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Sick Of Being Called 'Papa'


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I have always heard wives calling their husbands as 'Papa' or 'Pho' in presence of their children, depending on whether they are of Chinese origin or ethnic Thais. Of course, there is a negative connotation to the word if there is a very large age gap.

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And it's goodnight from payak.

So your goody two-shoes accountants tell you that 'mostly' bar girls use the term. And you get all upset when someone mentions that is his experience''mostly' non- bar girls use the term?

But you must admit, you are pretty much always banging on about other people's relationships here like your underlying inference in your 'what do they talk about?' thread, that the farang must have met his partner in a bar since they don't appear to have anything in common to talk about. Is all this analysis of other people's relationships assisting you in working out your own?

i did not only say bg only, i did also say people who expect you to pay am i right or wrong,

the mod above said the thai people in the restaurant revere the english man, without him they would still be on the bones of there asses.

that means they were not rich thai's, not if they were on the bones of their asses, its states if not for him they would be on their asses meaning he helped them.

therefore i think the statement pretty much backs my claim even though it was attempting to contradict it, they got there dollars from the English man, hence the reason they call him papa.

They 'got their dollars' by combining the capital they'd accumulated working in the Middle East (that's where they all met) and opening the first Thai restaurant in town. They 'got their dollars' by working 12 hours a day until the restaurant was a success. Nobody gave anybody any 'dollars' They worked their nuts off for 20 years. The Englishman is now retired, Both the Thais own their own restaurants and one of them owns a hi-tech business in Thailand all paid for with their own labour. BTW we don't use dollars in the UK.

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And it's goodnight from payak.

So your goody two-shoes accountants tell you that 'mostly' bar girls use the term. And you get all upset when someone mentions that is his experience''mostly' non- bar girls use the term?

But you must admit, you are pretty much always banging on about other people's relationships here like your underlying inference in your 'what do they talk about?' thread, that the farang must have met his partner in a bar since they don't appear to have anything in common to talk about. Is all this analysis of other people's relationships assisting you in working out your own?

i did not only say bg only, i did also say people who expect you to pay am i right or wrong,

the mod above said the thai people in the restaurant revere the english man, without him they would still be on the bones of there asses.

that means they were not rich thai's, not if they were on the bones of their asses, its states if not for him they would be on their asses meaning he helped them.

therefore i think the statement pretty much backs my claim even though it was attempting to contradict it, they got there dollars from the English man, hence the reason they call him papa.

They 'got their dollars' by combining the capital they'd accumulated working in the Middle East (that's where they all met) and opening the first Thai restaurant in town. They 'got their dollars' by working 12 hours a day until the restaurant was a success. Nobody gave anybody any 'dollars' They worked their nuts off for 20 years. The Englishman is now retired, Both the Thais own their own restaurants and one of them owns a hi-tech business in Thailand all paid for with their own labour. BTW we don't use dollars in the UK.

my mistake, it did say in your post an I Quote "without the english bloke they would be on the bones of their asses".

By writing this they could not have done it without the English man, that means he gave them something, you wrote without him not me.

The reason they respect him yes, they would still be screwed if he never got involved, it's very confusing because if they could not of done it without him, he must of gave them something, being on the bones of your ass means you have nothing, nothing does not get reastaurants in Australia, Dollars do.

We know you have pounds in the uk, who cares seriously as you know what i meant, search for some spelling mistakes above and point them out if it makes you happy.

dont get all pissy because i dont agree with you on the meaning of the word, we are allowed a different opinion yes.

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Rubbish, doesn't matter how long a farang has been here, we are ALL rich tourists in the eyes of the natives. huh.png

As for speaking Thai, I've been here a while and cannot, and friends who ''can'' have trouble being understood sad.png .................biggrin.png

I'd guess you choose not to speak Thai. Your friends who say they can are obviously lying to you.

I know many foreigners who can speak fluently. I'd class myself as being fluent - it took so much effort, dedication, perseverance and time. It would have been oh so easy to have given up.

Why would anyone choose to live in a country and not learn the language?

I think I know some of the reasons.

Like one guy said, Thai attitude has changed dramatically towards foreigners.

One one hand, there's the Chinese immigrant who chose to integrate with the Thai community and of course learning Thai language. They succeeded and eventually became to be the leaders of the country.

On the other hand, there's the 'farang', many of whom have done their life's work elsewhere and come here for an 'easy' time. Most have no interest in integrating with Thais, except maybe some females. You'll see here silly threads like "why can't I make Thai male friends?" A large number come from countries that believe they are superior to the rest of the world and simply won't learn the language as they should learn English!

Some believe they are superior to the Thais, which is rather ironic as one of the Chinese philosophies is to keep the lower classes(and yes farang are included) down. Don't encourage them to speak the language. The average farang just bends over and takes it. They are happy being the bumbling idiot, going only to shops that have marked prices and generally falsely accepting that they are handicapped linguistically. Their girlfriend or wife takes them out every now and again and does the talking for them. I'm sick of the times that we as a family have gone into restaurants and they don't give me a menu because I am farang and farang can't speak Thai. I'm sick of the times that Thai people come up to me and start doing some kind of sign language to me. I'm sick of being a member of the stupid dumb farang club. If you plan to live here don't be a dick, learn the bloody language. Grow some balls and stop bending over. Do you really want your wife to go down the garage with you? Do you really want her coming to tell the Massage girl what you want? Do you want to be confined to sewers like Nana, Pat Pong or Pattaya?

Too old to learn? Nonsense, I have a old friend who's over 60 who learned to speak fluent Thai and Isarn in about a year. As he was retired, he studied Thai for a couple of hours a day.

As for the Papa thing - I hate to hear Thais use that word as it's basically saying, "you are a member of the ignorant dumb farang club so we use silly word on you" The type of girls that say Papa also say "same same", "ting tong" and "boom boom".

honestly some are to ignorant to learn thai,some dont have the interlectual ability to learn,thailand does attract all sorts i dont live here yet but looking into it and im learning more and more each visit,i find in my best interest in most aspects in thailand,
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We are talking about Thais that don't speak English calling people 'Papa'.

Words mean different things in different languages.

A person living in Australia, and used to speaking Australian may well call her father or grandfather 'Papa'.

A Thai person you don't know and not blood-related to you calling you 'Papa' is entirely different.

Use a bit of common sense please.

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oh the slings and arrows suffered by those in a land whose language they cannot understand and whose women they cannot trust.

it must be terrible for you

Not for me cos l don't care. coffee1.gif

nor me.


Same Same blink.png

There you are all you serious Thai speaking debators..I can at least quote a frequently used phrase in and around Pattaya and beyond.

Not a bad effort after 20 years " isn,t it "

marshbags laugh.png


Kudos endure for not reacting to the undeserved mod baiting.

What a joke in contradictory terms they are.

Hollier than thou comments re the use of Papa when addressing them, while here,s you posting as endure and them referring to your mod status when it has nothing to do with what you posted as a contributor / member.

Edited by marshbags
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no ones baiting the mods, it just seemed like he was suggesting i dont mix with people on his level, read it.

anyone writes that member or mod or both expect a reaction, if i misread i am sorry, if not so be it it was justified, now lets move along we can all get over it.

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No one calls me Papa. My daughter calls me dad and my wife calls me by my name or something more endearing... Most of the time!

My daughters call me Dad too. I find it funny to hear Westerners being called Papa. It's like the Thais are trying to make them feel at home but they don't realize that in English-speaking countries we don't use Papa. Many of the guys I know that are called Papa think it's a Thai word, which it's not. So it's that old lack of communication that sticks. I don't know why the guys would want to be called by what they think the Thai word for Dad is anyway, unless they are step-kids.

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Beats being called 'the farang' by people you supposedly have known for long.

I would rather be known as the stinking Falung then a papa.

Some Thai women call me Lung or Uncle, I hate that and haven`t been promoted to a papa yet, but getting there.

Well we all have get old sometime. One option is to mix with people older than yourself, it may make you feel better.

The problem is, most foreigners who comes to Thailand, aren´t gonna hang out with too many thai ladies over 60

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Rubbish, doesn't matter how long a farang has been here, we are ALL rich tourists in the eyes of the natives. huh.png

As for speaking Thai, I've been here a while and cannot, and friends who ''can'' have trouble being understood sad.png .................biggrin.png

I'd guess you choose not to speak Thai. Your friends who say they can are obviously lying to you.

I know many foreigners who can speak fluently. I'd class myself as being fluent - it took so much effort, dedication, perseverance and time. It would have been oh so easy to have given up.

Why would anyone choose to live in a country and not learn the language?

I think I know some of the reasons.

Like one guy said, Thai attitude has changed dramatically towards foreigners.

One one hand, there's the Chinese immigrant who chose to integrate with the Thai community and of course learning Thai language. They succeeded and eventually became to be the leaders of the country.

On the other hand, there's the 'farang', many of whom have done their life's work elsewhere and come here for an 'easy' time. Most have no interest in integrating with Thais, except maybe some females. You'll see here silly threads like "why can't I make Thai male friends?" A large number come from countries that believe they are superior to the rest of the world and simply won't learn the language as they should learn English!

Some believe they are superior to the Thais, which is rather ironic as one of the Chinese philosophies is to keep the lower classes(and yes farang are included) down. Don't encourage them to speak the language. The average farang just bends over and takes it. They are happy being the bumbling idiot, going only to shops that have marked prices and generally falsely accepting that they are handicapped linguistically. Their girlfriend or wife takes them out every now and again and does the talking for them. I'm sick of the times that we as a family have gone into restaurants and they don't give me a menu because I am farang and farang can't speak Thai. I'm sick of the times that Thai people come up to me and start doing some kind of sign language to me. I'm sick of being a member of the stupid dumb farang club. If you plan to live here don't be a dick, learn the bloody language. Grow some balls and stop bending over. Do you really want your wife to go down the garage with you? Do you really want her coming to tell the Massage girl what you want? Do you want to be confined to sewers like Nana, Pat Pong or Pattaya?

Too old to learn? Nonsense, I have a old friend who's over 60 who learned to speak fluent Thai and Isarn in about a year. As he was retired, he studied Thai for a couple of hours a day.

As for the Papa thing - I hate to hear Thais use that word as it's basically saying, "you are a member of the ignorant dumb farang club so we use silly word on you" The type of girls that say Papa also say "same same", "ting tong" and "boom boom".

honestly some are to ignorant to learn thai,some dont have the interlectual ability to learn,thailand does attract all sorts i dont live here yet but looking into it and im learning more and more each visit,i find in my best interest in most aspects in thailand,

interlectual, thats rich

Edited by tinfoilhat
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Beats being called 'the farang' by people you supposedly have known for long.

I would rather be known as the stinking Falung then a papa.

Some Thai women call me Lung or Uncle, I hate that and haven`t been promoted to a papa yet, but getting there.

Well we all have get old sometime. One option is to mix with people older than yourself, it may make you feel better.

The problem is, most foreigners who comes to Thailand, aren´t gonna hang out with too many thai ladies over 60

Why "problem" smile.png the fact is whistling.gif

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I did some research a few nights ago in Nana Plaza and had it all explained to me by a motley collective of fairly pretty, quite young looking but obviously well seasoned dilettantes of the night. Oh yes, and one chubby mamasan.

Simply put, 'papa' is the new 'hansum man'. The latter moniker is well past it's 'sell by' date and was obviously getting less and less reaction from the more savvy punter who, at a median age (and waist) of +55 and curiously combed hair, know full well that they aren't in the least bit hansum, not by any stretch of the imagination or level of inebriation. So now, the more polite, possibly genteel term of Papa is easing into their every day vernacular as it apparently has a better success rate. The assumption is that it somehow appeals to those generally silver-haired punters of the more 'fatherly' disposition.

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I did some research a few nights ago in Nana Plaza and had it all explained to me by a motley collective of fairly pretty, quite young looking but obviously well seasoned dilettantes of the night. Oh yes, and one chubby mamasan.

Simply put, 'papa' is the new 'hansum man'. The latter moniker is well past it's 'sell by' date and was obviously getting less and less reaction from the more savvy punter who, at a median age (and waist) of +55 and curiously combed hair, know full well that they aren't in the least bit hansum, not by any stretch of the imagination or level of inebriation. So now, the more polite, possibly genteel term of Papa is easing into their every day vernacular as it apparently has a better success rate. The assumption is that it somehow appeals to those generally silver-haired punters of the more 'fatherly' disposition.

I seriously doubt they were dilettantes.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

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Papa is the way of least resistance. Alternating consonants and vowels, that's what Thai is like. If your name contains 2 consonants back to back they can't pronounce it correctly, and you probably don't even realise she's calling your name. Like, say, the name Andreas. Many bargirls also use the German words Opa and Oma instead of grandfather and grandmother, easy and short. Neither papa nor Farang have a derogatory undertone other than the word Thai that some foreigners use contemptibly. If you are 70 and still after young girls, live with it.

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