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Revisit To Language Express

Tod Daniels

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I know I reviewed this thai language school before in the Best Thai Language School pinned topic, but to be fair to them it was shortly after they opened.

I recently noticed on Language Express’s site that they offer a ‘premium thai language course’, and thought it’d be worth my time to go see what exactly their definition of premium was, lol. Here’s the link to their website which explains the differences in the standard and premium course with the pricing;

Language Express

(Sorry this is long, but my penchant for being overly wordy is all too well known!) ;)

Their school is located on the ground floor of a building right next the BTS Station at Ploen Chit (take exit number 2). It is a real looker of a school, bright, airy, inviting, has a coffee shop inside, free wi-fi and computer terminals for students to use. The classrooms are well lit and big enough for a good sized group of foreign students to occupy without feeling cramped.

The following review is ONLY about their premium thai course, not their ‘standard’ one which uses Benjawan Becker’s thai books.

I honestly hafta say in all the thai language schools I’ve been to, without reservation, this was the most enjoyable 2 hours I’ve ever spent at a school, and I didn’t even observe a class!

The staff was friendly, had excellent engrish skills, and took more than enough time to show me their new “talking step level’ course books which are used in the premium level courses.

Last time I was there, they’d only just come out with a few of these books and were relying predominantly on Benjawan Becker’s books to teach thai. The new course books they have now are based on the teaching english talking step method and each level has two books, a workbook, a textbook (and a c/d too!).

In this course you start learning how to write and read thai characters right away. The books have phonemic transcription for the thai as well, so even though you’re learning to read actual thai, you can work out what’s what and get speaking quickly without having to front load learning to read thai before you can start speaking. They go hand in hand quite nicely.

These are some of the best textbooks I’ve ever seen for teaching thai to foreigners in ANY school I’ve been to. I looked at all the levels up to level 6 and they really contain some quality material. Obviously a LOT of hard effort and time went into putting this material together and it is more than evident in the way things are presented. Even though this method is based on the english talking step method they just didn’t translate engrish into thai and run with it. They basically rewrote them from the ground up taking into account dissimilarities in the languages, culture, levels of address, etc. Really quite amazing books if I do say so (which I just did!)

The level one lessons are straightforward starting with introductions, what is your name, where are you from, etc. Vocabulary is introduced and more importantly USED in the lesson again and again. Ample time is also devoted to role play and spoken interaction of the material covered. This is critical in retaining the stuff you learned. Anyone can sit in a class and ‘parrot’ out thai answers to questions from a teacher outta a textbook, but in reality how valuable is this in actual language acquisition if you don’t use it?

Before you even start a class, you take an in-house online level assessment test. I was apprehensive to take it, not knowing exactly what it’d be, but am glad I did. It’s a slick program, which consists of word matching (thai to engrish), multiple choice questions like identifying activities in photos, putting sentences into correct thai word order, etc. The words are written in thai and phonetics too, so you can work it out even if you can’t read thai. I got an 89% but that’s because I still don’t know all of the thai months, lol. I also got a couple word orders wrong in some of the longer sentences.

After the online level testing they have you sit one on one with a thai teacher who asks you a series of questions in thai that you must answer back with complete sentences. So when she asks your name, you can’t just say your name, but instead must say “My name is Todd.” The questions get progressively harder, you must identify items in pictures, tell where they are located, describe the activities in photos, give directions to places from a small map, etc. This question answer type thing goes on until you max out your thai language ability and can’t answer the questions anymore. Based on a combination of these two types of testing you’re assigned a level in which you’ll start learning. This places a student in the appropriate place, instead of being either over your head or bored stiff when you start class.

I’ve never ever seen this type of intensive level testing in any thai language school before. It is somewhat reminiscent of the way Wall Street assesses a prospective student’s english ability when enrolling in their school to learn engrish.

I couldn’t sit an actual class, as it’s the holiday break. Classes resume after the 10th of January and I made an appointment to come and sit one then. The classes are 2 hours long with the first hour being writing and reading in the workbook. The second hour being situational conversation based stuff from the textbook.

I talked with both owner; Simon and Michael for a while and they both are really dedicated to providing a high “bang-4-the-baht” in this premium program. In fact I’ve rarely met more sincere people who come across as really wanting to give something of quality for the tuition a student pays. It was refreshing to realize people like this actually exist in the private thai language sector.

I strongly urge ANYONE who is serious about learning the thai language to stop in at Language Express, take their level testing, look at their material, and decide for yourself. I am far from easily impressed by thai language schools. However, this material is some of the best stuff I’ve EVER come across in ALL the schools I’ve toured!

Remember these are MY observations ONLY. Your observations may, and in all likelihood will, differ from mine. As always I urge anyone to scope out as MANY different thai language schools as you possibly can BEFORE paying a single satang of money. The last thing anyone needs is a year’s worth of thai language lessons in a school whose methodology doesn’t click with the way you learn.

BTW: I am NOT affiliated with any thai language school :)

Edited by tod-daniels
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I wanted to post this in the "Best Thai Language School" pinned topic but f*cked it up. :blink:

If you can move it, move it to the appropriate thread and thanx. ;) ..

If not, let it run here. :)

Really it IS a GOOD quality thai language school.. :D

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Yep that about gells with my expereince. I see quite few LX students while eating at the nearby Mexican restaurant, and I never met one that didnt have good thing to say about it - and the school is dead easy to get to, literally right in front of the BTS station.

Good review Todd, appreciated.

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Thank you very much for the kind review, we look forward to seeing you again soon!

If anybody reading this would like to receive any additional information on any of our courses then please don't hesitate to contact us. Our freindly staff will be happy to help.


Why study at Language Express?

  • Fast effective learning
  • Experienced, professional teachers
  • Affordable prices
  • 3 year education visa available
  • Classes designed to get you talking from day one
  • Well resourced & comfortable learning environment

Language Express specializes in Thai language education. The school offers courses in Thai and English, as well as specialist courses in IELTS Preparation, Accredited TESOL Certificates and Business English. Our Thai Language Course requires 4 hours study each week, and this can be take in 2 x 2 hours blocks on weeknights, or a single 4 hour block on Saturdays. Students who take a year long course (192 hours) are eligible for a Thai Education Visa. It is also possible to take the Thai Course in smaller units for those who only wish to improve their conversational abilities or learn how to read and write.

Language Express is not into educational fads or gimmicks; the two owners are qualified teachers in their home countries, each with around twenty years teaching experience in universities, language centres and high schools. They have taken the best of their Australian and Japanese schools and fitted them into a state of the art facility only metres from the escalators at BTS Ploenjit station. Language Express has a strong emphasis on quality. The school uses its own textbooks supplemented by commercially published texts such as "Thai for Beginners". These textbooks all feature Thai script, transliterations and translations. Our Thai teachers are university qualified native speakers selected for their energetic and professional approach, who receive ongoing training and development.

Students learn in a fast, effective manner using the Step System which is based on the tried and tested Communicative Approach - with an emphasis on memorizing and using grammatical structures with practical vocabulary and correct pronunciation. A critical part of our lessons is the 'production' segment, where students practice speaking using the language they have just studied, while integrating it with other Thai they know. On the Thai Course you'll acquire solid skills that let you communicate with Thai people as fast as possible. You will literally be speaking right from your very first lesson, then building on this step by step.

If you're thinking of learning Thai or taking a Thai Visa Course, please visit us when you make your enquires. We are always happy to outline our language programs, and are confident that once you compare the alternatives, you'll note a real difference in professionalism and quality.

CALL: 02 675 3915

VISIT OUR WEBSITE: www.languageexpress.co.th

EMAIL: [email protected]

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  • 5 weeks later...

Hello all,

Just a quick update of a promotion we are currently offering. If anyones interested please give Language Express a call - 02-675-3915









If anyone is interested in learning Thai in Bangkok but are unsure about where to start why not come down to Language Express at any point before the end February and join our Thai course for absolutely FREE for one week. Simply quote LXTHAIVISA and you will recieve a one week unlimited* study voucher that will be valid from the moment you start studying with us. Our course caters for all levels from beginner emergency Thai through to advnaced speaking and writing skills. We have designed our own materials to specifically suit the needs of students wanting to learn Thai.

If anyone would like to read an impartial review of our school please click here - http://www.thaivisa....79#entry4118779. This was written by a long standing member of Thai Visa (1500 posts over 5 years) who has regualarly taken the time to visit most of the Thai language schools in Bangkok and write about his experiences there. We are very proud of the kind words he wrote, please have a look and judge for yourself.

"I strongly urge ANYONE who is serious about learning the thai language to stop in at Language Express, take their level testing, look at their material, and decide for yourself. I am far from easily impressed by thai language schools. However, this material is some of the best stuff I’ve EVER come across in ALL the schools I’ve toured!"

- Todd Daniels (Thanks very much Todd!!)


For more information please call - 02-675-3915 or come and visit the school, we are 1 minute from Ploenchit BTS station right outside exit 2.

We look forward to seeing from you soon!

*unlimited - you can study every lesson available to your level during a week / There are 12 lessons per level per week.

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Brilliant, hope guys you are not going broke yet. Not been around for long so would be a pity if you could not survive. Also I believe the relocation is coming soon as the 30 year land lease for your building is ending soon, it is next year, isn't? Ok, some more long posts from you. We all enjoy reading it. Tod, our expert, come to the aid of your friends. This is a new school but already the best Thai school, amazing Thailand. Jaz, this is your name, right? May we ask how long have you been working in your marketing position. You seem so zealous, very typical of new hires.

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How about a branch in Pattaya?

Hi guys,

Thanks for the response. We're currently based in Bangkok I'm afraid, when we expand to either of those places I'll be sure to let you know. I'm sure there are many alternative schools to consider in your location, but as ever 'try before you buy' is the mantra of the day.

All the best,



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Walen is the busiest and most popular Thai school in Bangkok, Pattaya and Chiangmai, working toward that goal in Phuket, also very busy with our online teaching.

We do certainly offer try before you buy and I will even say more, before Walen was offering try before you buy I cannot recall any other school that was offering the same. We are confident in our method and and our competent teachers as well as our most reliable ED visa assistance. We also plan to expand so Walen might be coming close to where you live sooner than you think :thumbsup:

We have a lot of energy so Walen team get new ideas all the time. Wait for new developments in the pipeline. :shock1:

If anybody is in the Philippines now and would like to learn Thai form there we will have a new school in Angeles very soon. Our competent manager Khun Sette is busy organizing things.

Walen School - you must try before you buy, if you do not try absolutely do not buy, compare schools but we guarantee the direct method beats communicative one any time anywhere. Go direct, go Walen!


Please register to get priority service


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