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We submitted our application on April 5th. Still waiting. You can add me to that list too.

trust me friend you do not want to join this list it is never ending lol, next time i update i will add you pal good luck,

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Apply at a quiet time and the visa will be issued within a few days. I have known them to be ready the next day; visit and settlement. Apply at a busy time and I'm afraid you'll have to wait longer. Applications are processed in the order they are received, so the reason for the wait is the number of applications in the queue ahead of yours.

can you answer me a question please 7by7, i refer to this post you made earlier especially tis part (Applications are processed in the order they are received,) now i am not having a go at you or anything like that but why are people on ladyinter who put in after us getting their decisions? also why after a phone interview does it take 1week (tomorrow) and still no decision? like i say i am only asking your opinion, do you think we have a problem because my wife had a phone interview for her settlement last august but the passport was stamped the date she had the interview and we got the decision 2days after,


We submitted our application on April 5th. Still waiting. You can add me to that list too.

trust me friend you do not want to join this list it is never ending lol, next time i update i will add you pal good luck,

Can't wait to join the list, not long now for us, will keep you all posted :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:



For a variety of reasons some applications take longer to process than others. For example if the ECO is awaiting a response on some query from a third party.

Say application A is submitted and then a few days later so is application B. They will start on application A first; but that may need some additional information or other work not needed for application B, so the result for application B may come sooner.

Remember, too, that non-settlement applications are generally dealt with more quickly than settlement ones. Are the other applications you refer to for settlement?

I seem to remember an old post from a member here who has worked as an ECO (I never have, or even worked for the UKBA, or IND before them, in any capacity) explaining the process. I'll see if I can find it.

As for the delay between the phone interview and receiving the result, all I can say is that they must be awaiting something from someone. I am sure that they do not sit on applications for no reason. Why would they? They're under immense pressure from the UKBA to shift as many applications as they can in as short a time as possible.

Good luck, I hope you hear soon and that the news is positive.

Probably a stupid question, but have you tried the application tracker?


For a variety of reasons some applications take longer to process than others. For example if the ECO is awaiting a response on some query from a third party.

Say application A is submitted and then a few days later so is application B. They will start on application A first; but that may need some additional information or other work not needed for application B, so the result for application B may come sooner.

Remember, too, that non-settlement applications are generally dealt with more quickly than settlement ones. Are the other applications you refer to for settlement?

I seem to remember an old post from a member here who has worked as an ECO (I never have, or even worked for the UKBA, or IND before them, in any capacity) explaining the process. I'll see if I can find it.

As for the delay between the phone interview and receiving the result, all I can say is that they must be awaiting something from someone. I am sure that they do not sit on applications for no reason. Why would they? They're under immense pressure from the UKBA to shift as many applications as they can in as short a time as possible.

Good luck, I hope you hear soon and that the news is positive.

Probably a stupid question, but have you tried the application tracker?

have i tried the application tracker? only every day for the last month or so lol, no really thanks for your input and both settlement applications are for my 2 stepsons, put in at the same time, when they called ma inlaw for interview it was like they had them both there together she said they asked about one then asked about the other and some questions about them both together, but anyway thanks for your time and who knows maybe i will get answer soon, ps dont know if it is just coincidental but my wife talks to a girl on ladyinter who is also waiting for her 2 boys, put in the day after us and had telephone interview the same day as us???


Just a side point my friend who was turned down before. I mentioned it 3 weeks ago or so. Has just had his GF's Visit Visa granted. He finally listened to me and submitted the right docs and it took about 15 days but she picked it up today.


Just a side point my friend who was turned down before. I mentioned it 3 weeks ago or so. Has just had his GF's Visit Visa granted. He finally listened to me and submitted the right docs and it took about 15 days but she picked it up today.

sorry english, good luck to him and all that but dont make me feel any better lol


sorry english, good luck to him and all that but dont make me feel any better lol

No apology needed I just said to Kookkai if we didn't get it rushed through we'd still be waiting and judging by your wait be at risk of not being able to get back at all.

We are still rooting for you buddy and I will keep checking here every day until you get a positive :-)


I've got 100 baht that says John's lass's visa will be granted.

pmsl thanks fatpig but its not for my lass she got hers last yr its for my 2 stepsons this time lol


waiting list updated at 23 may is,

shadyacres29, 07 march - 01 april, waited 3wk and 5days, successful

tigerjohn 15th march = 10week and 0days,

englishinsiam, 28th - 12 may waited 6week and 4day, successful

contractor, 31st march = 7week and 5day,

samcled, 5th april = 7week and 0days,

neilo, 5th april = 7week and 0days

thaiscouse, 7th april = 6week and 5days,

brynpugh, 7th april = 6week and 5days,

leafmould, 11th may = 1week and 6days,

hope we get some action this week, i fly to thailand on thursday so crossed fingers and hope to be lucky????


waiting list updated at 23 may is,

shadyacres29, 07 march - 01 april, waited 3wk and 5days, successful

tigerjohn 15th march = 10week and 0days,

englishinsiam, 28th - 12 may waited 6week and 4day, successful

contractor, 31st march = 7week and 5day,

samcled, 5th april = 7week and 0days,

neilo, 5th april = 7week and 0days

thaiscouse, 7th april = 6week and 5days,

brynpugh, 7th april = 6week and 5days,

leafmould, 11th may = 1week and 6days,

hope we get some action this week, i fly to thailand on thursday so crossed fingers and hope to be lucky????

Good Luck Tiger John seem to remember the same time last year ! Add me to the list again, two younger children aged 8 and 10 settlement to join mother submitted 20th May 2011. Good luck everyone waiting !!!!


John put next to mine expedited due to ill health or people might start to query why mine was done before yours. Some people are too lazy to read all the posts :-)

This WILL be your week and I think a phone call might be in order mate. Just say we had the call to the mother in law 2 weeks ago then nothing, are there any other investigations going on I can help clarify? If you offer help it wont be seen as chasing and moaning.

Just a thought bud


thanks english pal,it seems at the moment a few people have had phone calls then as you say, NOTHING?, it must be the new thing to phone interview about some applicants then put it back in the pile for a few weeks, we have no choice but to go to thailand this week as because of circumstances at work this is the only time me and the wife can be off work together so i have put all my eggs in one basket so to speak and if it backfires on me then its my fault and the kids will have to wait for another time until we can arrange something, and welcome back jason yes i remember last year, and you like me are a big glutton for punishment lol,but good luck pal and i will add you as soon as i update again ok pal,


waiting list updated at 23 may is,

shadyacres29, 07 march - 01 april, waited 3wk and 5days, successful

tigerjohn 15th march = 10week and 0days,

englishinsiam, 28th - 12 may waited 6week and 4day, successful (expedited on compassion grounds)

contractor, 31st march = 7week and 5day,

samcled, 5th april = 7week and 0days,

neilo, 5th april = 7week and 0days

thaiscouse, 7th april = 6week and 5days,

brynpugh, 7th april = 6week and 5days,

leafmould, 11th may = 1week and 6days,

jasonr3255, 20th may = 4days,

hope we get some action this week, i fly to thailand on thursday so crossed fingers and hope to be lucky????


Filled and sent online application, got my wife the appointment on Thursday 26 at Regent House.

The printed off Spouse Visa Application is like a print off???? I know this may sound funny but I was thinking it was going to look like the old Visa Forms, in colour and with the UK Border Agency logo in the top left hand corner. Is this right ???

Good luck Tigerjohn, Im sure you will here soon.



Filled and sent online application, got my wife the appointment on Thursday 26 at Regent House......

My wife and stepson are booked in for tomorrow also (26th).

So you can add me to the list from then too.



Filled and sent online application, got my wife the appointment on Thursday 26 at Regent House......

My wife and stepson are booked in for tomorrow also (26th).

So you can add me to the list from then too.


What does your printed off copy of the online visa application look like, mine looks like just a copy ????

AND The Check List .... Do I tick the checklist or not ???? Or do they do this, and I just give the printed form ????



Filled and sent online application, got my wife the appointment on Thursday 26 at Regent House......

My wife and stepson are booked in for tomorrow also (26th).

So you can add me to the list from then too.


What does your printed off copy of the online visa application look like, mine looks like just a copy ????

AND The Check List .... Do I tick the checklist or not ???? Or do they do this, and I just give the printed form ????


Its a 10 page printed summary of all the Q&As.

There was no checklist with my printout. I couldn't find a proper ticklist for this visa so haven't included one.



The checklist is just the list of required documents.

They do ask for it I thought it was pointless but included it anyway.

I was on my way to work and rushed my last post.

I included a contents page at the front of both application folders.

Each folder is divided into 12 sections with each document within a section listed on the table of contents page. For example:

Section 7 – Accommodation in the UK

Letter From Landlord

Tenancy Agreement

House Photos

House Floorplan

Electoral register Application

Proof of Address – Sky

Proof of Address – Severn Trent Water

Hope this will be sufficient for their needs.



Now officially in waiting mode.

But we very nearly fell at the first hurdle. The VFS office or bank (not sure which yet) wouldn't accept the payment because the banker's draft was for B84240.

Two applications require two seperate cheques for B42120, so the wife had to go back to her SCB bank to split the one cheque into two, then back to VFS to start again.

The thought never entered my head that they'd require seperate payments, someone please post a link where VFS/UKBA state that because I don't recall ever reading it.

Anyway, its done now.



I was on my way to work and rushed my last post.

I included a contents page at the front of both application folders.

Each folder is divided into 12 sections with each document within a section listed on the table of contents page. For example:

Section 7 – Accommodation in the UK

Letter From Landlord

Tenancy Agreement

House Photos

House Floorplan

Electoral register Application

Proof of Address – Sky

Proof of Address – Severn Trent Water

Hope this will be sufficient for their needs.


Thats it Stabbo it separates everything nicely and makes the ECO's job easier they can just look at the sections they want then.

I think a well presented application can make the difference between success and failure. If you can't be bothered to take time to present it correctly how serious are you to get your partner to the UK ? And I'm sure the ECO's look at it that way.

Good luck with your application even though Mrs English and I are now in England we still keep an eye on these pages to see how everyone else is doing.


I think a well presented application can make the difference between success and failure. If you can't be bothered to take time to present it correctly how serious are you to get your partner to the UK ? And I'm sure the ECO's look at it that way.



finally we get the decision this morning, but the bad news is i wont be able to find out just yet the person picking passports up for us cannot go until friday and a few hours and we are on our way to the airport so we will be in transit, at least we will know soon, english do you mind looking after board for a while when i am in thailand if you have time mate, i will get back on asap to let you know the outcome of our results, thanks for all the support,


finally we get the decision this morning, but the bad news is i wont be able to find out just yet the person picking passports up for us cannot go until friday and a few hours and we are on our way to the airport so we will be in transit, at least we will know soon, english do you mind looking after board for a while when i am in thailand if you have time mate, i will get back on asap to let you know the outcome of our results, thanks for all the support,

Nice one John our fingers are all crossed for you mate but I'm sure it'll all be okay and your family will be together once more.

Of course I'll mind this page for you until you get to Thailand and online :-)


Today we handed in our Spouse Visa to the UK, 26 May, can you guys add us to the list, the lady in Regent House said it would take 12 weeks. A long wait. Let me join the boat.:whistling::rolleyes:



finally we get the decision this morning, but the bad news is i wont be able to find out just yet the person picking passports up for us cannot go until friday and a few hours and we are on our way to the airport so we will be in transit, at least we will know soon, english do you mind looking after board for a while when i am in thailand if you have time mate, i will get back on asap to let you know the outcome of our results, thanks for all the support,

Nice one John our fingers are all crossed for you mate but I'm sure it'll all be okay and your family will be together once more.

Of course I'll mind this page for you until you get to Thailand and online :-)

Good luck TJ


waiting list updated at 26 may is,

shadyacres29, 07 march - 01 april, waited 3wk and 5days, successful

tigerjohn 15th march - 26th may = 10week and 3days, unknown

englishinsiam, 28th - 12 may waited 6week and 4day, successful (expedited on compassion grounds)

contractor, 31st march = 8week and 1day,

samcled, 5th april = 7week and 3days,

neilo, 5th april = 7week and 3days

thaiscouse, 7th april = 7week and 1days,

brynpugh, 7th april = 7week and 1days,

leafmould, 11th may = 2week and 2days,

jasonr3255, 20th may = 1week

stabbo-lad, 25th may = 2days

aland2012, 26th may = 1day

welcome and good luck stabbo and aland, i can see 2 or 3 of you on list getting sms next week, ignoring mine the waiting time is actually down to the 8wk mark now lads, good luck,


Today we handed in our Spouse Visa to the UK, 26 May, can you guys add us to the list, the lady in Regent House said it would take 12 weeks. A long wait. Let me join the boat.:whistling::rolleyes:


Good luck Alan

The wait is a killer it's amazing how once you take the decision to make the move on this time moves much slower.

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