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Thai Public Not Happy With Police Performance

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People not happy with police performance

BANGKOK, 19 December 2010 (NNT) – The police force has flunked again. This time it received only 27.8 points, out of 60, in the latest survey conducted by The Crime Reporters Poll.

The Crime Reporters Association of Thailand has just revealed the results of its poll on the overall satisfaction of the people towards the law enforcement agency.

They scored only 4.92, out of 10, for crime prevention; 5.85 points for their success in arresting offenders; 4.65 points for investigation and law enforcement work; 4.26 points for traffic management, 5.16 points for narcotics control; and only 2.96 points for their corruption-free practices.


-- NNT 2010-12-19 footer_n.gif


And when you are done dismissing the corrupt policemen the 1,000 left will be too few to do a decent job. But I do agree with the view that the cancer must be treated. It is too pervasive and the solution will take a determined effort and it will take time.


Only one way to deal with this problem and that is instant dismissal to any one found being corrupt :) Jail for serious crimes :)

So that means most are-or will be out of work-----or move to inactive posts. bet the police will be smiling at these figures. I suggested years ago that if you housed a policeman in every village, he would be on hand, know who are doing what-locally. on the beat , talking to the people, and visit the school -and to be on hand to stop any drug problems. He would be able to call quickly back-up from the UNSEEN police force. The locals could get to respect the village bobby.


And when you are done dismissing the corrupt policemen the 1,000 left will be too few to do a decent job. But I do agree with the view that the cancer must be treated. It is too pervasive and the solution will take a determined effort and it will take time.

There are plenty of people out there looking for work the Government needs to step up it's police training programmes and bring in new and honest employee's it can be done but would take a while , but if they start making hard decisions on these corrupt people it may even slow corruption down to a more manageable level.


Frankly, I think they should've gotten higher marks for their abilities as a money making organization and their employee 'benefits' and profit sharing from the top down. The largest charity, getting donations directly from the hands of the public at traffic lights.


Only one way to deal with this problem and that is instant dismissal to any one found being corrupt :) Jail for serious crimes :)

So that means most are-or will be out of work-----or move to inactive posts. bet the police will be smiling at these figures. I suggested years ago that if you housed a policeman in every village, he would be on hand, know who are doing what-locally. on the beat , talking to the people, and visit the school -and to be on hand to stop any drug problems. He would be able to call quickly back-up from the UNSEEN police force. The locals could get to respect the village bobby.

That is a great idea. The only hold back would be that he would have to be honest. That way he would be a great example for the kids. And be able to relate to them if they find them going down a wrong road.


Only one way to deal with this problem and that is instant dismissal to any one found being corrupt :) Jail for serious crimes :)

You are a great optimist!!! Corrupted policemen they are all. AND their officiers are corrupt too. Leaving it to NOBODY to do the job. The big boss is corrupt, the middle boss is corrupt and the lower boss is corrupt.... EVERYBODY IS CORRUPT and they are taking bribes with a laugh. It is just a way of life here in Thailand. And as long as these <deleted> are smiling we are getting fuc_ked... So I guess GET USE TO IT. But I agree lock them in if possible...



If police officer's pay was increased significantly then their would be more honest and dedicated police. It would also allow the standard to be higher for applicants.


If police officer's pay was increased significantly then their would be more honest and dedicated police. It would also allow the standard to be higher for applicants.

Although I agree the police need to be paid more, I don't think that alone would make any difference to the corruption levels.

Salaries need to be increased in line with severe penalties for corruption.


I think that "lower" guys are looking at what "higher" guys are doing!! If the upper class is stealing openly and willingly like now and like ever before it is like giving everybody in Thailand "carte blanche" to do it themselfs....

To stop what is inside people in Thailand is not so easy, and salary´s alone cant fix the problem. There must also be a change in peoples behaviour and an awareness that it is wrong to take or give bribes.... usch what a problem they have here. the whole completely sociatey is built on bribes..................



Would I be wrong in assuming that officers control and monitor the activities of the ordinary copper? (Why are most of the rank and file Sergeant Majors?) If everybody above the rank of Major was read the riot act and it impressed on them that they would be dismissed and forfeit any pension rights if caught with their hand in anybody's wallet.. Demotion would follow if any plod under their command was found to be transgressing and minimum reward for the transgressor would be a transfer to Nakhon Nowhere.

Mashing a few (few?) senior officers must have a pebble in the pond effect. The Arabs have got it all wrong by severing hands. Wandering hands are not the root of the problem; a warped antisocial mind is. Decapitation would work a lot better. Trash a few of the chiefs with the fanciful scrambled egg on their bonnets and most of the braves will come into line.

I understand that some time ago BiB set up an office for people to complain about corruption. Since then a deafening silence. Any news of such or is it classified as an inactive post?


Only one way to deal with this problem and that is instant dismissal to any one found being corrupt :) Jail for serious crimes :)

You are a great optimist!!! Corrupted policemen they are all. AND their officiers are corrupt too. Leaving it to NOBODY to do the job. The big boss is corrupt, the middle boss is corrupt and the lower boss is corrupt.... EVERYBODY IS CORRUPT and they are taking bribes with a laugh. It is just a way of life here in Thailand. And as long as these <deleted> are smiling we are getting fuc_ked... So I guess GET USE TO IT. But I agree lock them in if possible...


Recruit completely different types of people, better pay, sure it would help.

But There's other factors which neeed even more attention:

- Different types of politicians who are more capable, are sincere, are clean, have positive morals, are determined to massively reduce corruption and nepotism etc., and get these people into the ministerial positions.

- Stop the current practice of buying promotions and give promotions based solely on displayed capability and displayed past performance.

- Dismissal, where appropriate, rather then the current 'moved to an inactive post' system.

As already said, it will take time.


Soon Thai police will be in the same level as the Mexican police - world class corruption..

I think they have the Federales beat.. with the RTP being recognized by the UN as a criminal street gang tops the list.

Mexico is currently "weeding" out it's undesireables.. by execution


Well the night I rode down Pattaya Tai wearing a thong that said Princess, firing my Glock in the sky, while chasing two mexican midgets on a Phantom 200, while being chased by a monkey with a candle....Where were all the corrupt cops then ? No I had to get pulled over by the only honest cop in Thailand..


Well the night I rode down Pattaya Tai wearing a thong that said Princess, firing my Glock in the sky, while chasing two mexican midgets on a Phantom 200, while being chased by a monkey with a candle....Where were all the corrupt cops then ? No I had to get pulled over by the only honest cop in Thailand..

Just so you know that part about the candle was a lie ..

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