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I'm now looking into how I can automatically and regularly stop and start my torrents, say every couple of hours.

Jetset, you can do that by enabling the scheduler. uTorrent has that option, i'm not sure of other clients. You can slow down your torrents or completely stop that at any given time...

Problem then is you have to wait for peers and seeders to connect again.....and by the time that happens they've packet shaped you again.

Same as others have mentioned, I'm getting a combined total of around 100k download during the day, which is about 4 times slower than I used to get - AND STILL PAY FOR :annoyed:

I'll have a look if there's a scheduling feature in Vuze.

I was thinking about changing to uTorrent. Although I've always been with Azureus/Vuze, I have noticed that my peers, which used to be typically 50% uTorrent and 40% Vuze, are now much more heavily biased towards uTorrent.

Geoff, I have a program that resets my modem when I cannot get to the Internet. My torrents usually get back to full steam within about 10 minutes, which is well worth it compared to zero if/when the modem craps out!

I will do some tests when I think shaping is occurring and stop/start the client and record the results.

Vuse has become an over complicated, cluttered mess. I used to use it all the time 'till I discovered utorrent - it's quicker off the mark and always connected torrents faster for me, until now that is.

I'm not having much luck with resetting the modem. Sometimes there's a minor increase in speed, but it never lasts for long. I've never heard of a program that resets it for you? Look forward to the results of your experiment.

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Vuse has become an over complicated, cluttered mess. <snip>

Exactly my thoughts! I read an excellent article about how the new owners of Vuze have done very little development on the basic p2p side of Vuze, and have made their engineers concentrate on the GUI, the "pretty interface" and making it easy for any dumb-ass (present company excepted :D) to use.


I'm not having much luck with resetting the modem. Sometimes there's a minor increase in speed, but it never lasts for long. I've never heard of a program that resets it for you? <snip>

Ah, the program was something I wrote myself using Liberty Basic and some code I was shown on the Liberty Basic forum, here: http://libertybasic.conforums.com/index.cgi?board=internet&num=1281188748&action=display&start=0

I had to use "WireShark" to capture the data going to my modem when I logged in and when I sent the "System Reset" command. It would be different for everyone's modem, especially as the login password would/should be different and the modem's web interface would be different.

I did think about making it tailorable to different modems, but I would need a lot of information about the protocol between the PC and the modem and how the modem's web interface is arranged - very hard to do.


Look forward to the results of your experiment.

Well, my downloads started to crawl and then the Internet died completely. So I immediately hit the "Reset modem" shortcut and also stopped and restarted my torrents.

Unfortunately, I forgot to do them one at a time as I had said. But the result was quite dramatic:


For the first 12 1/2 minutes in the graph, the downloads were crawling. Then it died completely and so after a couple of minutes I did the simultaneous modem reset and torrent reset. The downloads then improved dramatically.

Next time it happens, I'll do the modem and torrent resets separately :rolleyes: and log the results.


I download my torrents to a windows server which I keep in a datacenter (using vnc to control it) then I either ftp the files to my computer or if I want to get them really quick I enable the ftp directory as a website and use Internet Download Manager to make a quick multi connection download which really speeds things up. Can this be done with ftp I wonder ?

A multi GB torrent downloads pretty quick when the pc's in a datacenter and sitting on a 1Gbps full duplex connection.

This type of traffic can't be blocked as it is normal web traffic.

Yes, you can use SMARTFTP to do a threaded FTP download.... What might work even better is using FXP instead of FXP. Setup and FTP server at your home and with an FXP client like FLASHFXP you can do site to site transfers, (also multithreaded)


But Deluge is just another torrent client, hows that going to help?

It's not "JUST" another client.... Deluge does FULL STREAM ENCRYPTION, something utorrent/vuze do not. Since i use Deluge (since 2 days....) my speeds are back to 600kbyte/sec again....


Look forward to the results of your experiment.

Well, my downloads started to crawl and then the Internet died completely. So I immediately hit the "Reset modem" shortcut and also stopped and restarted my torrents.

Unfortunately, I forgot to do them one at a time as I had said. But the result was quite dramatic:


For the first 12 1/2 minutes in the graph, the downloads were crawling. Then it died completely and so after a couple of minutes I did the simultaneous modem reset and torrent reset. The downloads then improved dramatically.

Next time it happens, I'll do the modem and torrent resets separately :rolleyes: and log the results.

this graph shows that your modem is choking on the number of connections.... Lower the maximum simultaneous connections to around 200 or get a better modem.... An A brand modem doesn't mean it's good... Linksys is known for crappy modems that choke on lots of simultaneous connections...


Simple question, if people upgrade their TOT package to be a faster speed, will torrent downloads and uploads definitely get faster, or not? Or is the throttling equally brutal for all TOT speed packages?


I download my torrents to a windows server which I keep in a datacenter (using vnc to control it) then I either ftp the files to my computer or if I want to get them really quick I enable the ftp directory as a website and use Internet Download Manager to make a quick multi connection download which really speeds things up. Can this be done with ftp I wonder ?

A multi-part transfer with Cute FTP Pro will melt your connection. Filezilla also does multi-thread but does not seem anywhere near as effective to CFTP's multi-part transfers.

This all sounds very impressive.....Just wish I understood it :lol:

The above description is essentially just a seedbox (although I guess ukrules may do other stuff on this server). A seedbox is (usually) a remote server (or a slot on a remote server) in a datacenter on a very fast connection (usually 100Mbps, sometimes 1Gbps, occasionally 10Gbps). The server will run a bitorrent client (usually rtorrent/tranmission/deluge on Linux servers). FTP is the protocol used to get the files from the server to your computer. FTP software like CuteFTP Pro can download files extremely quickly because it can divide large files and send the parts over multiple FTP sessions (assuming the server supports this - most seedboxes will by necessity). We had a thread on seedboxes recently. Have a look if you're interested.


But Deluge is just another torrent client, hows that going to help?

It's not "JUST" another client.... Deluge does FULL STREAM ENCRYPTION, something utorrent/vuze do not. Since i use Deluge (since 2 days....) my speeds are back to 600kbyte/sec again....

What is "full stream" encryption and how does it differ from Vuze which uses RC4 encryption and can be set up, like mine is, to disallow non-encrypted incoming and out going connections.


But Deluge is just another torrent client, hows that going to help?

It's not "JUST" another client.... Deluge does FULL STREAM ENCRYPTION, something utorrent/vuze do not. Since i use Deluge (since 2 days....) my speeds are back to 600kbyte/sec again....

What is "full stream" encryption and how does it differ from Vuze which uses RC4 encryption and can be set up, like mine is, to disallow non-encrypted incoming and out going connections.

I used uTorrent and had encryption on FORCED and did not allow non encrypted incoming connections....

My speed was around 15kbyte /sec...

I switched to vuze, and did the same thing.... same speed.... dreadfull....

Then i read this entire thread, and did was someone suggested... google for utorrent alternatives and bypassing throttling. I don't know what the difference is between full stream encryption and normal encryption other than that it sounds really cool and that my download speeds are constantly over 600kbyte per second.....

so there must be something different.....

I have an 8Mbit line, and my speeds were 15kbyte instead of theoretical 1024kbyte max...... so i think it doesn't matter if you have a 1mbit or an 8 Mbit line, speeds suck at TOT at the moment.... although the helpdesk is kinda telling things will improve in the very near future, but they won't say when or what.....

just try it.. the deluge interface is very similar to the uTorrent interface


just try it.. the deluge interface is very similar to the uTorrent interface

I've downloaded it and am cleaning up my Vuze torrent folders so the changeover will be less traumatic.

Yes, the screenshots I've seen do resemble uTorrent's.

I'll try to changeover at a time when my torrents are steady - 1.e. none close to completion - so I can record the traffic graphs and compare the results.

Fingers crossed.


I'll try to changeover at a time when my torrents are steady - 1.e. none close to completion - so I can record the traffic graphs and compare the results.

Fingers crossed.

OK, just stopped the torrents and restarted them in Vuze:


What a difference. So what is happening?

Is the traffic shaping failing once I stop and restart?

Is the modem's 'choking' being cleared because I stop and restart the torrents?

I'd love to know...


Much appreciated - Thanks, I want to give it a try. Only problem now is that every download of Deluge I've tried is corrupt and fails with a 'dll.xx missing message' :(


Simple question, if people upgrade their TOT package to be a faster speed, will torrent downloads and uploads definitely get faster, or not? Or is the throttling equally brutal for all TOT speed packages?

I'm (the wife!) is going to upgrade to 6M on Monday, but I'm not holding my breath


Why upgrade to 6M? it won't make your torrents faster. throttling is throttling... i have 8M and also 10-20 k/s with utorrent....

When you stop/start your torrents the choking stops indeed... you can also remove your ethernet cable for 3-4 seconds and plug it back in....



I think deluge is still running... it consists of 2 programs. a daemon and a gui.... in the classic mode you see both, in the new mode you don't see the daemon.... uninstall it, restart your windows, and re-install it.... you can also check taskmanager to see if deluged,exe is still running.,...deluged.exe is the daemon... stop it before you try to re-install


I have just installed Deluge and set it to enforced encryption and full stream.

I am still getting the same slow speeds.

What am I doing wrong ?

are your ports forwarder correctly? by default "use random ports" is on, turn that off, choose a port and forward it in your router/modem. don't forget to open them in your firewall too


I installed Deluge and it has the same speed. Port forwarded and all. Two of my browsers do not load the magnets. The cmd screen pops up and nothing happens. But from Firefox, the magnets load fine.

Interesting program.


Trying to install Deluge but every time it fails with this:

post-30543-078998900 1283009112_thumb.jp

Is this a UAC problem? - "User Account Control". I haven't used Win7 much, but I know UAC is a PITA.

Maybe you don't have the 'privileges' or 'rights' to install and need to be an Administrator. I believe there is more than one type of Administrator in Win7.


are your ports forwarder correctly? by default "use random ports" is on, turn that off, choose a port and forward it in your router/modem. don't forget to open them in your firewall too

Thanks, I have changed that but the speeds are still very, very slow


are your ports forwarder correctly? by default "use random ports" is on, turn that off, choose a port and forward it in your router/modem. don't forget to open them in your firewall too

Thanks, I have changed that but the speeds are still very, very slow

Deluge works with a daemon, meaning it is running as a service in the background. If you make changes to the setup they might not be applied until you also stop the daemon and restart it.

Try to set your maximum connections to about 200-250, i have no explanation why it is fast, but my uTorrent is still slow now. I switched back to uTorrent to see if it was fast in Utorrent now again too, but that's still slow. With deluge i get great speeds...


Deluge works with a daemon, meaning it is running as a service in the background. If you make changes to the setup they might not be applied until you also stop the daemon and restart it.

Ahh, that did the trick.

Thanks, I'm getting some decent speeds now.


I luv u :)

With Deluge I now get *some* d/l speed, nothing great 25-50 kb/s but at least my files will get eventually get here.

I'm with TOT in Krabi, have been d/ling with an unstable speed of 0.3-0.8 kb/s since Aug. 11... :->

It's not "JUST" another client.... Deluge does FULL STREAM ENCRYPTION, something utorrent/vuze do not. Since i use Deluge (since 2 days....) my speeds are back to 600kbyte/sec again....


Trying to install Deluge but every time it fails with this:

post-30543-078998900 1283009112_thumb.jp

Is this a UAC problem? - "User Account Control". I haven't used Win7 much, but I know UAC is a PITA.

Maybe you don't have the 'privileges' or 'rights' to install and need to be an Administrator. I believe there is more than one type of Administrator in Win7.

I've got it to install now, but it just briefly flashes on screen then disappears. I can't even run it in comparability mode for XP. Looks to me like it's just not compatible with Windows 7


Trying to install Deluge but every time it fails with this:

post-30543-078998900 1283009112_thumb.jp

Is this a UAC problem? - "User Account Control". I haven't used Win7 much, but I know UAC is a PITA.

Maybe you don't have the 'privileges' or 'rights' to install and need to be an Administrator. I believe there is more than one type of Administrator in Win7.

I've got it to install now, but it just briefly flashes on screen then disappears. I can't even run it in comparability mode for XP. Looks to me like it's just not compatible with Windows 7

Version "1.3.0 RC1" is supposed to be windows7compatible_120x60.png Windows 7 (gallery_35489_975_1232.gif) compatible:



Trying to install Deluge but every time it fails with this:

post-30543-078998900 1283009112_thumb.jp

Is this a UAC problem? - "User Account Control". I haven't used Win7 much, but I know UAC is a PITA.

Maybe you don't have the 'privileges' or 'rights' to install and need to be an Administrator. I believe there is more than one type of Administrator in Win7.

I've got it to install now, but it just briefly flashes on screen then disappears. I can't even run it in comparability mode for XP. Looks to me like it's just not compatible with Windows 7

Version "1.3.0 RC1" is supposed to be windows7compatible_120x60.png Windows 7 (gallery_35489_975_1232.gif) compatible:


Yep, that's the one I'm trying. I won't pursue it further as a couple of other members have already posted comments saying it makes no difference. I suspect those that it has worked for have just been lucky with their timing - TOT's torrent throttling does seem to vary at different times, day and night.

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