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Hitler And Candy


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The issue is the concept of right and wrong, and it is something you obviously cannot understand. First you attempt to deflect responsibility by referencing the pope who has absolutely no connection to this thread or your desire to display nazi memorabilia, ......

OK, so you think we shouldn't be using images by people who have done 'ethnic cleansing'

Is that right?

So nothing should be displayed that is associated with

Egypt, first to kill and oppress the jews

Vikings, nasty people who rampaged around raping and pillaging

American Confederacy, they kept slaves and wanted to keep them

America for killing off the Indians

America for the Eugenics Society (which was still forcibly sterilising the 'unworthy' in the 1960s)

Canada for killing off the Indians

Australia for killing of the Aborigines

New Zealand for killing off the Maori

Serbia and Croatia, they were cleansing each other for a while in the 1990s

Israel, for killing Palestinians

Spain, for the Inquisition

Rome, for the inquisition

I'm sure I've missed a few off the list.

Maybe you could clarify what evil groups are to be banned, and which ones you consider OK.

I often have problems telling right from wrong.

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You missed Thailand. (for schlepping Rohinyas out to sea to die)

Thanks Winnie!

I also forgot

Japan for killing loads during WW2 (including my Uncle in a concentration camp)

America for nuking Japan

Britain for what it did in Ireland, Scotland, India


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Canada for killing off the Indians

Actually, you got that one wrong. Canada actually developed a police force (NWMP) whose soul job was to PROTECT the native indians from the white settlers. That is why it only took 3 NWMP officers to escort the whole Souix nation back across the border and delivered them to the American Army. Because the Canadian police were actually fair to native people there was a great respect for the NWMP... now the RCMP. The present RCMP have slowly eroded that respect.

But, I will grant you that the various Christian churches (mostly Anglican and Catholic) abused the native people abysmally and turned them into a life of alcoholism.

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I genuinely believe that you people are suffering from an incurable chronic bitching syndrome. There is nothing to be offended about in the picture. A lot of farangs seem to be living in the past and just cannot get over the fact that people from a certain part of the world don't share the same sentiment regarding this subject. However, this does not mean that Thai students are not well informed about "Hitler and Nazis". It is simply irrelevant to them. I thought you farangs encouraged freedom of expression. Maybe this free expression is a selective thing depending on when it suits farangs.

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I genuinely believe that you people are suffering from an incurable chronic bitching syndrome. There is nothing to be offended about in the picture. A lot of farangs seem to be living in the past and just cannot get over the fact that people from a certain part of the world don't share the same sentiment regarding this subject. However, this does not mean that Thai students are not well informed about "Hitler and Nazis". It is simply irrelevant to them. I thought you farangs encouraged freedom of expression. Maybe this free expression is a selective thing depending on when it suits farangs.

+1 :thumbsup:

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I genuinely believe that you people are suffering from an incurable chronic bitching syndrome. There is nothing to be offended about in the picture. A lot of farangs seem to be living in the past and just cannot get over the fact that people from a certain part of the world don't share the same sentiment regarding this subject. However, this does not mean that Thai students are not well informed about "Hitler and Nazis". It is simply irrelevant to them. I thought you farangs encouraged freedom of expression. Maybe this free expression is a selective thing depending on when it suits farangs.

I think you will find the 'wingers' you mention are part of a small group of 'professional victims' which nobody in the west dare speak out about any more for fear of being labeled.

When speaking with Thai people about bad things happening outside Thailand, the usual response I get is"None of my family were involved, why should I care about it"

I have to say I can see their point of view. Too many people in the west worrying about other peoples business.

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I genuinely believe that you people are suffering from an incurable chronic bitching syndrome. There is nothing to be offended about in the picture. A lot of farangs seem to be living in the past and just cannot get over the fact that people from a certain part of the world don't share the same sentiment regarding this subject. However, this does not mean that Thai students are not well informed about "Hitler and Nazis". It is simply irrelevant to them. I thought you farangs encouraged freedom of expression. Maybe this free expression is a selective thing depending on when it suits farangs.

I think you will find the 'wingers' you mention are part of a small group of 'professional victims' which nobody in the west dare speak out about any more for fear of being labeled.

When speaking with Thai people about bad things happening outside Thailand, the usual response I get is"None of my family were involved, why should I care about it"

I have to say I can see their point of view. Too many people in the west worrying about other peoples business.

Although I seldom agree with some of your views. I believe you are dead on with this one.

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To the OP: you are quite the opposite of what you say. To raise issue with something as meaningless as a cartoon image used as a meaningless marketing tool indicate that you might lean towards the PC side and may in fact be quite intolerant of cartoon images; not that there is anything wrong with that I am sure. They appear to be selling candy; how deep and meaningful do you think their business message is?

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You missed Thailand. (for schlepping Rohinyas out to sea to die)

Thanks Winnie!

I also forgot

Japan for killing loads during WW2 (including my Uncle in a concentration camp)

America for nuking Japan

Britain for what it did in Ireland, Scotland, India


The last time I looked, the rising sun still flies over the Japanese embassy in Bangkok and nobody seems bothered by it.

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And a few militant Serbs couldn't wait for the former Yugoslavia to disolve so they could dig up 50 year old, so called injustices done by their parents and relatives. They turned a lovely country into a war torn cesspool of hatred, with former friends killing each other.

So what, that is what man does best... produce hatred and murder out of minor offences. The Nazis didn't originate the Swastika, they borrowed it from the Asians.

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There is quite a high number (compared to other countries) of Thai people who admire Hitler, be it for 'great war strategist' or other reasons. Add to that growing nationalism and some heirdoes that resample the 1930s, as well as Thais mentally living in the past when Cambodia and Laos still belonged to their 'Reich'... :ph34r: (Just observe how Thais behave and what they talk when being guests in Kota Bharu, Padang, Poipet, or Vientiane.) :ermm: Some of them really seem to think that these places still belong to Thailand.

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And a few militant Serbs couldn't wait for the former Yugoslavia to disolve so they could dig up 50 year old, so called injustices done by their parents and relatives. They turned a lovely country into a war torn cesspool of hatred, with former friends killing each other.

So what, that is what man does best... produce hatred and murder out of minor offences. The Nazis didn't originate the Swastika, they borrowed it from the Asians.

Oh no, you mentioned the swastika!!!!

Now we'll have another page of posts saying how it's not relevant to the OP.

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And a few militant Serbs couldn't wait for the former Yugoslavia to disolve so they could dig up 50 year old, so called injustices done by their parents and relatives. They turned a lovely country into a war torn cesspool of hatred, with former friends killing each other.

So what, that is what man does best... produce hatred and murder out of minor offences. The Nazis didn't originate the Swastika, they borrowed it from the Asians.

Oh no, you mentioned the swastika!!!!

Now we'll have another page of posts saying how it's not relevant to the OP.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Well, we DO want to continue the humour of this topic don't we. It's better than asking where to buy a good Padt Thai isn't i? :D .

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Oh please, don't be silly. There is no ancient Buddhist symbol of a Hitler image.

actually yes there is. I have seen the swastika in SIngapore too and it does have some Buddist meaning for it. I forget though

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Oh please, don't be silly. There is no ancient Buddhist symbol of a Hitler image.

actually yes there is. I have seen the swastika in SIngapore too and it does have some Buddist meaning for it. I forget though

Sorry you didn't understand. Read my post again. Hitler, as in specifically Adolph Hitler, an actual man, with an actual moustache. Not speaking swastikas, speaking of Hitler. That is spelled H I T L E R. To repeat -- There is no ancient Buddhist symbol of a Hitler image.

In case you still don't understand. This is Hitler --


If you can show a traditional Buddhist image depicting specifically the one German man, Adolph Hitler, that would be very interesting. But you can't.

Next ...

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