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UPDATED Current Flooded Areas & Forecasts

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I am curious to know how everyone out there is doing. Just wanted to let you guys know

from bophut area near peace resort / bophut resort and spa / bandara the main road coming from maenum up to the yellow bank long before the stop long water there is pretty high, about 1pm I was able to drive through it ok with my fortuna water there is high at least 1 feet / 12 inches

going past stop light on the main road towards Big C coming from bophut fisherman village water is at least 2 - 3 feet high already and rising, 2 cars already stuck in the road mainly due to road level is low. I can confirm since I'm at this area right now. I managed to park around here ok. hope rain stops soon though

Look forward to more postings, and everyone out there be careful and safe and good luck

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Luckily I live on a mountain so flooding isn't that much of a problem. The road down the mountain is a different matter. Due to the high winds it is now impassible by car. I can just squeeze by on the bike. The road from the traffic lights at the turning for Nikki beach and the Raja ferry towards Lamai is under about .5 metre of water and rising fast. Have plenty of supplies in so not too worried.

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Update from twitter:

georgebkk Samui update: Entire island has no power. All banks, Big C, Tesco etc are closed. Various sources predict from 1 to 2 days without power.

Sorry for THE double post. Ais gprs service is slowing down. I am out of here trying to conserve battery of my phone. Good luck everyone!

Edited by Gulfsailor
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I now have "lake front" property! Just south of Maenam. Knee deep in some places.... quiet a torrent of water flowing by.....

Some neighbours have water running through parts of their houses....

The "normal stream" near me has risen about 18 feet and washed out many trees along its banks.........luckily it is down at least 15 feet from the road level...

For me, I think my house will be OK, as long as it does not rise another three feet... Certainly some changes in the landscape, when all goes down when rain stops ! ...

Power went out at 6.50 this morning, & came on here, at 12.30 pm.... I gather the next soi over, power came on but now off again....

Sure glad I did my shopping yesterday!.... and hope everyone OK!

Edited by samuijimmy
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Luckily I live on a mountain so flooding isn't that much of a problem. The road down the mountain is a different matter. Due to the high winds it is now impassible by car. I can just squeeze by on the bike. The road from the traffic lights at the turning for Nikki beach and the Raja ferry towards Lamai is under about .5 metre of water and rising fast. Have plenty of supplies in so not too worried.

Nikki beach web-cam


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I'm sorry to hear so bad news from Samui, luckily in Koh Phangan less rain and less prone to be flooded than Samui. But we are affected from the problems of our neighbors and just to start we have been without electricity from 6 am until 12 this morning. All the supplies and passengers to/from Samui are stopped.

Internet here (I have the solid CAT ADSL) still working good but other providers up and down.

Good luck to all the people affected by this storm!

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So much for the "water shortage" fear mongering in the Samui Express. On Samui, it rains every November quite a lot -- no surprise. Get used to it folks, and be happy the reservoirs are now topped off and all the plants/trees are well watered.

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Well, this is totally off topic but it has nothing to do with how much rain the islands get but the fact that there is not enough storage capacity compared to how many users there are.

Anyway, that is totally off topic and of not much help to those interested in flooding situations

Channel 7 news just reported that the Samui airport has been closed since 2 PM.

And the Bangkok Post reports that all but large ferries are being kept ashore on the mainland but according to what I have heard is that Don Sak is flooded and so nobody can get in or out anyway.

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Just looking on the Thai TV and Surat Thani is under a lot of water and rising. They are saying it is going to be days before they are going to be running the ferries. Hat YAI IS EVEN WORSE THAN Surat with them predicting over 3 metres of water. not good. We now have our own little, and getting bigger by the hour waterfall running through the garden. The poor Thai's in the makeshift houses at the bottom of the mountain are really getting it as well.

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For those with UBC there is some English dialect news feed on channel 1.

Hat Yai is under a lot of water. The last time I remember seeing pictures of flooding of this bad was the flooding of New Orleans after the hurricane a few years ago.

It has to be declared a disaster now?

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Amazed that we still have power and I can post this......

Soi Beachway, Maenam (the soi to Meanam Resort) is a complete river with a strong current and masses of floating debris. It usually floods during rainy season but I have never seen it like this.

I waded up the soi and it was thigh deep at about 2pm. Just off the soi, Suan Tong and Hippo Gym is waist deep. Some houses and restaurants are flooded and have had to move out.

And it's still raining..........

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South end of Samui has 1 phase of power back on, but the other is browned out.

and wavering up and down. Surprised to hear Maenam as power.

All 7/11 / Family mart from Lamai to Namuang are closed except for Namuang near Winner.

Hand logging all items.

Tesco Lamai was open for business, credit cards being taken, but all ATMs dead.

axel deep water around most of Lamai getting better, but more rain expected.

I can hear the wind and rain picking up yet again.

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Power is on at Plai Laem just about 5 minutes ago.

This picture was taken around 4pm in Chaweng.


Good luck to all on Samui, I'm in Koh Lanta right now and we had a sunny afternoon, after two days of rain and a storm this morning.

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hey every falang sometimes these kind of things happen why in hells name why didnt you buy a gasoline generator when things like this happen so at least you can keep in contact with relatives oversees and keep your refrigerator and lamps going

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hey every falang sometimes these kind of things happen why in hells name why didnt you buy a gasoline generator when things like this happen so at least you can keep in contact with relatives oversees and keep your refrigerator and lamps going

What makes you think we haven't?

I don't think this is a moaning thread. It's just informative, which I imagine is what most of us want right now.

Sleep well everyone.

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For those with UBC there is some English dialect news feed on channel 1.

Hat Yai is under a lot of water. The last time I remember seeing pictures of flooding of this bad was the flooding of New Orleans after the hurricane a few years ago.

It has to be declared a disaster now?

Yes. I can't remember if we can still post links to BKK Post, but it says that 16 districts in Surat are now disaster zones and we are one of them. I will post it if I am allowed?

(I did look at the forum rules but I couldn't find anything. Sorry SBK)

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covered in news:

Two dead, 2 missing in southern floods; 4 southern provinces declare disaster zones

SONGKHLA, Nov 2 – At least two persons were killed and two others are missing after severe floods hit Thailand’s southern provinces.

Pattani, Phatthalung, Songkhla and Surat Thani provinces declared major disaster zones as rain continues and floodwaters continue to rise.

One person in Songkhla’s Tha Kian community died in a flood-related electrocution and another died in Pattani, where two persons, including a child swept away by the torrent, are missing.

In Songkha’s Hat Yai, flood water is some two metres deep in low-lying areas. Roads leading to Hat Yai have been cut, with only large boats and four-wheel drive vehicles able to reach the some areas.

Numbers of local residents called the disaster services hotline 1784 for the Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation seeking help. Some have been stranded in their homes and some asked for instant food products. Officials sent flat-bottomed boats to help them, but help and coordination is difficult and slow as the telephone system has been disrupted.

Deputy Interior Minister Thavorn Senneam inspected the rising waters in Hat Yai municipality and surrounding areas by helicopter and will report to Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva, scheduled to visit the city to help flood victims Tuesday.

The public health ministry assessed the flood in 33 provinces, the most critical being Songkhla where three medical centres, Hat Yai, Sadao and Na Thawi Hospitals were flooded and temporarily closed outpatient services, and Na Thawi carried medical services into its district office.

Public Health Minister Jurin Laksanavisit said the the ministry set up ‘war rooms’ at Hat Yai hospital, while health workers provide treatment to villagers by mobile medical unit and makeshift offices outside flooded areas.

Hat Yai Hopital has 559 inpatients including 70 cases in critical condition and on respirator. Eight patients were airlifted to Songklanagarind Hospital. Songklanagarind Hospital and Phatthalung Hospital will supply submerged Hat Yai Hospital with food, patients’ clothes and medical equipment. The Public Health Ministry sent 57,500 sets of medicine to five southern


Meanwhile, Phatthalung has declared 11 districts of the province as disaster zones after overnight heavy rainfall. It is estimated that nearly 100,000 residents affected by floods.

Some 70,000 rai (nearly 28,000 acres) of rice crops were submerged and a number of orchards and rubber plantations were damaged by the tropical depression Monday night as well.

Moreover, flash floods from Tamot and Kong Ra districts rapidly hit Chaison district on Tuesday, forcing residents to move to stay at relief shelters on roads.

Civil servants and soldiers braced for possible inundation in the provinces, especially municipal schools and hospitals. Sandbags walls were used to prevent floodwaters entering Phatthalung Hospital. Workers also installed a water pump and moved important medical equipment and supplies to higher ground.

Surat Thani designated its 19 districts as disaster zones affected by floods. A number of roads, bridges have been severe damaged and cut off. Currently, officials involving in disaster mitigation were trying to help and evacuate residents in at-risk areas to safe places because the water from the mountain range continues flowing into the areas.

Chumphon governor Pinit Chareonpanich met with 1,000 sub-district and village chiefs and local government officials to map out measures in preparation for possible flash floods, large-scale forest run-off and landslides due to heavy rain from the storm.

The meeting followed the Meteorological Department’s warning for provincial disaster-related agencies to prepare for the impacts from the tropical storm currently covering the South of Thailand.

In Narathiwat province, the inundation affected 12 districts owing to incessant rain, 54 sub-districts and 42,400 people.

More than 3,200 rai (about 1,300 acres) of rice crops, rubber trees and fruit orchards were damaged, as well as 25 bridges.

Public Health Ministry mobile medical units treated 294,496 patients in flood-stricken areas from October 20 to November 1, with 110, 794 experiencing athlete’s foot. Health workers distributed 873,700 sets of medicine to flooded provinces.

Meanwhile, the Education Ministry reported 1,377 schools damaged by floods and 592 schools postponed opening the new semester. Damage amounted to Bt180 million (US$6 million).

In Songkhla where the latest flooding occurred, 17 schools remain closed due to flooding. (MCOT online news)

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Theesa baan nathon flooded

tesco lotus nathon flooded

opposite bigc this morning over 1 meter deep this morning

the market dao near lamdin is closed. water nearly 1.5 meters deep in some places and shops and massage pallour are deep in waters

near samui palme bach is high it.

Fishermans village.

a lorry block the road this morning near catex gas station this morning though it is clear now.

Last night banrak was without power all night manam some of the night bophut early moring.

All of this is just might site see on samui

flooding has started to ease though i am not sure whats install for tomorrow. all this in just a ew hours. so good luck all

no mention on BBC or CNN

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