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Why Does Thailand Have Such A Bad Reputation ?


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While 90% of you expats live alone in hotel or a house by yourself in the village and look on thai people from the outside, I lived with my family, farm with my family, eat with my family, sleep with my family and live the life they live as poor farmers. I never saw no crazy thai women chasing their men with knifes.. (maybe it's just YOU) . I never seen my cousins wife yell at him, or my uncles and wifes fight. I met so many people there and only seen "some" arguments, so don't sit there and tell me, Thai women are violent, mean, scream and chase people with knifes, just because that's how your wife treats you.

And who's claiming what? No claiming here... I got THAI blood in me my friend. I don't need to prove nothing to anyone here, all I'm doing is just telling my side of things... While people trying to get a work visa and complaining about double pricing... I just seem to fit right in...

I think a lot of you get so mad about my post and choose to reply with weak smart comments cause you know I'm 90% right on, and hits you close to home, I could probally tell your life story in thailand and not even know one of you ;) Lol!

Do you speak Thai? ... I suspect not.

Do you read and write Thai? .... I suspect not.

You may have Thai blood, but you will always be considered an outsider by "proper Thais" (as they like to say).

I can probably tell the life story of a "wannabe Thai" without actually ever meeting one of you.

Oops I tell a lie, I did meet an American wannabe Thai, lived all his life in America, came over here, pretended to be more Thai than the Thais, but couldn't speak, read or write the language. He was tolerated by Thais, who allowed him to pay for everything, and then insulted and bad mouthed him while he was in the room .... but he didn't have a clue what they were saying about him. Dressed like a pretend rap star ...... seen that video by "Offspring - Pretty Fly for a White Guy", he dressed like that.


I don't get mad about your posts, I think they are very amusing, please post more often. (It's nice to have someone who makes dafter posts than I do)

lol. I know your mad now cause With this fabricated post, I must have hit a nerve.

Can I speak Thai? A decent amount, but no where close to fluent. My mom stopped speaking Thai to me when I was a child, but I guess that's my fault right lol!

Read or write? Not at all. Lol. But When do parents teach there kid who lives in America to read and write Thai lol! Duh.

I'm faking to be Thai? And Be more than Thais?! Not at all. How could I fake it, I have Thai blood running through my viens.

Thais talk behind my back?! I'm sure they do, but I talk behind they backs to lol, but wait, we don't speak the same

laungauge, so how would we know?! Do I let it bother me.. Not at all, that's human nature.

I'm a fake gangster rapper?! Lol gangster rap is somthing I don't rap about... Why? .. Because I don't gang bang. I don't rap about dope dealing, murder, thuggin ect. Lol.

Come on this the best you can do?

But anyways, I see you where shaking when you typed your reply.. Eyes proabally glossed over with a bottle of singha next to the mouse pad half empty. Lol!

I never knew people where more Thai than other people based on if they can read write and speak. Wow. I thought you where Thai because you where born Thai .. Hahahaahahaah and hahahahahaha.

Why you think my name is superstarstatus? I walk anywhere in Thailand and I'm looked at as a superstar lol ..

Don't lose any sleep myself , have fun thinking of a response

To be fair my mate, all we are really saying is you are a silly young man with a great deal of growing up to do.

Well put!

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To be fair my mate, all we are really saying is you are a silly young man with a great deal of growing up to do.

True, but he is entertaining. Without his entertainment value this forum would quickly grow boring. How many times do you need to ask where to get a good Pad Thai?

And, I have to agree with mrdeedee... It's all in one's personal perception of what is bad and what is good. Thai women provide a wonderful service for the money. You just have to understand how the system works. If two people are happy with the results of their liaison then how could it be wrong?

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While 90% of you expats live alone in hotel or a house by yourself in the village and look on thai people from the outside, I lived with my family, farm with my family, eat with my family, sleep with my family and live the life they live as poor farmers. I never saw no crazy thai women chasing their men with knifes.. (maybe it's just YOU) . I never seen my cousins wife yell at him, or my uncles and wifes fight. I met so many people there and only seen "some" arguments, so don't sit there and tell me, Thai women are violent, mean, scream and chase people with knifes, just because that's how your wife treats you.

And who's claiming what? No claiming here... I got THAI blood in me my friend. I don't need to prove nothing to anyone here, all I'm doing is just telling my side of things... While people trying to get a work visa and complaining about double pricing... I just seem to fit right in...

I think a lot of you get so mad about my post and choose to reply with weak smart comments cause you know I'm 90% right on, and hits you close to home, I could probally tell your life story in thailand and not even know one of you ;) Lol!

Do you speak Thai? ... I suspect not.

Do you read and write Thai? .... I suspect not.

You may have Thai blood, but you will always be considered an outsider by "proper Thais" (as they like to say).

I can probably tell the life story of a "wannabe Thai" without actually ever meeting one of you.

Oops I tell a lie, I did meet an American wannabe Thai, lived all his life in America, came over here, pretended to be more Thai than the Thais, but couldn't speak, read or write the language. He was tolerated by Thais, who allowed him to pay for everything, and then insulted and bad mouthed him while he was in the room .... but he didn't have a clue what they were saying about him. Dressed like a pretend rap star ...... seen that video by "Offspring - Pretty Fly for a White Guy", he dressed like that.


I don't get mad about your posts, I think they are very amusing, please post more often. (It's nice to have someone who makes dafter posts than I do)

lol. I know your mad now cause With this fabricated post, I must have hit a nerve.

Can I speak Thai? A decent amount, but no where close to fluent. My mom stopped speaking Thai to me when I was a child, but I guess that's my fault right lol!

Read or write? Not at all. Lol. But When do parents teach there kid who lives in America to read and write Thai lol! Duh.

I'm faking to be Thai? And Be more than Thais?! Not at all. How could I fake it, I have Thai blood running through my viens.

Thais talk behind my back?! I'm sure they do, but I talk behind they backs to lol, but wait, we don't speak the same

laungauge, so how would we know?! Do I let it bother me.. Not at all, that's human nature.

I'm a fake gangster rapper?! Lol gangster rap is somthing I don't rap about... Why? .. Because I don't gang bang. I don't rap about dope dealing, murder, thuggin ect. Lol.

Come on this the best you can do?

But anyways, I see you where shaking when you typed your reply.. Eyes proabally glossed over with a bottle of singha next to the mouse pad half empty. Lol!

I never knew people where more Thai than other people based on if they can read write and speak. Wow. I thought you where Thai because you where born Thai .. Hahahaahahaah and hahahahahaha.

Why you think my name is superstarstatus? I walk anywhere in Thailand and I'm looked at as a superstar lol ..

Don't lose any sleep myself , have fun thinking of a response

To be fair my mate, all we are really saying is you are a silly young man with a great deal of growing up to do.

is it I need to grow up? Or is it I am just far ahead of most 25 year olds with my views ... Mind you I am arguing with men who have 10-40 years more experiace than me..

I am right in my own mind, and I know some of you know I am too.

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To be fair my mate, all we are really saying is you are a silly young man with a great deal of growing up to do.

True, but he is entertaining. Without his entertainment value this forum would quickly grow boring. How many times do you need to ask where to get a good Pad Thai?

And, I have to agree with mrdeedee... It's all in one's personal perception of what is bad and what is good. Thai women provide a wonderful service for the money. You just have to understand how the system works. If two people are happy with the results of their liaison then how could it be wrong?

If you can ask such a question, Ian, you clearly need to spend more time around narrow-minded, blinkered puritans with miserable lives, unsatiated repressed sexual urges and limited imaginations. And I thought you were well-educated and broad-minded...


I was going to put in a smiley but that is just dumbing down for the benefit of people who are too lazy to find humour for themselves; in fact, I regret even putting in this apology. And, I should remember, I have no sense of humour, as has been pointed out more than once.

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Most negative comments are about the Stupid Visa Regs, then T.A.T.and its false figures, and money wasting on Mega Projects

i cant count how many times these topics are brought up when people find out i just returned from a month in thailand:lol: :lol: :lol:

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I lived with my family, farm with my family, eat with my family, sleep with my family and live the life they live as poor farmers

Isn't that illegal? :D

Yes, but you should see all the wives younger sisters. :lol:

It's okay if you keep it in the family, isn't it? :blink::lol:

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Burn Pattaya to the ground and things get a whole lot easier. It's like a senior citizens home for convicts combined with a brothel. I'd say that it is definitely a blight on Thailand's reputation.

That would have to be the first step.

Also, whilst (at a wild guess) 70% of Thai women are honest enough, a certain percentage are out for money & nothing else.

I know of two farangs (both big travellers, so away from Thailand a lot) from who met each other accidentally in central Thailand, & got talking. Turns out each had a wife in Chiang Mai, whom they had bought a house. Eventually Farang #1 got out some photos.

Farang #2 was gobsmacked: 'Thet's MY wife!. That's MY house!'

That story is far from unique. Occasionally the spouse even murders the farang to get her hands on the $$$.

Thai girls get away with this behaviour because they can pull off a horrendous deception that can destroy a man's life with a delightful smile, hundreds of jokes, and an air of naivete & innocence. Farang radar isn't equipped to read the signals - we're used to other forms of cynicism & deception.

These stories make their way through the farang grapevine over time.

How to change this I don't know, as there is a vein of this right through Thai culture.

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I lived with my family, farm with my family, eat with my family, sleep with my family and live the life they live as poor farmers

Isn't that illegal? :D

Yes, but you should see all the wives younger sisters. :lol:

It's okay if you keep it in the family, isn't it? :blink::lol:

I was thinking more along the lines of sneaking into the sack with Uncle Lek when he staggers in at 2am after a night on the sauce Ian. :lol:

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Most negative comments are about the Stupid Visa Regs, then T.A.T.and its false figures, and money wasting on Mega Projects

May be something else adds to the bad reputation of Thailand besides the ongoing overcharging (rakan farang):

Application send to the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare: No response after eight months.

Friendly request to inform me of the processing status of the application after 9 month: No response after another 4 month.

Complaint because of overcharging at 3BB Internet: No response

Product request at Carrefour: No response

Informing letter to the local government about the illegal waste dumping in our neighbourhood: No response

Complaint to the Kasikornbank about the charge kept for a transfer, which never left my account: No response

The fact, that one does not receive a feedback, even when letters are been translated into Thai, adds to the reputation. Getting spomething done in Thailand can be a tough thing to do. The good thing about it: What doesn't kill us makes us stronger! Or did I forget to add a 500THB bill to the letters?

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Burn Pattaya to the ground and things get a whole lot easier. It's like a senior citizens home for convicts combined with a brothel. I'd say that it is definitely a blight on Thailand's reputation.

That would have to be the first step.

Also, whilst (at a wild guess) 70% of Thai women are honest enough, a certain percentage are out for money & nothing else.

I know of two farangs (both big travellers, so away from Thailand a lot) from who met each other accidentally in central Thailand, & got talking. Turns out each had a wife in Chiang Mai, whom they had bought a house. Eventually Farang #1 got out some photos.

Farang #2 was gobsmacked: 'Thet's MY wife!. That's MY house!'

That story is far from unique. Occasionally the spouse even murders the farang to get her hands on the $$$.

Thai girls get away with this behaviour because they can pull off a horrendous deception that can destroy a man's life with a delightful smile, hundreds of jokes, and an air of naivete & innocence. Farang radar isn't equipped to read the signals - we're used to other forms of cynicism & deception.

These stories make their way through the farang grapevine over time.

How to change this I don't know, as there is a vein of this right through Thai culture.

Not going to say you lie, because that might be considered as a personal attack.


I will ask you, since you know these two guys up in CM.

Does this woman keep a hidden/secret room, where she hide all the stuff (and apliances) one of the men has bought, when the other is home?

Please explain.

And this is not a unique situation?

Not saying you lie.


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Burn Pattaya to the ground and things get a whole lot easier. It's like a senior citizens home for convicts combined with a brothel. I'd say that it is definitely a blight on Thailand's reputation.

That would have to be the first step.

Also, whilst (at a wild guess) 70% of Thai women are honest enough, a certain percentage are out for money & nothing else.

I know of two farangs (both big travellers, so away from Thailand a lot) from who met each other accidentally in central Thailand, & got talking. Turns out each had a wife in Chiang Mai, whom they had bought a house. Eventually Farang #1 got out some photos.

Farang #2 was gobsmacked: 'Thet's MY wife!. That's MY house!'

That story is far from unique. Occasionally the spouse even murders the farang to get her hands on the $$$.

Thai girls get away with this behaviour because they can pull off a horrendous deception that can destroy a man's life with a delightful smile, hundreds of jokes, and an air of naivete & innocence. Farang radar isn't equipped to read the signals - we're used to other forms of cynicism & deception.

These stories make their way through the farang grapevine over time.

How to change this I don't know, as there is a vein of this right through Thai culture.

some will say this is not part of real thailand! i say to hel_l it is part of real thailand!

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Thailand is generally known for three things: very beautiful women, great golf, and corruption. Two positives and one negative ain't all that bad.

when you say beautiful women you do mean prostitutes dont you:lol: :lol: :lol: . theres beauties is all countries!

thank god for the corruption wo it the women wouldnt have a reputation at all:lol: :lol:

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I've stopped mentioning my penchant for Thailand to people now, i was at my last job for 1month and in all that time i never mentioned it once. I find that if you tell people that you have an interest in going there you might as well tell them that you fancy kids, and it's only a matter of time before the subject of ladyboys comes up. And to be honest when i meet somebody in England who is Thai mad i always wonder what bad stuff he's up to

I have come to the conclusion that keeping schtum is best and have realised that the fall out from a little chat about where you go on holiday can tarnish your reputation at work for ever. In one job i had a guy jokingly accuse me of being a paedophile as soon i told him where i was going on holiday.

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when you say beautiful women you do mean prostitutes dont you. theres beauties is all countries!

The percentage of beautiful women is WAY higher than most countries and most of them will flirt with and, at least, pretend to be interested in you and most of them are not on the game.

A good acting job is all I ask for at my age. :)

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when you say beautiful women you do mean prostitutes dont you. theres beauties is all countries!

The percentage of beautiful women is WAY higher than most countries and most of them will flirt with and, at least, pretend to be interested in you and most of them are not on the game.

A good acting job is all I ask for at my age. :)

The joy is that they are not pretending, they are desperate for someone who will give them a life that they could only have dreamed off.....

ps. yes - they are prostitutes - the definition is someone accepting sex for money.....

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I don't know, enforce the prostitution laws, how about that?

I find this highly amusing.

(Removed comments)


Oy vey Seteev, you TOTALLY misunderstood the point of my post, and then you went off on some kind of weird anti-gay rant.

Hint -- I don't want those laws enforced, the OP who is hung up about Thailand's sexy rep might.


BTW, if you are going to get your panties in a bunch about the financial aspects of gay relationships, what about heterosexual marriage? Even in countries where prostitution laws are enforced, what goes on in private long term relationships as far as there being economic disparities between the two partners is not the concern of those laws.

Nothing hypocritical about my position, but definitely some kind of weird homophobia from yours. Cheers, Sateev.

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The joy is that they are not pretending, they are desperate for someone who will give them a life that they could only have dreamed off.....

ps. yes - they are prostitutes - the definition is someone accepting sex for money.....

The same could be said for trophy wives and trophy husbands.

There is no one size fits all situation.

Jacqueline Kennedy didn't marry Aristotle Onassis because he was a handsome man. He had power, connections and gobs of money.

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No question that the Muslim based countries have a bad reputation, but they are hardly tourist destination countries.

Sorry, but this statement is laughingly misinformed and very far from the reality. Dubai is an extremely popular tourist destination for Europeans. Numbers are projected to hit the 10 million mark this year - and they are often the type of high-end, free spenders that the TAT can only salivate and dream about.


Egypt (official figures cited by state news agency Mena showed that tourist numbers rose to 9.7 million in 2006, an increase of 13 per cent on the previous year. http://www.propertys...ticle-1442.html) and Turkey are also incredibly popular tourist destinations, offering an eclectic range of sun, beaches, history and culture. Morocco had 7.4 million visitors in 2006


and even Oman is becoming a popular alternative Winter sun destination for well-heeled Europeans.

Simply because these countries attract comparatively few North American visitors,and probably hold little appeal for many of the Thai-centric mongers on this board, does NOT mean that they do not have a thriving tourist industry. There is considerably more to the Middle East than the rabid conservatism of Saudi Arabia (which incidentally is ALSO now trying to attract tourists! :whistling:)

Many Dubai 'tourists' are just like Thailand's, too, i.e. permanent. I stayed with Philippine visa-runners on Kish island, Iran, which would die without them. You couldn't count all the Russians in Dubai; people assumed I was one.

Charlie Sheen's '2.5 Men' character on frustration: "That's like a Thai massage without the happy ending." Considering that my wife is a massage therapist, that stings...

Thailand will only clean up its rep when the hotels stop allowing prostitution, when the police start enforcing the laws, etc. etc.- just like most other places in the world- but then Thaksin's guy tried that a few years ago, didn't he? They say that with global climate change, hel_l may freeze over soon...

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Charlie Sheen's '2.5 Men' character on frustration:  "That's like a Thai massage without the happy ending."  Considering that my wife is a massage therapist, that stings...

That is the first post which actually gave evidence on Thailand's reputation in the media.

What is ironic about this is that in the US, there are relatively few Thai-operated and manned massage parlors, especially outside of LA and a few other spots.  The vast majority of Asian massage parlors are Korean-operated and manned. And even if it was a Thai massage parlor, does Thai massage really lend itself to "happy endings?"  I can't see it myself.  It seems to me that what we call "Swedish" massages in the US would be more conducive to that kind of activity. 

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I don't know, enforce the prostitution laws, how about that?

I find this highly amusing.

(Removed comments)


Oy vey Seteev, you TOTALLY misunderstood the point of my post, and then you went off on some kind of weird anti-gay rant.

Hint -- I don't want those laws enforced, the OP who is hung up about Thailand's sexy rep might.


BTW, if you are going to get your panties in a bunch about the financial aspects of gay relationships, what about heterosexual marriage? Even in countries where prostitution laws are enforced, what goes on in private long term relationships as far as there being economic disparities between the two partners is not the concern of those laws.

Nothing hypocritical about my position, but definitely some kind of weird homophobia from yours. Cheers, Sateev.

Hardly. And don't go slinging accusations of homophobia unless you know what you're talking about.

Did you read the word 'hypocrisy'? Don't make me explain why such comments, coming from you, might be hypocritical, ok?

In fact, I was pointing out that the 'enforce the prostitution laws' mentality could cut both ways. Put simply, as seems necessary in this case, the financial relationships between consenting adults, gay OR straight are not the issue when it comes to Thailand's bad reputation. It seemed that you were advocating for enforcement. You seem to have clarified, or re-spun, your position now. Fair enough.

Truth to tell, it's really the twisted puritanism that is currently sweeping the West that is at fault. Jokes about 'massage parlors in Bangkok', etc., have been around forever - Johnny Carson, Jay Leno to name a coule - have made those jokes regularly. The 'bad reputation' aspect is just the flip side of what makes these jokes uncomfortably funny to strait-laced Anglos. The need to project that puritanism on other countries/cultures is what sets me reeling. Sorry if you got spattered.

So, if now your position is that Thailand can best clean up its image by enforcing prostitution laws ("not that there's anything WRONG with prostitution!"), I stand corrected.

(comments removed.)


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Charlie Sheen's '2.5 Men' character on frustration: "That's like a Thai massage without the happy ending." Considering that my wife is a massage therapist, that stings...

That is the first post which actually gave evidence on Thailand's reputation in the media.

What is ironic about this is that in the US, there are relatively few Thai-operated and manned massage parlors, especially outside of LA and a few other spots. The vast majority of Asian massage parlors are Korean-operated and manned. And even if it was a Thai massage parlor, does Thai massage really lend itself to "happy endings?" I can't see it myself. It seems to me that what we call "Swedish" massages in the US would be more conducive to that kind of activity.

'Thai massage' has gone crazy in LA in the last five years, but is usually a more relaxing mixed Thai-Swedish hybrid technique. it is also catching on in other areas, but at a slower rate. Ironically a more authentic Thai massage might be found at 'farang' New Age clinics whose practitioners have studied at Wat Po or elsewhere in Thailand. it's also overwhelmed the hodge-podge of local laws and enforcement practices. More to the point- yes, a number have been closed for prostitution- though by no means the majority- and yes, guys sometimes ask for special services, some of them presumably undercover cops. There are also girls of other ethnicities in the 'Thai' places, as well as Thai girls in non-'Thai' places. 'Thai' in this case refers to Thai-born Thais as well as American-born ones. All have to complete training in the US just to be licensed. But I digress.

I currently live in 'Thai Town' in LA btw. It's a trip. HOWEVER.... I don't think Thailand's reputation is all bad. Everybody determines their own circumstances for one thing, and 'the media' works both ways. There are no Thai prostitutes on Hollywood Blvd., but on Saturday morning you can see 40-50 orange-robed monks passing by to collect donations in their begging bowls. They're the real thing, too...

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I grew up very near what is now Thai Town, and watched it change from a grotty, down -and-out, poor area, to an interesting and relatively safe area to visit. Thai influences have only done the area good.

That said, my first encounter with the media slant regarding Thailand was an article in Oui Magazine, a Playboy publication, entitled, "Horny Huns Invade Bangkok". It was quite a serious article, about the German sex tourist trade in Thailand, which was going strong before most Americans would have any idea where Thailand was, let alone understand a Bangkok massage parlor joke. I first heard of Thermae, and a number of other nearly-forgotten places from that article.

Of course, at that time, the salacious aspect was a great motivator for me, and was (only partly) responsible for eventually bringing me here. I like to think I have learned a bit since then, and added other motivations to the more titillating one, but I don't think it needs defending.

Since then, America has changed a lot. Arguably, at least in the P4P arena, Thailand has not. (Please don't pick on this point. I'm aware that, of course, MANY aspects of it HAVE changed). America has become at best, a snickering schoolboy about sex, and at worst, a Super Puritan, John Standish, Carrie Nationesque, Robo-Censor on all matters sexual, around the world. I guess we just have too few real problems to worry about, or too many that can be blamed on 'them dam_n furriners'. Ditto other parts of the Western world, though I think we claim the prize.

So, to return to the original topic, I'm not sure I agree with the OP's premise. Does Thailand have a bad reputation regarding her women? If so, I'd say it's NOT because of prostitution, but because of a certain aloofness, and voracious materialism that most people who have experienced the real Thailand would agree upon. The fact of a city with three square blocks of neon-lit (ok, maybe a bit more) adult entertainment should shock no one. Juarez, Tijuana, Matamoros, etc., in Mexico, have arguably more visible prostitution than Bangkok has.

No, in reality, I think is the tendency to deride/degrade what you don't understand that is at work here. And, there are certainly a LOT of folks who can't be bothered to distinguish Taiwan from, let alone understand, Thailand...so the jokes, like Polish jokes, and N-word jokes, come easy...betraying the joker for lack of sophistication.


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1.Thais in Thailand = Poor, rural, no way out

2.Thai Women = Poor, Pretty, No money for University, Most times only option is to sell her body to maybe go to University or Support herself/family

3.Tourist/Expats = Have decent money, love sex, love women the opposite of there home country which is small, dependent, dark, pleasant, nice, obedient, submissive, and can't talk back

1) A higher percentage of women than men go to university in Thailand.

2) Thai women; obedient, submissive, can't talk back. Got to laugh about this. How much time have you actually spent in country with women who aren't waiting on your table. Thai women are definitely not submissive and there must be men all over the country laughing about the " can't talk back " .

I swear I have to explain every single thing over and over to you people.

What I mean by #2 is that, Not talking back, is When you first step off your Plane into bangkok, then see your first bar girl and how pleasant she is (she's not so upfront, not rude, she is struggling through english with you and you are taking away by it), you want to take her home, or someone you 1 week you'll be married, it's no mystery that farang men are hypnotized by a thai woman's charm once you met them. Why else are so many farangs doing the swimming pool springboard off the 4th story hotel?

That doesn't mean they will not get sick of there situation 3-4 years down the road and begin to yell, be pyscho and pull a knife on someone. HAHAHAHAH Have fun! ;)

Maybe this is what you do but not everyone goes to see a bargirl immediately on arrival in Bangkok. And how can you use bargirls as some kind of example of Thai women as a whole. There is a reason that she is being "pleasant" and " charming " in the bar. She wants you to pay money to have sex with her or hadn't you worked that out yet. This is not the same thing as being submissive and not talking back and I stand by my original statement that Thai women are not submissive, they may appear that way but they are not. You said in another post that you have some Thai heritage and you have lived , as you put it, " on the farm" with mormall Thai people. I just don't see where you are getting this submissive thing from. A Thai woman knows what she wants and is not shy in directly or indirectly letting you know it. That's just my opinion anyway .

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