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Why I Don'T Teach My Gf English


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Anyone know where I can get some serious medication? How much longer are the mods going to let this clown use this thread for "How I nearly won the war in Vietnam and Other Utterly ridiculous meanderings" to put us all through such excruciating pain? This can't be right mods, surely? Where's the relevance for a start. Can't he just be invited to start an appropriately titled thread and vomit this diatribe of a sadly deluded mind there? At least we then know to keep clear.

Our fault for paying attention. I've had enough. See you all on the sensible threads. This one has run its course.

Perhaps you have some serious I want to be in control issues. There has always been the option not to read this thread. Now you appeal to the mods to give your opinions credence.

If you can't make your will law the next best thing is to censor the opposing viewpoint.

Cheer up Halloween is just around the corner and you can dress up as any authority figure you desire.

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Anyone know where I can get some serious medication? How much longer are the mods going to let this clown use this thread for "How I nearly won the war in Vietnam and Other Utterly ridiculous meanderings" to put us all through such excruciating pain? This can't be right mods, surely? Where's the relevance for a start. Can't he just be invited to start an appropriately titled thread and vomit this diatribe of a sadly deluded mind there? At least we then know to keep clear.

Our fault for paying attention. I've had enough. See you all on the sensible threads. This one has run its course.

Finally someone else realises! Just came back to see if this thread is still going on.....and to my dismay....

Then again it is in the fun and entertainment category, maybe this should be renamed Marky's storytelling forum.

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Anyone know where I can get some serious medication? How much longer are the mods going to let this clown use this thread for "How I nearly won the war in Vietnam and Other Utterly ridiculous meanderings" to put us all through such excruciating pain? This can't be right mods, surely? Where's the relevance for a start. Can't he just be invited to start an appropriately titled thread and vomit this diatribe of a sadly deluded mind there? At least we then know to keep clear.

Our fault for paying attention. I've had enough. See you all on the sensible threads. This one has run its course.

Finally someone else realises! Just came back to see if this thread is still going on.....and to my dismay....

Then again it is in the fun and entertainment category, maybe this should be renamed Marky's storytelling forum.

To DoubtingThomas:

Yes i would know where to get medication and the Doctor too. You like to know please PM me. But maybe you should just let it go. It is/was a sensible thread. Even some of your vomit was good to have as long as it was objective and not personal. Just using your word.

Sorry or maybe not.:blink:

To Sambo Villa:

I realize that you might be wrong. This is/was a really good read. Besides some people calling for mods and saying it is BS but coming in again again and... :bah:

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Lemmee see, this thread has gone on for over 360 replies and it is somehow NOT a good one?:blink::whistling:

I guess a good thread is one that has just one reply. .. something like... Do airplanes fly between Bangkok and Chiang Mai? ;)B)

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Lemmee see, this thread has gone on for over 360 replies and it is somehow NOT a good one?:blink::whistling:

I guess a good thread is one that has just one reply. .. something like... Do airplanes fly between Bangkok and Chiang Mai? ;)B)

Come on Ian, you know that even that thread would have at least one contrarian in the mix instigating a debate.

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Lemmee see, this thread has gone on for over 360 replies and it is somehow NOT a good one?:blink::whistling:

I guess a good thread is one that has just one reply. .. something like... Do airplanes fly between Bangkok and Chiang Mai? ;)B)

Yes there are regular daily flights between Bangkok and Chiang Mai.

Enough of that <deleted>. Did I ever mention that despite being born in England in 1967 I served in 'Nam. After reading Enid Blyton's " The Adventures Of Binkle And Flip" I decided to follow my heroes and enlisted. I soon became known as the Dark Knight due to the fact that I'd sit in a blacked out dugout all day to perfect my night vision and after dusk go out armed with only a Blooper and go hunting slopes. Before they shipped me home I'd accumulated enough VC scalps to make myself a nice warm coat. Westmoreland himself was the one who ordered me back to the world. He said that my rep for offing Charlie was making the LURPs look like a bunch of pussies and there was the distinct possibility they were going to frag me through sheer envy that a "Limey cocksucker" was the most badass motherfuc_ker in SE Asia. The ROK troops used to call me Do Joo Nim MCA because of my skill in the art of killing.

I was once on a flight from Bangkok to CM The reason I was going to CM is immaterial but I'm going to tell you anyway. Chiang Mai Night Safari had lost one of their lions and had contacted National Geographic to see if they knew anybody who was a good tracker and hunter. NG said that they didn't know anybody who was a good tracker and hunter but they knew a fuc_king great one hence why I was on the flight.

Anyhow we're about halfway to CM and I've got my nose in an email from Harvard University asking me to come and speak there about my experiences disproving Einstein's Theory Of Relativity. Suddenly there's an announcement over the PA about if there was a doctor on board. Now I kept silent because as a qualified neurosurgeon at MIT I'm not going to answer to a request for a simple doctor am I?

In the end my modesty got the better of me and I made myself known to the stewardess. Well she recognized me anyhow from when I had gotten stranded on my own with her and 8 or her stewardess friends in a beach house during a storm on Ko Samui. Not being one to brag I'm not going to kiss and tell what happened but I know for a fact that they considered banning me from Thai Airways because those girls had to take a week's sick leave after our night together because they couldn't walk straight.

The stewardess informed me that the pilot and co-pilot has succumbed to food poisoning and could I check them out. One glance told me they were beyond help so I put them out of their misery using a stronger version of the sleeper hold I'd employed while I was World Wrestling Federation champion. The stewardess got a bit panicky because there was nobody capable of flying the plane on board. Wrong. I've kept it to myself because as you may have realised I don't like to talk about my exploits but my dad was good pals with Chuck Yeagar the Bell X-1 test pilot and taught me everything he knew. Actually that film " The Right Stuff" was a load of old <deleted> as my dad was the actual test pilot because Chuck said he was shitting bricks and could my dad take over. My dad sued Warner Bros for distributing the film with it's inaccuracies and with his out of court settlement bought most of Lower Manhattan.

So I strapped myself into the pilot's seat of the CM flight and.........................

Shit. Sorry folks. Channelling Mark45y there for a moment......

( All in jest Mark) :D

Edited by mca
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Lemmee see, this thread has gone on for over 360 replies and it is somehow NOT a good one?:blink::whistling:

I guess a good thread is one that has just one reply. .. something like... Do airplanes fly between Bangkok and Chiang Mai? ;)B)

Fly from BKK to CNX. Don't you guys ever respect the environment. You can cycle there in a few days pity the resturaunts only sell white rice..Brown is much better for you. Why bother even going that far..your neighbourhood is what counts.

Edited by harrry
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Lemmee see, this thread has gone on for over 360 replies and it is somehow NOT a good one?

The 'Financial Crisis' Topic has been going now for 8,234 replies with mainly 4 or 5 guys chiming in daily as to how smart they are ... I don't know what they will all do when (or if) the 'crisis' is ever over ... start a new crisis? ... there are a whole pack of persons including Nobel prize winners of all politico-economic persuasions who they have no problem deeming as idiots -- talk about 'big-fish-in-a-little-pond' syndrome

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there are a whole pack of persons including Nobel prize winners of all politico-economic persuasions who they have no problem deeming as idiots

Bloomberg 9.30 am.

" ....and for an in-depth look at the current crisis I'd like to welcome via video link Dominique Strauss-Kahn, Managing Director of the IMF, World Bank President Robert Zoellik and Dave Williams, an unemployed van driver and failed expat bar owner currently on a 3 year visa overstay in Pattaya, Thailand. If I could turn to you first Mr Williams. Mr Williams? Would you mind putting the Chang down you're on the air. "

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there are a whole pack of persons including Nobel prize winners of all politico-economic persuasions who they have no problem deeming as idiots

Bloomberg 9.30 am.

" ....and for an in-depth look at the current crisis I'd like to welcome via video link Dominique Strauss-Kahn, Managing Director of the IMF, World Bank President Robert Zoellik and Dave Williams, an unemployed van driver and failed expat bar owner currently on a 3 year visa overstay in Pattaya, Thailand. If I could turn to you first Mr Williams. Mr Williams? Would you mind putting the Chang down you're on the air. "

This is a classic -------- thanks for the laughs.

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Lemmee see, this thread has gone on for over 360 replies and it is somehow NOT a good one?:blink::whistling:

I guess a good thread is one that has just one reply. .. something like... Do airplanes fly between Bangkok and Chiang Mai? ;)B)

Come on Ian, you know that even that thread would have at least one contrarian in the mix instigating a debate.

No it wouldn't

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Anyone know where I can get some serious medication? How much longer are the mods going to let this clown use this thread for "How I nearly won the war in Vietnam and Other Utterly ridiculous meanderings" to put us all through such excruciating pain? This can't be right mods, surely? Where's the relevance for a start. Can't he just be invited to start an appropriately titled thread and vomit this diatribe of a sadly deluded mind there? At least we then know to keep clear.

Our fault for paying attention. I've had enough. See you all on the sensible threads. This one has run its course.

Finally someone else realises! Just came back to see if this thread is still going on.....and to my dismay....

Then again it is in the fun and entertainment category, maybe this should be renamed Marky's storytelling forum.

I never travel without my diary. One should always have something sensational to read in the train.

Oscar Wilde

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from the 1988 debate between Senator Lloyd Bentsen - Senator (and soon to be VP) Dan Quayle:

Quayle:I have as much experience in the Congress as Jack Kennedy did when he sought the presidency.

Bentsen: Senator, I served with Jack Kennedy, I knew Jack Kennedy, Jack Kennedy was a friend of mine. Senator, you're no Jack Kennedy.

Edited by jazzbo
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from the 1988 debate between Senator Lloyd Bentsen - Senator (and soon to be VP) Dan Quayle:

Quayle:I have as much experience in the Congress as Jack Kennedy did when he sought the presidency.

Bentsen: Senator, I served with Jack Kennedy, I knew Jack Kennedy, Jack Kennedy was a friend of mine. Senator, you're no Jack Kennedy.

The quote only works if the author knows both parties under discussion. Otherwise it makes no sense.

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... it works as long as they know who is Jack Kennedy.

It is a famous quote only because Senator Bensten knew both Kennedy and Quayle and could make a comparison. You don't know me or Oscar Wilde. So instead of a profound put down or eloquent repartee it becomes a hollow insult.

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Whether the insult was hollow or not others can decide ... I've read both Oscar Wilde and you...

In America the young are always ready to give to those who are older than themselves the full benefits of their inexperience. Oscar Wilde. One wonders if he read you too? Maybe he was a time traveller.

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Honesty being my first priority there has been a new development on the language home front.

In my sad life (as described by other posters) it has been a couple of months since I have been involved in daily labors.

I have been enjoying my respite from the daily grind. I tend to work in spurts. My last six years in the States I worked 6 or 7 days a week, 12 hours a day for 6 years. Moved to Thailand and went on a three year party. Bangkok, Chiang Mai and Pattaya. It was fun but after three years I went back to work. It was the same thing in Thailand as the States I worked 6 or 7 days a week.

Yesterday was the first day I felt the need to change my vacation pattern and do something meaningful instead of the usual routine of wild sex, gourmet food and stimulating repartee on Thai Visa.

I took my first Thai language course at AUA in Chiang Mai six years ago. I had a good instructor she had worked at a University in the states for years and spoke perfect English and unaccented Thai. But I made a mistake and learned the AUA silly English new alphabet to duplicate Thai sounds rather than learning how to write Thai. Learning to write always looked too difficult to me. It was ill advised. I should have learned to write Thai from the very beginning. Now I have the time.

So I told GF she was going to teach me to write in Thai. I still have the AUA text with the writing lessons and she can use that for structure.

When informed of her new role as teacher she surprised me and told me she would only do it if I taught her how to write in English. (She wants to know what I write on the computer.) So we are off today to buy two new kitty pink notebooks that we will use to write our new language skills in each day. Me in Thai and her in English. She has a vocabulary of six English words and I guess I speak a few thousand Thai words. It should be interesting. I also have text to speech programs in Ubuntu. The guy in the computer speaks English with an accent from England.

It is my intent to learn and commit to memory one Thai letter per day although I told her three. In a year I hope to be able to write Thai to a level of a first or second grade student. I think that is realistic. Maybe even third grade.

Watching my daughters grow up I was amazed at the ease which they picked up languages, French, Spanish and even Japanese and Korean while I struggled. I don't know if it is a gender thing or age or intelligence. Maybe all three but I think it is wise as one gets older to stay mentally active and continually try and learn new things. I think it is like a muscle. I try and walk at least a mile per day and feel the same about my mind. I try and learn something new every day and in this case it will be Thai letters. I'll start writing and then carry flashcards in my pocket for reference.

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Hey Mark I have confidence that you will get the alphabet sussed out in less than a month, it actually isn't very tough.

I got it done with flasgcards in a couple of weeks.

But Isn't your girlfriend afraid that she will lose you to another Thai if you become too educated?

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the bugaboos in reading / writing Thai are the vowels and the dam_n words all run together --

that said (and not to turn this into the Thai language forum dumbed down) I have copies of the BuaLuang Thai-English dictionary which is out-of-print and if you go to Amazon you will see:

5 used from $79.95 http://www.amazon.co...y/dp/0942777131

61ARVPZPB9L._SL500_AA300_.jpgif I can be lured away from the sidelines and my 'timid observations of life' I may be convinced to part with one ...

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Hey Mark I have confidence that you will get the alphabet sussed out in less than a month, it actually isn't very tough.

I got it done with flasgcards in a couple of weeks.

But Isn't your girlfriend afraid that she will lose you to another Thai if you become too educated?

Would that be a huge loss to her :whistling:

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Honesty being my first priority there has been a new development on the language home front.

... [Much content edited in the interests of brevity]...

So I told GF she was going to teach me to write in Thai. I still have the AUA text with the writing lessons and she can use that for structure.

When informed of her new role as teacher she surprised me and told me she would only do it if I taught her how to write in English. (She wants to know what I write on the computer.) So we are off today to buy two new kitty pink notebooks that we will use to write our new language skills in each day. Me in Thai and her in English.

... [more editing]...

Assuming the first sentence to be true; this is a breakthrough and, and it took less than 400 posts.

Could the Thai elite change too?

Well done Mark. It seems you're still young enough to be flexible.

One change leads to another of course.:blink:

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