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Coup In Oct For Sure


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That doesnt make sense. After Thailand is finally being hailed around the world

as having one of the strongest performing stock markets and economies in the region- why

would they spoil all this now ? :blink:

hypethetically (sp), you got one month to get all your money out now Midas, before bringing it back later at a much better >>> ? :lol:

Edited by bkkjames
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I would be interested to hear how TV posters have personally been affected by previous coups or how they would be affected in October's 'for sure' coup. I wouldn't expect the Baht to take a particularly steep dive unless there was also severe civil unrest following the coup.

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Defense Minister downplays coup rumor

BANGKOK (NNT) -- Defense Minister General Prawit Wongsuwan has voiced his readiness to consider lifting the state of emergency should the situation eases off, stressing that the military has no initiative to orchestrate a coup d’état.

General Prawit ensured the best effort of all security officers to maintain peace and order in the country while the situation has been improving. However, he admitted that the situation would also depend on the national politics.

The Minister then asked the public to have confidence with the operation of security officers as he brushed aside any concern for overseeing the prevailing security affairs.

General Prawit also dismissed any necessities for the military to trigger violence by themselves in a bid to extend the state of emergency enforcement as speculated. He said the special law could be revoked only upon the improvement of the situation and safety of people.

The Minister confirmed that the military so far had been operating in line with the Constitution as he downplayed any rumored attempt of the military to stage a coup d’état or other attempts to delay the new election. He reasoned that everything must proceed by protocol and depend on Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva.

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Coup poo. Why have a coup when they had one in May.....emergency degree, bulging military budgets, censorship gone mad......all the pluses without the international minuses of saying it was a coup.

Coup schmoo. Frankly, would most of us notice any difference?

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Coup poo. Why have a coup when they had one in May.....emergency degree, bulging military budgets, censorship gone mad......all the pluses without the international minuses of saying it was a coup.

Almost. We did have an attempted coup that resulted in the burning, pillaging, and rape of Bangkok. Fortunately the marauders were stopped and the damage contained.

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Well the government is getting concerned about the strength of the baht. This might be a uniquely Thai way of trying to ease the currency.

After the last coup the immediate effect was for the Baht to strengthen, never could figure that one out.

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I would be interested to hear how TV posters have personally been affected by previous coups or how they would be affected in October's 'for sure' coup. I wouldn't expect the Baht to take a particularly steep dive unless there was also severe civil unrest following the coup.

Part owner of a Thai bar.

The last disturbance and curfew cause the bar to almost go down the drain economically.

Will take some time (this rainy season not helping) to recover from those big losses.

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"for sure" in Thailand can mean a BIG maybe :lol:

How many of us have had the "I do on Monday for sure, jing jing" only to have a no-show come Mon, Tue, Wed......

lol, I had the balcony repainted during christmas. They came and ripped away the christmas lighting I'd spent 4 hours installing two days earlier. Then they painted HALF the balcony and then had to go and get more paint.

Still waiting for 'em to come back so I can put back the christmas lighting...


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Are we allowed to take scalps if we join the coup? I always liked lots of scalps on the pole outside my teepee. Bring me much power. Impress squaw.

You should be ashamed of yourself for that comment. Aside from it being wrong, it's downright ignorant.

Scalping was more of a Europeans practice. Both the French and British colonoial occupiers of North America introduced the practice as a means to encourage the killing of natives. The practice was also a means for the French to ensure that the local natives that were hired as mercenaries were really reporting accurate kills. The kills were not paid for unless there was evidence of the kill and this was achieved by bringing back a scalp. You don't know your Canadian history do you? The English set a bounty on scalps taken by settlers in Halifax. They also did the same in the Mohawk wars and against the Dakota nation in western Canada.

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Are we allowed to take scalps if we join the coup? I always liked lots of scalps on the pole outside my teepee. Bring me much power. Impress squaw.

You should be ashamed of yourself for that comment. Aside from it being wrong, it's downright ignorant.

Scalping was more of a Europeans practice. Both the French and British colonoial occupiers of North America introduced the practice as a means to encourage the killing of natives. The practice was also a means for the French to ensure that the local natives that were hired as mercenaries were really reporting accurate kills. The kills were not paid for unless there was evidence of the kill and this was achieved by bringing back a scalp. You don't know your Canadian history do you? The English set a bounty on scalps taken by settlers in Halifax. They also did the same in the Mohawk wars and against the Dakota nation in western Canada.

Thanks for the history lesson GK. I actually wasn't aware of that. As far as Ian is concerned I'm sure he meant no offense, though it is easy to see how what he wrote could be offensive to some.

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