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Retirement Extension

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Such extensions based on retirement using the combination method do NOT require any money seasoning at all. There may be a few clueless provincial offices which don't follow the national rules though and will require it, but in general, NO.

Edited by Jingthing
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While the above replies are correct, you might want to season the extension renewal money for 3 months just in case.

You could do that, but for major offices like Bangkok and Jomtien where the enforcement policies are widely known, that would really be overly cautious.

There is a related issue I have been asking about for years without a satisfying answer. Suppose you presented an embassy letter showing a very small income, say 30K baht per year from bank interest plus 770K baht banked? That is technically the combo method, yes? Would that be accepted with the 770K being unseasoned? Technically, it should be accepted, but I don't know the enforcement reality. I do know there is no written national rule saying the embassy letter income amount needs to be a minimum amount when combined with the bank account.

This isn't as arcane a question as it may first seem. For example, supposing a person who normally uses the pure bank account method has a problem with seasoning for three months in a particular year, for whatever reason. Many such people have some small income of some kind but don't normally bother to get the embassy letter for that small amount. If acceptable to avoid the seasoning rule, it would be worth it sometimes to bother to get the letter.

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Here is the Thai Police Order on the subject. It wouldn't hurt to print it out and have it handy when encountering an official who doesn't know the rule.

National Police Office Order

No. 606/2006

Para 7.21

“Having annual income

combined with the saving

money in the Bank not less than

800,000 Baht from on the date

submitting the application.”

(Emphasis mine)

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Totally false information.

That police order expired over two years ago and was replaced by 777/2551.

Lop/LB, I think you are being a little harsh here by stating "Totally false information".

While the police order has been superseded, the info is essentially correct isn't it?

i.e Combination of income and money in the bank to be at least 800,000 baht on the date of filing the application

Or am I wrong?

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No it is not correct. All the numbers have been changed and the quoted passage (shouted) is no longer valid as there is a requirement for money to be in account for the previous two or three months.

Edited by lopburi3
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I humbly provide the following passage from the PDF previously supplied in the box relating to retirees:

Order of the Royal Thai Police Headquarters


(5) Annual income plus bank account deposit totaling not less

than Baht 800,000 as of the filing date of applicationn

(Underlining mine) Lopburi3, I don't see any aging requirement for the combined method.

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I misread your quote and believed it applied to 800k alone. Sorry. Just got back from two hours in operating room so a bit slow (er). Thanks for pointing out my error. Was not thinking about combined for that far back as there was no need to season in the past.

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No it is not correct. All the numbers have been changed and the quoted passage (shouted) is no longer valid as there is a requirement for money to be in account for the previous two or three months.

By numbers, do you mean paragraph numbers?

I was referring to the info for using the combined income & bank deposit as being correct....

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Lopburi3: Do hope the surgery was minor. Having returned recently from two years in OZ, I was clearly out of date and unaware of the reissue of the Police Order. I appreciate being brought up to date and having the 2008 Order available as it covers many types of extensions, many I didn't even know existed.

I think the PDF provided in one of the posts in this thread is well worth downloading for future reference. Thanks LiteBeer for that.

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Immigration still has the old order on there web site so not that uncommon to be out of date. The current policy on 60 day extension to visit family is a great new provision (it was extremely limited previously).

Just some skin carcinomas needing removal but they make it a major operation in full operating room and return to recovery room and wheelchair exit.

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