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Still can't open! Maybe it's my phone. Don't normally have a problem with YouTube though.

Maybe you should phone the police? Good grief.:blink:


Good post, thanks.

Look at the body language and attitude of the police officers right from the outset; bet they got a right bollocking when their Super saw the vid on YouTube. Very unprofessional.

On a human level, they are behaving like a pair of w_nkers.



An innocent man walking home from work, who was possibly the only person not involved in the G20 protests in London, is knocked down & killed by police. The CPS, in collusion with the police, delay the investigation just long enough so that the family of the victim cannot take recourse in the civil courts.


It doesn't surprise me in the least. There was a time, possibly 50 years ago or more, that the British Bobbies were some of the finest in the world. That is no longer the case. They are mostly as bad as the thugs they are dealing with and feel everyone is a criminal. My Canadian sister has lived in London for the past 30 years and has many tales to back up what I just said. She saw a potential murder going down in front of her Islington flat and she phoned the police well before the murder happened. But, the police didn't arrive until 25 minutes after her phone call... and well after the poor blioke was killed by thugs. The police station is right around the corner from my sister's flat.

Another time my sisters husband was being beaten up by some skin heads. My sister ran to the police station, one block away, and asked for some assistence. She was denied because the 3 officers there said they were too busy. My angry sister stormed out ot the cop shop and threw a brick through their window. That woke the cops up and my sister was charged. She had to pay a fine, but the skin heads went off scott free.

It's no better in Canada. Our once proud RCMP is now a bunch of bully boys who like to show their muscle. They've killed at least 4 innocent people that I knew personally, and at least a half dozen more innocent people where I knew the details of the case.

And, it's even worse in the USA, and especially Seattle where the police shoot fiirst and ask questions later.

I was raised to respect the law and the police. I no longer have any trust in any of them. And, I DO have friends and sons of friends in the RCMP. They will back up what I just said.


Anthony Burgess and his 'Clockwork Orange' springs to mind.

Not quite there yet but it won't be long coming.

And they're recruiting these 'Plod' to join the Australian police force.:o


Anthony Burgess and his 'Clockwork Orange' springs to mind.

Not quite there yet but it won't be long coming.

And they're recruiting these 'Plod' to join the Australian police force.:o

Should be a good match for existing Aussie coppers then


It doesn't surprise me in the least. There was a time, possibly 50 years ago or more, that the British Bobbies were some of the finest in the world. That is no longer the case. They are mostly as bad as the thugs they are dealing with and feel everyone is a criminal. My Canadian sister has lived in London for the past 30 years and has many tales to back up what I just said. She saw a potential murder going down in front of her Islington flat and she phoned the police well before the murder happened. But, the police didn't arrive until 25 minutes after her phone call... and well after the poor blioke was killed by thugs. The police station is right around the corner from my sister's flat.

Another time my sisters husband was being beaten up by some skin heads. My sister ran to the police station, one block away, and asked for some assistence. She was denied because the 3 officers there said they were too busy. My angry sister stormed out ot the cop shop and threw a brick through their window. That woke the cops up and my sister was charged. She had to pay a fine, but the skin heads went off scott free.

It's no better in Canada. Our once proud RCMP is now a bunch of bully boys who like to show their muscle. They've killed at least 4 innocent people that I knew personally, and at least a half dozen more innocent people where I knew the details of the case.

And, it's even worse in the USA, and especially Seattle where the police shoot fiirst and ask questions later.

I was raised to respect the law and the police. I no longer have any trust in any of them. And, I DO have friends and sons of friends in the RCMP. They will back up what I just said.

Lots of reasons, my brother inlaw is a UK bobby, tells me sometimes have 2 cars, 4 cops to take care of a huge area in S.E. London, policing cannot be done as the public would like or he would like cos of cut backs.Imagine both cars make an arrest, must go back to base and fill out loads of forms, NOBODY on the streets for THAT call.

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