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I Am Out Of Here Tomorrow


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There's been a lot of these "I'm out of here posts", but I thought yours was quite good. You said what gave you the shits, where you were going to and how and when you were going.

Well done, it's not a crime to say I've had enough and I'm going home.

For some on this forum such honesty means a chance to show their mental acumen with phrases like"don't let the door hit you in the bum",etc, etc.

I agree and empathise with your descriptions of the traffic and the rubbish situation in this country. As a newcomer here I am still getting used to it myself with mixed results.

Good luck back home, Paris is my favorite city, but I can't afford to live there.

Edited by Old Croc
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Good Riddance.

Clearly not a fan then Mr ND?

I've always thought it was a fairly ordinary process coming online to DEGRADE a place just because your own miserable existence didnt work out. There seems to be one of these types of threads every other week, where someone comes in and carries on with rubbish about the traffic, transport systems, food, cleanliness blah blah this and blah blah that.

All of the stuff he mentioned would of been blatently obvious in his first few moments/days/weeks here BUT he choses to come in & make the big announcement that the place isnt up to his standards and he's leaving (IN BUSINESS CLASS OF COURSE) :jerk: .

Anyway, nothing the OP mentioned is exactly a newsflash, I guess he will push on to a french website and probably whinge about stale crossiants or something :rolleyes:

Interestingly one of his gripes was about the traffic here. Let me tell you Paris itself is not exactly 'safety city' when it comes to driving & things get rather hectic on the road there too. Ive also wondered why in Paris the Police always seem to drive everywhere with the sirens and lights flashing. Anyway, he will be able to treat his silver line appetitie to some good old EXPENSIVE french food & I guess he can just hope and pray the chef washed his hands after urinating/scratching his arse and before preparing the OP's OVERPRICED meal. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind Paris but its got its own faults, just like nearly everywhere else.

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Good Riddance.

Clearly not a fan then Mr ND?

I've always thought it was a fairly ordinary process coming online to DEGRADE a place just because your own miserable existence didnt work out. There seems to be one of these types of threads every other week, where someone comes in and carries on with rubbish about the traffic, transport systems, food, cleanliness blah blah this and blah blah that.

All of the stuff he mentioned would of been blatently obvious in his first few moments/days/weeks here BUT he choses to come in & make the big announcement that the place isnt up to his standards and he's leaving (IN BUSINESS CLASS OF COURSE) :jerk: .

Anyway, nothing the OP mentioned is exactly a newsflash, I guess he will push on to a french website and probably whinge about stale crossiants or something :rolleyes:

Interestingly one of his gripes was about the traffic here. Let me tell you Paris itself is not exactly 'safety city' when it comes to driving & things get rather hectic on the road there too. Ive also wondered why in Paris the Police always seem to drive everywhere with the sirens and lights flashing. Anyway, he will be able to treat his silver line appetitie to some good old EXPENSIVE french food & I guess he can just hope and pray the chef washed his hands after urinating/scratching his arse and before preparing the OP's OVERPRICED meal. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind Paris but its got its own faults, just like nearly everywhere else.


Funnily enough, I totally agree with what you are saying - Thailand has plenty of faults, but so do many other countries, ours included. It was nice for him to mention that he was flying Business class, as I think that is very important in the scheme of things :rolleyes: - however he may be flying with Biman for all we know.

If traffic is one of his major gripes, then he's going to love Paris. Personally don't care for the place much - very over rated, although love other parts of France.

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Hey now, just a moment, there's also Paris Texas, maybe that's where the OP meant.

For a cheap cable subscription in Taxes (texas / taxes) you can see countless repetitious ads (big brim hats aplenty) for law companies trying to encourage/convince everybody they should sue the world for just breathing.

Maybe that's the real world the OP wants to move to.

But wait up, better be ready for the big hair-do check-in lady at American Airlines at Houston airport who is aiming for the world championship in 'obnoxious plus plus' and she's got a better than average chance of winning the trophy.

Well then, it's only about 140 miles (notice I said miles not kilometres) to George's ranch which surely is utopia.

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Good Luck to the OP ! :jap:

But watch out in Paris, for the ice & snow, also the piles of dog-shit everywhere on the pavements, and that amusing guy on his poorer-sucker motorbike, as he careers from poo to poo.

Nowhere is perfect. B)

When I said Paris was my favorite city I had forgotten about the the dog shit! That really is weird! :blink:

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Hope you enjoy Paris and find what you are looking for.

Having lived here 4 years I'm disillusioned - but not sure whether the 'bad' things about Europe outweigh the 'bad' things about Thailand.

I suspect it depends a lot on how wealthy you are.....

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A lot of the OP's complaints are applicable in plenty of other countries I've visited. H_ell, in my own country I regularly break the speed limit; a few years ago the plastic bag was the national flower; plenty of cars drive around without lights; the newspapers are full of alleged corruption etc etc.

On the other hand Paris is a nice city for a short visit; I can't handle it longer than a week. They drive crap there too as others have mentioned. The wine from my own country is better IMO whistling.gif

Hope it works out for you OP.

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Hope you enjoy Paris and find what you are looking for.

Having lived here 4 years I'm disillusioned - but not sure whether the 'bad' things about Europe outweigh the 'bad' things about Thailand.

I suspect it depends a lot on how wealthy you are.....

Hey F1, first time I agree.

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Good Luck to the OP ! :jap:

But watch out in Paris, for the ice & snow, also the piles of dog-shit everywhere on the pavements, and that amusing guy on his poorer-sucker motorbike, as he careers from poo to poo.

Nowhere is perfect. B)

When I said Paris was my favorite city I had forgotten about the the dog shit! That really is weird! :blink:

Parisians too lazy to walk the dog to the park? Maybe the Parisians are like the Americans: they leave the crappy jobs for the "out of country permanent visitors" (I've heard this from Americans - is it true?)

I found that in Budapest too; dog crap all over the place in the city . . .

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When you had enough its certainly time to leave.

I've seen people come and go many times over the years, when they first come they love it, think life is gonna be just one long holiday. Of course that wears off after a while and its another place to live, then the faults start appearing, faults they never noticed at first, they were too busy having a good time in a new enviroment.

Then reality sets in and they come to realise that they're not in their own country anymore, they have no rights to buy land, they will have to pay for medical treatment, there is no social security to run to when they have no money, gone is the protection of their home country where they are as equal as the next man.

Here they are different, a foreigner, an outsider, a Farang !!

In my experience the main factor in many people leaving was financial reasons, they never planned well enough in the beginning or mismanaged their funds in Thailand.

It's no fun to be poor anywhere, not in their own country and certainly not in Thailand.

Then the blame game starts, usually Thailand and Thai people get the blame for the failures of the person who has really only himself to blame, his poor management and planning have cost him his dream, nows the time to join ThaiVisa and tell everyone else how terrible Thailand is.

Many follow similar paths and leave, some get a pile of money together again and even though they professed to have had enough of Thailand, they head straight back out here and slag off their own country again. laugh.gif

Edited by sillyman99
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When you had enough its certainly time to leave.

I've seen people come and go many times over the years, when they first come they love it, think life is gonna be just one long holiday. Of course that wears off after a while and its another place to live, then the faults start appearing, faults they never noticed at first, they were to busy having a good time in a new enviroment.

Then reality sets in and you come to realise that they are not in their own country anymore, they have no rights to buy land, they will have to pay for medical treatment, there is no social security to run to when they have no money, gone is the protection of their home country where they are as equal as the next man.

Here they are different, a foreigner, an outsider, a Farang !!

Yet, the main factor in many people leaving is financial reasons, they never planned well enough in the beginning or mismanaged their funds in Thailand.

It's no fun to be poor anywhere, not in their own country and certainly not in Thailand.

Then the blame game starts, usually Thailand and Thai people get the blame for the failures of the person who has really only himself to blame, his poor management and planning have cost him his dream, nows the time to join ThaiVisa and tell everyone else how terrible Thailand is.

Many follow similar paths and leave, some get a pile of money together again and even though they professed to have had enough of Thailand, they head straight back out here again and slag off their own country again. laugh.gif

That's all well and good but your hypothesis falls on it's ass if the person leaving has sufficient funds to live here.

Looking around I'd say the opposite is true, as evidenced by the constant references to how cheap living in Thailand can be - Thailand is particularly attractive to people who can't afford to live somewhere else.

A few of the world's megga rich might buy a holiday home here, but they don't choose to stay here full time. Thailand full time is more the domain of the Honda Wave - Toyota Fortuna bracket.

Present company excepted ..... of course.

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I've seen people come and go many times over the years,

Are you referring to a previous life here at TV, or another forum?

You wouldnt happen to drive a Fortuner, would you ? :whistling:

Heck.... was my reference to a Fortuna prophetic?...... Maybe I was picking up on some 'vibe' that even a TV Avatar can't disguise.

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When you had enough its certainly time to leave.

I've seen people come and go many times over the years, when they first come they love it, think life is gonna be just one long holiday. Of course that wears off after a while and its another place to live, then the faults start appearing, faults they never noticed at first, they were to busy having a good time in a new enviroment.

Then reality sets in and you come to realise that they are not in their own country anymore, they have no rights to buy land, they will have to pay for medical treatment, there is no social security to run to when they have no money, gone is the protection of their home country where they are as equal as the next man.

Here they are different, a foreigner, an outsider, a Farang !!

Yet, the main factor in many people leaving is financial reasons, they never planned well enough in the beginning or mismanaged their funds in Thailand.

It's no fun to be poor anywhere, not in their own country and certainly not in Thailand.

Then the blame game starts, usually Thailand and Thai people get the blame for the failures of the person who has really only himself to blame, his poor management and planning have cost him his dream, nows the time to join ThaiVisa and tell everyone else how terrible Thailand is.

Many follow similar paths and leave, some get a pile of money together again and even though they professed to have had enough of Thailand, they head straight back out here again and slag off their own country again. laugh.gif

That's all well and good but your hypothesis falls on it's ass if the person leaving has sufficient funds to live here.

Looking around I'd say the opposite is true, as evidenced by the constant references to how cheap living in Thailand can be - Thailand is particularly attractive to people who can't afford to live somewhere else.

A few of the world's megga rich might buy a holiday home here, but they don't choose to stay here full time. Thailand full time is more the domain of the Honda Wave - Toyota Fortuna bracket.

Present company excepted ..... of course.

I'm oft reminded of a certain fireman.

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When I read an OP like this, it does make me wonder what brought the OP to Thailand in the first place. What sort of expectations did he have? Was his first visits to Thailand to Pattaya and other tourist places only? Did he think that all Thai women were like Thai bargirls? Did he really believe that he was a "hansum man?" Did he not know that Thailand was a developing nation? Did he not know about the visa laws? When somebody becomes this disenchanted with Thailand, it's usually because the reality couldn't live up to the expectations. I hope his expectations of life in Paris--or anywhere else--is a little more realistic. Otherwise, I doubt he will ever find true happiness.

Agree, an interestign point 'What brought some people here in the first place, either as tourists or actually living here'.

I have one acquaintence who:

- Came for a one week holiday, mostly from pressure from friends who had already savoured the delights.

- He rushed home, after the one week holiday, arranged early retirement*, and although it took 3 years to get to the end, he used that time to study (seriously study) Thai langauge, Listening, speaking, reading and writing, and when he moved here his Thai language skills were very advanced except that he has a very strong accent and the Thai people he interacted with couldn't understand a word he was saying.

*retirement from a very senior public service position where he was an advisor to a premier, he had a long list of academic awards, including two MBA's and a Masters degree in Ecomonics and Public Administration.

- He sold everything at home, house and all, arrived in Bkk, and very quickly started to get very angry when people (continuously) didn't underatnd what he was saying in Thai. Got very angry when waiters didn't understand the western food items he was requesting and in most cases there was no possibility that they would have any clue what he was talking about. Etc.

- He was near to having a nervous breakdown, for a very straight forward reason - his dream of living in utopia had been quickly and totally shattered. He had convinced himself that he would not only come here and live but would also quickly become somebody famous.

- End of story, a group of friends (who had become very concerned about his mental health and very concerned that his more and more frequent severe temper outbursts would land him in serious trouble) told him 'either you buy a ticket and go home, or we will pool some money and buy a ticket and take you to the airport'.

- He thankfull realized that he should go home, and he did.

- This is all about 15 years ago, he still hates Thailand.

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I've seen people come and go many times over the years,

Are you referring to a previous life here at TV, or another forum?

You wouldnt happen to drive a Fortuner, would you ? :whistling:

Heck.... was my reference to a Fortuna prophetic?...... Maybe I was picking up on some 'vibe' that even a TV Avatar can't disguise.

;) Well done. :lol:

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That's all well and good but your hypothesis falls on it's ass if the person leaving has sufficient funds to live here.

Of course, but as I said,

In my experience its money matters that have been the main problem for many of the people I have known who have left.

Sorry if this upsets you, it just happens to be true in my case.

I wouldn't and could't speak for you and your experiences.

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I've seen people come and go many times over the years,

Are you referring to a previous life here at TV, or another forum?

You wouldnt happen to drive a Fortuner, would you ? :whistling:

Heck.... was my reference to a Fortuna prophetic?...... Maybe I was picking up on some 'vibe' that even a TV Avatar can't disguise.

;) Well done. :lol:

Are you trying to get me banned ?

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When you had enough its certainly time to leave.

I've seen people come and go many times over the years, when they first come they love it, think life is gonna be just one long holiday. Of course that wears off after a while and its another place to live, then the faults start appearing, faults they never noticed at first, they were too busy having a good time in a new enviroment.

Then reality sets in and they come to realise that they're not in their own country anymore, they have no rights to buy land, they will have to pay for medical treatment, there is no social security to run to when they have no money, gone is the protection of their home country where they are as equal as the next man.

Here they are different, a foreigner, an outsider, a Farang !!

In my experience the main factor in many people leaving was financial reasons, they never planned well enough in the beginning or mismanaged their funds in Thailand.

It's no fun to be poor anywhere, not in their own country and certainly not in Thailand.

Then the blame game starts, usually Thailand and Thai people get the blame for the failures of the person who has really only himself to blame, his poor management and planning have cost him his dream, nows the time to join ThaiVisa and tell everyone else how terrible Thailand is.

Many follow similar paths and leave, some get a pile of money together again and even though they professed to have had enough of Thailand, they head straight back out here and slag off their own country again. laugh.gif

I disagree with the reasons why so many Westerners leave Thailand after a couple of years.

Yes, many run out of money and have to leave but, to respond to your points one by one:-

a) "they have no rights to buy land" - if they didn't realise that before they came here they were seriously deficient in their homework..

B) " they will have to pay for medical treatment" - ditto my previous comment

c) "there is no social security to run to when they have no money" - ditto my first comment

d) " gone is the protection of their home country where they are as equal as the next man" - the first time I agree with you!

In my experience, most Western couples leave 'cos of the last point - plus they realise that they will be unable to 'integrate' the way they'd hoped. Finally, they have little respect for the Westerners here.

There was a post a long time ago about getting over the 'learning' curve in Thailand. Some can get beyond the 'hate this country' point, but its generally (not always) those that can't afford to move elsewhere or have started a family.....

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He had convinced himself that he would not only come here and live but would also quickly become somebody famous.

Yeah I knew a guy like that a while back. He sold a mildly successful business back home and came to LOS with a few quid under his belt thinking he was going to be " The Man "

He simply couldn't handle the fact that there were a number of Thais whose wealth made him look like a poor cousin. He'd assumed he was going to be the richest person for miles. He moved into a 4 bed-roomed place in the most expensive development in Khon Kaen and was green with envy at the local business people with their reaaaally big pads. Basically in his view they had to be bent because they had more money than him.

He obviously thought that Thailand was going to be populated entirely by ignorant third world simians and it ate him up that there were a number of locals who were sharper cookies than him.

He's still here having burnt his bridges back home. Apparently still eaten up with rage.

What a life. Living in a place you loathe.

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