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Bar Brawl At Honey Bar On Soi Sai Yuan

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Do you know how many guns are fired into the air at Songkran, Loi Kratong, weddings etc?


Lucky they dont fire bullets into the air as that could be dangerous. whistling.gif

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Do you know how many guns are fired into the air at Songkran, Loi Kratong, weddings etc?


Lucky they dont fire bullets into the air as that could be dangerous.

I used to go to Manila for New Year; never again with all the guns being let off, the final straw being when a bullet came through the front of a friends car as he was driving, narrowly missing him. The Phi Police were recently photographed with tape over their guns so they could prove they hadn't shot them as part of a public pr campaign caused by concerns whistling.gif

Letting off guns for anything other than self-defence in potentially life-threatening situations is just dumb. Firing them during drunken celebrations is equally, if not more dumb and the fact it happens is hardly a reason for advocating it for use in breaking up a fist-fight.


They eventually recovered a few projectiles and were able to ascertain that once the energy was expended a bullet would just tumble back to earth like any object dropped from a height. Unlikely to be lethal.

Erm.......'unlikely to be lethal' isnt quite right.

A bullet, for those who don't know, is a piece of lead, wrapped in a brass coat. It's small and dense.

Physics aside, the terminal velocity achieved by a bullet falling - just due to gravity - is about 150 mph.

If that hit you on the head, i wouldn't bet on it being 'unlikely to be lethal'

'Unlikely to hit you on the head' would be closer to the mark, but if it hit you on the head, then pretty likely, it would end up going right through your brain.

Of course, whether that would be lethal, or even noticeable, to those involved in the bar brawl, remains a matter for conjecture!


They eventually recovered a few projectiles and were able to ascertain that once the energy was expended a bullet would just tumble back to earth like any object dropped from a height. Unlikely to be lethal.

Erm.......'unlikely to be lethal' isnt quite right.

A bullet, for those who don't know, is a piece of lead, wrapped in a brass coat. It's small and dense.

Physics aside, the terminal velocity achieved by a bullet falling - just due to gravity - is about 150 mph.

If that hit you on the head, i wouldn't bet on it being 'unlikely to be lethal'

'Unlikely to hit you on the head' would be closer to the mark, but if it hit you on the head, then pretty likely, it would end up going right through your brain.

Of course, whether that would be lethal, or even noticeable, to those involved in the bar brawl, remains a matter for conjecture!

It would certainly hurt. 150mph is about 200feet per second, about one quarter of the normal muzzle velocity of a .38 ... But since the formula for the force of impact would be mass times velocity squared, the force of a falling bullet at terminal velocity would be considerably lower - about 1/16th of the force if it came at you from the barrel of a gun.


They eventually recovered a few projectiles and were able to ascertain that once the energy was expended a bullet would just tumble back to earth like any object dropped from a height. Unlikely to be lethal.

Erm.......'unlikely to be lethal' isnt quite right.

A bullet, for those who don't know, is a piece of lead, wrapped in a brass coat. It's small and dense.

Physics aside, the terminal velocity achieved by a bullet falling - just due to gravity - is about 150 mph.

If that hit you on the head, i wouldn't bet on it being 'unlikely to be lethal'

'Unlikely to hit you on the head' would be closer to the mark, but if it hit you on the head, then pretty likely, it would end up going right through your brain.

Of course, whether that would be lethal, or even noticeable, to those involved in the bar brawl, remains a matter for conjecture!

Agreed, and are we really at a point where we are so suckered by the flickering images of the new God TV, television not ThaiVisa, that we entrust our safety to a quasi scientific piece of pure entertainment?

Not me for one and on the subject of firing gund into the air I for one will not choose to be in the vicinity.


Myth Busters once did a tv program about bullets fired into the air and the perception they would come straight down and kill the shooter or someone nearby.

They initially had trouble finding any bullets because, no matter how precisely vertical they set up their firearms, nothing came down in their test area.

They eventually recovered a few projectiles and were able to ascertain that once the energy was expended a bullet would just tumble back to earth like any object dropped from a height. Unlikely to be lethal.

They did say that if a gun was fired into the air on an angle it could still kill at the bottom of it's arc back to ground.

I don't know why the Brits were fighting, I thought it usually had something to do with beer and egos.

Incident 1..two years ago a Canadian tourist sitting in the back of a moving song taew was hit by a bullet on its downward trajectory, striking him in the back and killing him..probably fired from 250+metres away, as no motive or sniper, spent cartidge could be located.

Incident 2..seven years ago in Australia a nine year old girl sitting in the rear left of a moving sedan was hit in the face and died from being hit by a bullet entering the small quarter vent window..investigations later located the place from where it was fired and investigators were able to charge a young guy who accidentally discharged his rifle into the air up to 300+ metrews away.

So it can and does happen.


They eventually recovered a few projectiles and were able to ascertain that once the energy was expended a bullet would just tumble back to earth like any object dropped from a height. Unlikely to be lethal.

Erm.......'unlikely to be lethal' isnt quite right.

A bullet, for those who don't know, is a piece of lead, wrapped in a brass coat. It's small and dense.

Physics aside, the terminal velocity achieved by a bullet falling - just due to gravity - is about 150 mph.

If that hit you on the head, i wouldn't bet on it being 'unlikely to be lethal'

'Unlikely to hit you on the head' would be closer to the mark, but if it hit you on the head, then pretty likely, it would end up going right through your brain.

Of course, whether that would be lethal, or even noticeable, to those involved in the bar brawl, remains a matter for conjecture!

It would certainly hurt. 150mph is about 200feet per second, about one quarter of the normal muzzle velocity of a .38 ... But since the formula for the force of impact would be mass times velocity squared, the force of a falling bullet at terminal velocity would be considerably lower - about 1/16th of the force if it came at you from the barrel of a gun.

A very precise and accurate answer.


Is Rawai the new Compton or Brixton?

Its certainly going downhill fast not the place it used to be far too much trouble, crime, and new unoccupied shophouses.

Seems to attract a lot of lowlife sleezebags mainly English maybe less competition and cheaper booze & bargirls than Patong.

After 5 years I have moved to another quiet part of Thailand still beside the sea but I will visit Rawai as I have friends and a boat there.


Is Rawai the new Compton or Brixton?

Its certainly going downhill fast not the place it used to be far too much trouble, crime, and new unoccupied shophouses.

Seems to attract a lot of lowlife sleezebags mainly English maybe less competition and cheaper booze & bargirls than Patong.

After 5 years I have moved to another quiet part of Thailand still beside the sea but I will visit Rawai as I have friends and a boat there.

Thats fighting talk where i come from in England :D .


Is Rawai the new Compton or Brixton?

Its certainly going downhill fast not the place it used to be far too much trouble, crime, and new unoccupied shophouses.

Seems to attract a lot of lowlife sleezebags mainly English maybe less competition and cheaper booze & bargirls than Patong.

After 5 years I have moved to another quiet part of Thailand still beside the sea but I will visit Rawai as I have friends and a boat there.

Thats fighting talk where i come from in England :D .

Touche :jap:


AmyB.. take photos next time! Always good to have your camera with you..

Lot's of great candid photo opps!~

I even once got 10k as a photo of mine in the PG was picked up but some trash tabloid in the UK!


@MisterMan, i always have a camera with me. unfortunately, my boyfriend wouldn't let me take any photos of the brawl. honey bar was open last night, but there weren't very many girls there and it was very quiet. none of my thai neighbors seemed to be able to figure out what the fight was about.


Erm.......'unlikely to be lethal' isnt quite right.

A bullet, for those who don't know, is a piece of lead, wrapped in a brass coat. It's small and dense.

Physics aside, the terminal velocity achieved by a bullet falling - just due to gravity - is about 150 mph.

If that hit you on the head, i wouldn't bet on it being 'unlikely to be lethal'

'Unlikely to hit you on the head' would be closer to the mark, but if it hit you on the head, then pretty likely, it would end up going right through your brain.

Of course, whether that would be lethal, or even noticeable, to those involved in the bar brawl, remains a matter for conjecture!

It would certainly hurt. 150mph is about 200feet per second, about one quarter of the normal muzzle velocity of a .38 ... But since the formula for the force of impact would be mass times velocity squared, the force of a falling bullet at terminal velocity would be considerably lower - about 1/16th of the force if it came at you from the barrel of a gun.

A very precise and accurate answer.

Not really, he didn't talk about weight.

A .38 bullet weighs between 7-10 grams regardless of the metal it's made from.

There are about 30 grams to an ounce, so a revolver bullet doesnt weigh very much at all and you would be unlucky to be killed by one falling from the sky.

For those who wanted to talk about people being killed miles away from the shooter, read this sentence again.

They did say that if a gun was fired into the air on an angle it could still kill at the bottom of it's arc back to ground.

10 grams of almost anything that is dense, travelling at 150 mph, is likely to puncture skin and potentially penetrate bone, based on the shape of the projectile.


Is Rawai the new Compton or Brixton?

Its certainly going downhill fast not the place it used to be far too much trouble, crime, and new unoccupied shophouses.

Seems to attract a lot of lowlife sleezebags mainly English maybe less competition and cheaper booze & bargirls than Patong.

After 5 years I have moved to another quiet part of Thailand still beside the sea but I will visit Rawai as I have friends and a boat there.

neill, have you not moved to Jomtien aka Pattaya? better than phuket???


thanks for the info, gotlost.

the fight appeared to start out with 2 people and by then end there were at least 7 throwing punches. the mama of the honey bar got hit by a chair (that i saw) and her leg was all cut up. there was a very big ladyboy trying to keep the peace...she threw the big overweight british bloke into a white car more than once. will be interesting to know what the hel_l the whole fight was all about! :rolleyes:

they were drunk. and sai yuan was such a lovely, quiet forrested soi not so long ago.


Yet another Phuket thread derailed... mad.gif

LOL excuse me for not staying on topic, just found it interesting that Neill moved from Phuket to a better neighborhood in a quieter place........Jomtien.

Phuket forum tends to be an endless dribble of nonsense, once in a while a genuine question is posted and gets a few honest replies until flamers and or trolls swarm.

Understanding how/why this happens quote Wikipedia:

Deliberate flaming, as opposed to flaming as a result of emotional discussions, is carried out by individuals known as flamers, who are specifically motivated to incite flaming. These users specialize in flaming and target specific aspects of a controversial conversation, and are usually more subtle than their counterparts. Their counterparts are known as trolls who are less "professional" and write obvious and blunt remarks to incite a flame war, as opposed to the more subtle, yet precise flamers.[1]

Mental models are fuzzy, incomplete, and imprecisely stated. Furthermore, within a single individual, mental models change with time, even during the flow of a single conversation. The human mind assembles a few relationships to fit the context of a discussion. As debate shifts, so do the mental models. Even when only a single topic is being discussed, each participant in a conversation employs a different mental model to interpret the subject. Fundamental assumptions differ but are never brought into the open. Goals are different but left unstated. It is little wonder that compromise takes so long. And even when consensus is reached, the underlying assumptions may be fallacies that lead to laws and programs that fail. The human mind is not adapted to understanding correctly the consequences implied by a mental model. A mental model may be correct in structure and assumptions but, even so, the human mind--either individually or as a group consensus--is apt to draw the wrong implications for the future.

Thus, online conversations often involve a variety of assumptions and motives unique to each individual user. Without social context, users are often helpless to know the intentions of their counterparts. In addition to the problems of conflicting mental models presented often present in online discussions, the inherent lack of face-to-face communication online can encourage flaming. Professor Norman Johnson, commenting on the propensity of Internet posters to flame one another, states:

The literature suggests that, compared to face-to-face, the increased incidence of flaming when using computer-mediated communication is due to reductions in the transfer of social cues, which decrease individuals’ concern for social evaluation and fear of social sanctions or reprisals. When social identity and ingroup status are salient, computer mediation can decrease flaming because individuals focus their attention on the social context (and associated norms) rather than themselves.

Generally, then, a lack of social context creates an element of anonymity, which allows users to feel insulated from the forms of punishment they might receive in a more conventional setting. Johnson’s identifies several precursors to flaming between users, whom he refers to as “negotiation partners,” since Internet communication typically involves back-and-forth interactions similar to a negotiation. Flaming incidents usually arise in response to a perception of one or more negotiation partners being unfair. Perceived unfairness can include a lack of consideration for an individual’s vested interests, unfavorable treatment (especially when the flamer has been considerate of other users), and misunderstandings aggravated by the inability to convey subtle indicators like non-verbal cues and facial expressions.[3]


Usually a fight around here entails alcohol, and is either over money or a woman, sometimes both Couple that with a "What are you looking at" comment, and said comment, and let the brawl begin.


Usually a fight around here entails alcohol, and is either over money or a woman, sometimes both Couple that with a "What are you looking at" comment, and said comment, and let the brawl begin.

I think he just called you a flamer !!

Have im !! :lol:


Yet another Phuket thread derailed... mad.gif

LOL excuse me for not staying on topic, just found it interesting that Neill moved from Phuket to a better neighborhood in a quieter place........Jomtien.

Phuket forum tends to be an endless dribble of nonsense, once in a while a genuine question is posted and gets a few honest replies until flamers and or trolls swarm.

I'm glad you think that my comment was aimed at you. If it was, I would have quoted you. I was making a general comment...


rolleyes.gifi too was just making comment, i too agree with you


Yet another Phuket thread derailed... mad.gif

LOL excuse me for not staying on topic, just found it interesting that Neill moved from Phuket to a better neighborhood in a quieter place........Jomtien.

Phuket forum tends to be an endless dribble of nonsense, once in a while a genuine question is posted and gets a few honest replies until flamers and or trolls swarm.

I'm glad you think that my comment was aimed at you. If it was, I would have quoted you. I was making a general comment...


Usually a fight around here entails alcohol, and is either over money or a woman, sometimes both Couple that with a "What are you looking at" comment, and said comment, and let the brawl begin.

You mean no common sense, no brains involved, only point blank rage, deep frustrations being aired - combined with a couple of mixers, maybe red bulll & vodka ?

Alright then as long as those involved keep it to themselves... fine!


rolleyes.gifi too was just making comment, i too agree with you


Yet another Phuket thread derailed... mad.gif

LOL excuse me for not staying on topic, just found it interesting that Neill moved from Phuket to a better neighborhood in a quieter place........Jomtien.

Phuket forum tends to be an endless dribble of nonsense, once in a while a genuine question is posted and gets a few honest replies until flamers and or trolls swarm.

I'm glad you think that my comment was aimed at you. If it was, I would have quoted you. I was making a general comment...

LOL... Thank you for your response! Have a great day, in between the rain showers!

Cheers, Jimi


Exactly PGM.

Have you not noticed that the people who post on this forum are a very small fraction of the resident ex-pat population of Phuket?

Most ex-pats here have an interesting life that doesn't require regular visits to TV.

Those that post frequently are either totally bored because they have no life Or...

They post out of civic-mindedness to describe first-person experience (without generalizations about Thailand) so that non-resident viewers can decide what life is like here.

You can tell who is whom.

And which type you want to be.

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