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Holiday Back To Thailand

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Hi All,

I wonder if any one could help me out here??

My wife (Thai) and kids now live in the UK and have been here 6 months, my wife and my step son are both on UK 2 year Settlement Visa's. My stepson, aged 17 wants to back to Thailand in the summer for a holiday, we won't be travelling with him, he will be travelling with some friends of ours that are also going back for a holiday.

My question is, will he be allowed to go and come back without any issues at immigration either in the UK or Thailand as his Settlement Visa states on on it "Visa to Acc Mother/ and her details" The visa was granted to come with his mother to the UK. Would my wife need to prepare some kind of documentation that gives parental control to our friends that are travelling with him.

Thanks in advance


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  • 1 year later...

I have a similar situation, the problem isn't leaving it's coming back to LHR, when we left Spain last year the airline officials demanded to see my wife before accepting her. I wold also worry that she may have a problem in BKK as they won't let you board the fliight until they are satisfied all is in order. Is there a resource orin writing that it is OK to travel alone?

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A 17 year old is entitled to travel back home for a holiday or break with or without the parent. School holidays are long enough that a holiday may be considerably longer than for those of us on the work treadmill.

As long as there is no plan to change the settlement arrangements for him there should be no legal problem but he may be asked a few questions on arrival back in the UK. I suspect the longer the trip the more questions may be asked but this is a young adult not a small child!

If you are worried about being allowed to board the plane on return at Bangkok perhaps it is worth checking that the airline has no concerns about the trip. It will be worth getting the reply in writing if possible so may be worth emailing the airline first.

Just make sure that you don't make any plans for when they apply for ILR. The postal processing times are months at the moment!

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I have a similar situation, the problem isn't leaving it's coming back to LHR, when we left Spain last year the airline officials demanded to see my wife before accepting her. I wold also worry that she may have a problem in BKK as they won't let you board the fliight until they are satisfied all is in order. Is there a resource orin writing that it is OK to travel alone?

I take it from your tone " airline officials demanded to see my wife before accepting her. " that you think this is wrong ? Why ? Do you really think it is right for someone to check other people onto a flight by just presenting a passport, or half a dozen passports ? You could be taking anyone. It is the airline's responsibility under UK law to ensure that every passport is checked, and that the person using it is the rightful holder.

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There is a real problem with people trafficking so I agree that proper inquiries should be made to ensure the correct person is flying especially if it is a child!

A 17yr old should not have problems travelling alone but as a parent I would still contact the airline to make sure that there should be no problems. A bit of forward planning to ease the way!

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