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Chalerm Warns Of Violent Protest If Thai Polls Not Called Soon


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You are to be congratulated on a splendid post, the truth is there for all to see. Abhisit is probably the best Prime Minister this country has ever seen. He took the helm when the situation was indeed a tinder box and he has worked to improve the long term prospects of the Thai people.

No false promise of ''Jam tomorrow,"unlike the mealy mouthed on the run I want my justice ex bandit of a Prime Minister who enriched his and his families coffers and those of his acolytes on the back of the Thai people..

In my twenty years here I find that Abisit is indeed a much needed breath of fresh air and indeed he has injected at long last that much needed elixir of youth into the political scene.

The financial and corrupt predator dinosaurs hopefully have had their day and I do hope extinction for their corrupt self enriching leeching off of the less well to do is finished.

Hopefully the extinction of strange disappearances, mass murders of innocents, and the shielding and indeed the assistance given to family members who kill at a whim then get someone else to take the blame (Chalerm) will also be buried in the past.

This up coming election when it happens is indeed the last chance for the Thai people to make the change from a despotic corrupt patronising political system that has prevailed over the years to a more benevolent more open and honest form of government.

Hopefully money will not rule and dictate the vote and return the corrupt to power where they will gather like vultures to feed upon the Thai people and the country until all that is left will be a stinking carcass of humanity.

Thaksin and his family and their acolytes rest assured will be far away from the stench of the death of freedom and democracy as Thakasin even now, is running from bolt hole to bolt hole whilst his puppets brown nose to his megalomania.

Agreed 100%

End the compulsive greed in politics and move towards the light Thailand.

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I noticed that free milk is not being given out to students (toddlers) at my child's school any more. When I asked the staff why, they said the government decided not to supply it to schools any more. Was this also part of their drive to improve people's lives?

Just curious.

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I noticed that free milk is not being given out to students (toddlers) at my child's school any more. When I asked the staff why, they said the government decided not to supply it to schools any more. Was this also part of their drive to improve people's lives?

Just curious.

The school milk project has been a disasters marred by corruption, sub-quality standard milk, etc. The government didn't supply the milk, but had it outsourced to companies.

As far as I know the project is still in place, but new suppliers may not have been selected yet. Typical Thai, but a bloody shame to dupe kids for a few Baht.

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begin of good post removed ...

But they're not interested in such generosity. They want the guy who 'speaks' to them. In their language. Tells them:

1. All debt gone in 6 months!

2. Next 6 months, I'm gonna make a fortune so nobody has to work!

3. After that, I'm gonna make jobs for your children!

4. Worried about floods? Don't be. I'm gonna build a dam around the whole of Bangkok!

5. We're gonna share the wealth!

6. We're gonna eliminate poverty!

7. And every child will take their own computer to school!

May I suggest a minor modification to point 1.?

1. All debt gone again in 6 months!

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I noticed that free milk is not being given out to students (toddlers) at my child's school any more. When I asked the staff why, they said the government decided not to supply it to schools any more. Was this also part of their drive to improve people's lives?

Just curious.

The school milk project has been a disasters marred by corruption, sub-quality standard milk, etc. The government didn't supply the milk, but had it outsourced to companies.

As far as I know the project is still in place, but new suppliers may not have been selected yet. Typical Thai, but a bloody shame to dupe kids for a few Baht.

Thanks for the info. Why did I think supplying free milk to schools could be a relatively straightforward business? A 'tourist' level error - for which I apologize.

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The free milk scheme was introduced under the Thaksin regime. You will find that the scheme is still working I speak from seeing our youngest (10 years old ) son actually bringing home as his friends do the surplus milk each week.

I also see our primary kids getting their free milk each day in the school were I work.

Heavens forbid Hanuman1, but I have the feeling that perhaps someone in the school your child attends has possibly branched out into commerce as a dairyman or dairywoman.

The free milk allocation has not stopped however I am aware there are areas where due to massive mismanagement ( corruption) the free milk scheme has had to be temporarily shelved.

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You are to be congratulated on a splendid post, the truth is there for all to see. Abhisit is probably the best Prime Minister this country has ever seen. He took the helm when the situation was indeed a tinder box and he has worked to improve the long term prospects of the Thai people.

No false promise of ''Jam tomorrow,"unlike the mealy mouthed on the run I want my justice ex bandit of a Prime Minister who enriched his and his families coffers and those of his acolytes on the back of the Thai people..

In my twenty years here I find that Abisit is indeed a much needed breath of fresh air and indeed he has injected at long last that much needed elixir of youth into the political scene.

The financial and corrupt predator dinosaurs hopefully have had their day and I do hope extinction for their corrupt self enriching leeching off of the less well to do is finished.

Hopefully the extinction of strange disappearances, mass murders of innocents, and the shielding and indeed the assistance given to family members who kill at a whim then get someone else to take the blame (Chalerm) will also be buried in the past.

This up coming election when it happens is indeed the last chance for the Thai people to make the change from a despotic corrupt patronising political system that has prevailed over the years to a more benevolent more open and honest form of government.

Hopefully money will not rule and dictate the vote and return the corrupt to power where they will gather like vultures to feed upon the Thai people and the country until all that is left will be a stinking carcass of humanity.

Thaksin and his family and their acolytes rest assured will be far away from the stench of the death of freedom and democracy as Thakasin even now, is running from bolt hole to bolt hole whilst his puppets brown nose to his megalomania.

Well said, very well said.

And, Khun Abhisit is also to be applauded for what he has achieved given that he works in a snakepit, surrounded by incapable ruthless thieves, even some in his own party.

I suggest there also needs to be recognition of Khun Korns work, a very higly capable man who has displayed again and again that he wants to reduce the gap through policy as well as actions to gain more opportunities for the people who just survive and to bring a very large % of Thais into a much better quality of life, mostly through their own bettter opportunities for productive which brings better returns. And he also has shown strength in rejecting some of the rubbish espoused by people like the board of Thai. He basically told them their business plan was sh*t, unacceptable, unprofessional and an insult to the Thai people, the ultimately owners of the majority of the Thai share portfolio.

Edited by scorecard
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The free milk scheme was introduced under the Thaksin regime. You will find that the scheme is still working I speak from seeing our youngest (10 years old ) son actually bringing home as his friends do the surplus milk each week.

I also see our primary kids getting their free milk each day in the school were I work.

Heavens forbid Hanuman1, but I have the feeling that perhaps someone in the school your child attends has possibly branched out into commerce as a dairyman or dairywoman.

The free milk allocation has not stopped however I am aware there are areas where due to massive mismanagement ( corruption) the free milk scheme has had to be temporarily shelved.

Children cannot vote. Why give them the free milk? A waste of tax payer money.

Adult however can vote; 2000 Baht per head hand out was nicely distributed.

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The free milk scheme was introduced under the Thaksin regime. You will find that the scheme is still working I speak from seeing our youngest (10 years old ) son actually bringing home as his friends do the surplus milk each week.

I also see our primary kids getting their free milk each day in the school were I work.

Heavens forbid Hanuman1, but I have the feeling that perhaps someone in the school your child attends has possibly branched out into commerce as a dairyman or dairywoman.

The free milk allocation has not stopped however I am aware there are areas where due to massive mismanagement ( corruption) the free milk scheme has had to be temporarily shelved.

Yes the free milk scheme was introduced under the thaksin regime and you might like to note that the health minister (she can't even spell the word health) was one his scaly female TRT cronies, non banned (with the nickname Miss 40%) who has several times been under strong suspicion of corruption in the milk scheme and compicit in the fact that rank / poor quality milk was delivered daily and for long periods at some schools, also in regard to the several instances where the milk was delivered to schools for free distribution to the children but was in fact sold to the children and/or sold to local minimarts etc.

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Chalerm warns of violent protest if polls not called soon

Indeed words from the masters lips. No doubt his renegade sons will be at the forefront of the violence as it does indeed seem to be a family trait.

Mr.Toilet may well be christened with a somewhat coarser name that would refer to an outside brick building !!

The boy is built like a brick s###house

He and his family know a few things about violence and ole Chavalit does too. Bit of competition to get ole party leader in exile to chose one of them as head honcho and back stab that nasty Mingkwan who actually has a few ideas o his own that arebt all about exiled polticos. Mmm and just reminding everyone that come hot season it is easy to put a demo together and alwaysas been. It is quite likely that the police reshuffle is more to do with that than any election.

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"Chief Pheu Thai MP Chalerm Yoobamrung said during a meeting of party MPs from the northeast in Chiang Mai that he believed the Abhisit Vejjajiva administration was preparing for an election, judging by the promotions of senior police officers nationwide."

I guess it takes a former police captain to recognize the signs of an impending election. Would that the same could be said about their regular tasks and execution of them.

Chalerm had a somewhat different job in the police working for powerful influential generals directly iirc and that is where hiw political clout emanated from as well as ability to pull off a few astounding court victories in favour of his kids.

Chalerms last political prediction proved to be a little off. He predicted Abhisit wouldnt last 3 months as PM. This sounds more like a threat than prediction though. Guess the usual suspects are already calculting that after the floods numbers can be boosted quite substantially for little outlay

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Hi All

I am really pleased thai the ordinary people of Thailand are pulling together along with all the Government Dept to help the people in need and get on with the massive clean up,

I think it is shameful that all Phui Thai party can do at this sad time is try yet another frame up ,No sign of them doing anything constructive or getting their feet wet or putting their hands in their pockets and their Super rich owner and number 1 pal Chalerm are the chief culprits.


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