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Who Is The Best Soccer Player Ever


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Diego Armando Maradona Is a Legend...I am his die hard fan ever since he won the World youth cup in Japan....And dont forget after rehab at Cuba he is now losing weight :o

Maradona Is The Legend

Edited by tytus
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So many people talk about how great George Best was - trouble is it was before my time and they don't have enough footage of him playing for me to make my own judgement.

For me it is Maradona - he played in an average Argentina team and an average Napoli team and was the difference that made those teams champions.

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Toss up between Best and Cruyff, with Pele coming in a close third.

george best quite funny too

I used to go missing a lot...Miss Canada, Miss United Kingdom, Miss World.

I've stopped drinking, but only while I'm asleep.

I was in for 10 hours and had 40 pints - beating my previous record by 20 minutes.

-- (on a blood transfusion for his liver transplant, not on his Drinking)

Robert Redford used to be such a handsome man and now look at him: everything has dropped, expanded and turned a funny colour.

He cannot kick with his left foot, he cannot head a ball, he cannot tackle and he doesn't score many goals. Apart from that he's all right.

-- (his assesment of Manchester United's David Beckham)

I spent a lot of money on booze, birds and fast cars. The rest I just squandered.

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What's a soccer PLATER?

Roy of the Rovers

Sorry I'm ashamed of myself, but couldn't resist it.

Seriously, impossible to say, so many talented past and present.

I do wonder if Georgie Best could be plucked from the past at his peak, how well would he perform in today's game?

Many players have had their moments of magic

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Who is the best soccer plater ever? Plating was an old euphemism for fellatio so I guess were looking for a gay soccer player who got up to his tricks in the group bath after the match. Can't help you there; I'm a rugby man myself. Better to ask some professional soccer coachs.


i would have to go with george best

dont think everyone will agree

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Who is the best soccer plater ever? Plating was an old euphemism for fellatio so I guess were looking for a gay soccer player who got up to his tricks in the group bath after the match. Can't help you there; I'm a rugby man myself. Better to ask some professional soccer coachs.


i would have to go with george best

dont think everyone will agree

PLATER sorry nothing gay about it

i was really drunk and my finger just must have slipped

im not gay i just help them out when they are really busy :D:D:D:D:D:D

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Maradona's second goal against England in the 86 world cup was magical to watch...He just skipped and danced around the England players!

...almost an amazing comeback too...

I totally agree . The second goal was incredible/amazing/excellent/fantastic .. (the first goal was the so called The hand of god)

I was very young in 1986 so i didn't watch this game at that moment but i have watched it on TV several times, some years later.

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I hate to be a spoilsport, but I'm not sure about Best. He had a brief career (I think he retired at about 25) but other than some European games, he never really played the world stage (playing for N Ireland). I don't think I could say I saw enough of him at the highest level to make the call.

Diego Maradona, however, was just brilliant. I'm only sad that he couldn't handle the brilliance - like Gascoigne, Greaves, Charlie Cook (remember him?) and many others.

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I hate to be a spoilsport, but I'm not sure about Best. He had a brief career (I think he retired at about 25) but other than some European games, he never really played the world stage (playing for N Ireland). I don't think I could say I saw enough of him at the highest level to make the call.

Diego Maradona, however, was just brilliant. I'm only sad that he couldn't handle the brilliance - like Gascoigne, Greaves, Charlie Cook (remember him?) and many others.

george best.............

He was football's first superstar and his fans considered it a tragedy when he walked out on Manchester United in 1972 at the age of 27. Best had it all, superb balance, two good feet, brilliant dribbling skills, a powerful shot, he was even good in the air.

There are many regrets for Best such as ending his career early, and never displaying his phenomonal skills in the World Cup Finals.However, when you look at the positive things he brought to British football, the moments of sheer breath-taking excitement, the glory of 1968, the lifestyle he led, George Best has lived more than most of us ever will.Lets also not forget he played for 11 seasons at United - few modern day players will have a career as long in the red shirt.The classic story of the wayward genius who had it all and supposedly threw it all away, people who say this do not realise that it was this wild self-destructive streak that made him the player he was.Genius often goes hand in hand with some sort of eccentric quality,a quality that gives that creative spark others do not possess. And,George Best was the ultimate genius, a player that took the game to a different level, a level which mere footballing mortals can only gaze up at, in wonder, awe and sheer exhilaratio

pele said that george best was the most naturally gifted player he ever seen

coming from which in those days was classed as a third world country im not surprised his career was short but if you speak to people who saw him play they will tell you about the player he was.

it was his all round ability that makes him stand out for me


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Its so difficult to choose. Players in the 20s and 30s now forgotten would be millionaires and more famous than Beckham. Players from the Iron Curtain in he 50s, 60s....

But, I can only go only the players I have seen on tv and in the flesh.


Cruyff, Maradona, Platini, Zidane

Platini - just.

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