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How Has Digital Photography Changed Your Work ?


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I used with endless pleasure Kodachrome/ Fujichrome or the wonderful B&W slide film Agfa Scale. 1/3 of an f- stop mattered. Now with digis I am more sloppy, thinking the computer will give me the results I want.

I miss the hours in the darkroom, the smell of developer, the darkness had a very special meditative almost hypnotizing effect. I could spent hours on end and never felt drained. This very different with the PC.

How was the emotional, productive and creative change for you??

What did you gain?


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An interesting point of view.

I found the change to digital liberating, with the ability to check

a shot immediately, and decide if any tweaking is needed.

Very important when travelling and I may never go back to that place.

The same goes for the ability to change the ISO setting at the twist of a knob

to capture an awkwardly lit environment.

I never had the money or space to setup a darkroom.

With the computer I can do the same in a comfortable, lit environment.

I also like to take photos of people and find they love to see themselves on the camera screen.

Instant gratification. :D

PS I am not sure about the colour cast in the shot of the girl sitting on a hillside........... :whistling:

That could be easily fixed on the computer.

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Give me digital any day. I have never processed but slides drove me nuts. The results with good (and expensive!) slide film were good when it all came together, but the waiting and disappointments and in the inability to go back and shoot most situations was a total pain.

I am happy as the proverbial pig with digital and would not go back for love nor money. The only thing I do miss is from film cameras - good old 18% reflective TTL.

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I came from slides and smelly Ilford paper and believe me, I don't miss the good ol' photography.

The power and the creativity digital photography and post-production give to you is not comparable with the traditional film photography.

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Digital took us from a couple of struggling photographers, to a booming commercial studio with a steady client list because we were early adopters. It saved us a fortune on Polaroid, but this was a moot point because there were plenty of new costs involved. I had my own color darkroom and I manipulated images a lot already, so moving it to the computer was natural for me.

Also digital gave us the ability to shoot multiple items and combine them in better ways, no more having to get it all in one frame. I take less time when I shoot (which is good because I am not patient) and it no longer costs me a dollar to click the shutter. In fact its free.

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Give me digital any day. I have never processed but slides drove me nuts. The results with good (and expensive!) slide film were good when it all came together, but the waiting and disappointments and in the inability to go back and shoot most situations was a total pain.

Slide photography did concentrate the mind to get the framing right.

No chance for cropping in the darkroom.

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Digital took us from a couple of struggling photographers, to a booming commercial studio with a steady client list because we were early adopters. It saved us a fortune on Polaroid, but this was a moot point because there were plenty of new costs involved. I had my own color darkroom and I manipulated images a lot already, so moving it to the computer was natural for me.

Also digital gave us the ability to shoot multiple items and combine them in better ways, no more having to get it all in one frame. I take less time when I shoot (which is good because I am not patient) and it no longer costs me a dollar to click the shutter. In fact its free.

Point well taken, cost of commissioned production work. Advantage and disadvantage of having never had to work for a living, I mean with photography.

I guess digital imagery breaks the art of seeing into an art of expressionism with pixel becoming paint brushes.

I don't know is sticking to the seen picture with little manipulation is puristic or old fashioned.

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Point well taken, cost of commissioned production work. Advantage and disadvantage of having never had to work for a living, I mean with photography.

I guess digital imagery breaks the art of seeing into an art of expressionism with pixel becoming paint brushes.

I don't know is sticking to the seen picture with little manipulation is puristic or old fashioned.

With digital you can better pursue the seen image, the potential image, and the imagined image. All of them have their merits.

It is still best to get it all in the original capture, but there is no reason to limit yourself to what is there.

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