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Reds Struggling Under Thai Charter : New Chief

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Reds struggling under charter : New chief

Inactive since the military crackdown on May 19, the Democratic Alliance against Dictatorship (DAAD) came back to life with the naming of Thida Tawornsate Tojirakarn, the wife of jailed co-leader Weng Tojirakarn, as the acting chairperson of the movement on Wednesday.

Tida, a former headmaster of its political school and a former communist insurgent, speaks to The Nation's Pravit Rojanaphruk and Budsarakham Sinlapalavan about the red shirts and their path ahead. Excerpts.

How will the DAAD be different under your leadership?

Our organisation is policy-based, which is the result of meetings of people from different walks of life, who may disagree though we cannot impose our ideas on others. For example, realising a democratic system with the King as the head of state while power will rest in the hands of the people. Even with this kind of written objective, we are attacked as wanting to overthrow the monarchy.

Your opponents see red shirts as essentially anti-monarchist and a violent movement. What's your view?

Non-violent action is very important for us. I regret that when I ran the [political] school I did not lecture on the subject myself. In fact I wanted to invite a peace activist to help teach though the person must be on the side of the people.

[As for anti-monarchist branding] you must understand who make up red shirts. We cannot use the view of one or two [red shirts] to brand 80,000 or a hundred thousand others. red shirts are people who oppose the [2006] military coup and the amataya (old bureaucratic elites). But even in one's family, not all think alike. Not even 5 per cent [of the red shirts are anti-monarchists]. Ninety-eight to ninety-nine per cent of DAAD members agree with our policy of fighting for a democracy with the King as the head of state.

We must acknowledge that the current king has what Thais call barami [reserved power] because of His Majesty's work. In Britain, there are a number of people who disagree with its monarchy but why is it that they are not in trouble? [The anti-monarchist remarks among red shirts] come from people who want to pick a fight. Some, like Ji [ungparkorn] is not even in Thailand. They may be red shirts, but they are not DAAD member.

How transparent and participatory is the selection process that put you at the helm of the DAAD? And what do you think of papers that chiefly refer to you as "wife of Weng"?

Reporters and re-writers must be educated. Did these people [who branded me as merely wife of Weng] have the chance to follow my work? I'm in a caretaker capacity. It was a resolution of the former leaders.

There was no election. Veera [Musigapong, who was chairperson of DAAD] cannot give an interview [as part of the bailing agreement]. He even has to seek permission to visit a temple outside Bangkok. If nobody comes to the rescue, there will be anarchy. We must proceed with our work. It's been six months [since the crackdown]. We do not want to lose the greatest people's movement since there was a people's movement.

They chose me because they accepted my past work, academics or otherwise. Secondly, they chose me through their hearts and because they trust me. Whether this is right or not, I do not know.

Since the crackdown in May, some red shirts such as Sombat Boonngamanong or Somyos Preuksakasemsuk came out to revive the movement and became prominent. Sombat, in particular, criticised the DAAD for being top down and leaving no space for ordinary red shirts to participate beyond that of listening to their leaders' speeches.

In fact I know Sombat though some of the things he said resulted from his lack of information. But we don't need to inform everyone. This fight is a people's fight and not a kind of stage act. But we won't give out an interview that would spread the conflicts among the people.

It was good that he came out courageously [after May 19]. We considered his group our alliance but not part of the DAAD.

What is the future political prospect of Thaksin Shinawatra. Is he funding the DAAD?

We depend largely on donations but I would not know if someone privately went to seek money from him. I can assure you that I personally, and Weng, have never received a single baht from him… Well, we're not his minions.

What about Thaksin's political future?

It's going to be tough. Look at the Constitution Court. But we will fight even if we have only bare hands.

Some fear that there may be yet another coup to pre-empt a possible Pheu Thai Party electoral victory.

We are still living under the [2006] military coup with [Constitution Court] judges being appointed after the coup and with appointed senators as well as a prime minister who was "deemed as most suitable". As long as the Democrat Party is not in a disadvantage, there's no reason to stage a coup. So the coup is still with us all the while and when Pheu Thai looks set to win the election, they will find a way to prevent it. They may stage a coup or revive Sondhi's [Limthongkul] People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD). The PAD mob can only succeed when the Democrat Party collaborates.

There may be a new military coup but I don't think it will be easy. red shirts won't put up with this. But I won't tell you yet what we will do.

Is there anything you would you like to convey to the ruling elite who are on the other side of the political divide?

Guns may be able to keep people's heads low, but not forever. So please do try to understand that society must change and become part of the change.

Believe me, the people won't give up this time. No matter how many more you kill or put in prison.


-- The Nation 2010-12-07

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they chose me through their hearts and because they trust me. Whether this is right or not, I do not know.

She doesn't know if they trust her, or she doesn't know if they CAN trust her?

In fact I know Sombat though some of the things he said resulted from his lack of information. But we don't need to inform everyone. This fight is a people's fight and not a kind of stage act. But we won't give out an interview that would spread the conflicts among the people.

If this is a people's fight, wouldn't it be a good idea to inform the people what you (the leaders) are fighting for?


Double talk bullish@t. She should be a politician. She uses the "not all Red shirts are bad" argument. But that line of thinking fails when you count the number of Reds who stood up to say "let's not use violence". How many did that in May? Did Khun Thida? No.


Hmmm she speaks of non-violence, then speaks of fighting even if only with their bare hands ............ the UDD/DAAD is as ever, a violent mob led from the top by Thaksin.

they chose me through their hearts and because they trust me. Whether this is right or not, I do not know.

She doesn't know if they trust her, or she doesn't know if they CAN trust her?

In fact I know Sombat though some of the things he said resulted from his lack of information. But we don't need to inform everyone. This fight is a people's fight and not a kind of stage act. But we won't give out an interview that would spread the conflicts among the people.

If this is a people's fight, wouldn't it be a good idea to inform the people what you (the leaders) are fighting for?

Answer: NO, totally unnecessary, historically proven. We, your leaders, have only your interests in our minds and can / should / must be trusted to do what needs to be done to reach our goals.

Too much work, but I can probably find some quotes from Lenin, Stalin, Trotski c.s. on this

What about Thaksin's political future?

It's going to be tough. Look at the Constitution Court. But we will fight even if we have only bare hands.

Says more about their ultimate aim and the reason for their violence than anything else I've read lately.

Veera [Musigapong, who was chairperson of DAAD] cannot give an interview [as part of the bailing agreement]. He even has to seek permission to visit a temple outside Bangkok.

Where's the ballyhoo over this obvious "Double Standard" with Jatuporn traveling all over and the rabble rousing at every opportunity???


Love this line.

Not even 5 per cent [of the red shirts are anti-monarchists]. Ninety-eight to ninety-nine per cent of DAAD members agree with our policy of fighting for a democracy with the King as the head of state.

Mathematics must not be her forté at indoctrination school.

Of course she admits that there IS an anti-Monarchist movement with in her group.

There was no election.

The other leaders, naming Veera, chose her, not the people.

So she's the DAAD's politburo choice for new leader, rank and file had no say in their democracy movement.


Erm, communism never worked anywhere else so why would it work in Thailand?

It works in the dreams of those too old to admit their life's work was a fiasco. but yearn mightily for one more hurrah and a position of philosophical power, oh it feels so good to be listened to again, even for a little while.

In the real world communism has been a total cock up.


Love this line.

Not even 5 per cent [of the red shirts are anti-monarchists].  Ninety-eight to ninety-nine per cent of DAAD members agree with our  policy of fighting for a democracy with the King as the head of state.

Mathematics must not be her forté at indoctrination school.

Of course she admits that there IS an anti-Monarchist movement with in her group.

I don't think that logic, or reading, was your forte.  :lol:

DAAD and the red shirts are separate entities.     :jap:

What about Thaksin's political future?

It's going to be tough. Look at the Constitution Court. But we will fight even if we have only bare hands.

Says more about their ultimate aim and the reason for their violence than anything else I've read lately.

Doesn't it just .... but of course they aren't his minions! (you don't pay minions do you? oh wait, you do and Weng and his wife claim to be unpaid, so maybe those 2 aren't his minions, just his thralls!)


Love this line.

Not even 5 per cent [of the red shirts are anti-monarchists]. Ninety-eight to ninety-nine per cent of DAAD members agree with our policy of fighting for a democracy with the King as the head of state.

Mathematics must not be her forté at indoctrination school.

Of course she admits that there IS an anti-Monarchist movement with in her group.

I don't think that logic, or reading, was your forte. :lol:

DAAD and the red shirts are separate entities. :jap:

perhaps you missed the meaning in the whole quote -------- so here it is. (I won't speak about logic or reading :)

Your opponents see red shirts as essentially anti-monarchist and a violent movement. What's your view?

Non-violent action is very important for us. I regret that when I ran the [political] school I did not lecture on the subject myself. In fact I wanted to invite a peace activist to help teach though the person must be on the side of the people.

[As for anti-monarchist branding] you must understand who make up red shirts. We cannot use the view of one or two [red shirts] to brand 80,000 or a hundred thousand others. red shirts are people who oppose the [2006] military coup and the amataya (old bureaucratic elites). But even in one's family, not all think alike. Not even 5 per cent [of the red shirts are anti-monarchists]. Ninety-eight to ninety-nine per cent of DAAD members agree with our policy of fighting for a democracy with the King as the head of state.

We must acknowledge that the current king has what Thais call barami [reserved power] because of His Majesty's work. In Britain, there are a number of people who disagree with its monarchy but why is it that they are not in trouble? [The anti-monarchist remarks among red shirts] come from people who want to pick a fight. Some, like Ji [ungparkorn] is not even in Thailand. They may be red shirts, but they are not DAAD member.


Love this line.

Not even 5 per cent [of the red shirts are anti-monarchists]. Ninety-eight to ninety-nine per cent of DAAD members agree with our policy of fighting for a democracy with the King as the head of state.

Mathematics must not be her forté at indoctrination school.

Of course she admits that there IS an anti-Monarchist movement with in her group.

I don't think that logic, or reading, was your forte. :lol:

DAAD and the red shirts are separate entities. :jap:

Ah , but you're not using the oft quoted special formula (aka the same same theory)

redshirts = UDD = Thaksin

sometimes expressed as

redshirts = blackshirts = UDD = Thaksin

and now with additional expressions

redshirts = blackshirts = UDD = Thaksin = DAAD = Anti Monarchists


14 utterly predictable posts from the same old same olds..............

Possibly we are witnessing a political development that could, I repeat could, have long term consequences and might just possibly have some popular support.

That remains to be seen but the fact she accepts the position and speaks as she does says volumes.

I think we can all agree all is not well in the land of smiles anymore.


Love this line.

Not even 5 per cent [of the red shirts are anti-monarchists]. Ninety-eight to ninety-nine per cent of DAAD members agree with our policy of fighting for a democracy with the King as the head of state.

Mathematics must not be her forté at indoctrination school.

Of course she admits that there IS an anti-Monarchist movement with in her group.

I don't think that logic, or reading, was your forte. :lol:

DAAD and the red shirts are separate entities. :jap:

They just joined forces to invade hospitals and try to burn Bangkok down. As well as put thousands of honest Thai's out of work.

Other than that they are the not same.:D

OOPS almost forgot they have the same boss who is living out of country by choice.

She has to be either a idiot or she thinks every one else is.B)


Had to laugh she says

She wanted to hire a peace activist but they must be in the side of the people.

Out of the original 100,000 demonstrators she could not find one who was on the side of the people.:D

Why does the Nation bother to print that crap. The only one who uses it is TV. In fact it is there main source of information.:(


Love this line.

Not even 5 per cent [of the red shirts are anti-monarchists]. Ninety-eight to ninety-nine per cent of DAAD members agree with our policy of fighting for a democracy with the King as the head of state.

Mathematics must not be her forté at indoctrination school.

Of course she admits that there IS an anti-Monarchist movement with in her group.

I don't think that logic, or reading, was your forte. :lol:

DAAD and the red shirts are separate entities. :jap:

Working together like siamese twins in a circus side show.


Love this line.

Not even 5 per cent [of the red shirts are anti-monarchists]. Ninety-eight to ninety-nine per cent of DAAD members agree with our policy of fighting for a democracy with the King as the head of state.

Mathematics must not be her forté at indoctrination school.

Of course she admits that there IS an anti-Monarchist movement with in her group.

I don't think that logic, or reading, was your forte. :lol:

DAAD and the red shirts are separate entities. :jap:

Ah , but you're not using the oft quoted special formula (aka the same same theory)

redshirts = UDD = Thaksin

sometimes expressed as

redshirts = blackshirts = UDD = Thaksin

and now with additional expressions

redshirts = blackshirts = UDD = Thaksin = DAAD = Anti Monarchists

And you are seeing references that aren't even there...

who said Thaksin, oh yes, YOU did.


A post and reply to it has been removed from view.

Although it is discussed in the Opening Post, as members of TV:

In using Thai Visa I agree:

2) Not to express disrespect of the King of Thailand or anyone else in the Thai royal family, whether living or deceased, nor to criticize the monarchy as an institution. Speculation, comments and discussion of either a political or personal nature are not allowed when discussing HM The King or the Royal family. Discussion of the lese majeste law or lese majeste cases is permitted on the forum, providing no comment or speculation is made referencing the royal family. To breach this rule will result in immediate ban.


I don't think that logic, or reading, was your forte. :lol:

DAAD and the red shirts are separate entities. :jap:

Ah , but you're not using the oft quoted special formula (aka the same same theory)

redshirts = UDD = Thaksin

sometimes expressed as

redshirts = blackshirts = UDD = Thaksin

and now with additional expressions

redshirts = blackshirts = UDD = Thaksin = DAAD = Anti Monarchists

And you are seeing references that aren't even there...

who said Thaksin, oh yes, YOU did.

Possibly it was me but I think I've seen a variation before, yes, here it is,

" I read some posters don't think the Red Shirts are a pro-Thaksin group, so it's a good thing that the reality of

Red Shirts = Thaksin

gets reiterated. "

http://www.thaivisa....ct/page__st__50 post 68

If the quote needs to be reiterated it's obviously been said before, but to be honest, I can't be bothered to dig up other examples. It's a phrase that is seen as a definition of all red shirt supporters/defenders/apologists (depending upon your viewpoint) on this forum before.


I don't think that logic, or reading, was your forte. :lol:

DAAD and the red shirts are separate entities. :jap:

Ah , but you're not using the oft quoted special formula (aka the same same theory)

redshirts = UDD = Thaksin

sometimes expressed as

redshirts = blackshirts = UDD = Thaksin

and now with additional expressions

redshirts = blackshirts = UDD = Thaksin = DAAD = Anti Monarchists

And you are seeing references that aren't even there...

who said Thaksin, oh yes, YOU did.

Possibly it was me but I think I've seen a variation before, yes, here it is,

" I read some posters don't think the Red Shirts are a pro-Thaksin group, so it's a good thing that the reality of

Red Shirts = Thaksin

gets reiterated. "

http://www.thaivisa....ct/page__st__50 post 68

If the quote needs to be reiterated it's obviously been said before, but to be honest, I can't be bothered to dig up other examples. It's a phrase that is seen as a definition of all red shirt supporters/defenders/apologists (depending upon your viewpoint) on this forum before.

Well, with all that has been said by prominent PTP and UDD figures and k. Thaksin himself, I can only say:

Thaksin = PTP = UDD = PTP = Thaksin

I could be induced to dig up examples, many have been posted here before. Somehow it seems to be necessary to dig at least once a week ;)


Red cow.

Could agree - I still don't get the equation of 100,000 red shirts supporters, communists, anti monarchists or otherwise, violent in their actions trying to dictate and impose their misguided will on the remaining 62,900,000 Thais! whistling.gif


"Non-violent action is very important for us. I regret that when I ran the [political] school I did not lecture on the subject myself. In fact I wanted to invite a peace activist to help teach though the person must be on the side of the people."

But its little Shinawatras show - hes paying out of his 40 billion stolen baht - if it doesnt suit HIM its NOt red shirt policy - and please people cut the cr4p about equations red shirts, UFDD, PTP, blackshirts, DAAD and anti monarchists are ALL Thaksins puppets - anyone want to deny that he funds it - purleeeeze - get real!!


Love this line.

Not even 5 per cent [of the red shirts are anti-monarchists]. Ninety-eight to ninety-nine per cent of DAAD members agree with our policy of fighting for a democracy with the King as the head of state.

Mathematics must not be her forté at indoctrination school.

Of course she admits that there IS an anti-Monarchist movement with in her group.

I don't think that logic, or reading, was your forte. :lol:

DAAD and the red shirts are separate entities. :jap:

Ah , but you're not using the oft quoted special formula (aka the same same theory)

redshirts = UDD = Thaksin

sometimes expressed as

redshirts = blackshirts = UDD = Thaksin

and now with additional expressions

redshirts = blackshirts = UDD = Thaksin = DAAD = Anti Monarchists

Can you then explain the differences between UDD, DAAD, and red shirts?


Red cow.

Could agree - I still don't get the equation of 100,000 red shirts supporters, communists, anti monarchists or otherwise, violent in their actions trying to dictate and impose their misguided will on the remaining 62,900,000 Thais! whistling.gif

I can agree also. They act to dictate to all others their world view.

And their leaders seem only motivated by power and money lust.


quote'animatic' timestamp='1291720034'

Love this line.

Not even 5 per cent [of the red shirts are anti-monarchists]. Ninety-eight to ninety-nine per cent of DAAD members agree with our policy of fighting for a democracy with the King as the head of state.

Mathematics must not be her forté at indoctrination school.

Of course she admits that there IS an anti-Monarchist movement with in her group.

I don't think that logic, or reading, was your forte. :lol:

DAAD and the red shirts are separate entities. :jap:

Ah , but you're not using the oft quoted special formula (aka the same same theory)

redshirts = UDD = Thaksin

sometimes expressed as

redshirts = blackshirts = UDD = Thaksin

and now with additional expressions

redshirts = blackshirts = UDD = Thaksin = DAAD = Anti Monarchists

Can you then explain the differences between UDD, DAAD, and red shirts?

Why do UDD and DAAD leaders all go on the same stage, make similar themed speeches, and all wearing red shirts?

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