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Death And Illness As Cold Weather Embraces Thailand


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Death and illness as cold weather embraces nation

By The Nation

The Public Health Ministry confirmed yesterday that at least two people had died in the cold weather - one in Loei and the other in Chiang Rai.

"Victims in this category are people who died because they lacked warm clothes and lived in areas declared as being hit by a cold spell," Public Health Minister Jurin Laksanawisit said.

Jurin said his ministry was checking whether two other deaths in Kalasin and Surin were also due to the cold spell.

In recent days, temperatures have dropped across most of the country.

Influenza, pneumonia, measles, German measles, chickenpox and diarrhoea are usually common in the wake of lower temperatures.

However, the number of people who suffered these diseases over the last two months of last year was down in 15 provinces - at just 18,760 compared to 21,494 in the same period in 2009.

The temperature in Bangkok dropped by one or two degrees Celsius yesterday, according to the Meteorological Department.

In the capital, the mercury ranged between 17 and 19 degrees Celsius during the coolest moments.

The weather bureau said cold weather and strong winds blanketed many parts of the country under the influence of a high-pressure ridge hovering over the upper part of the country and the South China Sea. In the North, frozen dew could be seen on mountains.

In the Northeast, the minimum temperature fluctuated between 10 and 13 degrees Celsius.

In the northeastern province of Loei, the mercury dropped below 0 degrees Celsius in Phu Rua district yesterday morning. The district chief Thanapon Jantornnimi said the cold weather drawn many tourists.

But many of locals needed more warm clothes during the winter, Thanapon said.

The Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Department, meanwhile, has warned people in southern provinces to beware of monsoon conditions.

"Small fishing trawlers should avoid going out to sea in the Gulf of Thailand," the department's director general Wiboon Sanguanpong said.

Winds would be strong till Thursday, he warned.

Wiboon said people needing help in strong winds or rough sea conditions could call 1784 around the clock.


-- The Nation 2011-01-18

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it's a terrible thing to die of exposure from the elements, but there is something about this I still find disturbing. I've been all over thailand and have seen racks upon racks of jackets for sale for 50 baht, or even less, quite affordable i would think. but what bothers me the most is, is this the first time it's ever been cold? Have these people never in their lives had to deal with being cold? I'm wondering is everything considered disposable, even a jacket you don't need when the weather is hot. Somethings missing other than warm clothes here. :huh:

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Not the first time nor will it be the last that Thailand experiences cold snaps. Here in Chiang Mai in December/January (the coldest months of the year) you see it all the time where locals rug up with jackets etc.

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Cold? In Thailand? In January?

I do believe we do not speak about the same thing, the same country and the same season.

If temperature drop of 1 Celsius, that is not cold by any standart, and no one can die of that if in normal health (read without under heavy alcohol; body burn by alcohol or drugs ...). I did witness temperature dropping of 25 celsius in 48 hours .... in Europe, in a very specific place famous for it (6 jully 1980 + 26 celsius; 8 jully 1980 -1 celsius ... the place is named Pontarlier)

Thailand is a tropical country (sorry if I am wrong); so temperature are NEVER EVER cold. Cold is temperture below -20 celsius (I played Rugby by -18 celsius); Cold is - 40 celsius during the night (Stage commando with sleeping out side in february 1986 , place named Les Rousses).

That is B.S.; bad journalism, or maybe another way to justify this or that ....

Cold in thailand, is it another hub (winter sport hub for saoudi????????????????)

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LOL.. Where I come from thats called a good day! T-shirt weather!

But where I come from theres mass flooding in the Australian summer?!?!

"diarrhoea are usually common in the wake of lower temperatures."

Ha ha ha!!!! Never heard that one before! I thought it was from bad food!

After living here for 10 years I must agree it has been rather cold in the capital.

Hard to find a good summer nowadays!! Best head back to the southern provinces soon.

I really feel sorry for my friends the farmers in Chinag Rai as frost destroys thier Tea farms!

"In the capital, the mercury ranged between 17 and 19 degrees Celsius during the coolest moments."

Great sleeping weather - Open the windows and turn off the Air con!

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Influenza, pneumonia, measles, German measles, chickenpox and diarrhoea are usually common in the wake of lower temperatures.

All of the above are caused by bacteria or viruses both of which you can catch no matter how warmly you are or are not dressed.

It would be nice if the writers of such statements would stop considering the body politic as a collection of very stupid people.

How many times to you have to tell people to dress warmly in winter?

How many times do you have to tell people not to burn charcoal in their closed up house because it will kill you?

Sometimes not listening has a consequence.

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To Sting123

I don't know where you live, but here in the North East is is cold.

Thai houses do not have insulation and have no heating. So I suggest you turn off your heating and leave your windows open for a couple of days, and then when you awake at 6am with an inside house temperature of about 14C, you will understand.

Edited by cme
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Freezing is cold, no matter where you are. Whether it's 0 celsius or 32 farenheit. I don't know what the Thai's do with their warm clothing when it turns warm, but for some reason, never have even a long sleeve shirt when it's cold. :huh:

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Not the first time nor will it be the last that Thailand experiences cold snaps. Here in Chiang Mai in December/January (the coldest months of the year) you see it all the time where locals rug up with jackets etc.

We had it here in Chiang Rai city 8 degrees last night at my house, so in the hills it may be close to 0. It is still overcast and cold outside, see no old people as usually bundle up and sit in the sun.

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Influenza, pneumonia, measles, German measles, chickenpox and diarrhoea are usually common in the wake of lower temperatures.

All of the above are caused by bacteria or viruses both of which you can catch no matter how warmly you are or are not dressed.


Sounds like another journalist suffering from oral dysentery - perhaps due to the cold weather. Vaccines available for measles (MMR) and for chickenpox (varicella). No reason for people to die. Both these vaccines should IMHO be given free of charge to all Thai children. No need for people to die from these diseases in 2011.

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Not the first time nor will it be the last that Thailand experiences cold snaps. Here in Chiang Mai in December/January (the coldest months of the year) you see it all the time where locals rug up with jackets etc.

I saw people wrapped in coats, hoods, hats and scarves last week and that was on the international bus from Ubon Ratchathani to Pakse in Lao due to flat out air con. Mind you it did seem nice and warm when you got off the bus.

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To Sting123

I don't know where you live, but here in the North East is is cold.

Thai houses do not have insulation and have no heating. So I suggest you turn off your heating and leave your windows open for a couple of days, and then when you awake at 6am with an inside house temperature of about 14C, you will understand.

Dunno when 14 was considered cold.

Normal winter temp here where I am.

Geeeeez ppl, get with it.

Try living in Finland, where it is real cold and dark all day too in the depth of winter.

Edited by Zpete
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it's a terrible thing to die of exposure from the elements, but there is something about this I still find disturbing. I've been all over thailand and have seen racks upon racks of jackets for sale for 50 baht, or even less, quite affordable i would think. but what bothers me the most is, is this the first time it's ever been cold? Have these people never in their lives had to deal with being cold? I'm wondering is everything considered disposable, even a jacket you don't need when the weather is hot. Somethings missing other than warm clothes here. :huh:

Well take a look at the UK. Everyone there knows it's cold in winter but thousands die because of the cold weather every winter. People just don't appreciate that the cold can kill. Older people are more vulnerable because years of bad eating and lifestyle has thickened their blood. Lower temperatures thicken it even further. It then clots and you are dead. Zero degrees isn't enough to kill you unless you are not in good health to begin with. But most people think they are healthy, when the complete opposite is often true. I have seen stories in the papers where relatives say they are shocked because a loved one died. They say they were healthy and don't understand how why they died. You then look at the picture of the person and you wonder why they didn't die sooner. People need to educate themselves on staying healthy and then cold weather won't kill them. This is more to do with diet than weather. The cold is just the straw that broke the camel's back.

Edited by w11guy
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My, my, my... People here are so short sighted and selfish!

Yes, 20 is cold if you lived all your life around 30. Your body is simply not adapted to fight the cold.

And people die. But that must be funny.

Ah yes because Thais and westerners are genetically different that they are not adapted to the cold. :whistling:

Sure they are not used to it but their body does not function much different from ours.

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Cold? In Thailand? In January?

I do believe we do not speak about the same thing, the same country and the same season.

If temperature drop of 1 Celsius, that is not cold by any standart, and no one can die of that if in normal health (read without under heavy alcohol; body burn by alcohol or drugs ...). I did witness temperature dropping of 25 celsius in 48 hours .... in Europe, in a very specific place famous for it (6 jully 1980 + 26 celsius; 8 jully 1980 -1 celsius ... the place is named Pontarlier)

Thailand is a tropical country (sorry if I am wrong); so temperature are NEVER EVER cold. Cold is temperture below -20 celsius (I played Rugby by -18 celsius); Cold is - 40 celsius during the night (Stage commando with sleeping out side in february 1986 , place named Les Rousses).

That is B.S.; bad journalism, or maybe another way to justify this or that ....

Cold in thailand, is it another hub (winter sport hub for saoudi????????????????)

To Sting123

I don't know where you live, but here in the North East is is cold.

Thai houses do not have insulation and have no heating. So I suggest you turn off your heating and leave your windows open for a couple of days, and then when you awake at 6am with an inside house temperature of about 14C, you will understand.

My, my, my... People here are so short sighted and selfish!

Yes, 20 is cold if you lived all your life around 30. Your body is simply not adapted to fight the cold.

And people die. But that must be funny.

From reading through the above comments it becomes obvious there are some who live rurally (like me) and many who either don't live here that much or assuredly don't mix much with the average Thai people.

Before I left California for here, I did one winter without heat. Mind you the home was insulated unlike here... and I'd sleep only after bundling well... in a room at 12-14 Celsius. Californians are the weather wimps of the USA, but not as warm as Thailand. (I grew up in snow country, ran X-Country and other sports in such and have camped on mountains in snow - and I've experienced -25 Celsius too.)

Live a few years at local temps in a country that is generally 30-40 Celsius (no I don't use AC thank you) and find how much colder these currently lower temps feel. Add in the fact that many Thai are significantly lower body fat, especially among the elderly... and the ones here commenting about cold they've withstood might share some human kindness by physically visiting the rural areas and sharing the hot air they are so full of.

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in Europe whe call this good wheater conditions .......:D , so Thai lady who dream about goiing Farang country ... beware ....that is why i always tell them "Thai orchid does not grow in farang country":jap:

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Cold? In Thailand? In January?

I do believe we do not speak about the same thing, the same country and the same season.

If temperature drop of 1 Celsius, that is not cold by any standart, and no one can die of that if in normal health (read without under heavy alcohol; body burn by alcohol or drugs ...). I did witness temperature dropping of 25 celsius in 48 hours .... in Europe, in a very specific place famous for it (6 jully 1980 + 26 celsius; 8 jully 1980 -1 celsius ... the place is named Pontarlier)

Thailand is a tropical country (sorry if I am wrong); so temperature are NEVER EVER cold. Cold is temperture below -20 celsius (I played Rugby by -18 celsius); Cold is - 40 celsius during the night (Stage commando with sleeping out side in february 1986 , place named Les Rousses).

That is B.S.; bad journalism, or maybe another way to justify this or that ....

Cold in thailand, is it another hub (winter sport hub for saoudi????????????????)

Cold is relative; it's not some absolute temperature. 10C is cold if you are used to 50C. If the sun cooled to 1000C it would be considered cold. 0C is probably very cold to people who have lived all their lives in tropical regions. This isn't bad jounalism at all. Sounds like you're just trying to show off. So you've player rugby at -18C. What has that got to do with this story? Take your ego elsewhere.

Edited by w11guy
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Influenza, pneumonia, measles, German measles, chickenpox and diarrhoea are usually common in the wake of lower temperatures.

All of the above are caused by bacteria or viruses both of which you can catch no matter how warmly you are or are not dressed.

It would be nice if the writers of such statements would stop considering the body politic as a collection of very stupid people.

How many times to you have to tell people to dress warmly in winter?

How many times do you have to tell people not to burn charcoal in their closed up house because it will kill you?

Sometimes not listening has a consequence.

Yes, you can get these diseases any time, but the cold weakens the immune system, so these diseases are more prevalent in winter. The majority of people actually are stupid when it comes to health matters. We all know what causes things like heart disease, high blood pressure, etc, but people are still too stupid to avoid these things. Why do you think healthcare costs are so high but the health of people is getting worse and worse? If people weren't stupid, then they would change their lifestyle to avoid these things. So perhaps you should actually consider how stupid the general public really are.

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*sigh* you don't get viruses from being cold.

Anyways, I always see parkas on sale for pretty cheap, however, most of the time when I see people wearing them and still shivering, it's because they've still got flip flops on.

Everyone up north, especially small children and the elderly, should have some:

-wool socks. (not polyester, has to be wool)

- multiple long sleeve shirts to layer

- long underwear + jeans.

The reason why this happens every year, is people here don't layer their clothes enough, and houses don't have any insulation.

drink hot tea and eat more than usual, when you're cold you burn more energy faster.

one last emergency idea: in the event of freakishly low temperature, people in the north should have some small spot heaters/electric blankets.

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Freezing is cold, no matter where you are. Whether it's 0 celsius or 32 farenheit. I don't know what the Thai's do with their warm clothing when it turns warm, but for some reason, never have even a long sleeve shirt when it's cold. :huh:

Have you actually been to Thailand. I live in Bangkok, and even when temperatures are in the 20s there are PLENTY of people with long sleeve tops on. I have also seen plenty of people wearing jackets. I think you need to get out a bit more.

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Influenza, pneumonia, measles, German measles, chickenpox and diarrhoea are usually common in the wake of lower temperatures.

All of the above are caused by bacteria or viruses both of which you can catch no matter how warmly you are or are not dressed.


Sounds like another journalist suffering from oral dysentery - perhaps due to the cold weather. Vaccines available for measles (MMR) and for chickenpox (varicella). No reason for people to die. Both these vaccines should IMHO be given free of charge to all Thai children. No need for people to die from these diseases in 2011.

I am just guessing here !!! But at an experienced and 2 year guess of living and travelling in the North East provinces and meeting many of these people , I am guessing most Western people just dont understand that many of these people really dont have the 150 baht or more required to buy a luxury such as a warm jacket that will only be used for a short time . Free vaccines and medicine are only handed out where there is publicity or an underlying financial benefit such as minerals , energy or gold to be had by providing this aid so Foreign Governments can win contracts or make deals to get at these resources for their own benefit , rarely do these countries get any true and real returns on any of our so called assistance . People dont get much in poor areas in Thailand except when the poliically inspired greedy contestants pay you for your vote in the provinces , most rural dont understand why they get this money .

Farang supported families are envied by others in these areas and are considered very lucky and very rich . Maybe a Farang could sponsor every family in Thailand that does not have a good paying job ? There are no jobs in the country and when there is work its just for short harvest and planting periods . The rest of the time if they are lucky to get work in construction , they travel to Bangkok or similar , live on site in the most atrocious tin sheds and earn about 150 to 200 Baht a day . Again I personally know these people who do this . It is real and they are desperate to have at least something . So if you have some spare cash use that to help instead of talking bullshit .

Edited by philhal2
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Cold? In Thailand? In January?

I do believe we do not speak about the same thing, the same country and the same season.

If temperature drop of 1 Celsius, that is not cold by any standart, and no one can die of that if in normal health (read without under heavy alcohol; body burn by alcohol or drugs ...). I did witness temperature dropping of 25 celsius in 48 hours .... in Europe, in a very specific place famous for it (6 jully 1980 + 26 celsius; 8 jully 1980 -1 celsius ... the place is named Pontarlier)

Thailand is a tropical country (sorry if I am wrong); so temperature are NEVER EVER cold. Cold is temperture below -20 celsius (I played Rugby by -18 celsius); Cold is - 40 celsius during the night (Stage commando with sleeping out side in february 1986 , place named Les Rousses).

That is B.S.; bad journalism, or maybe another way to justify this or that ....

Cold in thailand, is it another hub (winter sport hub for saoudi????????????????)

It's not bad jouralism at all, it's just lack of understanding on your part.

Cold is a relative term with no absolute meaning. Right now I'm in the Philippines and people are dressing up and complaining because the temperature is 26C at 90% humidity. I'm still using a fan while they complain about the cold.

For me personally, I have no experience of minus temperatures and 0 C is very cold.

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There are some real ''A*se hole'' comments here. Nothing more so than ''in my country **c is not cold . . . . . !!'' Wake up this is not your country this is Thailand and the temperatures reported are incredibly cold for this region of the world.

Please wise up . . .


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Dunno when 14 was considered cold.

Normal winter temp here where I am.

Geeeeez ppl, get with it.

Try living in Finland, where it is real cold and dark all day too in the depth of winter.

You need to get with it. The body must remain close to 37C to function. If you slept naked in 14C you would probably die by morning. If you swam in 14C water you wouldn't last long. It's basic science.

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*sigh* you don't get viruses from being cold.

Anyways, I always see parkas on sale for pretty cheap, however, most of the time when I see people wearing them and still shivering, it's because they've still got flip flops on.

Everyone up north, especially small children and the elderly, should have some:

-wool socks. (not polyester, has to be wool)

- multiple long sleeve shirts to layer

- long underwear + jeans.

The reason why this happens every year, is people here don't layer their clothes enough, and houses don't have any insulation.

drink hot tea and eat more than usual, when you're cold you burn more energy faster.

one last emergency idea: in the event of freakishly low temperature, people in the north should have some small spot heaters/electric blankets.

Good advice, but the cold weather lowers your immune system, so you are more likely to get a virus. This is a proven medical fact. No-one is claiming that you get viruses 'from being cold'. You get them all year round, but duering cold spells your body is less able to deal with it. Why do you think cold and flu are more prevalent in winter?

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