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If you are close to Jim Thompsons House, it goes on every day without fail.

I live there some of the time but do not face the klong, so I can't hear it. It's a big Muslim community with a long history:

Ban Krua

Great link

great area. Would like to buy a klong side property. That place will gentrify, one day....

I doubt that will ever be possible Samran.

A feature of the Muslim community - at least in Thailand - is that they almost never sell their Land assets (unless - occasionally - to other Muslims, and even then only when absolutely unavoidable).

I live in a significantly Muslim area in the Pattanakarn / On Nuch area of Bangkok - been here for over 35 years now - and there remain large areas of undeveloped land here simply because of this attitude.

As an aside, when we first moved to this village I too was a little upset at the noise of the "adhan" the Muslim Call to Prayer (not, as the OP refers to it, as "prayers"), particularly at "sparrows fart" i.e. before sunrise! Now however I just don't register it at all.

The only thing that really got me upset was when their bl00dy cattle would walk down the Soi and stop to munch on my garden bushes and trees!


very Chinese...well, just a very Thai attitude I think.

I always thought (well guessed really) that land along the khlong around Patumwan was Crown Property Bureau land. I'm guessing where you live, and I can say is 'nice...' :)

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" i know Ramadam isn't until next week."

What does Ramadan have to do with Muslims praying? They pray 5 times a day, every day.


^During Ramadan it's common for Quran reading competitions to occur. In some countries the reading is relayed over the mosque loud speaker system.


Typical religious nut-jobs, I don’t care if they/you believe in God or Allah or who ever else that’s their/your business but have some respect for the other people on this planet that believe in something else don’t get the whole f#cking world involved in your medieval beliefs.


Fortunately i only signed a months contract as i rented without viewing so will move, but im sure that no one not even Muslims enjoy being woken up at 5.30 am.

you must be kidding..... have you ever been to Jakarta ? thousands of Mosques will surround you.

Muslim people are used to it and if someone would tell them to stop the prayer calls, there would be a giant unrest in the entire country.....


I notice a number of new looking mosques by the road to the airport near the new stations where hardly anyone lives yet...


No different to the Phu Yai Baan 5.30 am speaker announcements up here in the village.

I would rather that they were not here though.

Indeed, LB. This, too, is associated with rural village life and in some cases smaller city neighborhoods. It is what it is - just an extension of the community. Though, it is interesting to observe the differences between the thousands of regular speak announcement infrastructure from place to place. Some might blast at 5AM and others might not be apparent 'til 8AM - while some village areas have non at all, with the exception of special announcements and whatnot.


I notice a number of new looking mosques by the road to the airport near the new stations where hardly anyone lives yet...

they've been under construction for the best part of the past decade. The general rule in Bangkok is that if you go along a Klong, you'll generally find a muslim community.


Typical religious nut-jobs, I don't care if they/you believe in God or Allah or who ever else that's their/your business but have some respect for the other people on this planet that believe in something else don't get the whole f#cking world involved in your medieval beliefs.

oooooops. :unsure:

Quite right, care to suggest the same to all the "Christian" missionaries and the mormons etc ??

I'll help you do it, if you want.

We could start with the very offensive pro christian propaganda nailed to trees all over the north.

I would love to see the christian organisations responsible taken to court, convicted and on their way to the thereafter.............


Fortunately i only signed a months contract as i rented without viewing so will move, but im sure that no one not even Muslims enjoy being woken up at 5.30 am.

IMHO if you wish to pray do it in silence.

Religion is out of date anyway and should be consigned to the history books. Biggest money scam out!


It is permanent and the area near klong saen saeb is a muslim quarter. Live with it, as a billion people worldwide do.

I work on an oil rig with barely any sleep, so wish to sleep when back, so no i wont live with it.

Just shows how disrespectful this mosque is towards those non believers in the vicinity.

ii drowns out barking dogs, shouting neighbors, traffic sounds,

--- noise dznt bother Thais, they could sleep thru a war

It bothers the 1 im living with so on my straw poll it bothers 100% of Thais, but traffic noises are necessary this isnt.

But my questions been answered that it will go on forever so i will move.

With all the noise we now know it isnt the "Religion of Peace"

yep, every morning, afternoon and evening, without fail. I used to live near a Mosque in London, after a while it blended in with the general noise in the area and I didn't notice it. I'm surprised you didn't know about it (the practice itself, not the Mosque in London), Still, every day's a school day ay? As for it not being necessary, they believe it is, you believe it isn't.

I'm afraid the only solution is to move out, they've been calling their brothers and sisters to prayer that very same way for hundreds of years. They won't stop, they might invite you to join in though :lol:


If religion was someone religious people kept to themselves, this would not be an issue, be it a mosque, vat, temple or whatever the sound came from.


If religion was someone religious people kept to themselves, this would not be an issue, be it a mosque, vat, temple or whatever the sound came from.

yes, but it isn't something people keep to themselves, I wish they would, but they just can't seem to stop 'sharing'. I'd be in there if they woke me up. Just knock on the door "well, seeing as you've woke me up I thought I'd pop round for a cup of tea and a bit of a pray, two sugars please! :)" I reckon I'd either fall asleep right in the middle of it all or yawn too much, scratch me <deleted> and bugger off back to bed!


How about a bit of tolerance.

Yeah sure set up a stall outside the mosque selling bacon sandwiches and see how they like it after all at 5 am its breakfast time isnt it?

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If religion was someone religious people kept to themselves, this would not be an issue, be it a mosque, vat, temple or whatever the sound came from.

Don't limit these factors toward religion. This could easily apply to spiritual, cultural, social, and economic imperialism {sort to speak}. One shouldn't force these characteristics on others as well. But we witness this everyday, don't we? And accepted. It's quite alright when speaking of ourselves and promoted in our name - but them? That's a different story.


I notice a number of new looking mosques by the road to the airport near the new stations where hardly anyone lives yet...

they've been under construction for the best part of the past decade. The general rule in Bangkok is that if you go along a Klong, you'll generally find a muslim community.

That's the area where I live - Pattanakarn / Praves.

There are actually quite a few new and older Villages in the area - I have been living here for nearly 35 years - but also a lot of vacant land.



I can suggest a way to keep the area your in nice and quiet in the early mornings......but would you really want too? :rolleyes:

post-63954-049088600 1281149147_thumb.jp


Thailand has very strict laws against such noise so most likely what they are doing is very illegal. There is a government department in Bangkok you can call that will come out, monitor the noise, and if it is over the standard get the noise issue solved at the source. I know someone who had good results with this in the past. Unfortunately I don't recall the name of the department so hopefully someone else knows it or has the phone number if you can't find it. Let us know how that works out, I think you will be pleasantly surprised.


Thailand has very strict laws against such noise so most likely what they are doing is very illegal. There is a government department in Bangkok you can call that will come out, monitor the noise, and if it is over the standard get the noise issue solved at the source. I know someone who had good results with this in the past. Unfortunately I don't recall the name of the department so hopefully someone else knows it or has the phone number if you can't find it. Let us know how that works out, I think you will be pleasantly surprised.

I'd look into having a nice chat with the village or district headman or ombudsman first. Might be he's not the only one disturbed by the early morning noise. Collective action.


It is permanent and the area near klong saen saeb is a muslim quarter. Live with it, as a billion people worldwide do.

Why should anybody have to be woken up at the crack of dawn by having Religious edicts rammed down peoples ears?

That is the problem with Religion it cant let people live there own lives, it wants to interfere and tell you how to live your life this way or live your life that way.

The OP is quite justified to make a stand against this and if more people had the balls to stand up to Religion World-wide the World would be a better place for it.


This thread is amazing, people actually think that the mosque can be made to be quieter! That the Thai govt. will intercede so some farang can sleep better. That the local moslem community are bothered by their own religion (some are for sure). The only 2 options are to adapt or move. I remember being in Turkey many years ago befor the minaretts had loud speakers, the call to prayer was done with just a guy calling out, would be nice if that was still done. The loudspeaker, amplification of noise from all sources (except concerts) is a modern curse in my opinion.


I used to lie next to a Wat, not so bad, the early morning chanting was just a drone, the gongs and bells were hit softly. Wouldn't want to live next to one of the more lively temples though.


Does anybody in the World like being woken up earlier than their alloted time to go to work or what ever you have planned for the day....the answer is an overwhelmin NO!

Rather presumptuous to be speaking or thinking for the world, yes. Your standards don't fit everywhere.


A falang moves into an area and expects long-time residents to alter things to his liking. Who is arrogant and intolerant here?

Simply put, yet so misaligned and the refusal to admit this. We're always right and they're always wrong.:jap:


Thailand has very strict laws against such noise so most likely what they are doing is very illegal. There is a government department in Bangkok you can call that will come out, monitor the noise, and if it is over the standard get the noise issue solved at the source. I know someone who had good results with this in the past. Unfortunately I don't recall the name of the department so hopefully someone else knows it or has the phone number if you can't find it. Let us know how that works out, I think you will be pleasantly surprised.

It's the Pollution Control Department: http://www.pcd.go.th/

In Bangkok, I believe you can call BMA, 1555

But reducing noise from Wat/Mosque is a long term project and would need the cooperation of the all community.


should of thought of that before staying in the "vicinity"

This is how muslim communities are structured and have been for thousands of years, just beacuse it's different to what you were brought up with doesn't make it wrong.


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