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Bangkok Schools Lose Condom Vending Machines


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Schools lose condom machines

By The Nation


Condom vending machines have been removed from Bangkok-based schools supervised by the city administration following complaints from parents who cited necessary provocation of sexual interests to students as the reason, deputy city clerk Pheeraphong Saichua said yesterday.

Vending machines at two public parks Suan Rommaneenart and Suan Saranrom where male and female streetwalkers regularly do their businesses, sell an average 597 and 349 condoms respectively, the number Pheeraphong said was "wellwelcomed." Under a sixmonth pilot project, vending machines will be installed at other public parks in Bangkok.

Most buyers of condoms from vending machines at both parks are male exercisers and runners, male prostutites, gay lovers and homeless people, said Pheeraphong.


-- The Nation 2011-02-14

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....and would parents prefer STD's? (sexually transmitted diseases)

Oh, excuse me, it's always 'the other kids' who do nasty stuff, not my kids. No no. I raised them to be proper and..... oh ok, maybe I didn't discuss sexual things frankly enough. Oh well, my kids will learn how to be proper from Buddhist influences, and other upstanding influences from revered Thai institutions. I just figured revered Thai institutions would steer my sons and daughters in the right direction - so they would act properly in regard to sexual exploits.

....and then video stores popped up, and those movies with loose morals from America. Then I find my middle and daughter has a sexually transmitted yeast infection, and her elder sister is pregnant. Well, maybe the young man will do the proper thing and marry her - then get a good job with the police force and send us (his in-laws) a good amount of money every month. Oh dear, I just got a message from a neighbor. The young man denies the baby is his, and he's moving in with another woman in a another town far away. Well, we still have our younger daughters, and I'm sure they'll grow up to be proper, and would never succumb to impulsive passion or date-rape - plus condom machines are so low class looking in our neighborhood. Not only that, having condom machines will entice young people to have more illicit sex.

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This is the same madness as in the US and other nations with obvious problem in handling teenage sexuality. Removing the condom-machine will not stop the kids from having sex -- it will stop them from having safe sex.

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This just reflects the attitudes in this country at the moment , it seems that most Thais are looking to the past with rose tinted glasses.In a modern age with all the open access to media of different forms eduction becomes more and more important.children are subjected to masses of information and with out education this can take them on troubled paths.These parents should have shown their maturity and used the presence of these machines to explain the dangers of STD'S and unwanted pregnancies.

The school should have also stood its corner and maybe educated the parents as to why it was a good idea to have the vending machines in place.

Edited by dumpling
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This is the same madness as in the US and other nations with obvious problem in handling teenage sexuality. Removing the condom-machine will not stop the kids from having sex -- it will stop them from having safe sex.

Also that type of mentality does not give a dam_n about the kids born out of wedlock. Pure madness is putting it to mildly.

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I would love to know how many parents actually complained, or was it just some pooyai in a Merc with big hair and Dame Edna glasses.

So true. :D

But, you gotta love this line;

Most buyers of condoms from vending machines at both parks are male exercisers and runners, male prostutites, gay lovers and homeless people, said Pheeraphong.

So what's the deal, do runners and exercisers take a break from running and exercise to have a go at each other? Males prostitutes and gay lovers???? What's the deal, do other types of hookers not visit parks or are they afraid of the bugs? And what of these gay lovers? Are they too cheap to get a room for boom boom? C'mon, this is so totally idiotic. And yes, those dreaded homeless people. Lord knows we have a problem with those destitute farangs. Time for a crack down.

Crackdown on these people now. You hear me? Crack down.

What a bunch of maroons.

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This is the same madness as in the US and other nations with obvious problem in handling teenage sexuality. Removing the condom-machine will not stop the kids from having sex -- it will stop them from having safe sex.


But the saddest part is this just a month or so after the 2000 un-cremated fetuses were found in the wat. So rather than leave something in place that actually is proactively dealing with some percentage of the problem, some fool, or fools, decide that a cure is a part of the problem...

Idiocy seems to know no class or financial barriers. in this case someone has been stupid on a grand scale, not just for their own 'perfect' children, but for all children in the schools. Shame on your short sightedness.

Edited by animatic
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My daughter and I have discussed sex and the STD's. I gave her the condoms she currently has. No I don't want my 16 year old to get pregnant or sick. Do I think she will experiment, of course I do. If we parents do our job schools don't need condom vending machines. The biggest problem as I see it is that parents don't do their job and expect some else, schools etc., to do it for them. Hence the need for kids to make decisions without education. Not having these vending machines in schools is a bit archaic however, as I see it.

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This is the same madness as in the US and other nations with obvious problem in handling teenage sexuality. Removing the condom-machine will not stop the kids from having sex -- it will stop them from having safe sex.

Well put ...

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This remind me of my neighbours daughter, She had an abortion at the age of 17 (to be able to finish high school) and she now has 2 children - at the age of 21. The second one was enough she thought so she sterilized herself at the same time

Something tells me that vending machines wouldn't have helped...

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I guess my vote makes this unanimous. I certainly wish the silly mother of the kids I take care of had a "talk" with her 13 year old daughter when she started menstruating. Now the young girl is a 14 year old mother with no future. She can't go to school and she's too young to get a job. The idea that teenagers are not going to have sex is insane. It's unusual for them NOT to have sex. At least prevent disease or pregnancy when they are doing it.

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