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I Am Going Crazy.


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Just came home from work my GF (still living with me) asked me after 2 hours if she tells me something I am not going mental.

I said yes no problem, my nose was growing as I maybe would go mental.

A very wealthy Chinese couple woman 65 years man about 70 years old living down the road, they like my children very much specially my son (6 years).

Always have something for them and making compliments.

2 weeks ago she went to the shop to buy something this old Chinese guy, asked her with a smile that he want to buy my son for 200K.

My GF turned around and left, she is telling me the story with a smile but I am taking this very serious, maybe to serious.

Would it be just a joke or are there realy people crazy like this, i never talked with them but they know me very well.


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Mate, I know you personaly so can imagine you telling this story down the pub :D . to be honest with you, maybe you should keep a close eye on your son! this guy may well only be joking but I would not put it past anyone to really mean it and if he did not get him buy payment, there is a chance that he may just be snatched. so to be safe, keep a good eye on your son.

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If this really worries you have you thought about dealing with the issue head on ?

At the moment you have a 'middleman' (woman) in the conversation... It may have been some innocent jest that your wife took out of context, alternatively it might be something more worrying.

I guess you can only tell by approaching the Chinese guy in question and asking him directly, albeit politely...

When my sister was over here with her kids I heard on numerous occasions how my Wife's Aunties, uncles etc were going to steel, borrow, kidnap etc my adorable 3 year old nephews.... of course nothing of the sort was anywhere close to happening - It was more an expression of how they felt about the cute kids. However, if I had heard these comments through a Third party it would have sounded a lot more worrying and threatening than a simple "These kids are so adorable I could steel them for a few days"..........

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Oh God. Look, it is indeed common practice to buy children here (albeit unusual to buy outside the family).

If your girlfriend is telling you this with a smile, she's implying a compliment that your son should be worth 200k.

But there's no way your kid will be 'snatched'. The Chinese guy lives in your neighbourhood (would be easily identified if any kiddie grabbing went on), not some kiddie brothel supplier from the boonies. Relax. Let it go. Just smile and nod saying you want at least 10 mil:lol: And get to know the culture here more. Which goes for a lot of posters here :whistling:

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Well, my 2p's worth as a Father to a little one..

You HAVE to go & talk to them, without the Female..

Just in case there is even a remote possibility that it had some truth to it in the way that you're worried about.

I'd bluff them personally, if you thought they were even a tiny % serious & if it isn't immediately obvious that Madam didn't have a clue that humour was involved in it when said, as i doubt would be the first time..

Either that or i'd guess that you had been having a few probs with Madam lately & she's just sounding you out, making you aware that you'll have to buy the Kids, like so many others, including myself, have to do here in teh Land of Smiles..

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To be perfectly frank, if this were my child I would be extremely concerned.

First thing is to establish the facts with your girlfriend and confirm that she heard this correctly and not misunderstood the couple in anyway. If she is convinced that this couple had serious intentions of buying your child:

then I would go and have a word with this Chinese couple, get their side of the story, note their details and if then you are convinced that what they asked your girlfriend was not in jest or a misunderstanding, but genuine, then I would explain your concerns and warn them, not in an abusive manner but strongly, to stay away from your family.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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In my opinion the chinese man is not stupid he knows you would never sell your child.....take it in the way I feel the comment was intended.....as a compliment.


You can take some of the over reactive advice above and further alienate your wife and also a couple of friendly neighbours who appear to be kind to your children

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If the OP thinks the Chinese couple was serious, then what does that say about how they perceived the parents of the child? That mum's a tart willing to sell her child and that dad's into cash? Well, if mum doesn't look like a bar whore and dad isn't a beligerent drunk, then chances are the wife misunderstood or has an ulterior motive.Potential kidnappers? I think not. Does anyone think that an elderly Chinese couple would dare take on a respectable looking foreigner, as if the father wouldn't stop until he had recovered his kidnapped son? And folks in TV make fun of Thai soap operas? Be grateful the old guy is nice o the kid. The typical TV member hates little children.

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In my opinion the chinese man is not stupid he knows you would never sell your child.....take it in the way I feel the comment was intended.....as a compliment.


You can take some of the over reactive advice above and further alienate your wife and also a couple of friendly neighbours who appear to be kind to your children


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I am a bit surprised no one has gone round and offed his wife to give her a baby off tap for 200 000 baht, What an opportunity to earn 200,000baht ,There are enough men in Thailand that will hump any thing that breaths and stands still, even though the wife is 65 that should not be problem for some

Tong in cheek before all the post start.:whistling:

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"needforspeed" has not returned.



1] The child in question is YOUR son/child (your sperm).

2] Your girlfriend tells the truth, the whole truth & nothing but the truth, at any point in time.

3] You have varified this information to be correct.


1] Ignore such '2nd hand' responses until they are varified.

2] Ensure that the child in question is in fact, your child.

3] Do not rely upon 2nd hand information...especially in Thailand.

4] If you feel that your suspicions are warranted, contact the authorities but preferably not the local authorities...go directly to Bangkok.

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Oh God. Look, it is indeed common practice to buy children here (albeit unusual to buy outside the family).

If your girlfriend is telling you this with a smile, she's implying a compliment that your son should be worth 200k.

But there's no way your kid will be 'snatched'. The Chinese guy lives in your neighbourhood (would be easily identified if any kiddie grabbing went on), not some kiddie brothel supplier from the boonies. Relax. Let it go. Just smile and nod saying you want at least 10 mil:lol: And get to know the culture here more. Which goes for a lot of posters here :whistling:

Correct on all counts - but why would you imagine that posters here would change the habits of a lifetime?

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When my (now) wife and I were dating in the early days she worked as a kitchen hand. Every time we've been in Bangkok since getting together we've visited the kindly old chinese owners as my wife says they were very good bosses over the 10 years she worked for them. After we were married and our boys were born, the wife started mentioning how she wanted to "look after"one of them and wanted to know how much?......My price was always 300 million Baht and no discounts!....... She's also asked my wife on many occasions if she would "have another one for me"? .......Her reply is "no way two babies is enough".

Everyone had a giggle and there's been no more discussion on buying my kids since then.

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Perhaps you might counter, offering a short-term rental deal, which might reveal whether this original-offer was intended as a joke, and could also make you some useful money into-the-bargain ? You might just have found your new babysitters ? ! :D

Or enquire whether their family has any attractive female babies, so you could discuss a merger-deal, between your respective biological empires ? B)

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Mate, I know you personaly so can imagine you telling this story down the pub :D . to be honest with you, maybe you should keep a close eye on your son! this guy may well only be joking but I would not put it past anyone to really mean it and if he did not get him buy payment, there is a chance that he may just be snatched. so to be safe, keep a good eye on your son.

Your wright is was in the pub:rolleyes: , but was my first pint.

I agree i told my GF not to go there and keep a eye on him, still scary even without 6 lagers and 12 tequilla's:) , cheers.

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How pathetic most of the answers are. There is absolutely nothing strange about this. If you go and ask him you are going to look a real pratt and seriously offend someone. Stop thinking as if you were in the UK or some other western country. The neighbour's comments are common in Thailand. It is a compliment, not an offer - a friendly joke. If you are going to live here at least try to learn a little bit about the culture.

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How pathetic most of the answers are. There is absolutely nothing strange about this. If you go and ask him you are going to look a real pratt and seriously offend someone. Stop thinking as if you were in the UK or some other western country. The neighbour's comments are common in Thailand. It is a compliment, not an offer - a friendly joke. If you are going to live here at least try to learn a little bit about the culture.

I hope you are wright, i know the culture very well and also know that it could be a compliment but still worried.

On a friendly way i find out if he is making just a joke.


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My earlier response was a bit too strong. If it was someone unknown to you and your wife then perhaps and only perhaps, something to think about (talking about Thailand here). But from someone you know it is a compliment.

Obviously, if it was in the UK, I too would be a little concerned.

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