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Old Fat And Balding


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I have been reading TV for years and time and time again the "Old Fat & Balding" cliche' rears its ugly head. Why do people use this derogatory expression so much on Thai forums?

Honestly I wonder if those posters have family members or friends who fit any or all of these adjectives.

Do old people deserve such scorn? Or is it when they become old and fat? Or all three. When do these people reach that point that they are a blight in the eyes of the posters who use the cliche'?

Honestly I am 2 out of 3 now and wonder why I will change from being the kind non drinking, non smoking, monogamous family man to this social deviant "The Old Fat Balding Guy".

Does being bald make a person disgusting? Because I see balding people everywhere including celebrity actors, politicians and scientists. Same goes for fat and old they are everywhere.

So the question is are the posters who use this cliche' rival Adonis in appearance, are they rich beyond belief and have no family or friends who fit the cliche'.

Or are they people with low self esteem who hide behind anonymous forums to boost their self esteem through Freudian "Sour Grapes".

Edited by Sakeopete
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In this general topics session there are many insults thrown around, especially against anything Thai, take no notice of them.

Keep a smile on your face knowing that you're the good person you say you are, leave the insults to others who know no better.

Anyway Baldy, have a nice day you old fat git, take care,

Adonis. biggrin.gif

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In this general topics session there are many insults thrown around, especially against anything Thai, take no notice of them.

Keep a smile on your face knowing that you're the good person you say you are, leave the insults to others who know no better.

Anyway Baldy, have a nice day you old fat git, take care,

Adonis. biggrin.gif

Thanks you gorgeous Greek God

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In this general topics session there are many insults thrown around, especially against anything Thai, take no notice of them.

Keep a smile on your face knowing that you're the good person you say you are, leave the insults to others who know no better.

Anyway Baldy, have a nice day you old fat git, take care,

Adonis. biggrin.gif

Thanks you gorgeous Greek God

I only ever use the old fat balding guy when its about a certain kind of guy with a young girl paying loads of sin sod and acting like its normal.

Being fat does not make you less of a person in my eyes. Nor does being in great shape make you a good person.

I do believe that being fat is a choice. I can know i gain weight easy and i have to monitor my food real well and make loads of sacrifices not to join the fat guys club. If your not willing to do something about it then you have no right to moan about it.

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In this general topics session there are many insults thrown around, especially against anything Thai, take no notice of them.

Keep a smile on your face knowing that you're the good person you say you are, leave the insults to others who know no better.

Anyway Baldy, have a nice day you old fat git, take care,

Adonis. biggrin.gif

Thanks you gorgeous Greek God

I only ever use the old fat balding guy when its about a certain kind of guy with a young girl paying loads of sin sod and acting like its normal.

Being fat does not make you less of a person in my eyes. Nor does being in great shape make you a good person.

I do believe that being fat is a choice. I can know i gain weight easy and i have to monitor my food real well and make loads of sacrifices not to join the fat guys club. If your not willing to do something about it then you have no right to moan about it.

So in your opinion its OK for a old, thin, bald guys to be with young girls pay loads of sin sod and acting like its normal?

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I also know of many old, fat and balding gents that are very good company and pillars of the local society. The old, fat and balding people that are remarked upon here on TV tend to be the rude, obnoxious and ignorant old, fat and balding types and the remarks are normally well founded. As said just because you are 1-3 of the above doesn't make you a bad person. In the same way I know lots of young, long haired slim w#$kers :D;)

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I also know of many old, fat and balding gents that are very good company and pillars of the local society. The old, fat and balding people that are remarked upon here on TV tend to be the rude, obnoxious and ignorant old, fat and balding types and the remarks are normally well founded. As said just because you are 1-3 of the above doesn't make you a bad person. In the same way I know lots of young, long haired slim w#$kers :D;)

Agreed so maybe posters should just say rude, obnoxious, ignorant guys rather than associate physical appearance to personalty.

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The old, fat and balding people that are remarked upon here on TV tend to be the rude, obnoxious and ignorant old, fat and balding types and the remarks are normally well founded.

You left out judgmental with an air of self-entitlement....:lol:

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I am getting older, and I hope to make it further along in that category, and I am certainly balding. So 1.5 out of 3 and moving to 2 out of 3. When do I get my cliche membership card? :)

Seriously, when fat (or old or balding or gay or female or Thai or American or Brit or expat or beer drinker or smoker or whatever) is used as a pejorative in posting, that is against ThaiVisa posting rules, so don't be surprised if the post disappears or you get a PM to that effect.

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I am all 3 and to be honest there are only a few peoples opinions that I respect and take notice of.

For the rest of the people a thought that my Mum used to say to me;

While they are talking about you they are leaving other people alone

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I also know of many old, fat and balding gents that are very good company and pillars of the local society. The old, fat and balding people that are remarked upon here on TV tend to be the rude, obnoxious and ignorant old, fat and balding types and the remarks are normally well founded. As said just because you are 1-3 of the above doesn't make you a bad person. In the same way I know lots of young, long haired slim w#$kers :D;)

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In this general topics session there are many insults thrown around, especially against anything Thai, take no notice of them.

Keep a smile on your face knowing that you're the good person you say you are, leave the insults to others who know no better.

Anyway Baldy, have a nice day you old fat git, take care,

Adonis. biggrin.gif

Thanks you gorgeous Greek God

I only ever use the old fat balding guy when its about a certain kind of guy with a young girl paying loads of sin sod and acting like its normal.

Being fat does not make you less of a person in my eyes. Nor does being in great shape make you a good person.

I do believe that being fat is a choice. I can know i gain weight easy and i have to monitor my food real well and make loads of sacrifices not to join the fat guys club. If your not willing to do something about it then you have no right to moan about it.

So in your opinion its OK for a old, thin, bald guys to be with young girls pay loads of sin sod and acting like its normal?

You know what i mean i don't have to spell it all out do I.

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It's always funny how obsessed so many members here are about appearances.

I like nothing more than to get out of my office clobber (when I wear it these days) as soon as I can and throw on a Slayer T Shirt (or similar) bung on me shorts and flip flops and that's me done.

I get a bit porky sometimes I must admit as I'm now just past 40 but I swim every day and walk the local canals most days which helps keep it pretty much at bay.

The bottom line is that in my life here I've come across plenty of trim, bullshitting young d*ckheads in smart suits - particularly the real estate wannabes one sees in the Londoner (and similar) week in week out - who come teaching English for a few month thinking it's a stop gap to bigger things, then vanishing into the ether once their big talk comes to nought.

I've also met plenty of fine decent blokes who are far from young, trim or smart, who enjoy the bars and seem to enjoy life here immensely. I know who's company I prefer to keep.

I often get disapproving looks while I'm out and about in my casual gear but frankly I couldn't give a flying F what some tosser who'll probably only be here 2 or three years max thinks.

Thailand isn't some exclusive Country Club. It's open to all. Throw on your flip flops, age a few years, let your hair fall out, pile on the pounds, and come and enjoy it!

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I think Old, Fat & Balding men should be put into concentration camps and then deported.

But this is nothing personal.

Any resemblance between the image below and certain Thai visa members is purely coincidental


Edited by Beetlejuice
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It's always funny how obsessed so many members here are about appearances.

I like nothing more than to get out of my office clobber (when I wear it these days) as soon as I can and throw on a Slayer T Shirt (or similar) bung on me shorts and flip flops and that's me done.

I get a bit porky sometimes I must admit as I'm now just past 40 but I swim every day and walk the local canals most days which helps keep it pretty much at bay.

The bottom line is that in my life here I've come across plenty of trim, bullshitting young d*ckheads in smart suits - particularly the real estate wannabes one sees in the Londoner (and similar) week in week out - who come teaching English for a few month thinking it's a stop gap to bigger things, then vanishing into the ether once their big talk comes to nought.

I've also met plenty of fine decent blokes who are far from young, trim or smart, who enjoy the bars and seem to enjoy life here immensely. I know who's company I prefer to keep.

I often get disapproving looks while I'm out and about in my casual gear but frankly I couldn't give a flying F what some tosser who'll probably only be here 2 or three years max thinks.

Thailand isn't some exclusive Country Club. It's open to all. Throw on your flip flops, age a few years, let your hair fall out, pile on the pounds, and come and enjoy it!

You piled the pounds on because of your lifestyle and if your happy like that then that is ok. It does not change the end result but your happy being like that. But others might call you fat and you should accept that then too.

I am not a smart dresser and most of the times i just throw on some old clothes when im around my home or fishing. If im going out ill dress a bit better but never in a suit. I stay healthy and in shape i sacrifice things for that and accept that it might be considered boring. Like you said but like you i could not care much how others view the lifestyle. But i been fat once and i hated it so now i do whatever i can to stay in shape. Not ripped but certainly not fat.

But whatever you or i do we will be judged by others its human nature. But however we behave or dress or are it will be viewed by others. So whatever you are viewed as its your own doing.

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I have found that in this politically correct age people seek out every opportunity to be offended. Some people make a career out of it back home. In my working life I have been called a multitude of names. Some in jest some with a vengeance. It has never bothered me one bit. I have simply shrugged it off and got on with my job. For me we need to return to an age where you had thicker skin or a sense of humour and just get on with what you are doing.

There are far too many ism's, obic's obia's for my liking these days.

Live and let live and understand that not everybody is going to see the way you live in the same way you do.


It makes for a stress free life :thumbsup:

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:) I am below 'retirement visa" age for some years yet ... so do I get a pass on "old"? I am aging and am getting fatter though! (fortunately I have hair on my head ... and as I age getting more in some less flattering places ............)
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You piled the pounds on because of your lifestyle and if your happy like that then that is ok

Where did I say that I 'piled on the pounds?'

Blimey talk about putting words into other people's mouths.

Yes and those words are probably fattening :rolleyes:

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You piled the pounds on because of your lifestyle and if your happy like that then that is ok

Where did I say that I 'piled on the pounds?'

Blimey talk about putting words into other people's mouths.

I thought you got a bit porky sometimes. I read as you were getting fat. If its not true my apologies. I hope i did not hit a nerve.

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