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The Good, The Bad And The Ugly.


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The comparison is TV and the Farang population in general – ie TV and the Farang you might meet in the street, the bar, in the queue at the bank or at work.


It's only fair to point out that the farang one meets in real life inevitably has something in common with us - for example, we have both been arrested, or both suffer from severe spinal injuries, or whatever according to the place that we meet them - in my case, generally the common factor is either career or severe alcoholism - generally both....

Whereas on TV there are all sorts, and one sometimes forgets that other members may not share our prejudices in the way that casual acquaintances are likely to do simply by nature of having been brought to a common meeting point.

For example, I am often appalled by the proportion of members who seem to condone physical violence as a way of resolving clashes of personality or vocabulary; but when I think about it, and my experience from my school days, when I was in a more - comprehensive, or unselective social group - perhaps that is actually the norm in Western countries, but I am fortunate in having self-selected a circle of acquaintances who are more mature and civilised. I guess TV is a good reminder that the people we know in real life are not necessarily representative of "normal people"


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The comparison is TV and the Farang population in general – ie TV and the Farang you might meet in the street, the bar, in the queue at the bank or at work.

There is an obvious difference – Someone you meet face to face cannot hide their own persona – The statements they make and claims they make are immediately open for interpretation and challenge. The classic being Thai language ability. Claiming fluency on TV cannot be challenged, claiming fluency face to face is easily put to the test. So too of many other claims made here on TV.

What that boils down to is the only thing you can say about TV posters with any degree of certainty is 'they can write', but don't take that as evidence that they can read.

Every other claim or statement made here on TV, like any other anonymous forum ought to be regarded with a measure of scepticism.

This anonymity has another impact too. Views and comments passed here on TV are made by people who to a very large extent can do so with anonymity, they can hide behind an Username and the rules governing posting personal details – The result is a degree of hubris that I doubt many members would ‘enjoy’ taking part in during a face to face discussion, and for many members a degree of spitefulness that I’m quite certain they would not dare express face to face.

What TV does provide, and what it gives members is a voice on matters relating to life in Thailand – Regardless of how long the member has been in Thailand, or if they are actually in Thailand – TV offers a platform to express an opinion.

Farangs in general (the comparison in the OP is drawing) do not have this opportunity to express their views – Letters to the press excepted, and there note the similarities to concerns and views expressed.

But of course what TV also has is members who believe they shall dictate what is allowed and not allowed to be said – There’s little enough chance for Farangs to express their views and yet there are many who would gladly restrict the options further.

Which comes back to being able to write, not being evidence of an ability to read. The forum rules dictate what can and cannot be said. Not the sensibilities of members who feel they have the right to do so.

And come to think of it, I've not spotted a rule that says one must be in Thailand to express an opinion here on TV.

I looked outside and it is not snowing. It is daylight and I am still on earth in Thailand.

But I completely agree with you.

I too realize there are people who tend to want to govern what others are allowed to say.

Personally I would rather face the arrows of sarcasm or insult rather than infringe on the free speech of others.

I even know socially a few people at TV but they are unaware of my name mark45y as it is not my real name and they are nice people and not the Gestapo types they come across as in this forum.

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Real wisdom can be applied to all cultures, and some guys have it and some guys never will. That being said, the longer you are somewhere the more street smarts you should acquire. But if you limit your Thai experience to a specific area or people group, don't pretend you know all things Thai. If you are here for the carnality then your likely not an expert on the deep south, refugees, cassava, umbrella painting, or Black Lahu marriage rites in Mae Hong Song.

But I don't care where a poster is posting from or even if he lies about it. They quickly display their ignorance when they are out of their depth.

My first bargirl girlfriend’s father grew cassava.

My second bargirl girlfriend loved the umbrella

shops outside of Chiang Mai and was interested in black magic.

I am not a believer but my second wife in the states hired a witch to cast a spell on me one new years eve and she got pregnant something the doctors told her would never happen.

I don’t really like Bob Marley music that much so will probably never get to Mae Hong Song.

But pray tell us about Black Lahu marriage rites.

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Real wisdom can be applied to all cultures, and some guys have it and some guys never will. That being said, the longer you are somewhere the more street smarts you should acquire. But if you limit your Thai experience to a specific area or people group, don't pretend you know all things Thai. If you are here for the carnality then your likely not an expert on the deep south, refugees, cassava, umbrella painting, or Black Lahu marriage rites in Mae Hong Song.

But I don't care where a poster is posting from or even if he lies about it. They quickly display their ignorance when they are out of their depth.

My first bargirl girlfriend’s father grew cassava.

My second bargirl girlfriend loved the umbrella

shops outside of Chiang Mai and was interested in black magic.

I am not a believer but my second wife in the states hired a witch to cast a spell on me one new years eve and she got pregnant something the doctors told her would never happen.

I don’t really like Bob Marley music that much so will probably never get to Mae Hong Song.

But pray tell us about Black Lahu marriage rites.

There we go, good example Mark.

You assumed something about magic and mystery when you heard about Black Lahu marriage rites; but the Black Lahu are simply a subculture of the Lahu tribes, like the red's or yellows. Their weddings aren't specifically unique from other Lahu weddings. If they are christian, which many of them are, there is no hocus pocus at all.

You made this assumption because you have never been to a Black Lahu wedding in Mae Hong Song. And therefore your wealth of experience is not complete, and neither is mine about many things in LOS.

PS: Bob Marley however is frequently represented there, as you suggested B)

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Real wisdom can be applied to all cultures, and some guys have it and some guys never will. That being said, the longer you are somewhere the more street smarts you should acquire. But if you limit your Thai experience to a specific area or people group, don't pretend you know all things Thai. If you are here for the carnality then your likely not an expert on the deep south, refugees, cassava, umbrella painting, or Black Lahu marriage rites in Mae Hong Song.

But I don't care where a poster is posting from or even if he lies about it. They quickly display their ignorance when they are out of their depth.

My first bargirl girlfriend’s father grew cassava.

My second bargirl girlfriend loved the umbrella

shops outside of Chiang Mai and was interested in black magic.

I am not a believer but my second wife in the states hired a witch to cast a spell on me one new years eve and she got pregnant something the doctors told her would never happen.

I don’t really like Bob Marley music that much so will probably never get to Mae Hong Song.

But pray tell us about Black Lahu marriage rites.

There we go, good example Mark.

You assumed something about magic and mystery when you heard about Black Lahu marriage rites; but the Black Lahu are simply a subculture of the Lahu tribes, like the red's or yellows. Their weddings aren't specifically unique from other Lahu weddings. If they are christian, which many of them are, there is no hocus pocus at all.

You made this assumption because you have never been to a Black Lahu wedding in Mae Hong Song. And therefore your wealth of experience is not complete, and neither is mine about many things in LOS.

PS: Bob Marley however is frequently represented there, as you suggested B)

Yup, that's why I asked you to tell me. Plus the fact that I said I had never been to Mae Hong Song. When I don't know something I am not afraid to ask.

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The comparison is TV and the Farang population in general – ie TV and the Farang you might meet in the street, the bar, in the queue at the bank or at work.

There is an obvious difference – Someone you meet face to face cannot hide their own persona – The statements they make and claims they make are immediately open for interpretation and challenge. The classic being Thai language ability. Claiming fluency on TV cannot be challenged, claiming fluency face to face is easily put to the test. So too of many other claims made here on TV.

What that boils down to is the only thing you can say about TV posters with any degree of certainty is 'they can write', but don't take that as evidence that they can read.

Every other claim or statement made here on TV, like any other anonymous forum ought to be regarded with a measure of scepticism.

This anonymity has another impact too. Views and comments passed here on TV are made by people who to a very large extent can do so with anonymity, they can hide behind an Username and the rules governing posting personal details – The result is a degree of hubris that I doubt many members would 'enjoy' taking part in during a face to face discussion, and for many members a degree of spitefulness that I'm quite certain they would not dare express face to face.

What TV does provide, and what it gives members is a voice on matters relating to life in Thailand – Regardless of how long the member has been in Thailand, or if they are actually in Thailand – TV offers a platform to express an opinion.

Farangs in general (the comparison in the OP is drawing) do not have this opportunity to express their views – Letters to the press excepted, and there note the similarities to concerns and views expressed.

But of course what TV also has is members who believe they shall dictate what is allowed and not allowed to be said – There's little enough chance for Farangs to express their views and yet there are many who would gladly restrict the options further.

Which comes back to being able to write, not being evidence of an ability to read. The forum rules dictate what can and cannot be said. Not the sensibilities of members who feel they have the right to do so.

And come to think of it, I've not spotted a rule that says one must be in Thailand to express an opinion here on TV.

I looked outside and it is not snowing. It is daylight and I am still on earth in Thailand.

But I completely agree with you.

I too realize there are people who tend to want to govern what others are allowed to say.

Personally I would rather face the arrows of sarcasm or insult rather than infringe on the free speech of others.

I even know socially a few people at TV but they are unaware of my name mark45y as it is not my real name and they are nice people and not the Gestapo types they come across as in this forum.

Really? Care to name names?

As for free speech, check out GH's mammoth PC dronathon thread of a year or two ago, which was most illuminating. Thirty odd pages to determine 'free speach' (sic) really means "you may say what you want as long as it's what we want to hear".

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As for free speech, check out GH's mammoth PC dronathon thread of a year or two ago, which was most illuminating. Thirty odd pages to determine 'free speach' (sic) really means "you may say what you want as long as it's what we want to hear".

You've got yourself a new Username since then. :ph34r:

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you say many people live in uk and post on thai visa i take it these are the sort of people who do 6months thai 6 months england many people just go back to england to work for 4-6 months do you not class these people as ex pats,i myself would class them as expats...............

They are fake expats.. come one we the ones staying here full time are better then they are and our opinion is more valuable then them. We can use this to shut them up.. don't you see what the OP wants :D

fake expats...lol to go with the fake watches,, t shirts, bags etc love it thailand has it all :cheesy:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Mark me down as one of the fake expats. Of course, I've been pretty open in where I live. I'm fortunate in having the best of both worlds. I stay November to April in Thailand and April to November sort of in Canada. I say sort of because I often travel elsewhere. Do I call Thailand my home? No, but spending as much time of the year as I do exploring Thailand I think I've learned a BIT about the country and its people. Does it really matter if you are a TRUE expat in Thailand? If you actually talk to locals and expats to learn their problems then you get a better understanding about the diversity of people everywhere. Everybody's own financial situation is unique and affects their opinion on just about everything. Some wealthy dude who has connections with the hierarchy of upper class Thailand isn't going to relate to some expat from England trying to squeeze out a living on a small, fixed pension.

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The term, expat, has seemingly negative and desperate undertones.




Matter of one's perspective, interpretation, and knowledge. :rolleyes:

I think I'd rather be called Farang than ex-pat..............................

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