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How To Increase The Pressure Of You Shower?


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The shower in my new bathroom is pretty lame. Underneath the tap of my sink I can fill a bucket with water in 5 seconds, once the water has run through the pipe 90cm up and through the shower heater it takes 30 seconds to fill the same bucket with water.

I suppose there's not much I can do about this unless there are some kind of small electrical water compressors for sale I can place underneath my sink and pump it up to my shower. If anyone knows what to buy and where to go please help!

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Yeah thanx guys but I did all of that. The filter was dirty but it didn't matter and the water flow straight from the wall was crap, I actually drew a new pipe from below my sink which is better but still crap. I'd really like some advice on compressors/boosters whatever those things are called and if they exist for such a small event....

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I just have a small condo... It would have to fit underneath my sink... about 1x1.50m... Anything like that existing?

My brother in law in Viet Nam fitted a very small pump (Chinese made thing) about the size of your fist to his shower heater.

When the water flows through the heater and the heating circuit comes on it powers the pump.

Probably can get those pumps here in the local hardware stores.

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My brother in law in Viet Nam fitted a very small pump (Chinese made thing) about the size of your fist to his shower heater.

When the water flows through the heater and the heating circuit comes on it powers the pump.

Probably can get those pumps here in the local hardware stores.

A Chinese electrical device on the end of ones shower head... :shock1:

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You might want to checkout using a fountain pump which comes in various sizes and volume output...and they are usually low cost. They are definitely water proof/electrically safe since many of them live their life under water...and smaller ones don't draw much power...even a larger one would just draw a couple of amps. Some have the type of water input that could be adapted to a pipe/hose input...the water output is easily adapted. You can find them in hardware stores. You can also find them in Among Stores, Lotus, etc., but usually the ones in these stores are small/low volume output pumps for fish tanks, small fountains, etc. A small / fountain pump from a hardware store is probably your best bet. Good luck.

Edited by Pib
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I just have a small condo... It would have to fit underneath my sink... about 1x1.50m... Anything like that existing?

DProduct/Service >> WATER PUMP >> WATER PUMP \"MITSUBISHI\" (Auto & Constant Pressure)







WATER PUMP "MITSUBISHI" (Auto & Constant Pressure)

Code: 000008

150 วัตต์ ราคา 5190 บาท


5 Years Guarantee

EP-155 Q2 = 5100 Baht

EP-205 Q2 = 6100 Baht

EP-305 Q2 = 6750 Baht

EP-405 Q2 = 13400 Baht

Relate Link: http://tankcentre.tarad.com

27/11/2007 (update 13/05/2010)


What you need is one of these Mitsubishi constant pressure water pumps installed under your sink, i have one in my condo and works really well.

I fitted the EP-305 which powers the whole water system in my condo except for the toilets and bum sprayers. it holds 2.8 bar pressure in the pipe and gives a good

pressure to high mounted shower heads.

The EP-205 should also do the job well too.

You can buy them at any of the home stores like Homepro, Homeworks, Kanyong etc.

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Yes that's the one I bought sotsira, I took the 100w model from Fujitsu. I'm going to mount it to the entry point of the water in my condo so it will put pressure on both my sinks, shower and toilet. I sure hope the 100w model will be sufficient!

Your taking a chance with only a 100w power model, i would check the specifications of that model before you install it, maybe then you might still have the option to return it to where you bought it from and get the next model up around 200w. I've also heard some bad reports with the Fujitsu models having leaking problems from more than one source, that's why i recommended Mitsubishi, failing that Hitachi also make them too.

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Yes that's the one I bought sotsira, I took the 100w model from Fujitsu. I'm going to mount it to the entry point of the water in my condo so it will put pressure on both my sinks, shower and toilet. I sure hope the 100w model will be sufficient!

Your taking a chance with only a 100w power model, i would check the specifications of that model before you install it, maybe then you might still have the option to return it to where you bought it from and get the next model up around 200w. I've also heard some bad reports with the Fujitsu models having leaking problems from more than one source, that's why i recommended Mitsubishi, failing that Hitachi also make them too.

Yeah that's the problem I know noone who has one and know shit about the specifications, getting info in the store was even harder. Another source recommended Fujika instead of Mitsubishu, I put my money on the most expensive model, I suppose both brands are fine. It is designed to pump water from a tank into a condo and since I have the smallest room available this should do the trick or why make a 100w model in the first place? They promised me I could change it for a stronger model if it lacks in capacity, will consider the Mitsubishu it that case because a stronger model from this brand is too expensive!

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What I understood is that all the pumps are meant to create the same amount of pressure in the pipes wether you buy a 100w or a 400w model just that if you have a bigger house with bigger needs a low watt model will the insufficiant to keep that pressure. Is a higher watt model meant to create a higher constant bar pressure?

They told me if I connect the pump to just 1 shower and nothing else, put it right in between the tank and the shower it doesn't matter wether I take a 100w model or a 400w model because they both maintain the same pressure in the pipe, it's just that the 400w model could do 10 showers... Did I misunderstand this?

I only have 15 meters of pipe in the condo with 4 exit points...

Edited by Dutchman6
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From what you say in the OP it sounds like the water volume and pressure at the bath sink is good. You do not mention about the other 2 or 3 taps in the condo. You comment that the water from the shower via the heater is extremely slow in comparison to the sink.

Either the heater is restricting the flow or the pipe to the heater is restricting the flow. My feeling of adding some type of pump is not the fix you want.

Do you have a neighbor with the same room arrangement and bathing configuration? Maybe asking around to see how the other owners water flow compared to you will answer if possibly the plumbing is at fault.

This is a wild suggestion but maybe if you have a shut off valve under the bath sink? You could disconnect the short hose to the tap and find a long hose to connect it to the shower heater input for a test. This would by-pass the shower piping and possibly tell you something. Of course you need a way to stop the water at the supply at the shower. Possibly cap it off temporary.

Get creative,,,,,,no need for pumps at this stage I think.

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Finished installing my pump today and it makes a lot of difference! I got a good shower now, better than the one I have in my old room 5 floors down. The toilet hose is blasting now, excellent.

I'd like the shower even harder though, the harder the better. It's not the shower head, I tested that, maybe the pipe or the heater itself that sucks.

Anyways anyone living in a condo who needs more pressure a pump is your solution, it does make some noise each time you open the tap though so place it wisely!

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