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When The Neighbours Moves In A Piano


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I guess you could say I'm semi tolerant to noise levels in my condo, I'll actually put up with most stuff and on weekends I'll put up with nearly anything, but when the neighbour installed a piano the other day, well......

I compained to my landlord who also owns the next condo but this did not change much. Now it's 24 hrs of ding ding ding, poorly played scales and bad renditions of chopsticks.

I went around there to complain but I'm not sure how much it will help. I dunno, it just seems ridiculous that people will play these types of instruments in such confines. I can play the drums, I wonder how that would go down with them?

What are your thoughts/experiences on these kinds of matters, how much is too much?

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I guess you could say I'm semi tolerant to noise levels in my condo, I'll actually put up with most stuff and on weekends I'll put up with nearly anything, but when the neighbour installed a piano the other day, well......

I compained to my landlord who also owns the next condo but this did not change much. Now it's 24 hrs of ding ding ding, poorly played scales and bad renditions of chopsticks.

I went around there to complain but I'm not sure how much it will help. I dunno, it just seems ridiculous that people will play these types of instruments in such confines. I can play the drums, I wonder how that would go down with them?

What are your thoughts/experiences on these kinds of matters, how much is too much?

You, sir, need to move back to the US where the color of your house, length of the grass etc is decided by a homeowners association or city council.

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I guess you could say I'm semi tolerant to noise levels in my condo, I'll actually put up with most stuff and on weekends I'll put up with nearly anything, but when the neighbour installed a piano the other day, well......

I compained to my landlord who also owns the next condo but this did not change much. Now it's 24 hrs of ding ding ding, poorly played scales and bad renditions of chopsticks.

I went around there to complain but I'm not sure how much it will help. I dunno, it just seems ridiculous that people will play these types of instruments in such confines. I can play the drums, I wonder how that would go down with them?

What are your thoughts/experiences on these kinds of matters, how much is too much?

My advice ... get the drums... give em a dose of their own medicine and all that.. :o

totster :D

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I don't live in a condo but I am guilty of cranking the guitar amplifiers up in my studio, however the neighbors have never complained. I think they should make it mandatory for beginner piano players to play with a keyboard through headphones before touching a piano. If I was you, I would rent a set of drums for the weekend and sharpen up your skills.... :o Just last weekend at a friends house after a few 100 Pipers bottles...we cranked out the guitars and mandolin at 2 am....and this crazy Russian woman from the Hotel across came down blabbering in her slavic slurr....the security guard was listening to us and smiled.....The worse is, my friend invited her for a drink and to sit down and listen to us jam, all smiles and very polite....while she was probably damning us and our future generations....

1. Maybe foam insulation might help you

2. Get a nice set of Tama drums with Zildjan cymbals...and if you supply the beer and bail money I can get a band together.... :D and we can play at your place...

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I guess you could say I'm semi tolerant to noise levels in my condo, I'll actually put up with most stuff and on weekends I'll put up with nearly anything, but when the neighbour installed a piano the other day, well......

I compained to my landlord who also owns the next condo but this did not change much. Now it's 24 hrs of ding ding ding, poorly played scales and bad renditions of chopsticks.

I went around there to complain but I'm not sure how much it will help. I dunno, it just seems ridiculous that people will play these types of instruments in such confines. I can play the drums, I wonder how that would go down with them?

What are your thoughts/experiences on these kinds of matters, how much is too much?

You, sir, need to move back to the US where the color of your house, length of the grass etc is decided by a homeowners association or city council.

Fair enough, you believe that kind of noise in a condo is acceptable (that was the point of my question) but I don't think I'm the kind of person you are depicting me as.

Oh, and where in my post did I say I was from the US? You need to read posts more carfully lest you make a a*se out of yourself.

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I guess you could say I'm semi tolerant to noise levels in my condo, I'll actually put up with most stuff and on weekends I'll put up with nearly anything, but when the neighbour installed a piano the other day, well......

I compained to my landlord who also owns the next condo but this did not change much. Now it's 24 hrs of ding ding ding, poorly played scales and bad renditions of chopsticks.

I went around there to complain but I'm not sure how much it will help. I dunno, it just seems ridiculous that people will play these types of instruments in such confines. I can play the drums, I wonder how that would go down with them?

What are your thoughts/experiences on these kinds of matters, how much is too much?

You, sir, need to move back to the US where the color of your house, length of the grass etc is decided by a homeowners association or city council.

Fair enough, you believe that kind of noise in a condo is acceptable (that was the point of my question) but I don't think I'm the kind of person you are depicting me as.

Oh, and where in my post did I say I was from the US? You need to read posts more carfully lest you make a a*se out of yourself.

I think playing a piano inside ones very own condo unit is acceptable, yes. Drums or amplified music is more questionable, but a piano?!

You didn't state anywhere in your post that you are from the US, but your attitude reveals it.

Maybe you can report your neighbour to your home owners association or drag him to court over his kids noisy piano lessons? :o

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I guess you could say I'm semi tolerant to noise levels in my condo, I'll actually put up with most stuff and on weekends I'll put up with nearly anything, but when the neighbour installed a piano the other day, well......

I compained to my landlord who also owns the next condo but this did not change much. Now it's 24 hrs of ding ding ding, poorly played scales and bad renditions of chopsticks.

I went around there to complain but I'm not sure how much it will help. I dunno, it just seems ridiculous that people will play these types of instruments in such confines. I can play the drums, I wonder how that would go down with them?

What are your thoughts/experiences on these kinds of matters, how much is too much?

My advice ... get the drums... give em a dose of their own medicine and all that.. :o

totster :D

I concur. Even better, i was in a similar predicament and so a friend of mine lent me his Tenor Saxaphone which i could not play at all. Let me tell you my friend, listening to someone blowing a Saxaphone who cannot play is far worse than listening to someone play the drums who can play. :D It got on my T1ts just as much as the neighbours and so we came to amicable agreement :D:D

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Have you considered retrofitting in extra sound proofing? The sound proofing in Thai buildings is pretty bad in my experience. I just accept and try to take the "mai pen rai" attitude that I'll hear everytime the neighbor flushes their toilet, shuts any of their doors, and not to mention all the racket that comes in from the outside. The situation reminds me of insulation--rather than spend a fraction more to properly insulate a building, they'll just bypass that resulting in everyone needing to blast their air conditioners every day to compensate. Long term benefits just don't seem to factor into any Thai equations.

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I guess you could say I'm semi tolerant to noise levels in my condo, I'll actually put up with most stuff and on weekends I'll put up with nearly anything, but when the neighbour installed a piano the other day, well......

I compained to my landlord who also owns the next condo but this did not change much. Now it's 24 hrs of ding ding ding, poorly played scales and bad renditions of chopsticks.

I went around there to complain but I'm not sure how much it will help. I dunno, it just seems ridiculous that people will play these types of instruments in such confines. I can play the drums, I wonder how that would go down with them?

What are your thoughts/experiences on these kinds of matters, how much is too much?

You, sir, need to move back to the US where the color of your house, length of the grass etc is decided by a homeowners association or city council.

Fair enough, you believe that kind of noise in a condo is acceptable (that was the point of my question) but I don't think I'm the kind of person you are depicting me as.

Oh, and where in my post did I say I was from the US? You need to read posts more carfully lest you make a a*se out of yourself.

I think playing a piano inside ones very own condo unit is acceptable, yes. Drums or amplified music is more questionable, but a piano?!

You didn't state anywhere in your post that you are from the US, but your attitude reveals it.

Maybe you can report your neighbour to your home owners association or drag him to court over his kids noisy piano lessons? :o

My attitude? I was just wondering on ppls thoughts on playing loud music in apt buildings, and I'm not from the US so please stop making a fool out of yourself.

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Have you considered retrofitting in extra sound proofing? The sound proofing in Thai buildings is pretty bad in my experience. I just accept and try to take the "mai pen rai" attitude that I'll hear everytime the neighbor flushes their toilet, shuts any of their doors, and not to mention all the racket that comes in from the outside. The situation reminds me of insulation--rather than spend a fraction more to properly insulate a building, they'll just bypass that resulting in everyone needing to blast their air conditioners every day to compensate. Long term benefits just don't seem to factor into any Thai equations.

Give me toilet flushes rather than chopsticks for the umpteenth time anyday. I never knew a toilet could sound so musical :o

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...I was just wondering on ppls thoughts on playing loud music in apt buildings...

Try turning your stereo speakers to the wall - I hope you have some - and blast them when they start to play the piano. This "mai pben rai" attitude is stupid if it means you can't get any peace because of inconsiderate neighbours. Blast them with some Led Zeppelin II :o

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If you go with the sound proofing, be sure to design it to where you can change out the desicants (because they expire, just like in a bag of chips), or else you're asking for a mold factory in the local climate. My cousin had to redo an entire room 3 years after having it installed.


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If you go with the sound proofing, be sure to design it to where you can change out the desicants (because they expire, just like in a bag of chips), or else you're asking for a mold factory in the local climate.  My cousin had to redo an entire room 3 years after having it installed. 


Sound proofing with dessicant....never heard of it but it piques my interest. Do you know what kind it is or what its made from?

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Someday that piano may make a happy sound if you can be patient...............sometimes hard to do!

And the US? Hmmm I have heard noisy Americans, Middle kingdom Chinese, Stuffy English, Smug Canadians and NZ er's, Snooty French, Introspective Swiss, Formalized Germans, Superior Swedes, Drunk Irishman, Gutteral Scots, Clipped Dutchman, Educated Japanese, Scholarshipped Koreans, Babushka'd Russians, Aloof Finns and Danes, Rapppin Jamaicans, Blacks Jazzin and bogeyin', Smiling Filipinos and Thais, Latinos belting it out---did I miss anyone--sorry if I did, as they all live in the US in their millions--and it is possible to allow a bit of room for all. Makes a pretty good noise overall, anyway.

Now if I can just get my snoot down horizontal where me ears can hear again---I have such a hard time rememberin' that I ain't but one of us and forebearance ain't such a bad thing.............! Cheers.

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... and turn the bass knob all the way up, treble all the way down. Bass carries so well through concrete.

I've still got my Goodman's Magnum speakers in England. I wish I could bring them here, but they're so damm heavy. I could only turn them up to 50 % full volume because things would start to fall off the walls, like... the bathroom tiles. :o

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The neighbour on the Piano, you on the drums, try to move in a few guitarists and a Singer into the building, and you got yourself a band!

Happy Jamming    :o

Could it be Scampy?

unfortunately its a fact of apartment/condo life.

If it gets to you in the end you may have to Sell up & move out next time check apart/condo rules before purchasing

Edited by sonong1
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You mention in the OP that you have spoken to the landlord. Have you spoken to the people with the piano? Or is this who you were referring to when you said “I went around there to complain”?

After explaining the situation to the neighbors, and taking it up with the landlord, you really have little choice.

1) Put up with it :D

2) Move :o

3) Create noise (drums, sax, stereo) from your own condo that will carry into their (to help them better understand the situation). :D

Personally I like the create noise and think the bag-pipes or sax are good options.

Of course you could go down to NEP bring a few “screamers” home and go to work creating some noise of your own. For a very reasonable price you can probably even get a couple to move in for a week or so. :D

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Of course you could go down to NEP bring a few “screamers” home and go to work creating some noise of your own.  For a very reasonable price you can probably even get a couple to move in for a week or so.  :o

It's just getting them to move back out! :D

Getting your house soundproofed seems a bit unfair in this situation. After all, it's them who should be taking the responsibility.

I used to be a noisy neighbour, and the "receiving a bit of my own medicine" trick worked on me. All fairly lighthearted with no aggression, but no loud noise from my old apartment past 9pm from then on.

Moved into a house now, so things are a little different.

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Getting your house soundproofed seems a bit unfair in this situation. After all, it's them who should be taking the responsibility.

Absolutely right!

I used to be a noisy neighbour, and the "receiving a bit of my own medicine" trick worked on me. All fairly lighthearted with no aggression, but no loud noise from my old apartment past 9pm from then on.

I think fighting fire with fire is definitely the way to go- when the piano is plinking away in the wee hours- blast some rock and roll loud enough to drown out the plinking and aggrivate them a little.

You may also want to talk to the other tenants in the building- a letter under the doors of the condos above, below and beside the piano condo and see if anyone else is bothered. There is strength in numbers, and the landlord will have no choice but to take some action.

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