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Th OP has an 8mm baht investment on the line and was not necessarily looking to be the straight man in a comedy routine but that's what he got ... I provided a useful (?) suggestion at #13 based on my own experience ... I'll leave the gags to others ...

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I request pictures and perhaps an estimation of the couples age's.

No pictures!!!!!! Unless a holiday from TV is desired. :(

Edit: Also, please no discussion of violent acts against others.

Why would it be against the rules to post pictures of the trash or the clothes hanging by the pool etc?

It is public space and they put their items there - against the rules.


I request pictures and perhaps an estimation of the couples age's.


Lets see what the topic is all about, NO faces but the problem. :)


So many TV clowns on this thread.

BTW, how do I keep a neighbor's dog from doing his business in front of my house? I usually douse the area with Dettol, but it comes back as soon as the small wears off


So many TV clowns on this thread.

BTW, how do I keep a neighbor's dog from doing his business in front of my house? I usually douse the area with Dettol, but it comes back as soon as the small wears off

Soon as his smalls wear off, trendy dog eh. :D


Edit: Also, please no discussion of violent acts against others.

So... weaponizedkillerbees are out?


You're no fun...:annoyed:

I was going to recommend Dr. Evil's pets...but they need water!

P.S. Regarding pictures. I was referring to pics of the offending neighbors...trashy pics are welcomed. :lol:




So many TV clowns on this thread.

BTW, how do I keep a neighbor's dog from doing his business in front of my house? I usually douse the area with Dettol, but it comes back as soon as the small wears off

Take empty 1.5 l clear plastic water bottles, fill them with water and place them 40 cm away from your house/wall - every 50 cm 1 bottle, problem solved ( feel free to put some Dettol in the bottles )


Flame removed. It is possible to disagree with someone without resorting to flames and abuse. Please give it a try. thanks

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I think they lack the literacy skill to do so, sbk. :D

Not being able to choose your neighbours is one of the problems in Thailand. I've see fancy places costing millions of baht stuck right next to tin shacks full of slum tenants.


and right next door...


- Nice wood house - good fire materials

- House painted with wood coating paint.

Enormous fire hazard / potential for a very serious blaze.

Hope the owner has good house insurance, including enough to cover costs of damage to neighbors houses.


So many TV clowns on this thread.

BTW, how do I keep a neighbor's dog from doing his business in front of my house? I usually douse the area with Dettol, but it comes back as soon as the small wears off

Speak to the neighbours. Our's told the maids to prevent the dog doing it, in fact the maids now have to pick up the dog crap in a plasic bag. I believe, although I didn't do it, it is better to complain about the maid not their dog. Right in front of the gate is unacceptable, sticks to the tyres and brings the smell right up close to the house.


So many TV clowns on this thread.

BTW, how do I keep a neighbor's dog from doing his business in front of my house? I usually douse the area with Dettol, but it comes back as soon as the small wears off

Post it thru his letterbox or leave it on his door handles instead, I aint joking.


So many TV clowns on this thread.

BTW, how do I keep a neighbor's dog from doing his business in front of my house? I usually douse the area with Dettol, but it comes back as soon as the small wears off

Speak to the neighbours. Our's told the maids to prevent the dog doing it, in fact the maids now have to pick up the dog crap in a plasic bag. I believe, although I didn't do it, it is better to complain about the maid not their dog. Right in front of the gate is unacceptable, sticks to the tyres and brings the smell right up close to the house.

Exactly how we handled our problem with BOTH neighbor's dogs. Quietly spoke with the maids, explained the problem, and it was resolved. The farang owners didn't even know there was a problem, and we never had to get into it with them. We could have, as we know both fairly well...but it was easily handled via the maids....


To Move out is going to be out....I paid Bt 8.4 for the unit and its not easy to sell plus I actually like the building and the location. I have tried being nice to them....even getting food hamper for the ladies and telling to help not put the trash there. The Brit does not seen to care and seems filthy himself and is always seemingly drunk. The juristic office does not know what to do and they have contacted the Thai owner of the unit who is currently overseas. I am actually planning to do something drastic and have been talking to thai friends about this. I am now beginning to understand why the thai chinese and upper strata thais simply detest others. I always though that Thais were very clean people but I guess I now know.My other thai neighbours simply treated them with total disgusts and will not even acknowledge them anymore and even call them names. Found out that the Brit is a pensioner and that his wife and her family are from Udon Thani. There is at least a minimum of about 18 to 20 empty bottles of Singha beer outside the door everyday! along with their other stinking trash. Just yesterday all the thai neighbours were complaining as they were cooking something that really stank the whole corridor and other units.

Besides what drastic schemes I was having.....does anyone really have any other constructive manners to deal with these people.Please no jokes funny comments.....if you stayed opposite them, you will understand the frustration and agony and anger that I go through each day.

I myself would spend less time bitching about it and set some examples with a smile, pick up their trash unless your to proud, sweep in front of their place if it bothers you, sounds like it might take all of a minute or 2, to complete, your upsetting yourself and everybody else, get with the program and educate by doing, not complaining, sounds like it's not working, I pick up after people every day and I get smiles and some exercise at the same time, start stink, get stink, people have died for getting into peoples faces that don't understand.

I always win with kindness, setting examples and smiles, you may be opening a door that could be dangerous, listen to these other people and you or your family might get hurt, then what are you going to do, thank these people that made it even worse then before! and who's advice are you going to follow, common sense my friend, many people come from places where they have never seen a garbage can or a storm drain and all of their lives shed out, what they don't eat or need, don't blame them, slowly educate them, it's not their fault and your pressing their buttons, wake-up and do less talking the talk and more walking the walk.

Shame on some of these post, they can get you or a love one killed. (KINDNESS, EXAMPLES, SMILES) The last thing you need is one of those beer bottles, meeting your head.



I guess complaining about "dirty Thais" is considered appropriate here at ThaiVisa, but if I started a thread about the obnoxious and annoying condo residents in my building who are of easily identifiable European origin it would probably be labelled inflammatory and set off a torrent of "how dare you" responses (to put it mildly).

Assuming you have some good Thai friends, which may be a silly assumption, ask one of them to speak in a polite way to the people there. In a somewhat different situation a friend of mine volunteered to speak to a Thai neighbor who hadn't successfully made the transition from village to condo, with positive results.

Of course it's always possible these people just enjoy keeping their uppity neighbors in a perpetual state of high dudgeon. I know some Thais who do enjoy watching farang turn puce and start foaming at the mouth. More entertaining than what's on TV these days.


I think curse note is good idea. where i used to live someone cup tearing up my plants and flowers, for some reason. I figured it was woman next door, because she seemed very unfriendly. But could not prove it. I made like a scarecrow thing in front yard with bamboo sticks, clothes and hats and candles and other crap. Then when moon came out I danced around the thing with a big knife yelling some jibberish., As i am an American indian, which people here think is strange anyway, this worked very well. I told neighbors I was Indian medicine man and I was calling up Spirit of The Forest to go after whoever was killing the plants. next day lady next door shows up with big plate of food. she has been friendly ever since and no one ever bothered plants again. however there is also a down side to this as ever since that day the Thai neighbors look at me funny and my wife is nervous that spirit really showed up and lives in the house, even though I told her it was all an act I made up and never even heard of this spirit.

Thank you . Great tale .


I sold a condo for precisely this reason.

It was difficult to sell and I did not get a good price.

You have no control over who your neighbours are and what they might do.

It is rather like staying in a bad hotel where you cannot checkout.

It is much better to rent and then checkout if you don't like it.

Have you thought about renting the condo opposite you?

If you can get these people out first of course.


Freakin heck Id have this done and dusted by now, too much pussying around, a neighbour who couldnt stop slamming his door at all hours had my araldite clear shoved in his lock, that ended the door slamming along with a Thai note telling him why and so he'd think its was a Thai person not the ever smiling Farang next door. They behave like tw**s treat em like twa***s they obviously dont care what u or anyone else thinks.

WOW I'm sure seeing a bunch of farangs knowing very little or nothing about Thai's, but able to give all kinds of advice.

If one uses the thing that rest on ones shoulders and has the least amount of dealing, with people skills, one would

teach, rather then falling into the (treat them like a twa***s) (Treat them the way you want to be treated) Stay with it, and

one will see a change, or you can let them win, and you also become a twa***

Keeping in mind, many of these people, bless them, had to quit school around the fourth grade to either baby sit or work their

butts off in the cow (rice) or sugarcane fields, have had little or no training on how to deal with uptight city people, that get into

their face, and they don't understand, push the wrong buttons and you could unleash, a whole bunch of trouble.

Tell me would you treat a child like a twa*** or would you kindly do your best to educate them, Yo! we are in their country, learn

how to deal with it , one dose not fight one with, lack of understanding or lack of knowledge with anger, one should rise above and slowly

teach what one knows make a friend, a student or move.

Kindness always wins, losers always lose. Be a teacher not a preacher.374.bmp


I first read this and found it amusing, why? Because I'm stood on the outside looking in. However I can see how this is driving you nuts. But be careful, if you set yourself up as the spokes person for the "get them out campaign" you could find yourself on the receiving end of a backlash from the "Adam family" and I would bet a pound to a pinch of shit nobody will help you. You are dealing with a family of Issan country bumpkins, they don't think like you, or have any respect for what you think is right and wrong. Don't bother talking to there pet buffalo, (the farang) he has no say in what go's on.

Time and time again you can hear of stories of poor Thais with little or no education doing pretty dumb shit.......No correlation between action and conscience, setting yourself up as the focal point of a campaign to get them out...Not smart!

I do agree with you................They gotta go! I would look at all the options posted, seriously, I particularity like the voodoo one for starters, as your dealing with a bonehead family. You need to reverse the table while staying the Gray man, start smiling at them in the lift again......

For all one knows, the water is turned off and they don't know how to turn it on, or they can't pay the bin, or trying to save baht and use the pools john, offer some help and see what happens, can't hurt.

There's more than one way to skin a cat. Good luck, and keep us posted.


I first read this and found it amusing, why? Because I'm stood on the outside looking in. However I can see how this is driving you nuts. But be careful, if you set yourself up as the spokes person for the "get them out campaign" you could find yourself on the receiving end of a backlash from the "Adam family" and I would bet a pound to a pinch of shit nobody will help you. You are dealing with a family of Issan country bumpkins, they don't think like you, or have any respect for what you think is right and wrong. Don't bother talking to there pet buffalo, (the farang) he has no say in what go's on.

Time and time again you can hear of stories of poor Thais with little or no education doing pretty dumb shit.......No correlation between action and conscience, setting yourself up as the focal point of a campaign to get them out...Not smart!

I do agree with you................They gotta go! I would look at all the options posted, seriously, I particularity like the voodoo one for starters, as your dealing with a bonehead family. You need to reverse the table while staying the Gray man, start smiling at them in the lift again......

For all one knows, the water is turned off and they don't know how to turn it on, or they can't pay the bin, or trying to save baht and use the pools john, offer some help and see what happens, can't hurt.

There's more than one way to skin a cat. Good luck, and keep us posted.

Sorry jumped into your post by mistake For all one knows, the water is turned off and they don't know how to turn it on, or they can't pay the bin, or trying to save baht and use the pools john, offer some help and see what happens, can't hurt.

I would guess (never having lived in a condo) that there is something in the contract about standards of cleanliness in the common areas, if this is being abused (which it appears to be) why don't a number of you get together and tell the building management they are in breach of contract and until they remedy the problem you will be withholding the maintenance fees?

Contracts and Thailand ...

Water and oil ...

Look like impossible to mix !

However, wishing you a lot of strength...


however there is also a down side to this as ever since that day the Thai neighbors look at me funny and my wife is nervous that spirit really showed up and lives in the house, even though I told her it was all an act I made up and never even heard of this spirit.

To funny


A bit more on the humouristic side is to ask the Thai wife, mum or sister if they have heard about the "couple who lived there before them" and tell them how the man murdered his wife in the condo.

They'll be out before you finish telling the story.

X2. Have some others back up the story. I know my wife refuses to live/stay somewhere she thought someone was killed.


I guess complaining about "dirty Thais" is considered appropriate here at ThaiVisa, but if I started a thread about the obnoxious and annoying condo residents in my building who are of easily identifiable European origin it would probably be labelled inflammatory and set off a torrent of "how dare you" responses (to put it mildly).

Uh, no, go ahead and write about it. I don't mind.


I myself would spend less time bitching about it and set some examples with a smile, pick up their trash unless your to proud, sweep in front of their place if it bothers you, sounds like it might take all of a minute or 2, to complete, your upsetting yourself and everybody else, get with the program and educate by doing, not complaining, sounds like it's not working, I pick up after people every day and I get smiles and some exercise at the same time, start stink, get stink, people have died for getting into peoples faces that don't understand.

I always win with kindness, setting examples and smiles, you may be opening a door that could be dangerous, listen to these other people and you or your family might get hurt, then what are you going to do, thank these people that made it even worse then before! and who's advice are you going to follow, common sense my friend, many people come from places where they have never seen a garbage can or a storm drain and all of their lives shed out, what they don't eat or need, don't blame them, slowly educate them, it's not their fault and your pressing their buttons, wake-up and do less talking the talk and more walking the walk.

Shame on some of these post, they can get you or a love one killed. (KINDNESS, EXAMPLES, SMILES) The last thing you need is one of those beer bottles, meeting your head.

Jazzbo said virtually the same thing in post #13

I commend Koto for his cleaning the trash that others have dumped. It happens all the time in North America and the perpetrators of the dumping are supposedly educated people.

Understand, of course, that once you start cleaning up after the slobs then you WILL become the personal maid for this group of backward people.They are NEVER going to change and don't even know that they are doing anything wrong. It's what they've always done and always will do. The drunken old pensioner will have no say in the matter.


Seems the farang has brought the ladies out of the Isaan jungle and they will never understand what's right or wrong with modern cleanliness unless the farang teaches them, but if he is an asshol_e then you have a problem.

As has been said, getting something done is almost impossible. I like GH idea as Isaan folk will fear a spiritual thing and if the ladies are controlling this guy they should be on their way. :unsure:

I believe it has to do with upbringing.

My wife has lived and worked in Bangkok for the last 15 years, and what the OP described above is exactly how she, her mother and her extended family all behave in my house. Imagine going into the bathroom and finding excrement on the floor! No matter what I did, and how much I complained, it didn't stop the mess. All I got was, "You don't like my family." Now I just jump over the mess to do my business.

The more you let them know you're not happy with their dirtiness and madness, the more they'll continue to litter the place just to make you angry and react. Just ignore them.


I myself would spend less time bitching about it and set some examples with a smile, pick up their trash unless your to proud, sweep in front of their place if it bothers you, sounds like it might take all of a minute or 2, to complete, your upsetting yourself and everybody else, get with the program and educate by doing, not complaining, sounds like it's not working, I pick up after people every day and I get smiles and some exercise at the same time, start stink, get stink, people have died for getting into peoples faces that don't understand.

I always win with kindness, setting examples and smiles, you may be opening a door that could be dangerous, listen to these other people and you or your family might get hurt, then what are you going to do, thank these people that made it even worse then before! and who's advice are you going to follow, common sense my friend, many people come from places where they have never seen a garbage can or a storm drain and all of their lives shed out, what they don't eat or need, don't blame them, slowly educate them, it's not their fault and your pressing their buttons, wake-up and do less talking the talk and more walking the walk.

Shame on some of these post, they can get you or a love one killed. (KINDNESS, EXAMPLES, SMILES) The last thing you need is one of those beer bottles, meeting your head.

Jazzbo said virtually the same thing in post #13

I commend Koto for his cleaning the trash that others have dumped. It happens all the time in North America and the perpetrators of the dumping are supposedly educated people.

Understand, of course, that once you start cleaning up after the slobs then you WILL become the personal maid for this group of backward people.They are NEVER going to change and don't even know that they are doing anything wrong. It's what they've always done and always will do. The drunken old pensioner will have no say in the matter.

Strange! I lived in the rice patties, Satuk, Buriram, for a year, back in 2001, the small village was like a dump site, I started cleaning my area and allowed none to enter to visit or eat, unless they picked up around the area, I started with the children and the parents, along with the elders started to do same, I had 3 burn barrels, which they put the trash, with a screen over them to prevent fires, then I cleaned the creek that ran through the area.

I'm not saying it was easy, (they never said it would be)

One either adjust to their neighbors or become the teacher and if that can't be dealt with and one can afford it, move and then again you never know the good or bad of your neighbors or mate, until you live with, or next to them and them with you.

At my time I couldn't afford to move, so I taught with a smile and a bunch of work, but it is doable, one again, just needs to walk the walk, smiling.

We all need to exercise, why not two birds, one stone, by the way, field rat is rather tasty.

Happy Holidays and count your blessings, it could be a hell of a bunch worse, enjoy the now, settle in the past.



Freakin heck Id have this done and dusted by now, too much pussying around, a neighbour who couldnt stop slamming his door at all hours had my araldite clear shoved in his lock, that ended the door slamming along with a Thai note telling him why and so he'd think its was a Thai person not the ever smiling Farang next door. They behave like tw**s treat em like twa***s they obviously dont care what u or anyone else thinks.

WOW I'm sure seeing a bunch of farangs knowing very little or nothing about Thai's, but able to give all kinds of advice.

If one uses the thing that rest on ones shoulders and has the least amount of dealing, with people skills, one would

teach, rather then falling into the (treat them like a twa***s) (Treat them the way you want to be treated) Stay with it, and

one will see a change, or you can let them win, and you also become a twa***

Keeping in mind, many of these people, bless them, had to quit school around the fourth grade to either baby sit or work their

butts off in the cow (rice) or sugarcane fields, have had little or no training on how to deal with uptight city people, that get into

their face, and they don't understand, push the wrong buttons and you could unleash, a whole bunch of trouble.

Tell me would you treat a child like a twa*** or would you kindly do your best to educate them, Yo! we are in their country, learn

how to deal with it , one dose not fight one with, lack of understanding or lack of knowledge with anger, one should rise above and slowly

teach what one knows make a friend, a student or move.

Kindness always wins, losers always lose. Be a teacher not a preacher.374.bmp

Kindness does not always win, for some people it "might " work, wake up and get into the real world .....dreamer

The comparison with children is laughable, children dont understand, presumably these people speak Thai and have ben spoken to in Thai and comprehend someone is offended.

"peace in our time" yeah hat worked didnt it!


Freakin heck Id have this done and dusted by now, too much pussying around, a neighbour who couldnt stop slamming his door at all hours had my araldite clear shoved in his lock, that ended the door slamming along with a Thai note telling him why and so he'd think its was a Thai person not the ever smiling Farang next door. They behave like tw**s treat em like twa***s they obviously dont care what u or anyone else thinks.

WOW I'm sure seeing a bunch of farangs knowing very little or nothing about Thai's, but able to give all kinds of advice.

If one uses the thing that rest on ones shoulders and has the least amount of dealing, with people skills, one would

teach, rather then falling into the (treat them like a twa***s) (Treat them the way you want to be treated) Stay with it, and

one will see a change, or you can let them win, and you also become a twa***

Keeping in mind, many of these people, bless them, had to quit school around the fourth grade to either baby sit or work their

butts off in the cow (rice) or sugarcane fields, have had little or no training on how to deal with uptight city people, that get into

their face, and they don't understand, push the wrong buttons and you could unleash, a whole bunch of trouble.

Tell me would you treat a child like a twa*** or would you kindly do your best to educate them, Yo! we are in their country, learn

how to deal with it , one dose not fight one with, lack of understanding or lack of knowledge with anger, one should rise above and slowly

teach what one knows make a friend, a student or move.

Kindness always wins, losers always lose. Be a teacher not a preacher.374.bmp

Of course your sitting there in your angelic temple halo sparkiling thinking "this <deleted>" has no experience of this, so Ill tell you about the condo I lived in where one woman kept leaving her pram outside her door and her trash in the corridor next to it, to f****ng idle to walk 25 foot to the waste bins, numerous visits from the office and letters did NOTHING this went on for about 6 months, the solution was simple, the pram was removed by me everytime it was there ( it enjoyed many outings to other floors in the lift) causing her great problems as she had to spend ages finding it, the rubbish bags were taped with gaffa tape to her door for several days.

Thais generally will do nothing even if they dont like it.

No more prams no more rubbish.

Lets make one thing clear SOME PEOPLE DO NOT GIVE A FLYING <deleted> ABOUT WHAT THEY DO PERIOD the only other way "maybe " was if you offered to pay her not to do it...........keep on smiling.


I'm sure I could have fun with this one. I like the idea of locking them in with glue on the door and an outside padlock. Then I'd drill a 3 inch hole in the door and release a few venomous snakes through the hole before patching it shut. That should keep them busy for a while. :lol:

Yes, always a good idea to provide your captives with food...

Actually that gives me an idea ... these people are already providing a food source themselves ... so why not turn a problem into an opportunity?

Make some sort of enclosure out in the hallway and get some piglets ... when they grow you can sell them and make a little cash to finance a trip away

Just a thought


I believe it has to do with upbringing.

My wife has lived and worked in Bangkok for the last 15 years, and what the OP described above is exactly how she, her mother and her extended family all behave in my house. Imagine going into the bathroom and finding excrement on the floor! No matter what I did, and how much I complained, it didn't stop the mess. All I got was, "You don't like my family." Now I just jump over the mess to do my business.

The more you let them know you're not happy with their dirtiness and madness, the more they'll continue to litter the place just to make you angry and react. Just ignore them.

Umm.. Wow.

So, if you assert that nothing can change or correct your Thai wif'e's (and family's) behavor, then it stands to reason that they've probably always acted this way.

So my question to you is, WHERE in the heck did you find a Thai girl that was comfortable and accepting of her own (and her family's) excrement all over the floor of her bathroom, and since she would have shown this indifference (or even proclivity) to basic home sanitation when you first met her, WHY did you make her your wife??

Most Thais are highly sensitive to malodorus scents, especially when related to the human body (ie: B/O, flatulence, excrement), so if you don't have a rather brilliant answer to those 2 questions, then I suspect that the crap (on the bathroom floor) that you speak of was left there by a TROLL. :hit-the-fan:

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