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Thai Catholic School Teacher Caught Caning Students

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^^^ your attitude disgusts and repulses me. For the sake of your job, you will actually video child abuse, teachers enjoying the act, but only report it broadcast it from the safety of your new job.


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Disgusting and completely unacceptable

For the past two generations, parents have become far too soft in raising their children, they regard and treat their kid's as if they were toys to play with, in fact they are so besotted with them that the kid's are being master of the household and do as they like.

It is well known that this kind of child raising / upbringing amounts to children having no discipline and therefore have bad manners, unfortunately, the kids are not aware of the fact that this is wrong, since their parents allowed them to behave like this throughout their infancy, obviously, this kind of upbringing is not beneficial for children.

When children start school, then teachers have to handle those kids, and are of course not impressed with the sort of manners in which some of the children conduct themselves, and in order to deal with this teachers have to introduce some sort of class discipline, and this is where "canning" enters the scene, although illegal now, it has nevertheless in the past served generation after generation rather well.

Some of the replies here ... suggesting "GULAG" style punishments indicates clearly how besotted those parents are, they should begin to understand that teaching discipline and good manners for the children must begin at home from the outset during infancy, and they must also begin to realise that parental besottedness is not at all beneficial for their offspring.

So you think teaching "good manners" through violence is acceptable? That sounds a bit ironic. Is it good manners to use violence to make people do what you want them to do? i.e. use violence to control people? Would you hit a maid if she didn't clean something properly?

Nobody has mentioned using a rewards based system to teach what's right and wrong. Would that be better?

Your reply is rather odd, there is no mentioning of teaching good manners through violence, on the contrary, the teaching of good manners should be carried out by parents in a responsible way without their damaging besottedness of their children which results in parents using their children in a selfish way as toys.

When the raising of children is done in a proper and responsible way then there would be no lack of discipline, nor bad manners and there would as a result be no need for teachers to introduce discipline and acceptable manners to the children in order to control their behavier at school, however, should teacher caning occur then that is indicative of parental failure to raise their children in a respective and responsible manner.

The replies of some parents demand "GULAG and KZ" type brutalities for the caning teacher, that is rather neurotic and confirmative of their parental besottedness.

We are dealing here with the parental raising of children from infancy to school age, and not with the conduct of maids or other people, to make such odd and negative comments is reflective of some mental dizziness, which is indicative of hypotension.


Yep i got mine at school and helped no end i even got some at home and love my father for doing it ! Seriously we need this but not the performance as shown in my day "Australian way" the deputy principle or principle handed i out, in the confines of the sacred office !!!! Down south Queensland it was a wopping big 1 meter long really thick wood black board ruler "touch your toes and wham" up north in Rockhampton it was 6 of the best open hand smashed down on the finger tips ! worked well bring it back stop all this rubbish it works we are animals that learn from lessons not time out !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah, noticeable by the way you learnt to spell and construct sentences. You really benefited from your schooling I am sure.

Great stuff, but don't try and call it the 'Australian way'... I have known students that have had to be helped psychologically to recover from the bullying received at the hands of their school masters back home in Aussie. Fortunately there were a few good Aussie masters, including my own grandfather who stepped into the breach and prevented them from being tortured, and helped them to become decent citizens in the process, despite the dreadful odds stacked against them... like having 'loving' fathers who were in jail for incest and the like... I am NOT making this stuff up either. Some of the worst daily torturers should be followed up and gaoled for child abuse.

Sorry didnt think we were getting judged on grammer and punctuation in this test !

You misunderstand Seanextra, you have already been judged on the human level, what you got there was just extra


Ok, so we've done how good it is for society to seriously assualt and mark children. We've done the opposite in that any violence or corporal punishment is wrong but these are all the views of individuals on this forum.

Why did it take television to get this teacher removed. At least 40 pupils have now come forward and said he did the same to them. I assume that all had marks to differing degrees. Why did they not phone their parents at the time? Why did the parents not respond? As far as I am aware boarding schools have teachers in charge of different areas, room, form, social welfare etc etc. Why did another teacher not see the marks and react? Why is the school admistrator now saying that they don't support the teacher? I find it impossible to believe that they did not know this sort of thing took place.

When considering this whole episode, I find it a bit creepy. Especially the bit about children not talking. Never mind the talk about the Thai educational system, if Thai children are subjected to this and DO NOT tell anyone then the Thai society is sicker than some forum members assume. If they did tell someone and no further action took place, well that could be an individual or institutional failing. Or societal, in the same manner as police have yet to do anything, although police reports have been filed and it's unlikely they will get any better evidence than the videos which are now being shown around the world.

The thing that I find most disturbing is that it appears that pupils did not tell parents or other adults and hence, no one could respond in a positive manner.

3. A good teacher never needs to resort to such a thing. Supported by the school, a good teacher has the ability to encourage and motivate students whether they are (so called) 'bad' students or not, whether they come from broken homes or not, whether they have academic skills or not. A good teacher never judges, just tries to inspire a student whether their talents lie in maths, languages, art or wherever else.

You seem to be watching too many American movies.

Now back in the real world...

vinnie - I think you should really review your career options - If you applied fro a teaching job with me and reveled your ideas on corporal punishment not only would you not ge the job but I'd probably report you to the authorities. If - God help us you are in a classroom situation at present I'd suggest that the children in your care are in danger and should be removed and you should be immediately suspended.


He stretches his neck, takes time composing himself and his posture, and hits them as hard as he can as if he were a pro tennis player. He was acting up in front of the class and obviously enjoyed it too. Good thing he lost his job!!!


Ok, so we've done how good it is for society to seriously assualt and mark children. We've done the opposite in that any violence or corporal punishment is wrong but these are all the views of individuals on this forum.

Why did it take television to get this teacher removed. At least 40 pupils have now come forward and said he did the same to them. I assume that all had marks to differing degrees. Why did they not phone their parents at the time? Why did the parents not respond? As far as I am aware boarding schools have teachers in charge of different areas, room, form, social welfare etc etc. Why did another teacher not see the marks and react? Why is the school admistrator now saying that they don't support the teacher? I find it impossible to believe that they did not know this sort of thing took place.

When considering this whole episode, I find it a bit creepy. Especially the bit about children not talking. Never mind the talk about the Thai educational system, if Thai children are subjected to this and DO NOT tell anyone then the Thai society is sicker than some forum members assume. If they did tell someone and no further action took place, well that could be an individual or institutional failing. Or societal, in the same manner as police have yet to do anything, although police reports have been filed and it's unlikely they will get any better evidence than the videos which are now being shown around the world.

The thing that I find most disturbing is that it appears that pupils did not tell parents or other adults and hence, no one could respond in a positive manner.

I think you are actually being very limited in your thinking about this. Child abuse at schools is not unusual and why do you think that is?

Let me suggest just a few reasons off the top of my head -

Because children are CHILDREN and often don't realise what is being done is wrong.

Parents often are uninformed both on theory of discipline and some may even like some on this thread, approve of violence - they were brought up thinking it was OK.

BOTH children and parents may also think that if they complain their child may be victimised further by either the teacher or the school authorities..........a real risk in some places

quite frankly these situations arise again and again because the teachers know they have a pretty unassailable position ad can simply get away with it.this is not just a Thai thing but Thailand is only just coming to terms with it.



"their throat" and "out of their backside"

must do better




also: no need to shout!

I take it, you don't have children and you are properly a teacher and not just a teacher but a control freak who agrees with this kind of child abuse, I on the other hand don't. And feel very strongly about it, who are you? show yourself.



"their throat" and "out of their backside"

must do better




also: no need to shout!

I take it, you don't have children and you are properly a teacher and not just a teacher but a control freak who agrees with this kind of child abuse, I on the other hand don't. And feel very strongly about it, who are you? show yourself.

What I find interesting - in a tell-tale way - is the body language of the teacher. Look at where his line of sight is after these attacks - because that's what they are - and the way he "struts" around between each attack. Arched back, shoulders drawn back he's in "attack" mode - this is a threat posture.

THis is the kind f behaviour that you witness time again with such people as torturers and concentration camp guards.


Ok, so we've done how good it is for society to seriously assualt and mark children. We've done the opposite in that any violence or corporal punishment is wrong but these are all the views of individuals on this forum.

Why did it take television to get this teacher removed. At least 40 pupils have now come forward and said he did the same to them. I assume that all had marks to differing degrees. Why did they not phone their parents at the time? Why did the parents not respond? As far as I am aware boarding schools have teachers in charge of different areas, room, form, social welfare etc etc. Why did another teacher not see the marks and react? Why is the school admistrator now saying that they don't support the teacher? I find it impossible to believe that they did not know this sort of thing took place.

When considering this whole episode, I find it a bit creepy. Especially the bit about children not talking. Never mind the talk about the Thai educational system, if Thai children are subjected to this and DO NOT tell anyone then the Thai society is sicker than some forum members assume. If they did tell someone and no further action took place, well that could be an individual or institutional failing. Or societal, in the same manner as police have yet to do anything, although police reports have been filed and it's unlikely they will get any better evidence than the videos which are now being shown around the world.

The thing that I find most disturbing is that it appears that pupils did not tell parents or other adults and hence, no one could respond in a positive manner.

The funny thing is how people here supporting child abuse, use of violence and fear from figures of authority to make children comply appear to be by and large the libertarian/conservative (calling people opposed to child abuse things like "limp wristed liberals) type that go apoplectic ranting about government oppression, loss of freedoms at the hand of the "Nanny state", etc, etc... while advocating the use of violence to make children conform and comply to authority.

Cognitive dissonance comes to mind.


The truley sad thing i s that this highlights the level of ignorance about Thailand that exists in the forum. I teach here and from my own experience I would say caning, hiting on the head (usually lightly),cutting chunks of hair very near the scalp, spanking hard, walloping kids and screaming at them are all part and parcel of thai school life. over a hundred kids in a school of nearly 3000 will come late everyday, the boys often get caned for that,but it happens EVERY DAY.

Oh sure, its illeagal. But if the parents "consent" then its no biggy. Yeah, I was shocked the first few times. I would add, I've only seen it done to boys in a mixed school. But given this was on the news and everyone here is Korat knows about it. To see the same little Hitlers out today at assembly with their sticks meating out punishments... and as I walked through the gates I saw a pile of students hair where they had the shears out and were enforcing the school hair cut on non-compliant students. To a westerner, yeah seems barbaric. But then this is Thailand.



He stretches his neck, takes time composing himself and his posture, and hits them as hard as he can as if he were a pro tennis player. He was acting up in front of the class and obviously enjoyed it too. Good thing he lost his job!!!

It wouldn't surprise me a bit f he was also raping these students. All in the name of his abysmally low self esteem and self-worth, these students suffer under a real monster.



And then your son could grow up with the same grasp of the English language that you have.

well if that is you, in the profile photo? than you are certainly NOT English or any where near fluent are you? NO.

for anyone else that wishes to challenge me on this matter of violence towards children, please do so. But if this is an attack towards me because I feel this kind of behaviour is not necessary from teachers. than this would be dealt with in a different manner.


Have people forgotten that until 30 odd years ago caning was common place in English schools and was completely acceptable.

Yes and it was banned as it was a cruel punishment that only satisfies a teachers desire to hurt people.

Since corporal punishment was banned in English schools discipline has become a major problem

No it hasn't. In fact the major problem in england is old people littering and performing

then blaming it on the young. Everyone buys into it because it's easier to blame the faceless mob youth then to consider that granny could be doing it.

With regards to this case it seems to be a typical Christian school. This is why religion and religious specific schools should be banned.


. Since corporal punishment was banned in English schools discipline has become a major problem

Absolute nonsense - this kind of glib remark is and cannot be based on any sound information - it is simply a nape-of-the-neck comment based on pub chit-chat and tabloid newspapers.


. Since corporal punishment was banned in English schools discipline has become a major problem

Absolute nonsense - this kind of glib remark is and cannot be based on any sound information - it is simply a nape-of-the-neck comment based on pub chit-chat and tabloid newspapers.


From my observation the Catholic school system turns out some of the brightest people in society.

then your observation is blinkered to the psychologically maimed and physically abused who are also products of that system.


Disgusting and completely unacceptable

For the past two generations, parents have become far too soft in raising their children, they regard and treat their kid's as if they were toys to play with, in fact they are so besotted with them that the kid's are being master of the household and do as they like.

It is well known that this kind of child raising / upbringing amounts to children having no discipline and therefore have bad manners, unfortunately, the kids are not aware of the fact that this is wrong, since their parents allowed them to behave like this throughout their infancy, obviously, this kind of upbringing is not beneficial for children.

When children start school, then teachers have to handle those kids, and are of course not impressed with the sort of manners in which some of the children conduct themselves, and in order to deal with this teachers have to introduce some sort of class discipline, and this is where "canning" enters the scene, although illegal now, it has nevertheless in the past served generation after generation rather well.

Some of the replies here ... suggesting "GULAG" style punishments indicates clearly how besotted those parents are, they should begin to understand that teaching discipline and good manners for the children must begin at home from the outset during infancy, and they must also begin to realise that parental besottedness is not at all beneficial for their offspring.

totally bizarre - can you try and explain on what authoritative information you have formulated this hypothesis?


. Since corporal punishment was banned in English schools discipline has become a major problem

Absolute nonsense - this kind of glib remark is and cannot be based on any sound information - it is simply a nape-of-the-neck comment based on pub chit-chat and tabloid newspapers.

Well posted Deeral, I agree

There is more to parenting than discipline and corporal punishment, anyone who thinks that corporal punishment is a good or acceptable way to discipline is in fact a plain lazy parent. Emphasis has shifted toward promoting self confidence and action etc in children, especially the last 20 years. At the same time, parents (and schools) doing this have not adequately adjusted other aspects of the parentling to cater for the change. Sample: Respect in average has gone down in today's children compared to 30 years ago, and it is simply because parents and schools have been promoting e.g. self confidence and action more and they didn't think of that if they do that, they must adjust in other areas too or end result will in fact be that respect has been given less priority in the childs upbringing. Where this wasn't adequately compensated, the end result became children who show less respect. Surprise, surprise. And some people are quick to blaim the children...

To think that this has happened because they aren't hit any longer is plain bizarre and tells more about the shallow thinking of that person than of the actions of the child he describes


The truley sad thing i s that this highlights the level of ignorance about Thailand that exists in the forum. I teach here and from my own experience I would say caning, hiting on the head (usually lightly),cutting chunks of hair very near the scalp, spanking hard, walloping kids and screaming at them are all part and parcel of thai school life. over a hundred kids in a school of nearly 3000 will come late everyday, the boys often get caned for that,but it happens EVERY DAY.

Oh sure, its illeagal. But if the parents "consent" then its no biggy. Yeah, I was shocked the first few times. I would add, I've only seen it done to boys in a mixed school. But given this was on the news and everyone here is Korat knows about it. To see the same little Hitlers out today at assembly with their sticks meating out punishments... and as I walked through the gates I saw a pile of students hair where they had the shears out and were enforcing the school hair cut on non-compliant students. To a westerner, yeah seems barbaric. But then this is Thailand.


Let's also remember the serious level of domestic violence in Thailand, canings, slappings, and what-not at school sure as heck are not helping in teaching children that violence shouldn't be condoned.

I wonder how many of the people supporting beatings for children also think wives "need to be shown their place" every now and then. :angry:


Disgusting and completely unacceptable

For the past two generations, parents have become far too soft in raising their children, they regard and treat their kid's as if they were toys to play with, in fact they are so besotted with them that the kid's are being master of the household and do as they like.

It is well known that this kind of child raising / upbringing amounts to children having no discipline and therefore have bad manners, unfortunately, the kids are not aware of the fact that this is wrong, since their parents allowed them to behave like this throughout their infancy, obviously, this kind of upbringing is not beneficial for children.

When children start school, then teachers have to handle those kids, and are of course not impressed with the sort of manners in which some of the children conduct themselves, and in order to deal with this teachers have to introduce some sort of class discipline, and this is where "canning" enters the scene, although illegal now, it has nevertheless in the past served generation after generation rather well.

Some of the replies here ... suggesting "GULAG" style punishments indicates clearly how besotted those parents are, they should begin to understand that teaching discipline and good manners for the children must begin at home from the outset during infancy, and they must also begin to realise that parental besottedness is not at all beneficial for their offspring.

totally bizarre - can you try and explain on what authoritative information you have formulated this hypothesis?

I would expect that the 'authoritative information' is based upon keeping his eyes open. I have first hand experience of raising a child here and what personchester is saying is pretty much true, not bizarre at all.


. Since corporal punishment was banned in English schools discipline has become a major problem

Absolute nonsense - this kind of glib remark is and cannot be based on any sound information - it is simply a nape-of-the-neck comment based on pub chit-chat and tabloid newspapers.

Well posted Deeral, I agree

There is more to parenting than discipline and corporal punishment, anyone who thinks that corporal punishment is a good or acceptable way to discipline is in fact a plain lazy parent. Emphasis has shifted toward promoting self confidence and action etc in children, especially the last 20 years. At the same time, parents (and schools) doing this have not adequately adjusted other aspects of the parentling to cater for the change. Sample: Respect in average has gone down in today's children compared to 30 years ago, and it is simply because parents and schools have been promoting e.g. self confidence and action more and they didn't think of that if they do that, they must adjust in other areas too or end result will in fact be that respect has been given less priority in the childs upbringing. Where this wasn't adequately compensated, the end result became children who show less respect. Surprise, surprise. And some people are quick to blaim the children too...

To think that this has happened because they aren't hit any longer is plain bizarre and tells more about the shallow thinking of that person than of the actions of the child he describes

"respect" is a highly nebulous concept - yet I'm pretty convinced that whatever it is, it is something you EARN....not something yo extract by force or any other means - that is called "fear" isn't it?

The fact is that over the last 50 years perceptions of misbehavior amongst children and interpretations of "normal deliquency" in a school situation have changed.reporting and analysing of children's behaviour has not just changed it was virtually non-esistant before.....so comments that simply accept an "increase in bad behaviour" as "TRUE" especially without any definition have to be viewed as suspect at least or fallacious.

as a bizarre example - there are several recorded instances of rioting in schools (even the UK public schools) in the nineteenth century.....not common today - so one might deduce a decrease in certain forms of delinquency?


Disgusting and completely unacceptable

For the past two generations, parents have become far too soft in raising their children, they regard and treat their kid's as if they were toys to play with, in fact they are so besotted with them that the kid's are being master of the household and do as they like.

It is well known that this kind of child raising / upbringing amounts to children having no discipline and therefore have bad manners, unfortunately, the kids are not aware of the fact that this is wrong, since their parents allowed them to behave like this throughout their infancy, obviously, this kind of upbringing is not beneficial for children.

When children start school, then teachers have to handle those kids, and are of course not impressed with the sort of manners in which some of the children conduct themselves, and in order to deal with this teachers have to introduce some sort of class discipline, and this is where "canning" enters the scene, although illegal now, it has nevertheless in the past served generation after generation rather well.

Some of the replies here ... suggesting "GULAG" style punishments indicates clearly how besotted those parents are, they should begin to understand that teaching discipline and good manners for the children must begin at home from the outset during infancy, and they must also begin to realise that parental besottedness is not at all beneficial for their offspring.

totally bizarre - can you try and explain on what authoritative information you have formulated this hypothesis?

I would expect that the 'authoritative information' is based upon keeping his eyes open. I have first hand experience of raising a child here and what personchester is saying is pretty much true, not bizarre at all.

It is sad that you and the other poster consider themselves to be "authorities' on this and mistake life experience" as a substitute for critical thinking and research........ALL children have "parents" at some point - including those who are beaten and abused - s by your definition they are "by experience" qualified to care for, beat and otherwise abuse their kids - because of "keeping his eyes open. I have first hand experience of raising a child"???????


At the end of the day there are people on this thread who for one reason or another are advocating violence towards children.

this violence if/when used on adults would receive international condemnation.

The other factor is that many have openly stated that "It didn't do them any harm" - Well I'd submit that the fact that they are proposing the continued use of violence on a further generation of children would suggest the opposite is true

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It is sad that you and the other poster consider themselves to be "authorities' on this and mistake life experience" as a substitute for critical thinking and research........ALL children have "parents" at some point - including those who are beaten and abused - s by your definition they are "by experience" qualified to care for, beat and otherwise abuse their kids - because of "keeping his eyes open. I have first hand experience of raising a child"???????

I'm very sorry, you can do as much research as you want but it is not as good as practical first hand experience.... if you want to learn how to make a stew, you need to make a stew, and you probably will not get it right first time, just like parenting if you have never done it before.

BTW, at which point did I condone beating children? I don't believe that I did.

I consider the actions of the teacher in question to be totally barbaric and unnecessary, but a level of chastisement (that doesn't leave bruises) is an absolute requirement if you want to raise normal, respectful kids.

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however, should teacher caning occur then that is indicative of parental failure to raise their children in a respective and responsible manner.

So in the case that you think the parents failed in teaching good manners to the child, inflicting physical violence upon children is justified?

We are dealing here with the parental raising of children from infancy to school age

That is not accurate. We are dealing with the issue of inflicting physical violence upon children (or people in general) to force them to do or behave in the way that you desire.

When is it Ok to hit children or anyone? I think the only time it is Ok is in self-defence if they are attacking you.

This is about using violence to control people, so my question about whether it's Ok to hit a maid if you think she didn't clean properly is relevant. Someone mentioned a similar thing about hitting your wife... is it Ok to beat her if she does something you didn't like or didn't do what you told her to do? If not, then how is it then Ok to hit a child who is still learning about life and the world? Should they be taught that violence is the way to make people do what you want?

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For all you limp-wristed 'spare the rod' brigade,a short teaching gig in a Thai school might cure your bleeding heart.

..but I am repeating myself.

i have taught in a school in Thailand , and i can assure you if you can TEACH . There is no need to use physical violence againist children .


Horrible! Saw the picture of the kid who got canning with a golfclub...:blink:

May I ask you guys who are teachers here; why do you think they hit the kids is it because they have done something really bad or is this common practice when students haven't done their homework or such?

It's not an excuse, but I just wonder; are thai kids more playful in the classroom than their western counterpart or is it the same? One teacher I meet said that it's too many students per class so it gets rather noisy and hard to interact with the students.

Kids are kids, where ever they are from. They are not really that different, other than the religion and the usual brainwashing. But the expression from the teacher when he is canning, is scary. They do thoroughly enjoy it. When I leave my school, I will publish my little video. :rolleyes:

I would much rather prefer to see this:

I would like to see the video when you put it up

I agree this method is a much better method of punishment


The truley sad thing i s that this highlights the level of ignorance about Thailand that exists in the forum. I teach here and from my own experience I would say caning, hiting on the head (usually lightly),cutting chunks of hair very near the scalp, spanking hard, walloping kids and screaming at them are all part and parcel of thai school life. over a hundred kids in a school of nearly 3000 will come late everyday, the boys often get caned for that,but it happens EVERY DAY.

Oh sure, its illeagal. But if the parents "consent" then its no biggy. Yeah, I was shocked the first few times. I would add, I've only seen it done to boys in a mixed school. But given this was on the news and everyone here is Korat knows about it. To see the same little Hitlers out today at assembly with their sticks meating out punishments... and as I walked through the gates I saw a pile of students hair where they had the shears out and were enforcing the school hair cut on non-compliant students. To a westerner, yeah seems barbaric. But then this is Thailand.


Let's also remember the serious level of domestic violence in Thailand, canings, slappings, and what-not at school sure as heck are not helping in teaching children that violence shouldn't be condoned.

I wonder how many of the people supporting beatings for children also think wives "need to be shown their place" every now and then. :angry:

totally agree

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