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Defiant PAD Group To Go Ahead With Rally


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Defiant PAD group to go ahead with rally

By The Nation



The government's deal with a nationalist group under the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) umbrella over the planned anti-government rally was shattered today as another group under Veera Somkwamkid insisted on continuing with the protest.

Veera's group - Network of Preah Vihear Protectors - is determined to gather outside the PM's office in Government House today as planned.

"We don't acknowledge the deal between the prime minister and the other group," Veera declared on television yesterday.

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva had managed to cut a deal with the PAD faction, under which the group agreed to take part in a friendly dialogue over the controversial temple.

"We share the same need to protect our national interest, but have different tactics and strategy, so we should sit together and talk," Abhisit said in a joint press conference with representatives from PAD and the Dharma Army Foundation.

PAD leaders were initially planning to rally in front of Government House to demand that Abhisit revoke the 2000 memorandum of understanding on boundary demarcation with Cambodia as well as voice their opposition to Preah Vihear's inscription as a World Heritage Site.

The Dharma Army Foundation, led by Chamlong Srimuang, later agreed to gather at the Thai-Japanese Stadium in Din Daeng today to express their views, concerns and visions with respect to Preah Vihear. Abhisit was to join the forum later in the day.

However, Veera refused to compromise and continued calling on people to join his protest.

The pro-government PAD has been pushing the government to take more action against neighbouring Cambodia over the temple. According to them, Abhisit has done too little in reacting to Cambodia's movements in the areas adjacent to the temple that both sides claim sovereignty over.

PAD leader Sondhi Limthongkul has been accusing the government of losing Thai territory because Cambodia has built a road and moved communities into the disputed areas.

Natural Resource and Environment Minister Suwit Khunkitti's endorsement of the World Heritage Committee's decision during a meeting in Brazil last week was deemed as an acceptance and recognition of Cambodia's rights over the temple and its vicinity, Sondhi said.

Bangkok has been under a state of emergency since April and any gatherings of more than five people to disturb social order are against the law. The Centre for the Resolution of the Emergency Situation has threatened to enforce this law and arrest any protesters.

The centre announced yesterday that it would impose tight security on the four roads leading to Government House, namely Rajdamnoen Avenue, Phitsanulok, Luk Luang and Nakhon Pathom.

Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban said the law would be enforced fairly, with no distinction between the yellow and the red-shirt groups.

To avoid action under the emergency law, Abhisit urged the PAD to calm down and gather for a dialogue. "We want all concerned parties to participate and share their views on the issue," he said.

If any protesters show up in front of Government House, authorities will provide transportation to move them to the stadium in Din Daeng, an official said.

After this dialogue, the government plans to hold a live television show in which both sides will share their views and thoughts on the Preah Vihear issue tomorrow.

Chamlong said the group requested that Abhisit, Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya and chief of the Royal Thai Survey Department Lt-General Amornthep Rojanasaroj take part in the programme.

"We don't want to attack the government, we just want our country to take clear action on the issue," he said. "We should not be fighting against each other in front of the Khmers. We should instead cooperate."

PAD spokesman Panthep Phuapongpan said the group agreed to gather at the sports stadium to avoid the consequences of the emergency law and for security reasons.

"We also want to show unity among Thai people in our mission to protect our national interest," he said.


-- The Nation 2010-08-07

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"f any protesters show up in front of Government House, authorities will provide transportation to move them to the stadium in Din Daeng, an official said."

Under the current state of emergency should that not be "if any protesters show up they will be detained without charge for an undetermined period of time"?

For Veera Somkwamkid perhaps shackles could be provided.

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"f any protesters show up in front of Government House, authorities will provide transportation to move them to the stadium in Din Daeng, an official said."

Under the current state of emergency should that not be "if any protesters show up they will be detained without charge for an undetermined period of time"?

For Veera Somkwamkid perhaps shackles could be provided.

Thai Government never know to Shit of get off the pot. They pass law that they can’t enforce. Thai politics at it s worse

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"f any protesters show up in front of Government House, authorities will provide transportation to move them to the stadium in Din Daeng, an official said."

Under the current state of emergency should that not be "if any protesters show up they will be detained without charge for an undetermined period of time"?

For Veera Somkwamkid perhaps shackles could be provided.

But the government gave the other side a good few weeks before doing anything about their violent demo and we wouldnt want the government to use double standards now would we ;)

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Weera must like it in jail.

Seems he wants to go back.

Should send him back and take his bail money off him as well.

Veera Musikhapong the red shirt or this looney guy Veera Somkwamkid who is inciting the yellows?

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I have just came back from the PM office. Khun Verra and about 100 people is inside the barricade. Out side the barricade is about 200 people. In between, the border police (in green) are forming a 4 row thick barricade. The protesters inside is allowed to come out if they want to, but none did. The people outside are not allowed in, unless you have a press pass. All TV stations are there, including Sping News (not sure if it is still ban in Thailand). A lot of flag waving and singing. About 10 vendors have already set up stalks, mainly selling drinks under the hot sun.

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If the protesters fail to follow orders from security forces they should be arrested. I have no problem with any demonstration by any group in a location that is approved by the government in which no violence or other lawbreaking occurs. I do have a problem with violent demonstrations that affect the civil rights of others. Violators form any group should be arrested.

Edited by way2muchcoffee
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So where is all of the proffered transportation to move these rabble rousers elswhere ?

The government stated they would be moved "Please kind protester , please get on the free bus ". Where are the teeth they should be showing ? Oh , they were also provided free of charge by a local dentist , enabling the government to display them in a show of authority , on a golden platter of course , where is the rule of law ? "We keep that locked in a special place just in case we realy need it , problem is that the official that holds the combination is currently on vacation in Cambodia , thought he would prefer a quiet one for a change "


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Irrespective of presumed political stance or support group if these people do go beyond the lines of what the law allows they should ,nay must be arrested , charged and dealt with under the due process of law.

What is wrong with these mental defectives of all political persuasions and colours in Thailand do they not want a peaceful society in Thailand ?

Our, your kids deserve a future let's kick these fossil agitators into touch so as our children have a future.

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All TV stations are there, including Sping News (not sure if it is still ban in Thailand).

When was Spring channel banned? It has been available on my Bangkok cable system for a few months now and is still available today.

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Not many times I'm for the yellow shirts, though Sonthi denied involvement. But this one get my nod. Thai authorities and it Administration are really chicken in dealing with Khmer regime.

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Not many times I'm for the yellow shirts, though Sonthi denied involvement. But this one get my nod. Thai authorities and it Administration are really chicken in dealing with Khmer regime.

Well , sir , the Khmer are making attempts at getting the problem solved through peacfull negotiation , all this sabre rattling at the border by Thai is only causing grief and resentment , should you be the first to put your manhood where your mouth is , turn up at the border with tin hat and stun gun , I will be the first to congratulate you on your true 'Grit' , but please do not complain "Dirty Pull " when your nose gets blooded . <deleted> disturbers are a dime a dozen , but nowhere to be found when the real action takes place , i've done my share in the past .

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"f any protesters show up in front of Government House, authorities will provide transportation to move them to the stadium in Din Daeng, an official said."

Under the current state of emergency should that not be "if any protesters show up they will be detained without charge for an undetermined period of time"?

Actually, there is a very determined maximum period of time that people may detained for. It's 84 days. It is reaching that critical point for many of the the Red leaders currently confined and why the Attorney-General's office is trying hard to put their cases together quickly.

Additionally, the Red Shirts also defied the emergency decree by having a rally protest in Chiang Rai yesterday, where the SOE also still remains in effect.

The Reds also rallied in Bangkok on August 1st in defiance of the SOE. If the authorities wish to enforce the SOE, then these two other gatherings must also be prosecuted in order to avoid the infamous double standard.


Edited by march
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"f any protesters show up in front of Government House, authorities will provide transportation to move them to the stadium in Din Daeng, an official said."

Under the current state of emergency should that not be "if any protesters show up they will be detained without charge for an undetermined period of time"?

Actually, there is a very determined maximum period of time that people may detained for. It's 84 days. It is reaching that critical point for many of the the Red leaders currently confined and why the Attorney-General's office is trying hard to put their cases together quickly.

Additionally, the Red Shirts also defied the emergency decree by having a rally protest in Chiang Rai yesterday, where the SOE also still remains in effect.

The Reds also rallied in Bangkok on August 1st in defiance of the SOE. If the authorities wish to enforce the SOE, then these two other gatherings must also be prosecuted in order to avoid the infamous double standard.


...and the Reds protested again today, August 8:

Yahoo News Service



Members of the United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) or Red Shirt stage die-in protest at a park in Bangkok, Thailand Sunday, Aug. 8, 2010. About one hundred Red Shirt protesters defied a state of emergency in the capital by staging a symbolic protest.


Anti-government protesters from the Red Sunday group gesture during a rally at Santiphap Park in Bangkok August 8, 2010.

Edited by march
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All TV stations are there, including Sping News (not sure if it is still ban in Thailand).

When was Spring channel banned? It has been available on my Bangkok cable system for a few months now and is still available today.

Spring news website was block after they air the "Friendly Fire" incident. A quick youtube search, and you can see it again.


Chatchai Tawantharong, president of newly established Spring News Internet Television, said the government was still trying to think "on behalf of the people" and was engaging in rampant and unexplained censorship, including the current blocking of his television channel under the emergency decree."Spring News is among the 50,000 or so sites blocked. Somehow, someone decided to block it. We called the [information and Communications Technology] Ministry to inquire and they said the minister gave them the order. Since we can't wait, we are now considering opening a new domain name," Chatchai said.


Don't complain, this is Thailand.

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