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Thai Immigration Arrest 65-Year-Old Briton For Abusing Adopted Daughter

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Thai Immigration arrest 65-year-old Briton for abusing adopted daughter

Immigration police have arrested a 65-year-old Briton for having allegedly raping his adopted daughter repeatedly for eight years when she was eight years old.

The arrest of Roger Stone was announced at a press conference at the Immigration Bureau.

Stone was arrested under the arrest warrant issued by the Criminal Court on March 9.

He was charged with repeating raping his adopted daughter when she was eight years old until 15 years old. She then fled from home and filed a complaint with police.

Immigration Commissioner Pol Lt Gen Wibul Bangthamai said Stone had fled into Thailand since 2005.


-- The Nation 2010-10-28

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The story does not state in which country the alleged crime transpired. Was it in the UK or in Thailand? And were police acting on international arrest warrant or one issued by a Thai Criminal court?

Regardless, this is sadly a very serious matter.


"Stone had fled into Thailand since 2005." - can someone explain what that means??

or is this just an example of the standard of reporting that will surround this item?


Are the charges from UK?

However, more than one thing is strange here. Why this step-daughter had to wait 8 years for escaping (as she apparently did recently)? How did this girl came into the hands of this Briton? Foster parents? Adopted child? Maybe his own daughter, which would then be incest? Very suspicious.

And now suddenly the solution: big tam tam around the case from the Immigration Police. What do they want to proof? In my opinion, it smells or we don't have enough information... I am and remain meanwhile very suspicious! There is more that we do not know!!! :annoyed:


"Stone had fled into Thailand since 2005." - can someone explain what that means??

or is this just an example of the standard of reporting that will surround this item?

Exactly. Such bad, ambiguous English. I presume it means he fled up-country, i.e. into the heart/countryside of Thailand. But it could mean something else as others have indicated - that the crime was committed in another country and he "fled into Thailand".

But I'm fairly sure that's not what is meant.

Just one native English speaker - that's all it would take The Nation to get it right.


I believe this is what was meant:

Immigration police have arrested a 65-year-old Briton for having allegedly raped his adopted daughter repeatedly for eight years from when she was eight years old.

The arrest of Roger Stone was announced at a press conference at the Immigration Bureau.

Stone was arrested under the arrest warrant issued by the Criminal Court on March 9.

He was charged with repeatedly raping his adopted daughter when she was eight years old until 15 years old. She then fled from home and filed a complaint with police.

Immigration Commissioner Pol Lt Gen Wibul Bangthamai said Stone had fled to somewhere in Thailand in 2005.


Is The Nation looking for proof readers? I would be happy to submit my CV.

After reading that, I have no idea what actually happened....

Same here, one of most badly worded items I have seen. Makes no sense at all, my 5 year old could write better.


I can understand why men can look on their teenage adopted daughters and think they are sexy, and I know some who do. But those thoughts you just must automatically put out of your head. It's not that hard to do.

But at eight years old it is out of the question to think that way. Girls haven't reached puberty then. This is a case of paedophilia if the allegations are true.

I pity the poor girl and hope she can get good counselling and lead a normal life one day.


Unfortunately as we are all, (presumably) living here in Thailand, we have come to expect (and get) mis-spellings, wrong words etc. as some reasders are not Native Speakers, so these problems ofter arise. So sometimes we have (unfortunately) to read between the lines.


Do I smell money?

Or am I not allowed to ask that?

Why always so much attention when there is a possibility for farang bashing?

I just wonder if there would be so much attention if the alleged perpetrator was Thai?

Or am I now a racist?


Unfortunately as we are all, (presumably) living here in Thailand, we have come to expect (and get) mis-spellings, wrong words etc. as some reasders are not Native Speakers, so these problems ofter arise. So sometimes we have (unfortunately) to read between the lines.

I aegre wtih you. I am not a ntaive spekaer myslef but and caonnt splel very well but at laest I like to thnik I make sesne.


"Stone had fled into Thailand since 2005." - can someone explain what that means??

or is this just an example of the standard of reporting that will surround this item?

Exactly. Such bad, ambiguous English. I presume it means he fled up-country, i.e. into the heart/countryside of Thailand. But it could mean something else as others have indicated - that the crime was committed in another country and he "fled into Thailand".

But I'm fairly sure that's not what is meant.

Just one native English speaker - that's all it would take The Nation to get it right.

I would say that it means he came from another country. I am not sure, but I would guess that since he was arrested by immigration police the charges are from outside Thailand and he was detained for extradition.


Regarding "controlling" these feelings -- it is NOT, by far, an easy thing to do for people with these 'abnormalites'. That's almost like saying it's easy for a mental patient to be normal and fit into society. These tendencies are not at all so simple to define.

So if he did it, should he be hung for it then? That's where it gets complicated. It takes an expert to make a proper diagnosis, but in my book anyone who is guilty of such a crime needs to be put away for it. Certainly for someone to commit such an act means that there is something psychologically wrong with the person and it's these sort that need to be kept in a place where they won't hurt any other people -- whether it's their fault or the fault of their underlying mental condition.


As its the immigration police i would think it happened in the UK, and he fled the UK when the girl reported the matter in 2005, and has been hiding here since. but who knows


Unfortunately as we are all, (presumably) living here in Thailand, we have come to expect (and get) mis-spellings, wrong words etc. as some reasders are not Native Speakers, so these problems ofter arise. So sometimes we have (unfortunately) to read between the lines.

I aegre wtih you. I am not a ntaive spekaer myslef but and caonnt splel very well but at laest I like to thnik I make sesne.

Ha-Ha - what wit (not)......


Its a 'Breaking News' item form the Nation. It always comes in this kind of English

Are the charges from UK?

My guess is yes. That he got arrested now has probably to do with some upgraded and more computerised procedure in the Thai immigration system and administration


Is The Nation looking for proof readers? I would be happy to submit my CV.

After reading that, I have no idea what actually happened....

The Nation used to have several native English speakers as sub-editors. They offloaded most, or maybe all, of them a few years ago when the current crunch began, with the results you keep seeing in that august organ.

This is a very good example of what can happen when you have a combination of shoddy reporting and poor English capabilities -- an almost incomprehensible report.


Unfortunately as we are all, (presumably) living here in Thailand, we have come to expect (and get) mis-spellings, wrong words etc. as some reasders are not Native Speakers, so these problems ofter arise. So sometimes we have (unfortunately) to read between the lines.

"Read between the lines" for post responses in this forum would be a kind euphemism. What the person is trying to say is generally easy to understand. The unfounded assumptions and priggish criticisms are disgusting. :bah:

I agre wtih you. I am not a ntaive spekaer myslef but and caonnt splel very well but at laest I like to thnik I make sesne.


It sounds very much like this crime was committed in another country. The man fled to Thailand in 2005 after his adopted daughter reported the situation to the police.

He has only been here for 5 years, but the molestation took place for a period of 8 years.

A real problem for Thai journalists is that they don't ask questions. So whatever is said is what gets written. It then gets written rather poorly.


"Stone had fled into Thailand since 2005." - can someone explain what that means??

or is this just an example of the standard of reporting that will surround this item?

The way I read it is that he committed the crime in Bkk and fled inland when the girl reported to police.


I suppose the answer is to stop reading these reports if you think they are so shoddy. It's a first report. I don't think it's meant to contain every scrap of information. It'sthe same everywhere. In the UK crimes are often reported with little detail attached. If you want to know the full story then you'll need to attend the court case. You will never get all the facts from a newspaper report. Chill.


Just to reiterate - this piece is plainly not worthy of any "professional" (in mine and others' opinions) - "allegedly raping his adopted daughter repeatedly for eight years when she was eight years old" means she was raped for eight years when she was eight years old? 8 in 1?!?!

Sub-standard writing/reporting, for sure!

Yes, I know this is explained in the later paragraph, but surely a NATIONal newspaper can do better than this poor (X8?) reporting!?

In fact, this demonstration of inept 'reporting' is surely LOSING The Nation readers!? I won't be buying a 'newspaper' that needs additional explanation!!!!


Are the charges from UK?

However, more than one thing is strange here. Why this step-daughter had to wait 8 years for escaping (as she apparently did recently)? How did this girl came into the hands of this Briton? Foster parents? Adopted child? Maybe his own daughter, which would then be incest? Very suspicious.

And now suddenly the solution: big tam tam around the case from the Immigration Police. What do they want to proof? In my opinion, it smells or we don't have enough information... I am and remain meanwhile very suspicious! There is more that we do not know!!! :annoyed:

They did say she was adopted. Otherwise, the basic facts are there. He is being accused of raping his 8 year old adopted daughter. This sounds like it was written by the accused's lawyer. I don't see the relevance of the other sleuthing. If they arrested him, they must have other facts to show his guilt. He's in deep shit. The relevance of his "mental" condition brings up a good point. Who cares.


I don't think we should jump to conclusions just yet, how about this scenario!, the said farang has invested heavily here in los, and the wife and stepdaughter stand to benefit substantially should the farang be out of the way, so between them decide to accuse him of the said offence, think about it, OK, he might well be guilty, but he just might be a victim here

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