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Finding The Perfect Buzz In Chiang Mai


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My nearest Farang neighbour (lets just call him Ned Flanders for now) advises that everything can be peachy and you can be at one with the universe if you accept Jesus Christ as your personal saviour. Apparently I am also desired as sunbeam material.

Ever since I found this out I have been all sweetness and light. I feel airy and free as a bird on the wing.

The again it could be the effects of the perfectly charmingand natural Christmas Beer Lao stupor is kicking in again. :unsure:

Beer Lao 1 Born Again 0


Edited by mamborobert
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I'm not sure I understand what you mean when you say "buzz". Are you looking to get high or looking for some kind of legal stimulant?

How are coffee, testosterone, and Viagra related to the buzz?

People need to know this too. :blink:

OP should clarify what is his goal.

Does he want to get a stiffy? feel contented? see God? or communicate with space monkey's?

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I'm not sure I understand what you mean when you say "buzz". Are you looking to get high or looking for some kind of legal stimulant?

How are coffee, testosterone, and Viagra related to the buzz?

People need to know this too. :blink:

OP should clarify what is his goal.

Does he want to get a stiffy? feel contented? see God? or communicate with space monkey's?

SPACE MONKEYS!!!! :thumbsup:

Anyway, for the sake of accuracy and information, it is probably worth noting that Viagra does not give you a mental buzz in any way. May give you a mother of a headache though. But I'm sure most on this forum already knew that.

My perfect buzz: Finding a nice Long Island Ice Tea.. perfect.

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My nearest Farang neighbour (lets just call him Ned Flanders for now) advises that everything can be peachy and you can be at one with the universe if you accept Jesus Christ as your personal saviour. Apparently I am also desired as sunbeam material.

Ever since I found this out I have been all sweetness and light. I feel airy and free as a bird on the wing.

The again it could be the effects of the perfectly charmingand natural Christmas Beer Lao stupor is kicking in again. :unsure:

Beer Lao 1 Born Again 0


Sick attempt at humor, and offensive at best. post-4641-1156693976.gif If you want to bash Christianity, go to the Buddhism forum.

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