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Biker Paralysed In Crash Now Stranded In Thai


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What a coincidence of news. In german news today: a 39 old man lies paralysed in a Songhkla hospital for months now. No family members.

Is it OK to set a link to this story from a german tabloid:

German paralysed in Thai hospital for 10 months, no family to pick him up

As far as I am aware the young German lad has already been repatriated. The local hospital did most of the fund raising. Living in Songkhla I know this hospital well and I hate to go there when visiting family or friends who are unfortunate enough to have to use this facility.

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I see the logic being spouted here,

riding bike on country road minding own buisness, suddenly - of course that truck overtaking the other truck has seen me on my side of the road , small bike, no worries - oops-

head squashed like watermelon, insurance means remains are scraped off road and shipped to family, family obviously very happy with remains and console selves with sighs of ahh at least the wee nipper had insurance we would be fried catfish otherwise

other case no insurance

head is removed from road and put in box, TV members have no sympathy for you or your family, doh while sitting on your cloud or as the flames start to reach your ears you are thinking if only I had got insurance then TV members would have loved me too, but seems I am fuc_ked cos I don't have insurance

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I've got no sympathy for this person at all. If you decide against taking up travel insurance when going to a place like Thailand, you deserve whatever happens to you if you have an accident. No sympathy from me.

Sounds like you've never been young and taken chances, and had a very boring life. :rolleyes:

You're way off the mark buddy - I actually have an excellent life. I wouldn't trade it with anyone. I have a kick-ass job. Am only 28 years of age and I already own my own home and have almost finished paying off the mortgage to my investment property. Life is brilliant!! I am also well traveled. Also, whenever I go to Third-world, desolate countries like Thailand, I ALWAYS get the maximum amount of travel insurance possible. Anything could happen while traveling to one of those countries.

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I see the logic being spouted here,

riding bike on country road minding own buisness, suddenly - of course that truck overtaking the other truck has seen me on my side of the road , small bike, no worries - oops-

head squashed like watermelon, insurance means remains are scraped off road and shipped to family, family obviously very happy with remains and console selves with sighs of ahh at least the wee nipper had insurance we would be fried catfish otherwise

other case no insurance

head is removed from road and put in box, TV members have no sympathy for you or your family, doh while sitting on your cloud or as the flames start to reach your ears you are thinking if only I had got insurance then TV members would have loved me too, but seems I am fuc_ked cos I don't have insurance

Bottom line is he should have had insurance. End of story. If you go traveling anywhere, you should insure yourselves - That way other people don't have to financially come to the rescue for you and waste their money. If this <deleted> had insurance he would've saved himself being stuck in Thailand longer than he was, and would've been home earlier. Oh well.....at least next time he'll fork out the extra cash to get insurance - although it'll probably be hard to travel after he's done that to himself.

are you stupid or what are you aware the persons family may read this have some respect...............

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I've got no sympathy for this person at all. If you decide against taking up travel insurance when going to a place like Thailand, you deserve whatever happens to you if you have an accident. No sympathy from me.

How can anyone say; the kid deserves something like this? I have kids of that age and imagine how a parent would feel reading this <deleted>?

And if anything similar should happen to you, I wouldn`t lose any sleep over it, whether your insured or not.

Something in your life must have affected you badly, to have such a sick and twisted opinion.

I hope this boy can make some sort of recovery. I am by no means religous, but if I were, I would say, may God bless and protect this family and relieve the pain and suffering they must be going through.

Remember, friends and family of the lad maybe reading these posts, have a heart posters, please.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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I see the logic being spouted here,

riding bike on country road minding own buisness, suddenly - of course that truck overtaking the other truck has seen me on my side of the road , small bike, no worries - oops-

head squashed like watermelon, insurance means remains are scraped off road and shipped to family, family obviously very happy with remains and console selves with sighs of ahh at least the wee nipper had insurance we would be fried catfish otherwise

other case no insurance

head is removed from road and put in box, TV members have no sympathy for you or your family, doh while sitting on your cloud or as the flames start to reach your ears you are thinking if only I had got insurance then TV members would have loved me too, but seems I am fuc_ked cos I don't have insurance

Bottom line is he should have had insurance. End of story. If you go traveling anywhere, you should insure yourselves - That way other people don't have to financially come to the rescue for you and waste their money. If this <deleted> had insurance he would've saved himself being stuck in Thailand longer than he was, and would've been home earlier. Oh well.....at least next time he'll fork out the extra cash to get insurance - although it'll probably be hard to travel after he's done that to himself.

are you stupid or what are you aware the persons family may read this have some respect...............

I do have respect. Self respect. On the other hand, I've got no respect for ignorant travelers that don't think their travel plans through before hand and decide not to get travel insurance. If anything ends up happening to them, more often than not are they a financial drain on other peoples pockets. What's wrong in saying that he deserves what has happened to him? Life was never meant to be easy. At least next time he'll probably get travel insurance this time.

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I see the logic being spouted here,

riding bike on country road minding own buisness, suddenly - of course that truck overtaking the other truck has seen me on my side of the road , small bike, no worries - oops-

head squashed like watermelon, insurance means remains are scraped off road and shipped to family, family obviously very happy with remains and console selves with sighs of ahh at least the wee nipper had insurance we would be fried catfish otherwise

other case no insurance

head is removed from road and put in box, TV members have no sympathy for you or your family, doh while sitting on your cloud or as the flames start to reach your ears you are thinking if only I had got insurance then TV members would have loved me too, but seems I am fuc_ked cos I don't have insurance

Bottom line is he should have had insurance. End of story. If you go traveling anywhere, you should insure yourselves - That way other people don't have to financially come to the rescue for you and waste their money. If this <deleted> had insurance he would've saved himself being stuck in Thailand longer than he was, and would've been home earlier. Oh well.....at least next time he'll fork out the extra cash to get insurance - although it'll probably be hard to travel after he's done that to himself.

are you stupid or what are you aware the persons family may read this have some respect...............

I do have respect. Self respect. On the other hand, I've got no respect for ignorant travelers that don't think their travel plans through before hand and decide not to get travel insurance. If anything ends up happening to them, more often than not are they a financial drain on other peoples pockets. What's wrong in saying that he deserves what has happened to him? Life was never meant to be easy. At least next time he'll probably get travel insurance this time.

should you ever be in hospital in a bad way please post the details here as i would love to come and visit you with a few spoken words at your bedside...:jerk:

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Some plonkers just don't get it. Insurance does not prevent accidents from happening.

So you have a accident and let's say you lose a leg with insurance, everyone should give you sympathy no insurance means no sympathy. Divvy


but i would have used a harsher word than 'plonkers'

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Some plonkers just don't get it. Insurance does not prevent accidents from happening.

So you have a accident and let's say you lose a leg with insurance, everyone should give you sympathy no insurance means no sympathy. Divvy


but i would have used a harsher word than 'plonkers'

If you make the foolish decision not to pay for travelers insurance, you are like the fool that is now paralyzed. He is definitely worthy of the title: Plonker.

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I've got no sympathy for this person at all. If you decide against taking up travel insurance when going to a place like Thailand, you deserve whatever happens to you if you have an accident. No sympathy from me.

I'm tempted to say something else but I'll make do with : Sometimes it's better to say nothing.

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I've got no sympathy for this person at all. If you decide against taking up travel insurance when going to a place like Thailand, you deserve whatever happens to you if you have an accident. No sympathy from me.

Sounds like you've never been young and taken chances, and had a very boring life. :rolleyes:

You're way off the mark buddy - I actually have an excellent life. I wouldn't trade it with anyone. I have a kick-ass job. Am only 28 years of age and I already own my own home and have almost finished paying off the mortgage to my investment property. Life is brilliant!! I am also well traveled. Also, whenever I go to Third-world, desolate countries like Thailand, I ALWAYS get the maximum amount of travel insurance possible. Anything could happen while traveling to one of those countries.

Well good for you, you are one of the lucky ones with ooooodles of cash so nothing is a problem, keep it up and lets be careful out there. :D ( God what a boring bloke )

I am guessing your American cos some always go on about money. Strange that.

Actually I'm not American - I'm Australian. I wish I was American though - I admire the American way. They're leading the world in everything, and all credit to them. If you can't beat `em, join em. In 3 months I'm off to LA for 3 weeks, and I can't wait!!! Even when going to the States I get travel insurance!!

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I've got no sympathy for this person at all. If you decide against taking up travel insurance when going to a place like Thailand, you deserve whatever happens to you if you have an accident. No sympathy from me.

I'm tempted to say something else but I'll make do with : Sometimes it's better to say nothing.

I fail to see what's wrong with expressing an opinion. Especially an opinion that is 100% valid - I think most people would agree with me in saying that it's not merely an opinion, but fact. Fact: You are stupid if you decide not to get travel insurance when you go overseas. If you decide not to get travel insurance, then you deserve whatever comes your way. If you get crippled, suck it up brother. You're NEVER going to walk again, and that's YOUR fault. Whenever you look at normal people walking around, going about their day, you have yourself to blame when you're in a wheelchair and can't even take a piss without the assistance of another person. In the real world, you have to live by the consequences of your actions. That's life. Life is tough, so get used to it.

Everyone, I think, would agree that insurance is always wise to have. My comment was directed to your saying you have no sympathy for a guy who's been left paralyzed from the neck down and virtually blind. Would you sympathise with him if he had insurance? after all, his injuries would still be the same.

Edited by JUDAS
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If any of the relatives of the paralyzed guy is reading this, I ask you: Why on earth did you not advise your loved one the importance of traveling with Travel Insurance? Whenever I travel, I always have my family asking if I got travel insurance (and of course I did, on every occasion). - There is no way I would like to be a drain on my loved ones financial resources (like this <deleted>). Really, when you look at all of this - it's all just common sense, and I've got no sympathy for anyone that is dumb, and makes stupid choices.

Hope the plane doesn't crash on the way to the States. But just in case, make sure you take out a good insurance policy for your next of kin, if you have any?

I mean, no one would wish to hear of anything bad happening to you, would they? Or should we open a poll on the subject? I know which way I`m voting.

Let me tell you straight out, I have been viewing Thai visa on and off for a long time and you are the nastiest bit of work on here yet.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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If any of the relatives of the paralyzed guy is reading this, I ask you: Why on earth did you not advise your loved one the importance of traveling with Travel Insurance? Whenever I travel, I always have my family asking if I got travel insurance (and of course I did, on every occasion). - There is no way I would like to be a drain on my loved ones financial resources (like this <deleted>). Really, when you look at all of this - it's all just common sense, and I've got no sympathy for anyone that is dumb, and makes stupid choices.

YOU <deleted>, must be one of the nastiest vile persons who's posts On Thai Visa, lets hope you get shown the door by admin or mods, when writing what you have wrote in your posts in this thread, do you not stop to think that what you have said could be very upsetting to family or freinds who may be reading this thread, your nothing IMHO but a troll of the worst kind, I know I shouldn't respond and feed you, but I can't help it on this occasion. You get my vote for being IMO ars*hole of the month..

Feel free to reply, I won't respond to you, my last words are........

"Engage brain before typing finger".

Hope the chap in the OP recovers as best as is possible, and if family and freinds are reading this thread, I'll say just this, not all people who use this site are low life pond life like MHayden.

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Bottom line is he should have had insurance. End of story.

Had you bothered to read into this you would of course know that he did have insurance but it had lapsed.

Extending one time travel insurance for a short term trip is not always an option and to get a new policy he would have needed to return to the UK and make a fresh trip. Without taking out a long term ex pat full insurance policy he didn't have many options. Most annual multi trip policies that I've come across will limit trip lengths to between 30 and 90 days. The exception to this are the more specialised 'gap year / backpacker' style policies which you would only purchase if you were planning an extended trip before you depart which doesn't appear to be the case here.

So, he did have insurance in he first instance and quite possibly it would not have been easy to extend it once it had lapsed, if not impossible.

Edited by ukrules
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On a topic like this l am really glad, with all our known differences, that we all pull together in showing care and consideration for the traumatised and his family and ridicule an obvious nasty piece of work who thinks of himself. I feel a bit ashamed really but at least l, or we have shown we will not stand by and read his crap when a guy needs some support and his god willing, recovery.

Seconded, I don't normally report people, but in this case I've done so and I hope other members have, IMO Thai Visa don't need people like MHayden, but I'll leave that to the admin/mods to decide.

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On a topic like this l am really glad, with all our known differences, that we all pull together in showing care and consideration for the traumatised and his family and ridicule an obvious nasty piece of work who thinks of himself. I feel a bit ashamed really but at least l, or we have shown we will not stand by and read his crap when a guy needs some support and his god willing, recovery.

Seconded, I don't normally report people, but in this case I've done so and I hope other members have, IMO Thai Visa don't need people like MHayden, but I'll leave that to the admin/mods to decide.

Don't forget to vote him down as well.

post-33509-031416100 1285081211_thumb.jp

Edited by metisdead
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mHayden, You focus on this person's lapse in insurance... Our sypmathies lie with a man who has suddenly become a quadraplegic and partially blind. Suddenly, a real person who is now having to face very tough life challenges.

mHayden. you have such a lot to learn !

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Insurance or not this poor guy and his family will have to live with this for the rest of his/their lives.

The injuries and the prognosis would not be changed by having insurance.

lack of insurance for whatever reason, sure will cost a bit now.

But in the long run 10 20 30 40 50 years from now I don't think it will make a jot of difference to this unfortunates world.

Very sad indeed.

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I've got no sympathy for this person at all. If you decide against taking up travel insurance when going to a place like Thailand, you deserve whatever happens to you if you have an accident. No sympathy from me.

Think about what your saying man.

What the fuc_k has insurance got to do with being paralised for life.

Sorry to inform you but no insurance can insure you wont end up paralised.

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Yes, Kev,..... but its the so total lack of compassion shown by mhayden that's got me riled more than anything else in the many years that I have also lurked on this forum. I really wish mhayden would come back on this thread, and at least say, 'Sorry, really sorry, guys, I was just focussing on the insurance aspect, and was distracted from the injuries concerned'. Not a brilliant reply by no means, but possibly one by which he wouldn't be catogorized as a clinical sociapath slamming his/her in our face in ours.

What's really worrying is that mhayden's has apparently been a member of ThaiVisa for nearly 7 years already !!

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He took a risk with a small probability of going bad and paid the ultimate price but what is a life without risk...it's an existence.

I had a motorcycle 'accident' last year which could have easily left me in the same position. I have never been afraid of dying while riding a motorbike, only being injured in this way and being dependant on a relative to give up their life and join my existence.

I wish his mother and family the best and express my condolences for the accident. Maybe a scrap of solace could be gained from the knowledge he was treading into the unknown, exploring, learning, not stagnating in his home town, drinking down the same boozer every day after work...

Those of you who are saying he got what he deserved shame on you. If one of the man's relatives is reading this you have to understand that the underbelly of society (the absolute least sensitive people in the world) are some of the people sitting at Pattaya/Bangkok/Phuket(s) bars and coming on here because they don't and wouldn't if they even could talk to their wives.

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On a topic like this l am really glad, with all our known differences, that we all pull together in showing care and consideration for the traumatised and his family and ridicule an obvious nasty piece of work who thinks of himself. I feel a bit ashamed really but at least l, or we have shown we will not stand by and read his crap when a guy needs some support and his god willing, recovery.

Seconded, I don't normally report people, but in this case I've done so and I hope other members have, IMO Thai Visa don't need people like MHayden, but I'll leave that to the admin/mods to decide.

Good idea. I am about to do the same.

If I put into text what I am thinking, I would be banned.

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I've got no sympathy for this person at all. If you decide against taking up travel insurance when going to a place like Thailand, you deserve whatever happens to you if you have an accident. No sympathy from me.

I'm tempted to say something else but I'll make do with : Sometimes it's better to say nothing.

I fail to see what's wrong with expressing an opinion. Especially an opinion that is 100% valid - I think most people would agree with me in saying that it's not merely an opinion, but fact. Fact: You are stupid if you decide not to get travel insurance when you go overseas. If you decide not to get travel insurance, then you deserve whatever comes your way. If you get crippled, suck it up brother. You're NEVER going to walk again, and that's YOUR fault. Whenever you look at normal people walking around, going about their day, you have yourself to blame when you're in a wheelchair and can't even take a piss without the assistance of another person. In the real world, you have to live by the consequences of your actions. That's life. Life is tough, so get used to it.

This guy thinks he's rich in life but as far as I'm concerned he is a very very poor man with no grasp on the important things in life ie. compassion.

Good luck in America, you'll fit right in

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