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South Pattaya Road Resembling A Rubbish Dump


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All along South Pattaya Road(that is the road where Wat Chai, Center Condo, Friendship supermarket etc are located) local traders, shops and residents are dumping bags of rubbish all along the road either in the gutter or on the pavement(sidewalk).

These bags of garbage pile up and are sometimes left for days before being collected, if at all. Not only is it an awful eyesore but the rubbish stinks and is a health hazard. Piles of junk like this especially food stuff attracts vermin such as rats.

The practice of this ad hoc dumping of garbage along South Pattaya Road has been going on for sometime.

All it needs is some strategically placed dust bins or some of those enclosed trash carts along the road to solve the problem and the dumpers to be taught to use such receptacles.

Or am I the only one who thinks something should be done about it????

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The rubbish is removed late at night / early hours of the morning when there's not so much traffic around.

I often sued to the the dustbinmen when returning to Centre Condo at 2am.

Have to agree - always collect rubbish early hours of morning. for as long as I can remember But you have to realize that the market area is basically 24hrs with goods arriving at all hours of the day and night so it is a continuous cycle.

Really dont understand what TheWalkingMan is on about - I don't think there are too many hands up to take over the garbage collection! Lots of people agree?

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"As has been said rubbish is collected everynight"

It is simply not correct that rubbish is collected everynight. Some of the same garbage is left strewn in the gutter or on the pavement for days on end. It smells awful and attracts flies and other vermin. My point is that it would be easy to provide rubbish bins along the road for people to put their litter in. If millions can be spent on a traffic light system which is being mainly ignored then why not spent a fraction of that in trying to prevent South Pattaya Road looking and smelling like a rubbish tip.

Even getting a few local traders to sponsor some rubbish receptacles would help.

Edited by Zodiac
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The rubbish is removed late at night / early hours of the morning when there's not so much traffic around.

I often used to see the dustbinmen when returning to Centre Condo at 2am.

Oops, didn't read my post before hitting Reply.

Above is what I meant to say.

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The locals just don't care. Most are poor and trying to make a living.

You cant always bring your western values to Asia with you.


Not the issue at all. What is the issue is a public health matter which could be easily solved.

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The locals just don't care. Most are poor and trying to make a living.

You cant always bring your western values to Asia with you.


Not the issue at all. What is the issue is a public health matter which could be easily solved.

99.99% of the people don't care. Lots of problems in Pattaya could be solved easily if you apply western logic. Does not work like that though.

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You're the only one...those of us here long-term just learn to get along...and as has been said, it's picked up in the wee-hours of the morning most days.

Next silly farang complaint please...

It is not a silly farang complaint at all. So do not try to turn this into a slanging match. I have made a perfectly legitimate observation about a disgusting situation which poses a serious health hazard. And I have proposed a solution. Further I am not the only one.

I am here long time and maybe your have been here too long.

What is it with some of you people. A properly raised issue affecting peoples health is branded as a "silly complaint"?!

As to the poster who said 99% of the people don't care, well, many of those same people did not care about safe sex until western values taught them about using condoms and preventing disease.

Learning to get along is one thing, but living or consorting in a pig sty is something some of us long timers can do without!

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You're the only one...those of us here long-term just learn to get along...and as has been said, it's picked up in the wee-hours of the morning most days.

Next silly farang complaint please...

It is not a silly farang complaint at all. So do not try to turn this into a slanging match. I have made a perfectly legitimate observation about a disgusting situation which poses a serious health hazard. And I have proposed a solution. Further I am not the only one.

I am here long time and maybe your have been here too long.

What is it with some of you people. A properly raised issue affecting peoples health is branded as a "silly complaint"?!

As to the poster who said 99% of the people don't care, well, many of those same people did not care about safe sex until western values taught them about using condoms and preventing disease.

Learning to get along is one thing, but living or consorting in a pig sty is something some of us long timers can do without!

comparing trash on the street with condom use is like comparing mangos and durian. How many people have died because of some trash on Pattaya Tai ?

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The sad part about this is that it is an easy fix. Just separate trash cans which are to receive glass, plastic bottles or burnable items. It would also save the hassle of the guys sorting the stuff on the truck.

How anyone could be against something like this is beyond me.


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The sad part about this is that it is an easy fix. Just separate trash cans which are to receive glass, plastic bottles or burnable items. It would also save the hassle of the guys sorting the stuff on the truck.

How anyone could be against something like this is beyond me.


we agree with you mate but don't have much confidence in Pattaya to implement something like this.

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The locals just don't care. Most are poor and trying to make a living.

You cant always bring your western values to Asia with you.


Not the issue at all. What is the issue is a public health matter which could be easily solved.

And what of all the people who make a living by scavenging amonst this rubbish?

Who would pick up these bins? You'd neen new (or re-designed) refuse lorries for a start.

Might be a public health matter but still a complicated solution.

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The locals just don't care. Most are poor and trying to make a living.

You cant always bring your western values to Asia with you.


Not the issue at all. What is the issue is a public health matter which could be easily solved.

Not sure about easy. But somthing needs to be done. Pic was taken Oct 17. I got sick to my stomach by this scene and by the lack of people trying to help clean.




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Learning to get along is one thing, but living or consorting in a pig sty is something some of us long timers can do without!

One would have to ask - why did you come to live in this pigsty in the fist place? There's plenty of cleaner places to live and you have choices.

Nagging about it on the Internet is tiresome. Be proactive and so something about it yourself. Hire a truck and start picking it up. You'll soon learn that as fast as you can take it away more will arrive, and once you've learned that lesson you may learn to just let things be in a country where you have no control.

Did you come here to retire? Maybe it's time for you to get on with the job.

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You're the only one...those of us here long-term just learn to get along...and as has been said, it's picked up in the wee-hours of the morning most days.

Next silly farang complaint please...

It is not a silly farang complaint at all. So do not try to turn this into a slanging match. I have made a perfectly legitimate observation about a disgusting situation which poses a serious health hazard. And I have proposed a solution. Further I am not the only one.

I am here long time and maybe your have been here too long.

What is it with some of you people. A properly raised issue affecting peoples health is branded as a "silly complaint"?!

As to the poster who said 99% of the people don't care, well, many of those same people did not care about safe sex until western values taught them about using condoms and preventing disease.

Learning to get along is one thing, but living or consorting in a pig sty is something some of us long timers can do without!

comparing trash on the street with condom use is like comparing mangos and durian. How many people have died because of some trash on Pattaya Tai ?

You made my point before me...I mean "serious health hazard"? I guess I just missed the stories but don't recall reading about the last outbreaks of typhoid and cholera during the decade I've called Pattaya home.

I agree it would be nice if the garbage was placed for pick-up in a more sightly manner but hey, this is how it's done in most developing countries...and at least it gets picked-up, which is more than you can say for Naples now isn't it :ermm:

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The sad part about this is that it is an easy fix. Just separate trash cans which are to receive glass, plastic bottles or burnable items. It would also save the hassle of the guys sorting the stuff on the truck.

It's a slippery slope mate. Before you know it, it will be like my hometown of SFO, where every household and business has something like 5 separate trash bins for sorting their garbage into recyclables and non-recyclables and organic and inorganic waste...and then you get $100 fines for mis-sorted stuff...like a banana peel in the paper bin.

No, I think I'll stay with how we do it in Patters thank you :)

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The sad part about this is that it is an easy fix. Just separate trash cans which are to receive glass, plastic bottles or burnable items. It would also save the hassle of the guys sorting the stuff on the truck.

It's a slippery slope mate. Before you know it, it will be like my hometown of SFO, where every household and business has something like 5 separate trash bins for sorting their garbage into recyclables and non-recyclables and organic and inorganic waste...and then you get $100 fines for mis-sorted stuff...like a banana peel in the paper bin.

No, I think I'll stay with how we do it in Patters thank you :)

Hey, I'm from the Bay Area too. But I missed all the changes over the last 20 years or so as I moved away.

If multiple bins are too much of a hassle then the way it is done in Japan might be a solution. As a sample: Tuesdays - Newspapers, magazines, glass, cans, spray cans, polyethylene bottles, cardboard boxes, styrofoam, portable gas cylinders. Wednesdays and Saturdays - all the burnable crap. 1st and 3rd Mondays - Non-burnable stuff like old knives, pots, pans. Anything big like sofas, chairs, TVs, DVD players - call the city to arrange pick-up for a fee.

Piece of cake!

Here is a blurry photo of a typical sign reminding people of the pick-up days.


This is a very, very easy system to implement as long as the residents can be persuade to follow the rules. Of course it is not perfect, and some sorting goes on at the point of pick-up (for obvious incorrect items) and a I think a second sort goes on at the final stop.

Usually trash pick up points are in front of apartments or a spot where the residents in the immediate area can drop it off. Drop off locations for homes seem to be within 30 meters or so. No trash cans are required as people use the plastic bags from shopping at 7-11, the supermarket or use purchased trash bags. Trash pick up is usually in the morning so people tend to take out their trash either the evening before or in the morning.

Let's clean up this town!


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I dont think if the garbage was picked up, that it would destroy the "layed back" atmosphere of Pattaya, or for that matter, the rest of Thailand. Maybe some people enjoy the garbage that the soi dogs spread around the streets, or the piles of wet smoking garbage, outside of town. Do we really need an outbreak of cholera, before the garbage is cleaned up? There are a lot of people that bring money to Pattaya and keep the economy going, that dont really enjoy a walk in the garbage dump, and maybe that is part of the problem of lack of tourist here now. Some of us that live here dont have too many options, and not so easy to "just go back home", but the tourist DO have options, and its the tourist that keep the Pattaya economy going, not expats.

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I dont think if the garbage was picked up, that it would destroy the "layed back" atmosphere of Pattaya, or for that matter, the rest of Thailand. Maybe some people enjoy the garbage that the soi dogs spread around the streets, or the piles of wet smoking garbage, outside of town. Do we really need an outbreak of cholera, before the garbage is cleaned up? There are a lot of people that bring money to Pattaya and keep the economy going, that dont really enjoy a walk in the garbage dump, and maybe that is part of the problem of lack of tourist here now. Some of us that live here dont have too many options, and not so easy to "just go back home", but the tourist DO have options, and its the tourist that keep the Pattaya economy going, not expats.

You've got it all wrong. Garbage is picked up regularly in most tourist areas which you'd realise by riding around during the day and getting stuck behind garbage trucks. Some areas are just too conjested for a daytime garbage pickup to be feasible.

Most tourists wouldn't give any garbage lying around a second thought because most tourists are aware they're holidaying in a developing country and have a fair idea of what to expect. They don't expect things to be the same as back at home.

I doubt the situation has changed much in the time you've been here. You were most likely well aware of the problems in Pattaya when you first decided to settle, or have you changed your focus since then?

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Most tourists wouldn't give any garbage lying around a second thought because most tourists are aware they're holidaying in a developing country and have a fair idea of what to expect. They don't expect things to be the same as back at home.

Exactly...I dare say the "Third World" aspects of Thailand/Pattaya are an attraction in themselves for many "First World" tourists.

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I live in Phuket and it has the same problem, tourist will very rarely litter because you don't do it at home where you live. It is local Thai's and others from different parts of Thailand that come here for work. IMO opinion, after living here for 5 years most Thai people do not care about trash, they will happily live amongst it without even seeing it. It is just not a priority to them. But their cars are always spotless and they seem to take person hygiene to an almost compulsive level. But trash, I think that they don't even see it. Most beaches here in Phuket have high e-coli and human sewage readings. Fly tipping is also a big problem here with most open areas having some type of dumping on them. The problem seems to be over development without any planning. A friend of mine who lives in Pattaya recently visited Bali and says that the place was very clean, with each village or town trying to out do the other. Maybe if you were to make it a FACE issue then Thais might clean up their act. Plenty of other places in the world to visit, that are clean, where you are respected and not as expensive as Thailand is these days.

I dont think if the garbage was picked up, that it would destroy the "layed back" atmosphere of Pattaya, or for that matter, the rest of Thailand. Maybe some people enjoy the garbage that the soi dogs spread around the streets, or the piles of wet smoking garbage, outside of town. Do we really need an outbreak of cholera, before the garbage is cleaned up? There are a lot of people that bring money to Pattaya and keep the economy going, that dont really enjoy a walk in the garbage dump, and maybe that is part of the problem of lack of tourist here now. Some of us that live here dont have too many options, and not so easy to "just go back home", but the tourist DO have options, and its the tourist that keep the Pattaya economy going, not expats.

Edited by Rimmer
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