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Fifa Corruption


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Don't often agree with anything Piers Morgan has to say but today is an exception.

"Sepp Blatter is a corrupt,poisonous toad of FIFA who's been sucking the life out of football for years"

and lord knows piers morgan would recognise a corrupt, poisonous toad that sucks the life out of things when he sees one.

Funny all these people are coming out of the woodwork now...all these FA chiefs as well.

Where were the gutless wonders last week?

yeah have heard greg dyke piping up and being all ballsy for a change. he's normally a case study in management consultancy speak.

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FIFA president Sepp Blatter will not attend Thursday morning's FIFA medical conference in Zurich and nor is he expected to attend the meeting of UEFA's member association heads after that, a FIFA spokesman told Press Association Sport.

FIFA's chief medical officer Jiri Dvorak said Blatter sent his apologies at being unable to attend the medical conference.

Dvorak told delegates: "President Blatter apologises for not being able to come today because of the turbulence you have probably followed in the media

"He said he has to fulfil his duties in the management of the situation which is probably more important than to come to us, so he sends his sincere apologies."

Football's world governing body was plunged into crisis after a wave of arrests of football officials including two FIFA vice-presidents in Zurich on Wednesday on bribery, fraud and money laundering charges following an FBI investigation.

The US Department of Justice indictment of 18 people said bribes totalling more than $150 million (£98 million) had been paid for television rights, sponsorship deals and World Cup votes.

ESPN FC's Ian Darke and Taylor Twellman do not see any escape from blame for the charges of corruption that have happened under FIFA president Sepp Blatter's watch.

The crisis led UEFA to call for Friday's FIFA presidential election to be postponed and the European body questioned whether its 53 voting associations should even attend the Congress.

In a separate development, the Swiss attorney general also opened criminal proceedings over the awarding of the 2018 and 2022 World Cups, seized documents and electronic data from FIFA's headquarters and will question 10 current FIFA executive committee members who voted on that tournament.

UEFA's statement has intensified the pressure on Blatter, but the world governing body has insisted the election will take place as planned.


Source: http://www.espnfc.com/fifa-world-cup/story/2470151/sepp-blatter-to-miss-fifa-and-uefa-meetings-to-manage-crisis

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"President Blatter apologises for not being able to come today because of the turbulence you have probably followed in the media

"He said he has to fulfil his duties in the management of the situation which is probably more important than to come to us, so he sends his sincere apologies."

More like he's crapping himself that they've got an arrest warrant ready.


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Some bloke from Guinea-Bissau saying he supports Blatter for "What he's done for African football".

Which is what exactly, apart from taking a 10m+ bribe to give them a world cup and pay of a load of corrupt tossers like this one to vote for him?

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UK banks named in football bribery scandal: Barclays and HSBC 'handled suspected cash'

  • Barclays and HSBC have been named in legal papers filed in the US
  • Documents have also named London-based Standard Chartered Bank
  • Alleged moved suspect transactions linked to Fifa through their accounts
  • Britain's Serious Fraud Office is understood to be monitoring situation.


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And if you want to know what is wrong with the game there it is on Sky. Interviewing the head of the Kuwaiti FA who is heading for the FIFA board.

And he happens to be a member of the royal family, which is how he got the job.

And of course he's as bent as a 19 baht note.

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Don't know if you just caught the press conference from the Attorney General/FBI. The Americans are going full steam ahead with this and it looks like no stone will be left unturned. Well done to the US and shame on the rest of our cowardly countries for not having the same guts that they have.

Don't you be a dimmy too MrBo.

I'm sure Blatter knew damned well the Brits would have an eye on anything he was up to in the UK. The criminal offences all went through US bank accounts and/or took place on US soil. That's why the US justice department has jurisdiction.

Also, I think the penalties for RICO offences are a lot harsher in the US, so it's in everyone's interest.

They obviously thought the seppos aren't that interested in footy.

But I know who a lot of European countries are going to be voting for when the World Cup is next up for grabs.


Don't know what part of my statement warranted you calling me a "dimmy" chicog

Of course the offences that the US are charging them with went through US bank accounts or occurred on US soil, that's why they are able to charge and arrest them. But if you think ALL of this criminal activity only happened on US soil, you are in dream land. Two decades this has been going on and you can bet your cotton socks money has been funnelled through and offences taken place, in several countries.

UK banks named in football bribery scandal: Barclays and HSBC 'handled suspected cash'

There you go. Exactly what I said a few days ago. Apology for calling me a "dimmy" Chicog? I doubt one will be forthcoming.

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UK banks named in football bribery scandal: Barclays and HSBC 'handled suspected cash'

There you go. Exactly what I said a few days ago. Apology for calling me a "dimmy" Chicog? I doubt one will be forthcoming.

You do know they have branches in the US, right?


The Serious Fraud Office said they were examining information relating to possible corruption at FIFA on Friday morning.

A spokesperson said the office was "actively assessing material in its possession and ready to assist international criminal investigations"

Speaking to the House of Commons on Thursday following an urgent question on the FIFA scandal, Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport John Whittingdale said he would support any investigation the SFO made.

“I have no doubt they will be looking closely to see if any laws have been broken in this country,” he said.

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UK banks named in football bribery scandal: Barclays and HSBC 'handled suspected cash'

There you go. Exactly what I said a few days ago. Apology for calling me a "dimmy" Chicog? I doubt one will be forthcoming.

You do know they have branches in the US, right?


Is that a serious question? Or is it one of your usual "change direction cos my shovel ain't big enough" tactics.

Do you think that all of the bribes etc that the FIFA officials and sponsors all did only went through US based accounts and in dollars? I am 100% convinced if other countries stop "monitoring the situation" and get off their fat bottoms to actually start investigating, they will find trails of money being laundered through banks all over the world and not just in US branches.

The Serious Fraud Squad shouldn't be just monitoring this but investigating this from the source you provided:-

One of the transactions said to involve the British-based banks and linked either to Fifa or its officials and connected companies was the transfer of more than £320,000 to the account of a luxury yacht manufacturer in London,

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One of the transactions said to involve the British-based banks and linked either to Fifa or its officials and connected companies was the transfer of more than £320,000 to the account of a luxury yacht manufacturer in London,

Why did you cut this bit off?

while another was a £130,000 payment which was switched through Barclays’ New York branch to an account in the Cayman Islands tax haven.
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One of the transactions said to involve the British-based banks and linked either to Fifa or its officials and connected companies was the transfer of more than £320,000 to the account of a luxury yacht manufacturer in London,

Why did you cut this bit off?

while another was a £130,000 payment which was switched through Barclays’ New York branch to an account in the Cayman Islands tax haven.

Because I am trying to make a point that all these back handers didn't just go through US based banks, whether they be international banks with branches in the US. So the quote I left out (amongst most of the rest of the story) isn't relevant as we know the US are doing them already for anything committed that "touched" the US.

Just to be crystal clear about my only point about all of this (which you called me a dimmy) is that I thank the US for having the guts and intelligence to go after these crooks, whilst the rest of the world did zilch.

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Just to be crystal clear about my only point about all of this (which you called me a dimmy) is that I thank the US for having the guts and intelligence to go after these crooks, whilst the rest of the world did zilch.

The US had a US citizen who rolled over, miked up, and gave them evidence of crimes committed by Americans in the US.

Who else has a patsy like that?

Anyway the poison dwarf just got re-elected.

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