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2011 - The Year Of The Crash Helmet


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The Thai cabinet has proposed that this year (2011) will be the year of the crash helmet with 100% of motorcyclists to wear crash helmets.

The campaign will start with all state agencies, state enterprises and local administrations making it compulsory that their employees wear safety helmets when travelling on motor cycles.

Well good luck to them!, in this town (Phu Toei) we are still in the year of 'do what you want to, when you frigging want to'.


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moving to motorcycle forum

With respect it should remain in general forum as virtually all here have a bike at home that do not read the bike forum and should be aware. :)

with respect it was posted in the motor forum which is for cars ;)

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Agree Trans!, was going to place it in the motor cycle forum but it is a motoring topic in general.

Mainly the two wheeled brigade, myself being one too, read that forum

The motor forum is not just for cars!!!, it covers many topics, Thai traffic regulations & laws, driving licence issues, tax, insurance etc etc etc.

I thinks that is why it is called the 'motor forum' - jeez

Edited by phutoie2
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Hi guys, not gonna get in a pissing contest over this, if you will look carefully at the front page of the forum Bikes in Thailand is not a subforum of the Motor forum it is its own separate forum and the Motor forum is for cars. Cheers.

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moving to motorcycle forum

With respect it should remain in general forum as virtually all here have a bike at home that do not read the bike forum and should be aware. :)

with respect it was posted in the motor forum which is for cars ;)

ooooops, sorry but general would be even better for my same reason. :)

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The Thai cabinet has proposed that this year (2011) will be the year of the crash helmet with 100% of motorcyclists to wear crash helmets.

Ha ha ha! What a joke! While I think it's an excellent idea, until I see 100% of Thai police wearing helmets this new "proposal" doesn't stand a chance. :jap:

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Hi guys, not gonna get in a pissing contest over this, if you will look carefully at the front page of the forum Bikes in Thailand is not a subforum of the Motor forum it is its own separate forum and the Motor forum is for cars. Cheers.

Well it is still here if you want to look at it.

Your right " sbk ", motorcycle helmets, motorbike forum, full stop.:clap2:

Edited by Kwasaki
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Good initiative that will help (a bit and could help even more if it had been fully enforced). Saw a snip on TV too, good, that will help to get people to use helmet more

Will never be enough for westerners comparing Thailand with the country they came from though :)

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Hi guys, not gonna get in a pissing contest over this, if you will look carefully at the front page of the forum Bikes in Thailand is not a subforum of the Motor forum it is its own separate forum and the Motor forum is for cars. Cheers.

Well it is still here if you want to look at it.

Your right " sbk ", motorcycle helmets, motorbike forum, full stop.:clap2:

Think the OP's post idea was to let '' every '' house hold that has a bike the latest news, and NOT just the bike enthusiast forum. :) OP :clap2:

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It's easy to be cynical. But western ideas of safety were not implemented overnight or without dissent and delay. In the land of my birth, there are states that still do not require motorcycle helmets be worn by adults. Resistance to change is universal and only done quickly at the point of a gun - I've seen enough of that thanks, though it might be effective.

Chinese saying, I am told, is that the longest journey is begun with a single step. Why not assume that some of the proponents of this plan are not serious? Some of those who are serious may be concerned about loss of life (children of course) even if they do not own stock in motorcycle helmet factories. Why not hope, however little, for gradual change in the public's attitude?

Being a smart Alpha is not conducive to happiness. (Granted that rose colored glasses are delusional - but reality for most of us expats should be found somewhere away from the the extremes.)

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Well all I can say is that it's certainly not hard to get to 100% helmet usage. Staying there though might be hard.

Before new year's the police in Chiang Mai put up stops everywhere - either to buy new year's presents, or because it's the "dangerous 7 days" - probably both. After a few days of this, I didn't see a single person on a motorbike without helmet. Including passengers - a novel concept for Thailand.

But, once everyone is wearing a helmet the police will lose interest quickly - no fines, no money...

Edited by nikster
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Well all I can say is that it's certainly not hard to get to 100% helmet usage. Staying there though might be hard.

Before new year's the police in Chiang Mai put up stops everywhere - either to buy new year's presents, or because it's the "dangerous 7 days" - probably both. After a few days of this, I didn't see a single person on a motorbike without helmet. Including passengers - a novel concept for Thailand.

But, once everyone is wearing a helmet the police will lose interest quickly - no fines, no money...

But they won't always wear a helmet OR insure their bike, a continuous easy flow of fines, easy money, IF the BiB work,

which they don't or won't. The BiB job is mainly to cover what they do privately. Believe me l know. :huh:

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Hi guys, not gonna get in a pissing contest over this, if you will look carefully at the front page of the forum Bikes in Thailand is not a subforum of the Motor forum it is its own separate forum and the Motor forum is for cars. Cheers.

Careful guys. She has a whip. biggrin.gif


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Meaningless, unless they also update the Thai helmet standards, throw away all of the helmets that can only meet these worthless standards, and actually require the helmets that they force people to wear to protect the rider's head. Not likely.

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Here in Hua Hin it seems that the majority of farang don't bother with a helmet, which got me thinking today,

"What is the mind set and what is the thought process behind going without at least the basic protection"

I am not going to knock the farang who goes without, but I would genuinely appreciate honest answers from any one here who just does not bother ever wearing one or carries it just in case BIB are around.

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Here in Hua Hin it seems that the majority of farang don't bother with a helmet, which got me thinking today,

"What is the mind set and what is the thought process behind going without at least the basic protection"

I am not going to knock the farang who goes without, but I would genuinely appreciate honest answers from any one here who just does not bother ever wearing one or carries it just in case BIB are around.

I think there is an underlying thing about being told what to do by authority. LOS, can do what you like with little fear of a BiB problem, sort of a rebel thing. :)

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Here in Hua Hin it seems that the majority of farang don't bother with a helmet, which got me thinking today,

"What is the mind set and what is the thought process behind going without at least the basic protection"

I am not going to knock the farang who goes without, but I would genuinely appreciate honest answers from any one here who just does not bother ever wearing one or carries it just in case BIB are around.

I think most of this falang think LOS is a kind of Disney land and they left their brain (if they had any to start with) at their home country.

Chang Noi

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Here in Hua Hin it seems that the majority of farang don't bother with a helmet, which got me thinking today,

"What is the mind set and what is the thought process behind going without at least the basic protection"

I am not going to knock the farang who goes without, but I would genuinely appreciate honest answers from any one here who just does not bother ever wearing one or carries it just in case BIB are around.

I think most of this falang think LOS is a kind of Disney land and they left their brain (if they had any to start with) at their home country.

Chang Noi

Yes, people don't like authority and being told what to do. When l was a scooter mod in the 60's, l didn't wear a helmet, wasn't cool, was invisible, no fear, then the law stepped in, must wear crash hat. So we did, you had too, cos the law worked, no hat, your nicked. :( Here, no law, no problem.:)

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moving to motorcycle forum

With respect it should remain in general forum as virtually all here have a bike at home that do not read the bike forum and should be aware. :)

You were right, just a pity the mods had not put a bit of thought into this, as I am sure we could have got more feedback if it had been left in the general forum.


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moving to motorcycle forum

With respect it should remain in general forum as virtually all here have a bike at home that do not read the bike forum and should be aware. :)

You were right, just a pity the mods had not put a bit of thought into this, as I am sure we could have got more feedback if it had been left in the general forum.


I totally agree, too bad it didn't happen

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Meaningless, unless they also update the Thai helmet standards, throw away all of the helmets that can only meet these worthless standards, and actually require the helmets that they force people to wear to protect the rider's head. Not likely.

I you were in charge first you get 100% of riders to wear helmets which will improve safety. Then improve the helmets. But there is a school of thought that says some 'fancy' helmets are not as good as cheaper ones. Something to do with the liner material and the standards.

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I think anything is better than nothing.

The odd few up here that wear one don't do the strap up so it's useless anyway as the hat will go one way, the rider the other.

Seen a few with copies of the US army helmets, think made of plastic :huh:. Saw a guy with a proper open face helmet that was on back to front :rolleyes:, god knows how he could see. :lol:.

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