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Children Get Access To Porn In Thai Media At Very Young Age, Poll Reveals

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Media exposing youth to 'black' content survey

By The Nation

Children get access to pornography at very young age, poll reveals

Two-thirds of the Thai media are considered "black" given that youth are exposed to their sex- and violence-oriented content, a seminar on youth development was told yesterday.

An Abac poll on "lessons learned from the 2,002 foetuses in establishing creative media" released yesterday revealed that 91 per cent of the young respondents had experienced pornography, with the youngest reported at the primary level. The survey said only 10 per cent of the media could be considered creative and appropriate for children, though no further details were provided.

The survey, conducted on an unspecified number of respondents, found that 19 per cent had received their first lesson on sex from pornographic media. The survey showed that 23 million Thais under the age of 18 spent five hours a day watching television and another three hours surfing the Internet.

Associate Professor Wilasinee Adullayanont, a senior official of the ThaiHealth Promotion Foundation, citing results of a survey by an unidentified network of media, said only one-third of Thai media were appropriate for young people, while the rest were "black" for their coverage of sex- and violence-oriented content. She did not give further details.

She said the survey also found that 42 per cent of pregnant women were not prepared, and that each province had about 200 pregnant teenagers. Of all the women who seek abortion, 30 per cent were under 20 and 29 per cent were exposed to risks from undergoing unauthorised abortion, which cost them an average of Bt21,024 in post-abortion treatment.

Dr Yongyuth Wongphiromsant, an adviser to the health foundation, cited a statistic that half of all women getting an abortion were teenagers with accidental pregnancies, while the other half were adults with unwanted pregnancies.

"There are about 700 teenage girls getting pregnant each day, with 400 of them seeking or accomplishing abortion," he said.

Natthaya Bunphakdee, a sex-education specialist, is seeking government support on educating the public on media consumption as well as the regulation or elimination of media programmes that show men using of sexual force against women.

She is also calling for teenage celebrities to be trained as role models and to teach Thai youth good values.


-- The Nation 2010-11-30

The survey, conducted on an unspecified number of respondents

There you go - right at the head of the article, it declares everything it's about to say is worthless.

23 million Thais under the age of 18 spent five hours a day watching television and another three hours surfing the Internet.

The population of Thailand is 67 million. So this 23 million is 34% of the population. The sentence claims that all of these 23 million are under the age of 18 and all of them spend 8 hours a day either on the internet or watching TV. It's maybe just about possible that there are 23 million Thais under 18. It's fuc_king ridiculous to claim that every single one of them spends 8 hours a day either on the internet or watching TV. I know Thaivisa has some kind of contractual obligation to republish the seemingly endless sewer of shit coming straight from Thanong central but a schoolchild could see what's wrong with this.


Quote :-

An Abac poll on "lessons learned from the 2,002 foetuses in establishing creative media" released yesterday revealed that 91 per cent of the young respondents had experienced pornography, with the youngest reported at the primary level. The survey said only 10 per cent of the media could be considered creative and appropriate for children, though no further details were provided.


Huh?  Sorry, I got left back at the pass. The link between two facts is tenuous in the extreme. Thai logic strikes again.


It's not Thai logic. It's a combination of these dreadful ABAC polls and the reactionary politics of the Nation. Bangkok Pundit recently quoted a particularly nasty question from an ABAC poll on abortion:

"Question 4: If you were the child who was to be aborted and you could speak, would you beg/plead for your life?"

That isn't a poll. If it wasn't so vile, it'd be laughable. Anything that comes out of ABAC can - and should - be instantly ignored.


It's not Thai logic. It's a combination of these dreadful ABAC polls and the reactionary politics of the Nation. Bangkok Pundit recently quoted a particularly nasty question from an ABAC poll on abortion:

"Question 4: If you were the child who was to be aborted and you could speak, would you beg/plead for your life?"

That isn't a poll. If it wasn't so vile, it'd be laughable. Anything that comes out of ABAC can - and should - be instantly ignored.

I guess if enough people ticked the 'yes' box. This result would be interpreted by the Nation along the lines of....

A recent ABAC poll indicated overwhelmingly that 75% of fetues would plead / beg for their life f they knew they were going to be aborted.


That isn't a poll. If it wasn't so vile, it'd be laughable. Anything that comes out of ABAC can - and should - be instantly ignored.

ABAC: Who We Serve : กลุ่มผู้ใช้บริการเอแบคโพลล์

Government agencies : หน่วยงานราชการ

Business companies : บริษัท / องค์กรธุรกิจ

Non-government organizations : องค์กรภาคเอกชน

Academicians and students : นัิกวิชาการและนักศึกษา

Mass media : สื่อมวลชน

Go figure!

Here in Thailand, the ABAC University-linked to the Vatican-is a major university that conducts polls-that is the most active among pollsters.

At the crux and the peak of every Thai problems and conflict, ABAC poll would come out with polls in an instant-and impact public opinion and policy makers.

It is a great power to weild-and can do much good in the right hands.

How the ABAC Poll has been politicized, in favor of Thai PM Abhisit is well known and documented-backed by solid facts.

In fact, Abhisit visits ABAC regularly and the head of the polling unit advises Abhisit-and recommends Abhisit on how policies will go down with the public.

While CSM is now entrenched as a voice for human rights, Abhisit government has been grilled by all global level human rights organizations. Link here

Here's an interesting link to a PDF, done by ABAC, where they conducted a poll on Human Trafficking. Table 6, 7, and 8 is interesting regarding the polled people and their faith in who pockets money from this.

From what I read about ABAC, and who they serve, it seems odd that they appear to shoot themselves in the foot on some of their polls, by incriminating businesses and government they allegedly serve; however they do not clearly define who it is exactly; so they could support factions.

- - - - - - - - - -

This article is not a very good breakdown of a problem. There are too many facts that do not have their relationship to each other explained. There are too many missing elements that could be brought into the discussion that, I feel, addresses a lot of the causes (e.g. Where in hell are the parents to monitor their children's decisions and behavior?).

Judging by what I read about ABAC, this is simply a knee jerk poll that takes advantage of the illiteracy and stupidity of the people being polled, simply to get numbers and then prove a pointless point.

This fits in with their describes M.O. and they can not be taken seriously.


So, the Abac poll people talked to an "Unspecified" number of children. We do not know their Soci economic status, age ranges or locations, which are all base lines for viable statistics. As has been shown, the 23 million kids watching.....and so on and so on is silly.

But it allows us to make some "vague" comments.

Firstly, all kids think about sex when they get past a certain age. Its natural to want to seek info on the opposite sex. Now we all know Thailands approach to Sex Education is laughable and almost non existent in schools. thai TV pumps trash "love" stories at the kids 24/7 and there is NO programming or conversational TV that gives kids a forumn to ask questions or to be shown/given advice on sex. So inquisitive kids will search the web to fufil their curiosity.

Then we get the quotes based on info from an "unidentified network of media"? This says "only one-third of Thai media were appropriate for young people, while the rest were "black" for their coverage of sex- and violence-oriented content".........."Thai Media"?

Now do we read "Thai Media" to mean main stream Thai TV? Thai Websites? I am a little confused as thailand operates a brutal and as hard a policy on web closures and TV restrictions as is opssible to have in a Military State (Sorry) i meant Democracy. So where is this 70% of Sex and Violence shown "Thai Media"?

Oh, and linking this to unwanted babies is not good journalism, its just lazy.


Most Thais never see a school room past the age of 18; if they even get that far. The average is probably a lot lower age group for seeing your last classroom lesson for the last time.

From that point, where does the Thai mental development go?

What I mean is, where is there a statistic that shows us a realistic view of the brain's development past the "formal" education that most Thais receive?

A bit of research tells me that the average I.Q. of a Thai is 91 on a world ranking. This is also shown in other articles where this same average is attributed to Thai children. So, what does that mean; that Thai adults and children are sharing an average of 91 on the I.Q. scale?

So, I am back to the beginning. I wonder what it is that Thai children do when they stop attending these less than desirable schools, and their bodies mature into adulthood. According to this article, they have sex, are promiscuous, they absorb hours of mindless pap on the TV, and unblinkingly, almost catatonically, stare into the bright monitor light of their PC for hours on end.

At the same time they are baking their corneas, they are further melting their minds by roaming unfettered through the sewers of the Internet, and passing this crap on through Twitter, Facebook, and the like. Sociopaths! Automatons! Mindless robots without a clue on how to interact with a stranger in real time.

The research seems to suggest that the similarities in the I.Q. between Thai children and Thai adults is so close, that the question, "Do Thais develop mentally after they leave school?" is a moot point.

I read some articles about iodine having severe effects on Thai people at all stages of their human development. Iodine deficiency is being blamed by the Thais for their stupidity. But how much can be blamed on something that is not in the body's system, and how much can be blamed on flat out stupidity?

These thoughts only seem to further lend support to my intuition that Thai adults are no more than children parading around in adult bodies, and going through the motions of copying the rest of the world, while exercising juvenile problem solving capabilities, and reacting to life's realities much the same as an immature, spoiled 9 -years-old in a more developed country.

Take that, and then take what the environment has to offer in varying forms of distraction, and it is no wonder that Thailand seems to be breeding itself into a state of being dependent upon the rest of the world in a span of a few short years. The top GNP for Thailand is human slaves, prostitution, drugs, and gambling. Go figure! Thanks a lot, Bill Gates!

There is simply too much research out there on this subject which points to the truths of what I suspect. I can not really be sad about it. When one considers that in a few years the population problems will remove a lot of considerations for humanitarian concerns, it makes all of this attention to Thailand's stupid problems seem laughable, even pitiable.

Using myself as an example, I grew up playing football, baseball, and running and jumping and climbing outdoors. I read, and imagined and created hours of enjoyment with rudimentary things that did not require any money to buy. You get the idea. If I were to make a CV on the accomplishments of my youth, it would fill pages. I am not perfect. I consider myself average.

If the Thai people had to make a CV on their youthful accomplishments, I shudder to think of what they would put down into words, because that would be a fairly good indicator of what you see today that is so animalistic in their approach to problem solving.


Quite an emphasis on promiscuity, but doesn't mainstream Thai soap opera teach young thais that beating your wife/girlfriend/servant/ female friend is acceptable social behaviour. Also social customs teach that kidnapping and raping any female you desire (with or without drugging her) will probably get her hand in marriage, if you have a bit of money to pay off the family.

And on a general level it is good social practice to bitch about your acquaintances' choice of clothes/car/home/cellphone/jewellery etc because this is what defines your social standing.

Next to all this, why worry about a bit of porn......

The survey, conducted on an unspecified number of respondents

There you go - right at the head of the article, it declares everything it's about to say is worthless.

23 million Thais under the age of 18 spent five hours a day watching television and another three hours surfing the Internet.

The population of Thailand is 67 million. So this 23 million is 34% of the population. The sentence claims that all of these 23 million are under the age of 18 and all of them spend 8 hours a day either on the internet or watching TV. It's maybe just about possible that there are 23 million Thais under 18. It's fuc_king ridiculous to claim that every single one of them spends 8 hours a day either on the internet or watching TV. I know Thaivisa has some kind of contractual obligation to republish the seemingly endless sewer of shit coming straight from Thanong central but a schoolchild could see what's wrong with this.

LOL, excellent comments!


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