understand, he owns a house and an apartment. Plus he built with his own money a major sports complex for the people living in the area. This has several badminton courts with air conditioning (seems he is a keen badminton player), an Olympic size-pool, coffee shop etc.

I hope your other information is rather better sourced. The "major sports complex" is the Euro Badminton Club on Soi Chaiyapreuk 2, which can hardly be mistaken for the sports stadium a little further on!

It consists of a small "back garden" size pool, one badminton court (no a/c), a small open air bar and an equally small weights room; there used to be a table-tennis table, but it was not replaced after someone sat on it a few years ago. It is seldom used, as although it is open to anyone paying their charges these are on a par with many far better and more modern fitness centres.

Now that we have seen the web link, let's get the facts straight. It is 5 badminton courts. So you are wrong about the "back garden size pool", wrong about the "one badminton court", you omitted the coffee shop/restaurant. So whose information was better sourced? Yours or mine?

My penis is bigger than both of yours, but does it matter? Take your pissing contest into pvt chat as it doesn't really matter.

With respect, look at the context of these and an earlier post. I was setting the record straight with a poster whose information was quite inaccurate. This sort of claim and counter claim runs throughout this thread, so what is so different about this one? It is highly pertinent to the discussion as it relates to Pletnev's assets.

And to be frank, since you raised the matter, it is irrelevant to me and this thread how big or otherwise your penis may be.

From what I understand, he owns a house and an apartment. Plus he built with his own money a major sports complex for the people living in the area. This has several badminton courts with air conditioning (seems he is a keen badminton player), an Olympic size-pool, coffee shop etc.

I hope your other information is rather better sourced. The "major sports complex" is the Euro Badminton Club on Soi Chaiyapreuk 2, which can hardly be mistaken for the sports stadium a little further on!

It consists of a small "back garden" size pool, one badminton court (no a/c), a small open air bar and an equally small weights room; there used to be a table-tennis table, but it was not replaced after someone sat on it a few years ago. It is seldom used, as although it is open to anyone paying their charges these are on a par with many far better and more modern fitness centres.

Now that we have seen the web link, let's get the facts straight. It is 5 badminton courts. So you are wrong about the "back garden size pool", wrong about the "one badminton court", you omitted the coffee shop/restaurant. So whose information was better sourced? Yours or mine?

My penis is bigger than both of yours, but does it matter? Take your pissing contest into pvt chat as it doesn't really matter.

"My penis is bigger than both of yours, but does it matter? Take your pissing contest into pvt chat as it doesn't really matter" - Photos please to confirm



The link is on post number 98 by jfchandler. I hope you put more effort into your other investigations.


Thank you for your post. you at least read my posts and yes I am rude. That being said is not accusing 66,000,000 Thai's of being the same a spineless ignorant way of being rude. I simply and as you say rudely try to point out that that is not the case. It is fact a insult to my intelligence and it should be to yours.

I make no claim to denying there is corruption or there is greed but I do violently rudely deny that all Thai's are that way. Did you read the posts I made about sympathizing with the red shirts they would be vital to your understanding of my mind.LOL:lol:



The link is on post number 98 by jfchandler. I hope you put more effort into your other investigations.


Thank you for your post. you at least read my posts and yes I am rude. That being said is not accusing 66,000,000 Thai's of being the same a spineless ignorant way of being rude. I simply and as you say rudely try to point out that that is not the case. It is fact a insult to my intelligence and it should be to yours.

I make no claim to denying there is corruption or there is greed but I do violently rudely deny that all Thai's are that way. Did you read the posts I made about sympathizing with the red shirts they would be vital to your understanding of my mind.LOL:lol:

Before I apologise for anything, I did in fact read that link. Perhaps you can kindly tell me exactly where it says anything about charges in Switzerland? I have read it several times and see nothing. Maybe your eyes are better than mine and you will enlighten me? But if you are referring to this paragraph -

To date, the ongoing case against Mr. Pletnev has caused the Orchestra of Italian Switzerland (OSI) to suspend their connections with the under fire conductor until the completion of legal proceedings, while his duties as artistic director of the Russian National Orchestra continue.

- you will note that it has nothing to do with any case inSwitzerland. It refers to the case in Thailand. As a result, the orchestra has suspended him pending the outcome of the Thai case. Did you say something about putting effort into investigations? Reading every single post on this thread takes some effort!


My penis is bigger than both of yours, but does it matter? Take your pissing contest into pvt chat as it doesn't really matter.

"My penis is bigger than both of yours, but does it matter? Take your pissing contest into pvt chat as it doesn't really matter" - Photos please to confirm

I never made the comparison, and in any case I am much too shy rolleyes.gif


I just got a question: if the kid was yours, were all of you still supporting the paedophile farang and blaming Thai justice? LOL

And if he is innocent? If he was your kid, and someone was picked up under suspicion of being the perpetrator, would you not care whether or not he did it? Would his imprisonment without a trial or real investigation be OK with you?

Strange world you live in.


I just got a question: if the kid was yours, were all of you still supporting the paedophile farang and blaming Thai justice? LOL

And if he is innocent? If he was your kid, and someone was picked up under suspicion of being the perpetrator, would you not care whether or not he did it? Would his imprisonment without a trial or real investigation be OK with you?

Strange world you live in.

No it would not be OK with me, keymaker - and I have been one defending Mr Pletnev. The point is: this man has been found guilty of nothing. Contrary to all the media hype, the case against him boils down to one charge of sexually molesting a 14-year old. If he is guilty, let him be thrown in jail. But where is the justice in condemning a man without his being given the right to fight the allegations made against him and prove his innocence - if indeed that is the case. I will not go into all the details that have been aired over the last 10 pages, but the case against him seems to this observer as a set-up. There are far too many pieces of the jigsaw - at least the jigsaw as we know it - that just do not fit.

As to the 14-year old, you imply would I care if he was my child? Of course I would! But my child would be in school, he would not be hanging around internet cafes manipulated by an owner who is not just a pedophile running a ring (according to the police), not a boy who had sex with that owner on at least 20 occasions (as admitted to the police by the owner), not a boy who was rented out on other occasions. And if it were my son, I hope he would have thad he guts to go straight to the police immediately after the first occasion he is alleged to have had sex with the Russian in December. Did he? No. He waited. And then there was allegedly a second offence in February. Did he go to the police then? No, he waited until April. With all the other questions this case has thrown up, do you ever wonder why he waited - and waited - and waited?


If I was Pletnev & was deported, I would immediately launch a slander case against Thai Immigration, upon arrival in Russia (or anywhere). I would contact a good lawyer in Thailand (there must be at least one good lawyer) & persue the matter with 100% vigour! After & if possible, I would sue the Thai government for allowing corruption to contaminate my good name (should it be proven that corruption had a part in the slander case).


Read the papers, he is back in Thailand, and reported to police in Pattaya on time, he said he was prepared to fight the case and added the police found nothing on his computers or in his home.

All this is quite illogical.

If he is in Thailand and reporting to the police, he should be arrested and deported as he no longer has a vaild visa

and is on the blacklist.

If he has left, to visit his mother, he cannot return as he does not have a visa and is on the BlackList.



There appears to be some confusion as to whether this person is in Thailand or not. From previous posts (I'm too lazy to find them), he IS in Thailand

The fact that the Immigration Police wish to cancel his visa is evidence that he is in the country.



"If he has left, to visit his mother, he cannot return as he does not have a visa and is on the BlackList."

That's logical, but this is Thailand . . . :)

According to Post #214 in this thread --

And a report today in PDN, he paid a higher bail today and departed to visit his mother. His business visa has been revoked, but he can still return for court proceedings.

He is due back on July 30 to report to the Pattaya court again. If he returns again, he's either innocent and believes he can prove it or he's delusional! . . . Place your bets!



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