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I don't understand this one or where you are quite coming from, I live in a village I wouldn't say the boonies as some refer to it when your outside Bangkok.

Enigmatic you are saying; difficult to interpret or understand; mysterious: I keep myself much to myself and out of them I would say, if ask me to pick one, it would be " mysterious " definitly not the other two.

I have a friend who is English, there are other nationalities in the village who do not wish to communicate for one reason or another, that's up to them.

Half dozen lads come over on and off to visit me or my friend, most who work 6 months Uk & 6 months in there Thailand homes.

Apart from that I have Thai aquaintances who I chat and a laugh with on a regular basis but I can't say they are friends exactly is that what you mean.

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I am comforted being apart of the extreme minority. Not political. Not fashionably trendy. Just is.;)


Hi zzaa09,

The odd sort that has no desire to imbibe or keep Farang company and circles. The so-called hermit variety that doesn't find the obsessive need to seek diet of their 'homeland' to their liking. The long-timer that doesn't included themselves as part of a larger expat community. Shuns the typical Farang resident as musing, if not stereotypical. Better chance, you find this puzzling-type living comfortably way out in the sticks in some little-known province with Thai extensions and infrastructure. Has anyone ever come across such a creature? Or even know or interacted with these deviants from proper society?;)

Sure I am one of these hermits now, but before I was not, living in Thailand for 19 years, with a PR and at the ripe old age of near on 61, I stopped ......:o keeping being in Farang company and circles.....(was never a big fan of that) I just enjoy my life with me wife. B) and this Photos

Is that a probem to you :unsure:

Sawadee :wai:

P.S. I also mind me own business


Hi zzaa09,

The odd sort that has no desire to imbibe or keep Farang company and circles. The so-called hermit variety that doesn't find the obsessive need to seek diet of their 'homeland' to their liking. The long-timer that doesn't included themselves as part of a larger expat community. Shuns the typical Farang resident as musing, if not stereotypical. Better chance, you find this puzzling-type living comfortably way out in the sticks in some little-known province with Thai extensions and infrastructure. Has anyone ever come across such a creature? Or even know or interacted with these deviants from proper society?;)

Sure I am one of these hermits now, but before I was not, living in Thailand for 19 years, with a PR and at the ripe old age of near on 61, I stopped ......:o keeping being in Farang company and circles.....(was never a big fan of that) I just enjoy my life with me wife. B) and this Photos

Is that a probem to you :unsure:

Sawadee :wai:

P.S. I also mind me own business

No, not a problem at all. I'm the prototype that they took the mold from. The OP was a round-about metaphor.....about me. Though, as I can see, some are terribly offended and threatened by such realities. Unconvention is usually received in this matter. I very amused....


I find it strange after plowing thru this entire thread (and the pissing match between members on whose got a bigger cock, which seems to have ensued :whistling: ) that the illustrious O/P would even CARE what another foreigner is doing here, who he chooses to spend time with (or NOT), or where he chose to live here in the glorious Land O Thais.

I have far more thai friends than foreign ones, yet I live in Bangkok, smack dab between two of the most well-known (yet unsavory) nefarious nite life areas in the city, BTW which foreigners flock to. Yet which I haven't cared to even walk past in a coon's age (idiomatic expression ONLY :o , and totally devoid of racial slurs; meaning a raccoons age :) )!!

This is in the same vein as a foreigner who I dont know from 'Somchai', asking me what I think of their (in)significant thai other. An 'other', who more times than not, turns out to be a 5th grade drop-out, rice farmer's daughter, from Nakhon Nowhere. Now why the <deleted> they would look to me for approval on something like that, is totally beyond my comprehension. Is their self confidence or powers of basic deductive reasoning so low, they hafta seek out the opinions of other foreigners, simply based on the fact both are foreign?

Now, as the topic did veer earlier into marmoset territory, this is still slightly on-topic. Today I saw a foreigner wearing possibly the worst 'rug' (for the thick; a bad toupee) in my life!! I swear it looked as if there were possibly an entire family of pygmy marmosets precariously perched on his head. FWIW; evidently the rug's fastening mechanism had malfunctioned as it was being worn cockeyed to boot!! Factor in what hair he did have, was grey and poking out along the bottom of the clearly orange-ish colored rug, and it was truly a sight to behold. Be that as it may, I try to take things like this in stride here, and didn't give him a second glance once I discerned they weren't really marmosets.

This topic also reminds me of the 'other breed' of foreigners who are so tightly insulated into their little foreign group that they never venture out except when in, flocks, herds, gaggles, packs, scurries or murders. Some have never ventured further up the Sukhumvit than either the Phrompong or Siam BTS stations, yet are viewed as the experts in residence concerning all-thingz-thai by their equally well insulated and often-times equally clueless piers <sic>, I mean peers.

What makes me really sad is; I wasted the time to read the entire thread AND still felt the need to respond to it.

As an aside to the poser <sic> :blink: , err poster, known as StreetCowboy, last time I checked Thonburi is about as far from the boondocks as you could get; with it still being a suburb of metropolitan Bangkok and all. Check a map first, post second, or by all means, feel free to hesitate to post.




Tod-daniels carm its only a forum

Can you tell me what your on I maybe could do with some of that


Hi zzaa09,

The odd sort that has no desire to imbibe or keep Farang company and circles. The so-called hermit variety that doesn't find the obsessive need to seek diet of their 'homeland' to their liking. The long-timer that doesn't included themselves as part of a larger expat community. Shuns the typical Farang resident as musing, if not stereotypical. Better chance, you find this puzzling-type living comfortably way out in the sticks in some little-known province with Thai extensions and infrastructure. Has anyone ever come across such a creature? Or even know or interacted with these deviants from proper society?;)

Sure I am one of these hermits now, but before I was not, living in Thailand for 19 years, with a PR and at the ripe old age of near on 61, I stopped ......:o keeping being in Farang company and circles.....(was never a big fan of that) I just enjoy my life with me wife. B) and this Photos

Is that a probem to you :unsure:

Sawadee :wai:

P.S. I also mind me own business

Hi Kan Win

Thank you for the link to your photo site.

I have had a quick scan and when time permits I will take a slow meander through it.



Are you trying to tell us something? There is help available.

Why would one need help? It might be the help that these cretons avoid. There certainly isn't any such perceived development in obtaining socialization with their own kind, yes?

I wouldn't know as I have yet to really meet anyone of my own kind.

OK, so guessing you are talking about YOU (how precious) are you intimating that you are a superior breed? In any case, who cares? Why not live your own life based on your own values which are never going to meet everyone's approval no matter what they are.

Just inquiring. You needn't become agro, offended, nor political. Do you know of this wild beast Farang, JT?B)

As one of the above said "Hermits " All I can say is that it beats the hel_l out of living in a Farang "Ghetto" such as Sukhuwit rd. or pattaya.

The people that live like me tend to have arrived when Thailand was an exotic destination and the Football crowd had yet to arrive , in other words travellers rather than tourist as is sadly the case now. As such more adaptable to local customs food ect.


To Thai immigration, we are all just another farang. So it beats the hel_l out of expat ghettos. For you who want that. Who are you to dictate what beats the hel_l out of anything for someone else?


Friends with a few expats here in Pattaya but don't really arrange to meet them for drinks or anything...not really into big piss-ups downtown anymore..... usually just go out with the Mrs in tow as this keeps me on the straight and narrow.

Plus you meet a lot of knobbers in the bars here so best you keep to yourself IMO

Then you have the expatclubs...full of OAPs so not my scene

This thread alone says it all - weird - weird - weird. A creditable explanation why some farangs have no desire to associate with certain other farangs - vegetating in Thailand.


Friends with a few expats here in Pattaya but don't really arrange to meet them for drinks or anything...not really into big piss-ups downtown anymore..... usually just go out with the Mrs in tow as this keeps me on the straight and narrow.

Plus you meet a lot of knobbers in the bars here so best you keep to yourself IMO

Then you have the expatclubs...full of OAPs so not my scene

This thread alone says it all - weird - weird - weird. A creditable explanation why some farangs have no desire to associate with certain other farangs - vegetating in Thailand.

I don't have a desire to mix with many people as strangely enough I like to pick and choose my friends.

Out here where I live along a 7km stretch of the road there is an Australian part time, me from England full time, my mate from Denmark part time, a Belgian full time, my mate who is Dutch and a German or Austrian guy up near the waterfall, both full time.(Part time means working offshore and living here when time permits).

All of us are married to Thai ladies some of whom get on with each other and some who never meet.

I speak to most of the guys now and again when I see them but we don't live in each others pockets and very few farangs I know over here vegetate.


I think it's a whined up pal.

I've had pals who were wound-up or wined-up, or some with the wind up, but never whined up.


Why surely you've met the occasional expat who whined, "I've had it up to here with all the whining on Thaivisa!" Now that's a whined-up fellow, though granted, he may not be a pal of yours.


The people that live like me tend to have arrived when Thailand was an exotic destination and the Football crowd had yet to arrive , in other words travellers rather than tourist as is sadly the case now. As such more adaptable to local customs food ect.

Did you have to walk twenty miles to school every day in the monsoon with no umbrella?



The OP seems to have come under fire for his writing style......interestingly, when you plug his original text into the, I Write Like website, http://iwl.me/, he is tagged as a potential David Foster Wallace.....I wonder where other TVers fit in in terms of writing style

Dan Brown, Arthur Conan Doyle, Arthur C Clarke, David Foster Wallace, Stephen King are but a few of the authors who came up while analyzing a smattering of entries from my blog. Perhaps, they are only trying to sell books?

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