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Thai Woman Bites Off Estranged Husband’s Penis And Stabs Him To Death

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Woman Bites Off Estranged Husband’s Penis And Stabs Him To Death

A woman who was forced to have oral sex by her estranged husband bit off his penis. In the ensuing fight the husband, a senior official at the Ministry Of Defence, stabbed her in the arm, but she managed to grab the knife and stabbed him in the abdomen. He died from his injuries shortly afterwards.

Pattaya, 19 December 2010 (PDN): At 00.30 am, PluTa Luang Sattahip Police Investigator Lieutenant Colonel Bumrung Rakbumrungsakul, was notified by Mr. Viroj Siritham, [70], residing at 115/20 Moo 2, Soi Saladaeng, Plu Ta Luang, Sattahip that his daughter, Mrs. Mali Siritham [40], had bitten off the penis of her former husband and stabbed him to death and she had been seriously injured herself. Police, medical and rescue teams were immediately dispatched to the scene.

At the single house, in front of the bedroom, they found the body of Mr. Pairoj Farkgai [47], lying dead in a pool of blood. Mr. Pairoj, a senior official at the Ministry of Defense, was wearing just a pair of blue shorts and had been stabbed in the abdomen.

The officials found several blood stains on the couch and in the bed, and found a part of the dead man’s penis on the floor nearby. They also found a sharp knife about 3 inches in length. Mrs. Mali Siritham, who was lying on the floor, had a serious stab wound on her right arm and was immediately taken to the emergency room at the Queen Sirikit Hospital for treatment.

Mrs. Mali later explained to police that she and her former husband had been living together for about 5 years and had two children. She said Mr. Pairoj was lecherous and flirted with many women. His behaviour became intolerable and they had decided to divorce 7 months ago. Mr. Pairoj then went to work in Bangkok but he always came to see their daughters [more...]

Full story and pictures HERE

-- Pattaya Daily News 2010-12-19


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Ten minutes worth of struggling, both must have been in fair physical condition. Maybe I have become callus in my senior years, but this story did not even ring the bell for shocking news. I did wonder if the smartly dressed (not) fellow in the room/photo with the medics, police, and I assume the father was a part of the undercover investigative team. RIP


The pictures were slightly disappointing!

This has to be one of the most inane and crass comments I have seen on TV. Are you that shameless?


If the facts are as stated then she fought off a rapist who happened to be her estranged husband. The rapist died in the ensuing fight, self defense.


If the facts are as stated then she fought off a rapist who happened to be her estranged husband. The rapist died in the ensuing fight, self defense.

Just a though, but what if

She murdered him then bit off his xxx in a vindictive rage, then stabbed herself in the arm to make it look more real.

As he died before the divorce she gets everything ..... no witness to say what happened. Murder.

Oh sorry, forgot this is ThaiVisa ........ Man always bad/wrong ... Woman always good/right


Why are these things mostly Pattaya? This stuff is common in Thailand, but we only hear about Pattaya. Press wants to have a place to prove is bad?

Stuff happens where stuff happens!! We get plenty of bad news reported this way, CM, so if Pattaya (and Phuket) are in the news more that's probably because its just the way it is happening... :ph34r:


Why couldn't they have just talked their problems out? He clearly expressed his feelings but what about her? What was on the tip of her tongue? Then again, let's leave that one.

Ok. It might have degenerated into an argument but better that mouthful than the one she ended up giving him. Not much of an official in Ministry of Defence then.

'Hello love, I'm back. Me, your adulterous husband you want to divorce just wondering if you've got time for a quick blow job?'

I thought if you died with an erection it would have been in circumstances where you were happy. Could be wrong. Am in this case.

I wonder what the official cause of death wil be? Death by wife bite? And then there's the Coroner's verdict. I expect that'll be Death by Dick adventure.

And what are they going to say at the funeral? It was a sudden death. That's for sure. Unexpected. You're right there. No one could see it coming. Well, his wife could which explains why she clamped down. I wonder how she feels right now though. I mean having had time to reflect on her actions.

She might just think she's bitten off more than she can chew.

After all, she did attack him with 3 inches of cold steel but only after he attacked her with 3 inches of warm flesh.

Ah well. A sad story.


Why are these things mostly Pattaya? This stuff is common in Thailand, but we only hear about Pattaya. Press wants to have a place to prove is bad?

No, they need to sell tabloids. Good news doesn't work.


Why are these things mostly Pattaya? This stuff is common in Thailand, but we only hear about Pattaya. Press wants to have a place to prove is bad?

Stuff happens where stuff happens!! We get plenty of bad news reported this way, CM, so if Pattaya (and Phuket) are in the news more that's probably because its just the way it is happening... :ph34r:

Plau ta Luang, Sattahip is about 30Km + from Pattaya, but i guess they dont have their own Daily News website.


There's inconsistency between the story and the photos - the story says she was stabbed in one arm, but the treatment room photos show dressings/treatment happening to both of them (unless someone really badly botched the IV connection to her left arm?)

Having said that, the dressing on her left arm is just conveniently bloody enough to be exactly what it's called - a dressing, but for effect and sympathy.

Curious to know why such a weapon as the knife just happened to be lying on the bed conveniently within reach - whole story on that has not been told.

Then there's the whole having to go get the father after the fight, ok he's 70, but is he stone deaf? Did he not hear what was going on and not think to maybe check it out, I assume it's his house and not the deceased's, even at his age, I'd have been in there laying down the law.

Something is untold in all of this. As always in Thailand.


It's really too bad she didn't run out for help when he showed up drunk.

Very sad for the children.

Agree on the children part.....but.

Running for help does not always work here.

A friend of mine had a dispute in a bar about how many beers he drank. He was escorted outside and the bouncer pulled a gun on him.

He called the guys bluff and jumped in his truck and sped off, causing an accident in the process. Rather than stop and risk being shot to death, he went home got his wife (Thai) and went to report the incident .

When he told the police about the gun, they asked him if he had been wounded. No he hadn't. So NO PROBLEM.

"Just don't go back there."

My take is:

Being threatened or being in a dangerous situation counts for nothing. You have to be seriously injured or dead before the cops will get off their donkeys (euphemism). Often that is too late.

I say the woman did the smart thing.

I just wonder who "placed the knife on the bed", and when and why.

As per usual reporting here leaves out many important details.


The pictures were slightly disappointing!

This has to be one of the most inane and crass comments I have seen on TV. Are you that shameless?

I think the guy's just got a sense of humor, you need one to stay sane in this country ...not make seriooous mr. bkkbrit......."and now it's goodnight from me, and goodnight from him "


Why are these things mostly Pattaya? This stuff is common in Thailand, but we only hear about Pattaya. Press wants to have a place to prove is bad?

Mate come off it, pattaya is a world renound sess pit. dirtiest scumiest part of thailand and that is saying something.


Why are these things mostly Pattaya? This stuff is common in Thailand, but we only hear about Pattaya. Press wants to have a place to prove is bad?

This happens just about in every country , but it make great news and gets everyones attention, just look below how many people are log on this.

Sad things like that happen.


If the facts are as stated then she fought off a rapist who happened to be her estranged husband. The rapist died in the ensuing fight, self defense.

Just a though, but what if

She murdered him then bit off his xxx in a vindictive rage, then stabbed herself in the arm to make it look more real.

As he died before the divorce she gets everything ..... no witness to say what happened. Murder.

Oh sorry, forgot this is ThaiVisa ........ Man always bad/wrong ... Woman always good/right

Anything's possible here SB, as I'm sure we both know ;) Hence the phrase "If the facts are as stated..."


There's inconsistency between the story and the photos - the story says she was stabbed in one arm, but the treatment room photos show dressings/treatment happening to both of them (unless someone really badly botched the IV connection to her left arm?)

Having said that, the dressing on her left arm is just conveniently bloody enough to be exactly what it's called - a dressing, but for effect and sympathy.

Curious to know why such a weapon as the knife just happened to be lying on the bed conveniently within reach - whole story on that has not been told.

Then there's the whole having to go get the father after the fight, ok he's 70, but is he stone deaf? Did he not hear what was going on and not think to maybe check it out, I assume it's his house and not the deceased's, even at his age, I'd have been in there laying down the law.

Something is untold in all of this. As always in Thailand.

"Excellent ! " I cried, "Elementary," said he.

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