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More Than 1,000 Arrested In Bangkok Drug Raids


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And how many police officers were arrested?

Very good point!!!! Not so many I think, as why would they arrest their own. You've only got to look at what happens in England to see that they our police cover each others backs and occasionaly pervert the course of justice to protect their "brothers in arms".

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they should arrest the suppliers not the users!

It appears they did arrest a few dealers, unless 30,000 tablets and 4 kikos of heroin was for personal use.

it was 4 kg of crystal meth and not heroin. heroin is too expensive for local users ;-)

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I guess this will cause me problems, whenever the police crack down in the central areas the dealers move to the suburbs like my village in Nonthaburi. Every Thai over 13 years old seems to have a motorbike/scooter so an extra 20km for your fix is no problem.

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I do have to admit I know little about the illegal drug market in Bangkok but I do know it is way less prevalent than most major western cities where it can be found and purchased very easily and sold openly on the street in many areas.

The only thing that's less prevalent is open street dealing which is mainly done by the Africans along Sukhumvit.

Other than that drugs are as prevalent as in major western cities. Thai dealers operate mostly indoors and you have to place your order through an agent. Once the agent has enough orders he/she takes delivery from somebody higher up after which the individual orders are distributed mostly through taxi/motor cycle drivers. Same as the illegal lottery it's all pretty well organized with the police taking their cut here and there.

If this is the case then I wonder even more how they were able to arrest over 1,000 people in 1 day. Even if the majority had previous warrants as it takes time to track down people.

Doing a quick search on Google I could not find any other story of more than 1,000 people being arrested anywhere in the world in a day (unless at a protest / all arrestees gathered together). The closest I found was in Iran were they arrested 1,000 drug users in a week.

I could also be way off but I truly don't believe BKK or Thailand has anywhere near the percentage of drug users you find in most large western cities and countries.

** A Google search will also pull up other news sources of this massive arrest which gives more break downs on the numbers and also mention this was all accomplished in pre-dawn raids. So, basically they didn't even need the entire day to raid these 26 mostly slum communities.

More power to them if this number and arrests are valid but makes you wonder why the government lets them sit on their a@@ the other 364 days of the year if they can be this efficient. Didn't it take years to track down and kill thousands of drug dealers under Thaksin's green light of ignoring any kind of due process?

Edited by Nisa
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From what I can read (between the lines) on this article, 1000 were arrested in relation to drugs. 4 of those were persons of high interst to Police. Some others were wanted for other crimes, related or unrelated to drug activities it does not mention.

A large number of those arrested were on the Police books, indicating they had evidence of historical dealing, or use, rather than actual posession o use.

Sounds to me like 696 were taken in, on questioning related to drugs and that some of those (an unmentioned number that will probably be created later by a roll of the dice) were arrested for actualy posession.

Good on the Police for getting rid of these scum. Great suggestion , to remoive those African dealers that hang around Soi 3 and the area between Soi 11 and Soi 13 on Sukhumvit - those guys are annoying punks. Most of them do not have valid visas either, or run on ghost jobs to hide their real activities.

Go the BIB for doing the right thing.

Love your opinion, and I am so Happy that someone will spend his or her nights in jail. The Best Christmas present for me. I myself have seen many people drug themselves to death. Many families go to hell and nothing these people can do to save their own children and relatives. I may not be a fan of bad cops but, there are so many good men in the police station. let's give these policemen the credit and wish them the best Christmas. My take and I am standing tall.

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I don't see any black faces in the picture, why? They are all along shukhumvit selling their drugs, this I know because of personal experiance.. Africans in Shukhumvit sois 4,7,11 and many, many more.. Hanging around on the street corners.. Come on, clean up!!

Are blacks the only ones doing drugs here? If you have anything against a particular race, I believe you can simply say it. When they ( the blacks ) are all arrested, I believe you're going to move in to take over the market.

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Come on guys that is 30,000 tablets and 4 kikos of heroin that are not on the streets anymore and unless you are a user you should be happy and congratulate the achievement no matter how it came about. Happy Christmas

And the police will turn around and sell it - on the streets

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Come on guys that is 30,000 tablets and 4 kikos of heroin that are not on the streets anymore and unless you are a user you should be happy and congratulate the achievement no matter how it came about. Happy Christmas

Ok somewhat petty, but...

WTH is a kiko?

Plus how do you know they are not back on the street? Some of the posters have alluded to the fact the Bib maybe in the bizness. There is a decided lack of transparency in the Thai legal system. So before you celebrate lets make sure those kikos are not back on the street!

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West can't beat the drugs problem so now UK is talking about legalizing distribution to take the criminals out of it as some countries have already. Is it a lost cause as now it starts in school?

UK isn't talking about legalization of drugs. One ex-minister mentioned it. It won't happen.

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Ending the Drug War: 8 Top Stories of 2010


"A new study, published in November 2010 in the British Journal of Criminology, shows that Portugal's decriminalization of drugs in 2001 has led to reductions in student drug use, prison overcrowding, drug related deaths and HIV/AIDS. In July 2001, Portugal decriminalized the possession of up to ten days' supply of all types of illicit drugs. Before the law went into effect the pro-drug war zealots predicted that the sky would fall and chaos would reign if drug were decriminilazed. Nine years later, the sky hasn't fallen and having drug use addressed as a heath issue instead of a criminal issue has been proven to saves lives and money. Portugal shows us that drugs can be decriminalized in the real world, not only in theory."

Portugal has demonstrated how EASY this "problem" could be dealt with.

Here is a nice article about how Portugal tackled the drug problem:


Edited by jbhh
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So what this is saying is the Police told the shops to take down the stickers so they wouldn't be raided. I thought they were suppose to be arresting these people not hiding them...

And whom is going to arrest the arresters, as they are not less guilty in covering up their victims and extorting them moneys? and someone would need also to arrest whom is keeping the arrested people in such a dishumane condition, whatever their crimes could have been and so on....

Had to smile at this, reminded me of years ago, as a football referee, we had assessors, and we had assessors assessing the assessors, but there was never a final assessor, so nobody got assessed. Thai police style. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Ending the Drug War: 8 Top Stories of 2010


"A new study, published in November 2010 in the British Journal of Criminology, shows that Portugal's decriminalization of drugs in 2001 has led to reductions in student drug use, prison overcrowding, drug related deaths and HIV/AIDS. In July 2001, Portugal decriminalized the possession of up to ten days' supply of all types of illicit drugs. Before the law went into effect the pro-drug war zealots predicted that the sky would fall and chaos would reign if drug were decriminilazed. Nine years later, the sky hasn't fallen and having drug use addressed as a heath issue instead of a criminal issue has been proven to saves lives and money. Portugal shows us that drugs can be decriminalized in the real world, not only in theory."

Portugal has demonstrated how EASY this "problem" could be dealt with.

Here is a nice article about how Portugal tackled the drug problem:


Tell kids they can't do something and that is the surest way to get them to do it,

It seems the whole myth about pot being a gateway drug has also been debunked too. They are also finding in many places in the US that going after pot smokers does little but waste tax payer dollars as well as expose otherwise innocent people to actual criminals by locking them up. Clearly the use of alcohol kills and injures extremely more people that pot users do. I have not smoked weed in decades but am for making it legal.

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Come on guys that is 30,000 tablets and 4 kikos of heroin that are not on the streets anymore and unless you are a user you should be happy and congratulate the achievement no matter how it came about. Happy Christmas

Problem is this was probably a sacrifice willingly made by a high up drug lord that was told to keep his business in shape a couple of patsies would need to take a fall with a large amount of drugs so that they could look like they are cleaning up the streets and get the government off their backs. Works for both parties.

I mean do these kids look like they have the capital to fund this large purchase?

I mean it's not a bad thing but you can't just except it at face value and not acknowledge the obvious floors and bs. If you do your a sucker for an ignorant bliss and should buy share in a bar in Pattaya :)

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Great suggestion , to remoive those African dealers that hang around Soi 3 and the area between Soi 11 and Soi 13 on Sukhumvit - those guys are annoying punks

I live near there. While I don't particuarly like all of them down there every night, they are not annoying punks. I walk by them every day and none of them has ever offered to sell me anything and the only thing any of them has ever said to me was hello. They did have a big brawl one night but I walked right through the middle of it to get home and they didn't touch or say anything to me.

I don't know if this is their nature or an unspoken agreement they have with police (not to start shit with random people), though such a gathering of drug dealing black guys in basically any western city would not be nearly as safe to be around.

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I don't see any black faces in the picture, why? They are all along shukhumvit selling their drugs, this I know because of personal experiance.. Africans in Shukhumvit sois 4,7,11 and many, many more.. Hanging around on the street corners.. Come on, clean up!!

Are blacks the only ones doing drugs here? If you have anything against a particular race, I believe you can simply say it. When they ( the blacks ) are all arrested, I believe you're going to move in to take over the market.

Derifo he has a very valid point. In particular he is referring to Nigerians. If you live between soi 3 and 15 there are hundreds of them dealing in drugs. I have been approached many times always with the same welcome, a big warm smile some chit chat and then down to biz. When approached by strangers I play their game. You can buy anything! so why arnt there any black drug dealers in the pics? they are spreading like wild fire through BKK.

Edited by zorro1
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Great work and a huge pat on the back for the BiB.

Nip this in the bud and get the filth off the streets before it becomes out of hand, like in Mexico for example.

I think the slum areas of Bangkok are well overdue for another discrete burn down as has happened in the past.

The guy wearing a white teeshirt seated on the far left appears to be some sort of foreigner.


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Come on guys that is 30,000 tablets and 4 kikos of heroin that are not on the streets anymore and unless you are a user you should be happy and congratulate the achievement no matter how it came about. Happy Christmas

Well I used to dabble in the uk and here until I got caught with meth iท my blood stream, not possession and got a 45 day sentence which IMO is ridiculous.

To the poster it won't effect the drugs on the streets as a girl we met yesterday is from nana and she knows someone high up in the police and gets all her drugs from him, ecstasy, yaba and Ice which you thought it was 4 kg of heroin. So. Bad news for the dealers and the users but the drugs get back on the street!

Also ice and heroin is the same price from the Nigerians who i've never had probs with! My close friend is going out with an Nigerian, the shit they put up with there I dont blame em for coming here dealing they do it a lot more clever than the Thais too.

Well I have used. Basicly some of the higher police here are the real Thai Mafia. The recruits follow in there footsteps, thinking what 40,000 baht a month is going to get them, though they will drive nice German imported cars and kids get a great Education and for the dealers and users involved will be locked up for a long time, no learning inside no courses to help them get a job etc. When they get out and meet up with more dealers and users so they're dealing just goes on!!! I Feel very strongly about this.

Edited by LostinBkkagain
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they should arrest the suppliers not the users!

It appears they did arrest a few dealers, unless 30,000 tablets and 4 kikos of heroin was for personal use.

Ice flakes is not heroine but rather Methamphetamines.

I have Corn Flakes every morning do i have a problem with addiction??????biggrin.gif Merry Xmas.........

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The Thai Policew need to line their corrupt pockets.. Its Christmas

my thoughts as well......

looks like Santa was good to the BIB this year....

would also be good to follow up on these arrests an see how the court system works ??

And if any of the suspects are convicted and do any time....??? not many i'm afraid...

.$$$$$$$ talks in Thailand...freedom at a price...

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Come on guys that is 30,000 tablets and 4 kikos of heroin that are not on the streets anymore and unless you are a user you should be happy and congratulate the achievement no matter how it came about. Happy Christmas

Well I used to dabble in the uk and here until I got caught with meth iท my blood stream, not possession and got a 45 day sentence which IMO is ridiculous.

To the poster it won't effect the drugs on the streets as a girl we met yesterday is from nana and she knows someone high up in the police and gets all her drugs from him, ecstasy, yaba and Ice which you thought it was 4 kg of heroin. So. Bad news for the dealers and the users but the drugs get back on the street!

Also ice and heroin is the same price from the Nigerians who i've never had probs with! My close friend is going out with an Nigerian, the shit they put up with there I dont blame em for coming here dealing they do it a lot more clever than the Thais too.

Well I have used. Basicly some of the higher police here are the real Thai Mafia. The recruits follow in there footsteps, thinking what 40,000 baht a month is going to get them, though they will drive nice German imported cars and kids get a great Education and for the dealers and users involved will be locked up for a long time, no learning inside no courses to help them get a job etc. When they get out and meet up with more dealers and users so they're dealing just goes on!!! I Feel very strongly about this.

A few questions on your thoughts:

You thought that 45 days was ridiculous - should it have been 45 months or 45 years?

A girl you met yesterday (dealing drugs) said that she gets her supply from a high ranking police officer, so therefore they must be confiscated drugs. Do you expect me to give her the credibility that you have?

Nigerians sell at the same price, and they get a hard time for selling drugs in Nigeria, so it is fine with you that they come here to do it. Do you think that is a widely held view?

You state that there are no rehabilitation or training courses in Thai prisons, yet I have a sister-in-law who emerged from the same system as a trained pastry cook, and now runs a successful business. Who gave you this information - yesterday's drug dealing girl?

Have you ever considered what the crap you are feeding into your system, and the other crap it is cut with, is doing and has done to your brain? My apologies if it is genetic.

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