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Thai Women Do Not Like Overweight Men?

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Ive been in company of bar girls who had made jokes about guys weight. How many months? Pretty funny what guys delude themselves abt. How cool can you be if ur 10kg overwt? Not very. So why does she like you so much again? Oh yeah your a funny guy and skinny guys cant be funny or nice or have money.

Farang is farang. No way. pretty girls have options even hookers. Ive seen many many guys get turned away when I lived in Pattay. Old or fat or greasy or Arab.

Nothing abt being fat is attractive or cool. Sorry


Ive been in company of bar girls who had made jokes about guys weight. How many months? Pretty funny what guys delude themselves abt. How cool can you be if ur 10kg overwt? Not very. So why does she like you so much again? Oh yeah your a funny guy and skinny guys cant be funny or nice or have money.

Farang is farang. No way. pretty girls have options even hookers. Ive seen many many guys get turned away when I lived in Pattay. Old or fat or greasy or Arab.

Nothing abt being fat is attractive or cool. Sorry

You did tell us all a lot! (about the company you keep ;)


Ive been in company of bar girls who had made jokes about guys weight.

They make jokes about a lot of things concerning their customers. Do you really think that she was full of compliments after you left the room? :whistling:


Fat, old farangs love them too. At least they die happy. :wub:

You see UG to some that is not important........there are those on the forum who appear to think it is preferable to die rich :) ........and lonely.....:whistling:


You see UG to some that is not important........there are those on the forum who appear to think it is preferable to die rich :) ........and lonely.....:whistling:




Not trueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee my friend she is skinny lady 156 cm. and weight around 43 kg. she likes chubby-fat man! her bf is large! xxxl size LOL u know when i asked her why? she said she finds those guys hot and kind good to hug :)haha her bf definitely is! he was very kind to us, I dont find it weird when i see chubby-fat man hangout with skinny thai lady cause there are loads of them but people find it weird chubby lady hangout with small farang! :P (me and my bf) actually he isnt small he is medium build :) I noticed when he was here a lot of women peeked at him! rare here?:P tiny&handsome farang:P i suddenly knew that was gossip! me shrug.



You know, I read trawling posts like this, and I see where reasonable behaviour can get you and I think " We shoud have eeffing nuked iceland" And then they do that banking thing....

We should ghave nuked iceland in the seventies, and the farioes as well, since they are uninhabited, exccept for eleven blokes that can draw with scotland at soccer

I really am a conciliatory liberal sort of geezer, but I read the posts on TV and I am convinced that I am in the wrong, and, as mentioned, we shoud have put the boot into reykjavik; perhaps HMS SHeffield would have been spared if we had nuked our mates in Beunos Aires

Anywaym thank God we don't all have my sense of history!



Fat, old farangs love them too. At least they die happy. :wub:

You see UG to some that is not important........there are those on the forum who appear to think it is preferable to die rich :) ........and lonely.....:whistling:

And there are others that choose to partner well, and not deal with the issues faced by retirees that have spouses and their families that drain them dry ;)


Let's face it - this is just an embarrasssing trawl to find out who has no real mates to go drinking wiht....\\\

and yet who are paranoid about being robust

OFFS guilty as charged\



Fat, old farangs love them too. At least they die happy. :wub:

You see UG to some that is not important........there are those on the forum who appear to think it is preferable to die rich :) ........and lonely.....:whistling:

And there are others that choose to partner well, and not deal with the issues faced by retirees that have spouses and their families that drain them dry ;)

And those that chooose not to comment on other people's lives at all. To be honest, I would rather be tolerant than right,

I learnt that from Oswald Mosley,

We all have plent of opportunity to learn, if we choose tro do so



Let's face it - this is just an embarrasssing trawl to find out who has no real mates to go drinking wiht....\\\

and yet who are paranoid about being robust

OFFS guilty as charged\


If he is really FAT I'll go out with him, it will make me look slim by comparison! (yes I am fat! 36" waist 501's!)

BTW ... yes my BF's family could buy and sell me twice ;)


Strange thread really - do all Thai women like Korean pop? Do all Thai women like som tam? Do all Thai women like men at all? Kind of silly. To each their own.

My Mrs dislikes skinny men - she says she likes then to look like a man (that means some muscle and some fat) - that's not to say she likes fat men either, she prefers a normal built man. She thinks most Thai men look girlish and things stars like Leonard Di Caprio looks like a girlish child (lol).

Some men make a real bean feast out of the fact they have a 30 inch waist or less, like it makes them ideal and sexy, it doesn't. It can be as big a turn off to women as a 50 inch waist - depends on the woman. Averages and norms is where most women hit (they may aim at Brad Pitt, but few land on such a target!) - its human nature, 6 decades of media BS doesn't override 100,000 years of evolution. Normal, average, build equates to healthy and strong - too far either way and nature starts to fade you out of the reckoning (monmey is the modern way back - but that is nothing to do with animal attraction and wears thin a lot quicker).

I could do with loosing a few pound (I have been married for 13 years now!) and the Mrs may tease me from time to time, but here in Thailand the fact that I am a farang (and I guess being fair skinned too), have my own teeth (straight and white) and hair, have just hit that dreaded four-oh (so not too old), dress reasonably and smile a lot means I still get eyed up and smiled at (in that unmistakeable way) often enough to keep my happy (though failthful!), suggest to me that a few extra pounds is not much of a problem.

I learned early on in life that looks only make for that iniitial attraction - its humour and confidence that win out. I don't think I was particularly butt ugly or anything, but some of my friends were "beautiful" in a true Anglo-Saxon way. We were the school rugby team (plus a few class mates - the pretty one - lol) so we were all quite big (not fat pe say, very fit and mucular but poundage wasn't a problem we worried too much about - and neither were puddings!). When we went out girls were attracted to the cute guys, but rarely ended up with them. They thought much of them selves, where the team mostly played arounbd, joked and were just as used to the female company. Funny and confident wins out every time on a roughly flat playing field. Bring wealth and women with a different agenda into it and its a different game of course.


Ive been in company of bar girls who had made jokes about guys weight. How many months? Pretty funny what guys delude themselves abt. How cool can you be if ur 10kg overwt? Not very. So why does she like you so much again? Oh yeah your a funny guy and skinny guys cant be funny or nice or have money.

Farang is farang. No way. pretty girls have options even hookers. Ive seen many many guys get turned away when I lived in Pattay. Old or fat or greasy or Arab.

Nothing abt being fat is attractive or cool. Sorry

Another 50yo farang stud. :)

(A third world prostitute said so!)


Correctly put!

Stand on your fat wallet full of overseas money.

you will stand 7 foot tall.

then do the calculation of weight to height

You will find that you are slim in comparison.

Sick a few thousand bhart in you hair and you are handsome.

Honey's will swarm to you

If your as fat as your wallet they will love you long time, only a skinny wallet, short time, no wallet , no money , no honey as they say .


I don't live in Bangkok but I keep condo there so I don't need to rent hotel rooms, it is an area inhabited by students and lower income Thais. I have notice many couples where the men are over weight and the women beautiful. Even a few with over weight women and a handsome Thai guy. The condos rent for 2000 Baht average so I don't think fat wallets are involved.


As an outlier, there are women who form relationships with obese, handicapped, old, very unattractive, whatever men, not because these men offer other attributes that they admire, but that they think men in this situation won't stray.

maybe that's why the wife always offers me a 2nd helping and when we go out she doesn't want me to shave.

dirty hippie.


lets face it , how could a thin or average woman fancy an obese or very overweight man if he didnt have anything else to offer them ?


lets face it , how could a thin or average woman fancy an obese or very overweight man if he didnt have anything else to offer them ?

You mean like companionship, stability, love, faithfulness/loyalty, a personality, a caring nature, a home, independance, a sober husaband that doesn't beat her, financial stability, consistant love for their children, adoption of her children....and so on. He may have much to offer her - of course if you said a fat miserly vindictive aggressive wife beating homeless b4stard, then sure nothing to offer, however fat is the least of her worries in that relationship.

Or do you honestly believe that looks is the only thing one human has to offer to another?

//Edit: Typo "Worried" //


lets face it , how could a thin or average woman fancy an obese or very overweight man if he didnt have anything else to offer them ?

You mean like companionship, stability, love, faithfulness/loyalty, a personality, a caring nature, a home, independance, a sober husaband that doesn't beat her, financial stability, consistant love for their children, adoption of her children....and so on. He may have much to offer her - of course if you said a fat miserly vindictive aggressive wife beating homeless b4stard, then sure nothing to offer, however fat is the least of her worries in that relationship.

Or do you honestly believe that looks is the only thing one human has to offer to another?

//Edit: Typo "Worried" //

I think the evidence is in the numbers. Generalizing of course, most Thai men are thin and they seem to do pretty well with the ladies. It seems to me there is a lot of women who are married to a thin man who has little or no money.

I won't say they don't like overweight men, but they prefer a slender man. ( my wife just validated this )

But like most things, everyones experience will vary.


lets face it , how could a thin or average woman fancy an obese or very overweight man if he didnt have anything else to offer them ?

You mean like companionship, stability, love, faithfulness/loyalty, a personality, a caring nature, a home, independance, a sober husaband that doesn't beat her, financial stability, consistant love for their children, adoption of her children....and so on. He may have much to offer her - of course if you said a fat miserly vindictive aggressive wife beating homeless b4stard, then sure nothing to offer, however fat is the least of her worries in that relationship.

Or do you honestly believe that looks is the only thing one human has to offer to another?

//Edit: Typo "Worried" //

I think the evidence is in the numbers. Generalizing of course, most Thai men are thin and they seem to do pretty well with the ladies. It seems to me there is a lot of women who are married to a thin man who has little or no money.

I won't say they don't like overweight men, but they prefer a slender man. ( my wife just validated this )

But like most things, everyones experience will vary.

Of course this also belies the cause and affect phenomenon. As you said, most Thai men are thin, therefore it would stand to reason that most Thai women are with thin men, no?

Also, most Thai men have no or little money (most Thais have little or no money) - when compared to the middle and upper Thai classes (and most farang here perhaps).


lets face it , how could a thin or average woman fancy an obese or very overweight man if he didnt have anything else to offer them ?

You mean like companionship, stability, love, faithfulness/loyalty, a personality, a caring nature, a home, independance, a sober husaband that doesn't beat her, financial stability, consistant love for their children, adoption of her children....and so on. He may have much to offer her - of course if you said a fat miserly vindictive aggressive wife beating homeless b4stard, then sure nothing to offer, however fat is the least of her worries in that relationship.

Or do you honestly believe that looks is the only thing one human has to offer to another?

//Edit: Typo "Worried" //

I think the evidence is in the numbers. Generalizing of course, most Thai men are thin and they seem to do pretty well with the ladies. It seems to me there is a lot of women who are married to a thin man who has little or no money.

I won't say they don't like overweight men, but they prefer a slender man. ( my wife just validated this )

But like most things, everyones experience will vary.

Of course this also belies the cause and affect phenomenon. As you said, most Thai men are thin, therefore it would stand to reason that most Thai women are with thin men, no?

Also, most Thai men have no or little money (most Thais have little or no money) - when compared to the middle and upper Thai classes (and most farang here perhaps).



lets face it , how could a thin or average woman (2) fancy an obese or very overweight man if he didnt have anything else (1) to offer them ?

SC: numbers added for referencing purposes


Or a scrawny git, if he had nothing else to offer them?

Let's face it, if your beer gut is your greatest asset, you'd be daft to lose it.



I'm not sure what the woman's looks have got to do with what a man has to offer her. I guess Dmax was just enjoying a happy fantasy there - and who can blame him.... oh, nice!


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