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What do farangs think they have that is better tha


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Being hung like an Orang Utan has never hindered one's progress.


Actually Tiz, that is the thing my wife likes least about me (ouch), however I do believe initially it was the hope that I could provide a secure future. Now, after X amount of years my wife thinks it is love above anything else.

There you go Bambi, love is a contributing factor sometimes :o:D

refer to above post....

mai jep.... (if you are hung like an orangutan).... :D

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Being hung like an Orang Utan has never hindered one's progress.


chon, don't you mean "rogue rino" Orangs are hung like ants...or so I've been told :o

A much better analogy... :D

A rhinoceros's penis in erection it can extend up to 4 feet in length. :D

And even more impressive...mating can last an hour and half and can involve 60 (SIXTY) ejaculations.... :D amazing!

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after read many threads in TH forum ... we have some Questions why TH gal like farang  guy

some  reasons are

1 farang guy takecare woman better

2 farang guy doesnt cheat ...1 girl in one  time (really?) :D

3 farang guy is cute

4 farang guy know how to treat woman (sex stuff)

5 farang guy has nice box  :D

6 farang guy never cared about girl's past

7 farang does good in bed  :o

so i ask you guys farang ...what do u think u have more advantage  from Thai guy?


ps ..if you ask me who i like  Farang or TH  guy ...i  will say I like  a good  guy even  he  is  farang or  thai

but ..for now i think farang guys are cute lol

i do not think thai men are any better or worse than falangs, just a matter of different life styles

in answer to this i would answer in the following comparative fashion based upon my wife's 2 brothers and why she thinks thai men should try to improve thier self image.

brother one married with one child,

when he gets paid it's party time, does not save for house, lives with mother and father no sense of responsability

me i stop my wife from spending excessive amounts and explain about the need to save some for the future .

brother two has girl friend but when money in pocket he can go awal for days

me, always at home every evening apart from golf trips[pre-arranged]

these are but two reasons why my wife prefers me over a thai man, and her daughter is now in the uk with us and not abandoned like her first husband.

basically thai men enjoy the day and live for the day, where falang men are a bit more cautios and look to the future. the way i see it is the thai women are beggining to see the advantages of a secure future.

it would be great to live for the day, but alas it's not part of our make up

Edited by opothai
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after read many threads in TH forum ... we have some Questions why TH gal like farang  guy

some  reasons are

1 farang guy takecare woman better

2 farang guy doesnt cheat ...1 girl in one  time (really?) :D

3 farang guy is cute

4 farang guy know how to treat woman (sex stuff)

5 farang guy has nice box  :D

6 farang guy never cared about girl's past

7 farang does good in bed  :o

so i ask you guys farang ...what do u think u have more advantage  from Thai guy?


ps ..if you ask me who i like  Farang or TH  guy ...i  will say I like  a good  guy even  he  is  farang or  thai

but ..for now i think farang guys are cute lol

For me, Thai guiys do not seem to be very considerate and consideration is everything in a relationship

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In my experiance there is not much to split them, here's some of my views (obviously huge generalisations)

Voilance- I've witnesed domestic voilance 4 times here once by a Thai male to his wife, once from a falang male to his Thai wife and twice from a Thai wife"s to their husband"s (Thai). I don't think Thai men have the monopoly on hiting their wifes it goes on a lot back in "Falangland" as well but is usually coverd up more.

Work, Drink and Gambling- All the Thai men I know work harder than me(but for less money) and most drink less, usually due to the fact that they have to work. As for gambling well Thai men are no better or worse than Thai women, it's not that comman around here usually holiday times or funerals and I have to say that I usually join in as well (so no advantage to me there :o )

Fedelity- IMO Thai men are far more likley to have a "mia noi" I know of a few that have and its fairly open knowlage, saying that I dont think "falangs" are neseseraly more faithful just less likley to get into a long term second relationship (mai noi) but more likley to have the odd fling with some bar girl. To be honest I dont think I know any "falang" here that has not sucumb to temptation on the odd occasion and a few who activly seak it.

Sex- Well I've never had sex with a Thai man so would'nt know, but generaly if a Thai woman has a Thai husband he is likley to be closer to her age (i.e younger) and probably in better physical contition than a "falang "one. I do get an impresion that Thai men are probably less likley to worry about their partners satisfaction during sex, but have'nt really much to base that one on.

Culture- Well if a Thai woman has a Thai husband they will obviously have a lot more in comman,easier comunication, a better understanding of each other shared friends ect. Mabye though some women are'nt looking for that and don't actually like the "culture" that much or are looking for the excitment of a relationship with someone "different"

Money- Well we have to have something going for us dont we :D In my experiance most "falangs" here are generaly much better off than the prospective Thai husbands. I clarify that a bit I'm not saying that us "falangs" are all rich and Thai men are all poor , is just that the chances of a Thai woman finding a prospective Thai husband who is well off are fairly slim (I would say that if she has been married before, has children or has worked in a bar then pretty much non-existant). Falangs do thend to no care that much about someones past of their percived "class"

This is'nt to say that everyone marries for money, but having money does give up definate advantages in lifestyle and options for living. Can anyone say that having money does not play a part in things back in "falangland"

Security- Here's an other I think we have an advantage. I think that generaly "falangs" are less likley to ditch their wifes with a few kids to cope with than a Thai husband, even if we did a "falang" is probably more likley to continue to provide at least some support for the children. Also most of us are financialy more sucure and have the option of going back to "falangland"

Like I said obviously a lot of generalisations there.


Edited by RamdomChances
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i love farang , name  Jeff1 :o  :D

well could Jeff1 tell me , you are a farang , what do u think you are  better than TH  guy??

Bambi :D

First I must ask a few questions to your question . Do I come across as someone that thinks I am better than a Thai guy ? I do not think that I have ever posted or discussed with you or on this board that I do think that way . I have many Thai male friends and I do not think that they would stay my friends if I thought this way . I am no better or worse than anyone , be it Thai or farang , I am only me.

Second , Thank you for your love , You know that I feel the same way if not more than you do . Does that mean I get a photo of you too ?

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ooops, I reply to wrong message last time, sorry! :o:D

but anyway, it is true a lot of farang think they are the best.....and why not? they come to Thailand, lots of girls, for whatever reason, want them, go to bed with them easy etc.

people respect them everywhere, they get lots of attention...make them big-headed. they seem very rich here, maybe not back home but hey!!

Then they can look down on Thais, if they are inclined, and feel superior.

but I am sure they are not all like that, at least the nice, sensible mature ones. :D:D

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one of opinion from  TH  girl , pantip.com

Quesion - pro and  con that have  farang BF

Well, if he's british - depends on which racial base -

Irish - easy going , friendly , funny and love to drink.

Scottish - friendly - especially if you aren't brit , funny but they have more policy about money and quite proud to be scottish.

English - education base can tell or family base.

Welsh - quite friendly - different - I mean in term of funny


But over all they are nice and very friendly. Quite easy going or if you find a very strict type of family - they will show more decipline . Brit guy quite generouse with girl. But it's good to offer to pay when you go out with him but don't try to push it's too hard. They love to drink - Beer in general. If you can't don't try ka. : ) I can't drink and everybody here understand. ( remember - when you drunk - you will look absolutely awful and get risk for yrself in everything )

Girl friend and girlfriend are different - Brit guy is quite shy and love to take it slow. If he want to know you as girlfriend .Plz don't be rush. Start with girl friend first and you have to learn and know more about him too. I think although in western culture , it's easy to have a one night relationship but  it's hard to see or find any body move on after that one-night stand.

My hubby told me that. Girlfriend and Birds that they find in the night club are different. You plan ahead to see yr girlfriend and be sincerely and honest to her .On the other way, no plan and need to hide every important information about u - ex phone no. with the one night bird.

English culture, kissing each other cheeks tell that you know that person well as friend, family member or lover.But in Europe, it's just normal greeting of the Europeon people. If you don't get use to showing the physical affection like this. Tell him that it's not our culture way. My hubby loved it whe we were friend and told him ' friends in my country are not  not this close.'

For myself, I don't care much about the other people ( esp- thai people ) when they look at us as a cocasian-asian couple. It's different. Love is a mystery thing . You can't choose who is your soulmate . We haven't do anything wrong.  Good luck ka :o

จากคุณ : MIMI (ja_oh)

Hey ... you forgot about the american

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Interesting topic Bambi, but I think people get thrown off by your title. Perhaps it should have read "What do farangs think they have that is better than Thai guys?" . Your title implies a sense of superiority which is, frankly, very unattractive in anyone.

I think using the negatives about thai men to be patently unfair as, Random points out, there are wife beaters, cheaters and gamblers everywhere. I've had both, farang and thai, and wouldn't change my Thai husband for any farang guy I have ever gone out with. He is loving, kind, considerate, values my opinion and appreciates my independence. He is unthreatened by the fact that i am intelligent and capable. He is unafraid of commitment and actually proposed to me 3 months after we met! (Scared the bejesus out of me!). does this mean that all farang men are threated by independent women? Or afraid of commitment? Of course not, I am smart enough to realize that my experiences are really only applicable to me.

I suspect that Random has hit the nail on the head with his brilliant post tho. Kudos Randomchances!

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and wouldn't change my Thai husband for any farang guy I have ever gone out with. He is loving, kind, considerate, values my opinion and appreciates my independence.

yes... i read you story that you posted few mths ago..and i think that , your husband is really nice ... :D:D (envy!! :D )

Im not sure i can remember all detail but it sort of a guy ask your hubby why he does some chore (clean dish?)...and he said, he doenst want his wife tired..!!! REALLY SWEET

Bambi :o

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one of opinion from  TH  girl , pantip.com

Quesion - pro and  con that have  farang BF

Well, if he's british - depends on which racial base -

Irish - easy going , friendly , funny and love to drink.

Scottish - friendly - especially if you aren't brit , funny but they have more policy about money and quite proud to be scottish.

English - education base can tell or family base.

Welsh - quite friendly - different - I mean in term of funny


But over all they are nice and very friendly. Quite easy going or if you find a very strict type of family - they will show more decipline . Brit guy quite generouse with girl. But it's good to offer to pay when you go out with him but don't try to push it's too hard. They love to drink - Beer in general. If you can't don't try ka. : ) I can't drink and everybody here understand. ( remember - when you drunk - you will look absolutely awful and get risk for yrself in everything )

Girl friend and girlfriend are different - Brit guy is quite shy and love to take it slow. If he want to know you as girlfriend .Plz don't be rush. Start with girl friend first and you have to learn and know more about him too. I think although in western culture , it's easy to have a one night relationship but it's hard to see or find any body move on after that one-night stand.

My hubby told me that. Girlfriend and Birds that they find in the night club are different. You plan ahead to see yr girlfriend and be sincerely and honest to her .On the other way, no plan and need to hide every important information about u - ex phone no. with the one night bird.

English culture, kissing each other cheeks tell that you know that person well as friend, family member or lover.But in Europe, it's just normal greeting of the Europeon people. If you don't get use to showing the physical affection like this. Tell him that it's not our culture way. My hubby loved it whe we were friend and told him ' friends in my country are not not this close.'

For myself, I don't care much about the other people ( esp- thai people ) when they look at us as a cocasian-asian couple. It's different. Love is a mystery thing . You can't choose who is your soulmate . We haven't do anything wrong. Good luck ka :D

จากคุณ : MIMI (ja_oh)

Hey ... you forgot about the american

Don't you know?

Thai women prefer British men..... :o:D

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Do you mean how do farang guys think they are better than Thais?

What do farang guys think Thai women like them?

Not sure really but to try and answer the question, for me personally I don't think that farang guys are better than Thai guys, but I know many farang who do due to their own inadequacies. Isn't it great to put down the Thai guys and think(wrongly) that all Thai women prefer us, to make us feel superior. Very self-righteous of us!

Thai guys are drunks.

Thai guys cheat on their wives.

Thai guys hit their wives.


Maybe if you think this way you should look at the places you frequent or the Thai guys you hang out with. If you think this way though you wouldn't hang out with them, would you?

Many Thai women like farang guys because, God, I don't know!

Well I do actually, isn't it obvious?

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Don't you know?

Thai women prefer  British men.....  :D  :D

oh dear, sorry to disappoint you nara!! :o

I had a small poll in my local bar, and ALL the girls said that Brit men were the rudest, not nice at all!!

I was surprised too, I always thought the UK men were polite, but the modern version are obviously not.

Just drink too much, are rude and obnoxious, sometimes run away and not pay

mostly young ones are like this...what is that country coming to?? :D:D

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This is a funny topic :D

Many many times I have read on here from farang guys how crap thai men are but I would doubt that a majority of them have even had a proper freindship with one & their opinions are based on what their wives or g/f's have told them.

Now, those women may have had a bad experience with thai men or else they could just be massaging the ego of the farang? I hear a lot of, my wife told me, so it's mostly 2nd hand info & of course, a good husband will listen to his wife, but to base his whole ideas about a race & gender of people on the one expereince of another is quite sad :o Imagine, if I were to say " my friend is married to a thai women who used to be a prossie & she is a big money grabing bitch so therefore all thai women are like that"

Wouldn't be right would it?? So why, do a lot of you need to generalise about thai men int he same way?

Spot on.

In a place where they often cannot own property, take part in most professions, and often by living here are leaving their own immediate families behind, IMO it's only natural for these guys to feel the need to reassure themselves of their own self worth.


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one post , that i think its interesting (from pantip) pro-con of farang BF

Depend on where's he come from? Family base? Education? Background?

Farang and Thai is quite same - because we are human being - some is good and some is bad.

But mainly - They are more open minded, independent and mature - compare in the same age as you in the way of living.

Try to be honest to yr self and speak what you want and what you don't . Fair and frank to yr self are important. In normal farang idea , you are as equal in every way with him. Show your brain beauty and let him know that you are not stupid and just like the other type of Thai lady.Make him accept in you and respect in you and yr idea .

Good luck ka.

From: MIMI (ja_oh)

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Being hung like an Orang Utan has never hindered one's progress.


chon, don't you mean "rogue rino" Orangs are hung like ants...or so I've been told :o

A much better analogy... :D

A rhinoceros's penis in erection it can extend up to 4 feet in length. :D

And even more impressive...mating can last an hour and half and can involve 60 (SIXTY) ejaculations.... :D amazing!

wow .... you know a lot about the size of animals organs and how they perform


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I don't think I am better than Thai men... I think I am better than everyone. :o

Honestly, I think my wife and I were probably attracted to each other mostly because of the mystery of foreign cultures. As a scientifically predisposed person, I won't discount pheromones either. :D

Part of this cultural mystery is real difference---our dating was full of discovery, conflict, and the hint of the exotic.

Part of it was false---we probably projected own hopes or desires onto each other back when we were still each a blank slate. Luckily, this didn't overwhelm us later when the imaginings proved to be misguided.

And, part of it was an enabler---we had to approach each other completely as individuals, since most of the familiar cultural clues were missing or backfiring. I think many single-culture relationships are set on a path by first impressions, because we bring so much cultural context into interpreting every little cue. We presume too much of our compatriates.

I don't believe in "one true loves" etc., so I think it really boils down to whether people are receptive or not during chance encounters with the scatter of high-potential mates out there. For some, multi-cultural situations will catalyze such encounters, while for others it might do just the opposite. We're probably married now because we were dating when traumatic things happened in each of our families, and we were there to support each other.

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Being hung like an Orang Utan has never hindered one's progress.


chon, don't you mean "rogue rino" Orangs are hung like ants...or so I've been told :o

A much better analogy... :D

A rhinoceros's penis in erection it can extend up to 4 feet in length. :D

And even more impressive...mating can last an hour and half and can involve 60 (SIXTY) ejaculations.... :D amazing!

wow .... you know a lot about the size of animals organs and how they perform


which animal is the best lover ???????

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Don't you know?

Thai women prefer  British men.....  :D   :D

oh dear, sorry to disappoint you nara!! :o

I had a small poll in my local bar, and ALL the girls said that Brit men were the rudest, not nice at all!!

You forgot to mention the Brit women....just as bad, if not worse! kekekeke

Edited by DavieA
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I had a small poll in my local bar, and ALL the girls said that Brit men were the rudest, not nice at all!!

They thought you meant English :o

Irish, Scots and Welsh? When I used to hang around expat bars, not many girls knew the UK had 4 countries and Great Britain 3. I very much doubt that things have changed.

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It is just MONEY and fantacy on White skin. Even if a farang bring 1000 Euro from his own country he is considered rich, though the money is an average value in his own country. It is the value of money that can be spend here. $100 is nothing in US. But here you can stay with a girl for 2-3 days including food and room. I dont think a Thai guy can affort for that, probably he dont need that. It is not for all farang.

There are good farangs really want to marry a good thai woman and live here. Also it again not all farangs are good, because many of them abonden their wife in their own country and marry a young thai woman from north east and settle here with pensioner life.

It is unfair to look for a staistics like this, because people come from many country and stay for different purpose.

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Don't you know?

Thai women prefer  British men.....  :D  :D

oh dear, sorry to disappoint you nara!! :o

I had a small poll in my local bar, and ALL the girls said that Brit men were the rudest, not nice at all!!

Sorry, I was being sarcastic :D

.....Well, I guess it's a good thing I'm not British then! :D

I was surprised too, I always thought the UK men were polite, but the modern version are obviously not.

Just drink too much, are rude and obnoxious, sometimes run away and not pay

mostly young ones are like this...what is that country coming to?? :D  :D

Looks like we should rename this thread , "Do British guys think they are better than Farang guys?".... :D

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