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hi all

just had the tot 6 meg upgrade from the 2 meg . highest speed so far 2.6 , dosent cost anymore, but thought it might be better than that,anyone else getting higher speeds, in ubon area ?



Sorry not in Udon, but I suspect there is a higher contention ratio on the 6mb connections i.e. more people sharing it. Strangely in my area Trang, TOT have just put in new equipment and advertised 6mb connections everywhere. I've just done some speedtests and the 2mb is exactly 2mb and the 6mb varies greatly from 2.5 to 4.5 depending on the time of day.


Was that 2.6Mb to an international speed test site or in-Thailand speed test site? The internet packages sold by all Thai ISP represents the "your computer to central station DSLAM" raw connection speed...or said another way, the DSL modem/router to DSLAM Sync speed. If you have a solid 6Mb connection to the DSLAM your DSL/router modem download sync speed will be 6.144Mb (6144Kb); but if your modem is showning a lower sync speed then the ISP has not set your profile up properly (really has you on a lower speed package) or you have a physical line problem possibly due to high line attenuation and/or a low signal-to-noise ratio which cause connection/low speed problems. Now, subtract 13-15% from that raw max DSLAM connection of 6.144Mb due to DSL overhead control bits which takes away from your max "data" speed and you have your max data connection speed. Therefore, your "max data speed" would be around 5.25Mb if your "local" TOT internet circuits are not undercapacity....local circuit capacity of each ISP varies from location to location.

You'll probably only get this approx 5.25Mb speed to TOT, 3BB, True, OoKla speedtest servers which provide a "in-country/in-Thailand" result. Plus, the ISP Ookla speed test servers don't get bogged down as much with too many people running speed tests on them, like the well known speed test web sites like Speedtest.net, where folks from all over the world are running speed tests. I'm on the TOT 6Mb package here in western Bangkok and pull a consistent 5.1 to 5.25Mb to above mentioned TOT, 3BB, True Ookla test servers during most times of the day/night, but in the late evening and early night that speed does drop to around 4Mb many times. My usual range of speeds to international web sites using Speedtest.net is in the 1 to 2Mb range. Uptime-wise, the 6Mb has been very reliable.



i tested it on thai visa, i think that is done against singapore. i told them in the tot office and now i,m getting 3 meg, which is fast enough for me , but its not 6 meg, then i dont think anyone gets what they pay for, although a pal of mine is on 3bb in ubon and he gets 6 meg consistantly , anyway thanks for the help


I know you will monitor the better speed you got after the service center call, but sometimes I think when people call complaining about their internet speed the ISP just updates the customer's profile to receive a higher speed / "a low user ratio-contention ratio" for X-amount of weeks/months. But this update is also set to revert to the earlier/slower profile setting after a couple of weeks/months. I don't know if this is really true but from my own experience over the years and other posts I've read I do indeed wonder. Seems the ISPs can be very stingy with their local and international bandwidth, especially the international bandwidth.

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