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Human Traffickers Prey On Vulnerable In Thailand

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My wife girl friend was kidnapped as a child to be sold into prostitution the women kept her till she was about 10 years old then took her to a chicken farm to be sold. My wife didn't like it and made such a fuss the lady took her home and then took her out into the Mekong river and held her head under the water till she agreed to go the next day the lady said to her if she made trouble the next day she would drown her.

She escaped that night made her way to another village where she was given shelter by a lady who had two daughters but her new husband used to try and screw the daughters at night so they took knives to bed with them. She finally left there made her way to Bangkok where she lived on the streets and had some terrible experiences. Later an old women who saw her living on the streets took her in and was good to her.

To this day she has no idea who she is and has no ID card so we can never go any where. We have tried to get an ID card but government officials have demanded tea money and ripped us off for our money 3 times now. I have literally bought homes for government officials here.

The head of the police has tried to shake us down also I have never seen so much sleaze in my life. I have lived here 30 years and am not exactly a saint as I fought in the war but this shit blows even me out.

My own country has put us through the wringer on trying to bring her home, I tell you it makes you want to shoot a few people and show them I can kick ass back but that would accomplish nothing and only make a bad situation worse. So I live and here and try and keep a low profile as i don't need any more shit and don't want loose my family.

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Forty years ago, women working short-time bars were in this category. Outside Pattaya, a local General sent his soldiers to collect all the women from the bars, even cashiers and cooks, gave the women to his men while he negotiated bribes from the bar owners. The action was well known and reported to authorities, who refused to do anything to help the women or punish the perpetrators.

Many short-time girls make a little money, but are usually hopelessly in debt to the Bar owner. Bars near Pattaya and in the NorthEast still have women debt-slaved into prostitution. Occasionally police arrest a dozen women to be deported, but before the bus comes, the bar owner pays a bribe and the women go back to work...

Test this - go to a red light district in your city, rent a woman, but don't touch her - talk to her - ask why she is working as a prostitute - give her a tip, or better yet, buy her out of the bar.

Human trafficing is one of the major backbones of Thai economics...


No trafficking of Thai women goes on without the assistance of "the untouchables". be they Police officers, Army generals, Politicians or whoever. They can and do get away with it. Thailand is sadly as corrupt if not more so than when I first arrived more than 20 years ago.

Punishment should be made to fit the crime, and NOBODY should be exempt. In the UK even the Royals are occasionally brought to book for motoring offences.

Human trafficking is basically a death sentence, since unless the women can escape they are in real danger of contracting AIDS. As such those that are involved in trafficking should themselves receive a death sentence NO MATTER WHO THEY ARE

Agreed 100% What sickens me even more is how they do this crap here where you already have readily available , cheap, good quality sex workers that are doing it voluntarily.

Why the F do they need to enslave women?

Hate to break it to you but the ones you say are doing it on their own free will probably are not. Look into any Bar-girls life and you will find sadness and despair. Every prostitute is some mans daughter or son.

You are using clichees and play with psychology without any knowledge. And you are guessing. This is not helping anyone so please refrain from posting on this matter until you have some viable facts to contribute with.


'Send the message, this could be your daughter - your sister, your niece.' quoted

and Padrino

too dam_n right, I've travelled all over the world, I've never seen tourists like those in Thailand,

these sex tourists are part of the cause, cut the cause and end the demand end the symptoms, these arsoles who believe prostitution is a vicitimless crime are so wrong,

Make an example of a few of these types and perhaps a certain amount of demand will dissapear

I agree. Prostitution and Drug trafficking are both seemingly harmless to its end-users but in the process are saturated with blood. Very sad.


Pride and Hope, hahahah the best joke I have heard in years. Tell yourself what you will to help you sleep at night. Most take up this trade after they have lost all hope and it's there only way of survival. Stop and ask yourself what if my son or daughter had to do this.

junglist, I say again, if you have something to add to the discussion, back it up with your sources and facts. If you cannot do that, please do not make these blatantly ignorant posts


The Chinese in the amulet and chain trade do the same. They scour Isaan convincing parents to give up their boys to go work in the sweatshops in BKK. One case I know of, a boy got his hand caught in a metal press. The Chinese owners took him to the clinic to have it removed, paid for the clinic bill so he didnt bleed to death, then put him out on the street saying he must have been drunk using the machine. The guy had to take his hand in a glass jar around his fellow workers to get enough donations for him to get back to his village. Another case was when the brother of one boy was sent to BKK, after six months he contracted some disease and died. 15 years later the other brother asked for a payrise and they looked at him disgusted and said how ungrateful him and his family were after they paid for the deceased brother's hospital bills.<div><br></div><div>Horrible!</div>


The Chinese in the amulet and chain trade do the same. They scour Isaan convincing parents to give up their boys to go work in the sweatshops in BKK. One case I know of, a boy got his hand caught in a metal press. The Chinese owners took him to the clinic to have it removed, paid for the clinic bill so he didnt bleed to death, then put him out on the street saying he must have been drunk using the machine. The guy had to take his hand in a glass jar around his fellow workers to get enough donations for him to get back to his village. Another case was when the brother of one boy was sent to BKK, after six months he contracted some disease and died. 15 years later the other brother asked for a payrise and they looked at him disgusted and said how ungrateful him and his family were after they paid for the deceased brother's hospital bills. Horrible!


This is a serious crime and one Thailand continues to ignore. It is now the 21st century so why is it we still have this situation? Equality is in the eye of the beholder - these guys should be incarcerated for life with no chance of parole. Send the message, this could be your daughter - your sister, your niece. But as the police and high ranking individuals are all on the take - it is too often ignored. Organisations such as SISHA help but in real terms, they lack funding and investigative skills. I would welcome any suggestions to assist and would be active in participation. Please advise as I have access to some well trained people who are totally against this type of abuse and will willingly take the risks (for a pay day of course) but well is their intent to put these people down. Open to suggestions.angry.gif

It's a nice thought, really, but Money talks first in Thailand. As long as the Police accept bribes, they will continue to look the other way and even participate to pay for their Rolex watches and Mercedes Benz. It's pure greed, and selfishness in the land of smiles and unfortunately Thailand is a country with no morale compass, thus it will continue

Unfortunately, there is nothing that exists in Thailand that doesn't exist many other places across the globe - the good, the bad and the ugly. Morality or lack thereof is not bound by any borders and money talks everywhere and in every language.


This is a serious crime and one Thailand continues to ignore. It is now the 21st century so why is it we still have this situation? Equality is in the eye of the beholder - these guys should be incarcerated for life with no chance of parole. Send the message, this could be your daughter - your sister, your niece. But as the police and high ranking individuals are all on the take - it is too often ignored. Organisations such as SISHA help but in real terms, they lack funding and investigative skills. I would welcome any suggestions to assist and would be active in participation. Please advise as I have access to some well trained people who are totally against this type of abuse and will willingly take the risks (for a pay day of course) but well is their intent to put these people down. Open to suggestions.angry.gif

I admire your concern. But the sex industry brings in so much money into the economy that any efforts to restrict it could result in a severe recession for Thailand. Cities like Haadyai and Pattaya would turn into ghost towns without thier sex trade. So there really is no incentive for the government to take any action. The owners of the bar brothels are too well connected to prosecute them for forcing girls into prostitution.


Was the below your dissertation?

I mostly agree with the sentiments of many of the above posts - however, prostitution, apart from being one of the "oldest trades", fills a very necessary and important part in most societies both here and around the world, where many ladies prefer this as a job. Here in LOS, I believe the greater % of the workers are voluntary (I've 20 odd years of observation here) - to the extent that in a large Thai family, with many daughters (the sons get the first chance at school - deserve it or not) and not a lot of income, they do not have a lot of choice, a lot of the girls do choose the "sex trade" as they are either not educated enough to get a serious job to help support their families and in many cases are just too lazy to go fill shelves in a supermarket for a very small wage. Where I draw the line, is in those thousands of cases, where girls and boys, aged from 12 or 13 years are promised (sold by their mothers) a real job, be it waitressing, sewing, or whatever, both here and abroad in neighboring countries, only to find that the "job" never existed and they are then "forced by violence", parental pressure, family debt or other means(withholding of passport etc.) to work in the sex industry against their will. Thankfully here in LOS, a sex worker is not "ostracized or looked down on" as he or she would be, in one of our so called western democracies. Many girls here, especially the lower educated ones with limited options, choose the "sex trade" as a way of making good money quickly, to give themselves a chance at setting up a legitimate business, that can support a family at a later date and many of them do just that. I have personally talked to many "bar girl/prostitutes" in this regard (before I got married), asking them why such an attractive girl, who was obviously intelligent, was working the sex trade. In most cases, they told me (I do speak fluent Thai) that their family couldn't afford to put them through higher education, which may have stood them a better chance of gainful work. In the 20 or so years I have been out here, I have found many well run, prosperous businesses, owned and run, by former prostitutes. They do not suffer the stigma that they would, in many societies, as it is far more accepted that a lady did what she had to do, to get ahead. I now understand this, as well as completely agree with the thinking behind it, as one available option to poverty. Most of these girls do send money back to help support their family earnings. The majority of people here, just accept this, whether it be right or wrong. It is to be hoped that the majority of these sex workers, have some, if not a good knowledge of safety standards, allowing for less risk of sexually transmitted diseases and unwonted pregnacies. Where I tend to feel very violent, is when young, underage, poor, ignorant girls and boys, are promised the earth, then end up in "hel_l" with no way out. They give a person here and in many countries life in prison or death for selling drugs to a willing market, but whenever these traffickers are caught, they tend to get a smack on the wrist or a very "lite sentence"! This just does not sit right with me at all. The lives of many of these young people are ruined, also many contract HIV and die. I was once many years ago, shown a "cheapo brothel" in Chaingmai. It consited of dozens of small beds, where mostly young (12 to 15 year old), Burmese/hill-tribe girls, were chained to the beds and abused as the customer wished! I certainly felt no desire for sex after seeing and smelling that. I just felt sick and wondered how anyone who called himself a man, could enjoy himself in such conditions.When I expressed my feelings to the guy who took me there, he agreed, but I was told by management that if I didn't like it just leave, I would do well to keep my mouth shut.......the bouncers I saw that night, were all policemen. All the customers that I saw, were low income or poor Thais, along with a few obvious Thai Pedos. No Falangs there at that time. They asked me why I should care, these were just Burmese or "Galiang" (hill tribe) girls and boys. They just couldn't understand my attitude at all. After all said and done, these kids weren't human, right??? I believe this is still going on even today, despite the law and all the "do gooders". The money is just too good for the owners/operators and the bribes just too much to resist for the policeman earning 8 to 10 thou a month while trying to support his family and small wife on the side. Better to go arrest some guy selling a few "Ya Ba" pills and send him away for life.....right??


Sex is something simply not available to many people which is why prostitution exists (and has existed as far back a history goes) It is much more difficult to control something which is illegal because even people who enter the trade willingly are acting outside the law. Of course some people argue sex for money is degrading and immoral - however if you start from the point that people should be allowed to sell their skills if people are prepared to pay then it becomes less of a problem. Police time is not taken up rounding up women, and men, who are doing this work voluntarily and responsibly (ie taking precautions and getting regular checkups) and they could concentrate efforts on those who enslave people.

I always seem find that those people who condemn prostitution the most are those lucky enough to be able to form good relationships or people for whom sex is not a particularly important need in the first place. There are some people who simply never meet the right people and yet still have a drive that makes them need sex two or three times a week or more. Its not an illness or a weakness just a difference between people. I have friends who sometimes have sex with people for money and they dont feel abused or under pressure - its their choice. For some its about the pleasure of having multiple experiences and for others its about how to buy a new computer without saving up for it.

The real effort should go into dealing with the people who bully and victimise people (not just in the sex industry) for their own profit - when caught they should be stripped of all their assets since it is only money they care about you take away the thing they value the most.


You are using clichees and play with psychology without any knowledge. And you are guessing. This is not helping anyone so please refrain from posting on this matter until you have some viable facts to contribute with.

What junglist said, is a blatantly ignorant post then, are you blind, have you not taken a look at Pattaya, or are you in denial of that as well.

Tanaka people can post want they want, that is what this is for, and that goes for you with your encyclopedia shoved where the sun don't shine, clichees ?? " A cliché may or may not be true ", psychology is about " social behavior " which people are commenting on, knowledge "Well ! you don't need a lot of that to know what's going on", guessing " It don't take a lot of guessing either to see what's going on", viable facts " you do not believe what the women have said then", trafficking is all over the world has gone since population began and it happens in Thailand whether you like it or not.


This is sort of a joke, right? I mean the problem is DEMAND. How many people on this forum have had sex with a prostitutes or know someone who does?

Stop blaming other people. It's not someone else's problem.

Want to help? stop going to Lady Bars and don't pay for sex and tell your friends to do the same.

Everyone thinks these sweet beautiful thai girls want to sleep with men for money. The majority don't, but you would never be able to tell.


I mostly agree with the sentiments of many of the above posts - however, prostitution, apart from being one of the "oldest trades", fills a very necessary and important part in most societies both here and around the world, where many ladies prefer this as a job. Here in LOS, I believe the greater % of the workers are voluntary (I've 20 odd years of observation here) - to the extent that in a large Thai family, with many daughters (the sons get the first chance at school - deserve it or not) and not a lot of income, they do not have a lot of choice, a lot of the girls do choose the "sex trade" as they are either not educated enough to get a serious job to help support their families and in many cases are just too lazy to go fill shelves in a supermarket for a very small wage. Where I draw the line, is in those thousands of cases, where girls and boys, aged from 12 or 13 years are promised (sold by their mothers) a real job, be it waitressing, sewing, or whatever, both here and abroad in neighboring countries, only to find that the "job" never existed and they are then "forced by violence", parental pressure, family debt or other means(withholding of passport etc.) to work in the sex industry against their will. Thankfully here in LOS, a sex worker is not "ostracized or looked down on" as he or she would be, in one of our so called western democracies. Many girls here, especially the lower educated ones with limited options, choose the "sex trade" as a way of making good money quickly, to give themselves a chance at setting up a legitimate business, that can support a family at a later date and many of them do just that. I have personally talked to many "bar girl/prostitutes" in this regard (before I got married), asking them why such an attractive girl, who was obviously intelligent, was working the sex trade. In most cases, they told me (I do speak fluent Thai) that their family couldn't afford to put them through higher education, which may have stood them a better chance of gainful work. In the 20 or so years I have been out here, I have found many well run, prosperous businesses, owned and run, by former prostitutes. They do not suffer the stigma that they would, in many societies, as it is far more accepted that a lady did what she had to do, to get ahead. I now understand this, as well as completely agree with the thinking behind it, as one available option to poverty. Most of these girls do send money back to help support their family earnings. The majority of people here, just accept this, whether it be right or wrong. It is to be hoped that the majority of these sex workers, have some, if not a good knowledge of safety standards, allowing for less risk of sexually transmitted diseases and unwonted pregnacies. Where I tend to feel very violent, is when young, underage, poor, ignorant girls and boys, are promised the earth, then end up in "hel_l" with no way out. They give a person here and in many countries life in prison or death for selling drugs to a willing market, but whenever these traffickers are caught, they tend to get a smack on the wrist or a very "lite sentence"! This just does not sit right with me at all. The lives of many of these young people are ruined, also many contract HIV and die. I was once many years ago, shown a "cheapo brothel" in Chaingmai. It consited of dozens of small beds, where mostly young (12 to 15 year old), Burmese/hill-tribe girls, were chained to the beds and abused as the customer wished! I certainly felt no desire for sex after seeing and smelling that. I just felt sick and wondered how anyone who called himself a man, could enjoy himself in such conditions.When I expressed my feelings to the guy who took me there, he agreed, but I was told by management that if I didn't like it just leave, I would do well to keep my mouth shut.......the bouncers I saw that night, were all policemen. All the customers that I saw, were low income or poor Thais, along with a few obvious Thai Pedos. No Falangs there at that time. They asked me why I should care, these were just Burmese or "Galiang" (hill tribe) girls and boys. They just couldn't understand my attitude at all. After all said and done, these kids weren't human, right??? I believe this is still going on even today, despite the law and all the "do gooders". The money is just too good for the owners/operators and the bribes just too much to resist for the policeman earning 8 to 10 thou a month while trying to support his family and small wife on the side. Better to go arrest some guy selling a few "Ya Ba" pills and send him away for life.....right??

Most of us can read a smaller font. If not, there is a zoom feature on browsers. Please use some net etiquette...

I never saw this in Thailand, but I wasn't and haven't been looking. I saw it in Cambodia without trying to look. The chicken shacks with the red light outside. i never stopped to look... I know a Thai woman about 30, she has been approached by an American that says he can get her a visa and a job as a cashier at a Thai restaurant in Las Vegas. Something doesn't sound right to me. But I'm not sure I want to get involved. But I really doubt he can actually get her a US visa. If he somehow does, then I may get names and report them to the local police captain I've done business with before...


This is sort of a joke, right? I mean the problem is DEMAND. How many people on this forum have had sex with a prostitutes or know someone who does?

Stop blaming other people. It's not someone else's problem.

Want to help? stop going to Lady Bars and don't pay for sex and tell your friends to do the same.

Everyone thinks these sweet beautiful thai girls want to sleep with men for money. The majority don't, but you would never be able to tell.

Okay, but only if you tell the hundreds of thousands of Thai men who have sex with prostitutes every day, just one report I've read estimates 450,000 use them every day....fair deal or what. :whistling:

Sing out loud from your highest tree, all the Thai beautiful ladies wanna be free.. :guitar::guitar:


This is sort of a joke, right? I mean the problem is DEMAND. How many people on this forum have had sex with a prostitutes or know someone who does?

Stop blaming other people. It's not someone else's problem.

Want to help? stop going to Lady Bars and don't pay for sex and tell your friends to do the same.

Everyone thinks these sweet beautiful thai girls want to sleep with men for money. The majority don't, but you would never be able to tell.

LOL! Sweet beautiful girls in "lady" or go go bars. You must be new to Thailand!


Human trafficers prey on ANYBODY who's vulnerable... not just those vulnerable in Thailand. So what exactly does this report tell us? Only Thais are vulnerable and only Thais trafficked? Nonsense! It happens all ove the world!


No trafficking of Thai women goes on without the assistance of "the untouchables". be they Police officers, Army generals, Politicians or whoever. They can and do get away with it. Thailand is sadly as corrupt if not more so than when I first arrived more than 20 years ago.

Punishment should be made to fit the crime, and NOBODY should be exempt. In the UK even the Royals are occasionally brought to book for motoring offences.

Human trafficking is basically a death sentence, since unless the women can escape they are in real danger of contracting AIDS. As such those that are involved in trafficking should themselves receive a death sentence NO MATTER WHO THEY ARE

Agreed 100% What sickens me even more is how they do this crap here where you already have readily available , cheap, good quality sex workers that are doing it voluntarily.

Why the F do they need to enslave women?

What? Do you have anything else between your ears?


This is sort of a joke, right? I mean the problem is DEMAND. How many people on this forum have had sex with a prostitutes or know someone who does?

Stop blaming other people. It's not someone else's problem.

Want to help? stop going to Lady Bars and don't pay for sex and tell your friends to do the same.

Everyone thinks these sweet beautiful thai girls want to sleep with men for money. The majority don't, but you would never be able to tell.

Okay, but only if you tell the hundreds of thousands of Thai men who have sex with prostitutes every day, just one report I've read estimates 450,000 use them every day....fair deal or what. :whistling:

Sing out loud from your highest tree, all the Thai beautiful ladies wanna be free.. :guitar::guitar:

Surely one of the creepiest replies I've ever read


This is sort of a joke, right? I mean the problem is DEMAND. How many people on this forum have had sex with a prostitutes or know someone who does?

Stop blaming other people. It's not someone else's problem.

Want to help? stop going to Lady Bars and don't pay for sex and tell your friends to do the same.

Everyone thinks these sweet beautiful thai girls want to sleep with men for money. The majority don't, but you would never be able to tell.

LOL! Sweet beautiful girls in "lady" or go go bars. You must be new to Thailand!

And you must be a very old- very shopworn-timer


This is sort of a joke, right? I mean the problem is DEMAND. How many people on this forum have had sex with a prostitutes or know someone who does?

Stop blaming other people. It's not someone else's problem.

Want to help? stop going to Lady Bars and don't pay for sex and tell your friends to do the same.

Everyone thinks these sweet beautiful thai girls want to sleep with men for money. The majority don't, but you would never be able to tell.

LOL! Sweet beautiful girls in "lady" or go go bars. You must be new to Thailand!

And you must be a very old- very shopworn-timer

Actually not so. I never go to lady or go go bars, I haven't in years. No fun, plus my wife would most likely want to leave me and after years invested in finding someone I enjoy being with, no thanks. But I've seen and met my share on conniving thai women along the long dusty trail... And I've heard and lived some of the tales.unsure.gif


"I am old. I think a lot," Bopha said. "I miss home. I miss my children. I miss my husband and I miss my mother."

So very sad. I hope she can return home soon. Good luck to all the rest.


'Send the message, this could be your daughter - your sister, your niece.' quoted

and Padrino

too dam_n right, I've travelled all over the world, I've never seen tourists like those in Thailand,

these sex tourists are part of the cause, cut the cause and end the demand end the symptoms, these arsoles who believe prostitution is a vicitimless crime are so wrong,

Make an example of a few of these types and perhaps a certain amount of demand will dissapear

You miss the point sex tourists do not cause this indeed stop the tourist and the demand will rise where they come from increasing the demand for human trafficking. My brother in-law thai was lured to Europe told he would pick fruit and get good money in the end he had to borrow from the family back here to pay his way out (because of the so call cost of the air fare etc) I have also been told of men being lured to Malaysia with the same result.


I mostly agree with the sentiments of many of the above posts - however, prostitution, apart from being one of the "oldest trades", fills a very necessary and important part in most societies both here and around the world, where many ladies prefer this as a job. Here in LOS, I believe the greater % of the workers are voluntary (I've 20 odd years of observation here) - to the extent that in a large Thai family, with many daughters (the sons get the first chance at school - deserve it or not) and not a lot of income, they do not have a lot of choice, a lot of the girls do choose the "sex trade" as they are either not educated enough to get a serious job to help support their families and in many cases are just too lazy to go fill shelves in a supermarket for a very small wage. Where I draw the line, is in those thousands of cases, where girls and boys, aged from 12 or 13 years are promised (sold by their mothers) a real job, be it waitressing, sewing, or whatever, both here and abroad in neighboring countries, only to find that the "job" never existed and they are then "forced by violence", parental pressure, family debt or other means(withholding of passport etc.) to work in the sex industry against their will. Thankfully here in LOS, a sex worker is not "ostracized or looked down on" as he or she would be, in one of our so called western democracies. Many girls here, especially the lower educated ones with limited options, choose the "sex trade" as a way of making good money quickly, to give themselves a chance at setting up a legitimate business, that can support a family at a later date and many of them do just that. I have personally talked to many "bar girl/prostitutes" in this regard (before I got married), asking them why such an attractive girl, who was obviously intelligent, was working the sex trade. In most cases, they told me (I do speak fluent Thai) that their family couldn't afford to put them through higher education, which may have stood them a better chance of gainful work. In the 20 or so years I have been out here, I have found many well run, prosperous businesses, owned and run, by former prostitutes. They do not suffer the stigma that they would, in many societies, as it is far more accepted that a lady did what she had to do, to get ahead. I now understand this, as well as completely agree with the thinking behind it, as one available option to poverty. Most of these girls do send money back to help support their family earnings. The majority of people here, just accept this, whether it be right or wrong. It is to be hoped that the majority of these sex workers, have some, if not a good knowledge of safety standards, allowing for less risk of sexually transmitted diseases and unwonted pregnacies. Where I tend to feel very violent, is when young, underage, poor, ignorant girls and boys, are promised the earth, then end up in "hel_l" with no way out. They give a person here and in many countries life in prison or death for selling drugs to a willing market, but whenever these traffickers are caught, they tend to get a smack on the wrist or a very "lite sentence"! This just does not sit right with me at all. The lives of many of these young people are ruined, also many contract HIV and die. I was once many years ago, shown a "cheapo brothel" in Chaingmai. It consited of dozens of small beds, where mostly young (12 to 15 year old), Burmese/hill-tribe girls, were chained to the beds and abused as the customer wished! I certainly felt no desire for sex after seeing and smelling that. I just felt sick and wondered how anyone who called himself a man, could enjoy himself in such conditions.When I expressed my feelings to the guy who took me there, he agreed, but I was told by management that if I didn't like it just leave, I would do well to keep my mouth shut.......the bouncers I saw that night, were all policemen. All the customers that I saw, were low income or poor Thais, along with a few obvious Thai Pedos. No Falangs there at that time. They asked me why I should care, these were just Burmese or "Galiang" (hill tribe) girls and boys. They just couldn't understand my attitude at all. After all said and done, these kids weren't human, right??? I believe this is still going on even today, despite the law and all the "do gooders". The money is just too good for the owners/operators and the bribes just too much to resist for the policeman earning 8 to 10 thou a month while trying to support his family and small wife on the side. Better to go arrest some guy selling a few "Ya Ba" pills and send him away for life.....right??

Once many years ago I saw an opium mule train going down the main street of Chiang Mai.

It is an interesting story bur hardly relevant to today.

May I ask when you saw the child brothel you describe? What year? Do you think any still exist in Chiang Mai? Why would you think this relevant to the problems today?


My wife girl friend was kidnapped as a child to be sold into prostitution the women kept her till she was about 10 years old then took her to a chicken farm to be sold. My wife didn't like it and made such a fuss the lady took her home and then took her out into the Mekong river and held her head under the water till she agreed to go the next day the lady said to her if she made trouble the next day she would drown her.

She escaped that night made her way to another village where she was given shelter by a lady who had two daughters but her new husband used to try and screw the daughters at night so they took knives to bed with them. She finally left there made her way to Bangkok where she lived on the streets and had some terrible experiences. Later an old women who saw her living on the streets took her in and was good to her.

To this day she has no idea who she is and has no ID card so we can never go any where. We have tried to get an ID card but government officials have demanded tea money and ripped us off for our money 3 times now. I have literally bought homes for government officials here.

The head of the police has tried to shake us down also I have never seen so much sleaze in my life. I have lived here 30 years and am not exactly a saint as I fought in the war but this shit blows even me out.

My own country has put us through the wringer on trying to bring her home, I tell you it makes you want to shoot a few people and show them I can kick ass back but that would accomplish nothing and only make a bad situation worse. So I live and here and try and keep a low profile as i don't need any more shit and don't want loose my family.

What nationality are you? What war did you fight in? How old are you now?


Forty years ago, women working short-time bars were in this category. Outside Pattaya, a local General sent his soldiers to collect all the women from the bars, even cashiers and cooks, gave the women to his men while he negotiated bribes from the bar owners. The action was well known and reported to authorities, who refused to do anything to help the women or punish the perpetrators.

Many short-time girls make a little money, but are usually hopelessly in debt to the Bar owner. Bars near Pattaya and in the NorthEast still have women debt-slaved into prostitution. Occasionally police arrest a dozen women to be deported, but before the bus comes, the bar owner pays a bribe and the women go back to work...

Test this - go to a red light district in your city, rent a woman, but don't touch her - talk to her - ask why she is working as a prostitute - give her a tip, or better yet, buy her out of the bar.

Human trafficing is one of the major backbones of Thai economics...

40 years ago Pattaya was a fishing village with a couple of bars, one hotel and an American PX.

Your story is a complete fabrication. Try putting some names and dates and places to the story and it may be a bit more believable.

The Thai military in the area were almost completely dominated by the American presence at the time there were 50,000 American troops stationed in Thailand.

In case you were wondering American Generals did not kidnap women.


LOS, what's LOS, Laos ?

Is this a troll? If not: Land Of Smiles (Thailand) Laos is Lao...

Thanks Jimi007 this one, no way trolling, I may do sometimes but I honestly didn't know what it meant.


The Chinese in the amulet and chain trade do the same. They scour Isaan convincing parents to give up their boys to go work in the sweatshops in BKK. One case I know of, a boy got his hand caught in a metal press. The Chinese owners took him to the clinic to have it removed, paid for the clinic bill so he didnt bleed to death, then put him out on the street saying he must have been drunk using the machine. The guy had to take his hand in a glass jar around his fellow workers to get enough donations for him to get back to his village. Another case was when the brother of one boy was sent to BKK, after six months he contracted some disease and died. 15 years later the other brother asked for a payrise and they looked at him disgusted and said how ungrateful him and his family were after they paid for the deceased brother's hospital bills.<div><br></div><div>Horrible!</div>

I assume you are talking about something that happened 15 years ago. Do you really think the clinic would have given the man his hand in a jar after it was amputated?

I have been to a number of clinics and have never seen people walking around with body parts in jars.

The guy didn't have enough money for bus transport home! Do you now how much a bus cost from Bangkok to the north of Thailand 15 years ago?

And pray tell what relevance a 15 year old story about sweat shops has today?

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