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Has Your Farang Family Caused Problems In Your Thai Relationship


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No my family have not caused any problems. I think we are lucky in most

western countries that your family really back you and your parents are

always there for you.

Have to say my girls family have not caused any real problems for us and

I would say they are not nasty people but could I desribe them as nice

people....................... no I do not think I could

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Not me personally but i know a few who's Family have just layed on teh " Brass " Card from day 1 & have not approved let's say..

They weren't impressed with the Guy throwing bundles of $$ at a Girl who just saw the Guy as work & who strangely lost all sense or reality & got what i'd call brainwashed with their Wife/GF..

The Family were absolutely right of course, all of those i know that it happened to have now split up with those Wife's/GF's for reasons much different to the Family sticking their noses in but for reasons that were exactly what the Family were bringing up, or want to but are in too deep IE Kids..

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After a terrible marriage to a Thai girl when i was younger my mom was apprehensive about me getting an other Thai gf. Also my mom was not that happy to see me move from my home country to Thailand. But they accepted it and now like my wife a lot.

But come on if you cant handle your own family what kind of a guy are you then. Same if you can't say no to your gf or her family. Your not a cash cow for them. If that how they see you its time to move opn.

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I think in the west we are much more indipendents from our families than in LOS, here it seems that when you marry one member of their family, you are getting married with the whole family of her and we all know how difficult might be to put many different people to agree on something sometimes, plus it's unreal the brainwashing power they have, almost all of the problems originated from the thai family once they get in contact with the their relative....anyways life is way too short to be worrying so much about these kind of issues, easy to comes and easy to go, just be ready to deal with the unthinkable and you will be fine, happy days :thumbsup:

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Not personally but I'm aware of the following:

- Professional Farang marries well educated Thai lady who owns her own sizeable & quite successful business. Thai lady speaks perfect English, long time at school and in professional employment in UK and Australia.

- After about 6 years of marriage (all in Thailand) they make mutual decision to split and divorce, there is easy & totally pleasant agreement on how to split joint items. No children.

- Mother of farang is told they have split and living separately. Mother arrives quickly from aborad, confronts the Thai lady and asks her to get back with son for a few months and get pregnant.

- Farang mother's rationale, which she gives very matter of fact to the Thai lady : ' I think it would be nice to have an exotic grandchild, will you do that for me?"

Edited by scorecard
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Not personally but I'm aware of the following:

- Professional Farang marries well educated Thai lady who owns her own sizeable & quite successful business. Thai lady speaks perfect English, long time at school and in professional employment in UK and Australia.

- After about 6 years of marriage (all in Thailand) they make mutual decision to split and divorce, there is easy & totally pleasant agreement on how to split joint items. No children.

- Mother of farang is told they have split and living separately. Mother arrives quickly from aborad, confronts the Thai lady and asks her to get back with son for a few months and get pregnant.

- Farang mother's rationale, which she gives very matter of fact to the Thai lady : ' I think it would be nice to have an exotic grandchild, will you do that for me?"

sounds to me like a scam :whistling:

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No way... Opposite!

I am right now in Europe, and I will visit my mother in law, who owns three (Thai) restaurants in Frankfurt... before going back to Bkk.

Welcome will be great -as usual- ... but, I might be treated to death if I dare to spend a single cent in her presence B)

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no problems what so ever. in fact the complete opposite. my mother and father loved my wife being around when we lived back in the u.k. my mum even said to me once it was like having the daughter she never had. even got to the point where my wife was getting more presents than me at christmas time! huh.gifmad.gifsad.giflaugh.gif.

would be interesting though to find out about the ops own experience. whistling.gifwink.gif

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With a baby there is definitely some tension wrt the choice to live in Thailand. It seems like most here have the "one phone call a year" type relationship with their family back home. Coming from a very close family I think we are probably going to have to start maintaining two residences. It really isn't fair for either side to be limited in seeing their grandchild.

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Not personally but I'm aware of the following:

- Professional Farang marries well educated Thai lady who owns her own sizeable & quite successful business. Thai lady speaks perfect English, long time at school and in professional employment in UK and Australia.

- After about 6 years of marriage (all in Thailand) they make mutual decision to split and divorce, there is easy & totally pleasant agreement on how to split joint items. No children.

- Mother of farang is told they have split and living separately. Mother arrives quickly from aborad, confronts the Thai lady and asks her to get back with son for a few months and get pregnant.

- Farang mother's rationale, which she gives very matter of fact to the Thai lady : ' I think it would be nice to have an exotic grandchild, will you do that for me?"

sounds to me like a scam :whistling:

'Scam', in what way?

(I might add, having met 'the farang mother' she has trouble to work out whether it's daytime or nightime).

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Not personally but I'm aware of the following:

- Professional Farang marries well educated Thai lady who owns her own sizeable & quite successful business. Thai lady speaks perfect English, long time at school and in professional employment in UK and Australia.

- After about 6 years of marriage (all in Thailand) they make mutual decision to split and divorce, there is easy & totally pleasant agreement on how to split joint items. No children.

- Mother of farang is told they have split and living separately. Mother arrives quickly from aborad, confronts the Thai lady and asks her to get back with son for a few months and get pregnant.

- Farang mother's rationale, which she gives very matter of fact to the Thai lady : ' I think it would be nice to have an exotic grandchild, will you do that for me?"

sounds to me like a scam :whistling:

Huh? Perhaps you should read the scenario again. Selfish, yes. A scam - no.

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My older brother, who also lives in Thailand, made a nasty comment to my gf (now wife) many years ago. He said, "Maybe you should leave my brother alone and go back to the rice farm to pick rice". My wife was hurt to the point of tears, which quickly turned to anger. I was quite angry as well and let him know it. He was drunk at the time and felt bad about it, but there is no taking back a comment like that. It definitely put a strain on all the interrelationships.

My wife was terribly hurt and refused to speak with him for a few years. Fortunately they reconciled, long ago, and today they are pretty good mates. My brother and I now are careful not to make any judgments or comments regarding our respective choice of girlfriends.

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My older brother, who also lives in Thailand, made a nasty comment to my gf (now wife) many years ago. He said, "Maybe you should leave my brother alone and go back to the rice farm to pick rice". My wife was hurt to the point of tears, which quickly turned to anger. I was quite angry as well and let him know it. He was drunk at the time and felt bad about it, but there is no taking back a comment like that. It definitely put a strain on all the interrelationships.

My wife was terribly hurt and refused to speak with him for a few years. Fortunately they reconciled, long ago, and today they are pretty good mates. My brother and I now are careful not to make any judgments or comments regarding our respective choice of girlfriends.

"Maybe you should leave my brother alone and go back to the rice farm to pick rice".

Is it only me who finds this funny and cannot wait to use it on my wife when she is peeing me off...but it must be said sarcastically not in the angry/drunk way your bro used it and i can imagine the pain it caused...

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