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Internet ‘Mr. Angry’ Takes On Thailand’s Jet Ski Scammers


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After all the scams that Thais seem to perpetrate of farangs in their country, I'm really surprised that someone has not setup a ThailandScams.com website... Might serve as a portal to warn potential visitors and a place for those who have been scammed to vent their anger... :whistling:

There is one already: http://www.bangkokscams.com/

It should have been named ThailandScams.com as there are scams from all over Thailand, not just BKK.

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The very sad irony here is that countless members of the private sector – hotels, airlines, travel agents and other businesses which depend on tourism, do nothing to protect their own clients. There are numerous long-established collectives such as the Thai Travel Agents Association (ATTA) the Thai Hotels Association (THA) the Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) and the regional SKAL Clubs, all of which have a highly respected membership, amongst whom are many influential and highly respected personalities representing the Thai tourism sector.

Despite their obvious potential to bring professional, collective and sustained pressure on the powers that be, nothing happens, they all sit on their hands, attend meetings, and socialise, whilst the abuse of their own customers continues unchallenged, not only in Pattaya, but in the multiple tourist scams and rip-offs elsewhere. The Bangkok Gem Scam has been going on successfully for decades, with known complicity in high authority.

Kudos therefore to Tim Bull.

The only one, apparently, with the balls to do something, single-handed.

Edited by jko
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I"d like to see something like this for Phuket. Come on Governor, set up a facebook site and watch the feedback pour in.

I tried to leave a message on the mayor's Facebook 'wall', but couldn't. I presume I have to be a Facebook 'friend' to do that.

I was going to say that when his stint in Pattaya is up, he's welcome to come to Phuket where our particular mayor and governor, like all those before, are a complete waste of space and do their two year posting here as a swan song before retiring quietly to their up-country villages with a sackful of thanks from their fellow countrymen.

The Mayor page is open the like button needs clicking on first http://www.facebook.com/PattayaFuture

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After all the scams that Thais seem to perpetrate of farangs in their country, I'm really surprised that someone has not setup a ThailandScams.com website... Might serve as a portal to warn potential visitors and a place for those who have been scammed to vent their anger... :whistling:

There is one already: http://www.bangkokscams.com/

It should have been named ThailandScams.com as there are scams from all over Thailand, not just BKK.

And also a dedicated jet ski scam site http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001909826119&sk=wall

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After all the scams that Thais seem to perpetrate of farangs in their country, I'm really surprised that someone has not setup a ThailandScams.com website... Might serve as a portal to warn potential visitors and a place for those who have been scammed to vent their anger... :whistling:

There is one already: http://www.bangkokscams.com/

It should have been named ThailandScams.com as there are scams from all over Thailand, not just BKK.

Thanks this is quite useful.......

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The very sad irony here is that countless members of the private sector – hotels, airlines, travel agents and other businesses which depend on tourism, do nothing to protect their own clients. There are numerous long-established collectives such as the Thai Travel Agents Association (ATTA) the Thai Hotels Association (THA) the Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) and the regional SKAL Clubs, all of which have a highly respected membership, amongst whom are many influential and highly respected personalities representing the Thai tourism sector.

Despite their obvious potential to bring professional, collective and sustained pressure on the powers that be, nothing happens, they all sit on their hands, attend meetings, and socialise, whilst the abuse of their own customers continues unchallenged, not only in Pattaya, but in the multiple tourist scams and rip-offs elsewhere. The Bangkok Gem Scam has been going on successfully for decades, with known complicity in high authority.

Kudos therefore to Tim Bull.

The only one, apparently, with the balls to do something, single-handed.

Bangkok Gem Scam has been around for long long time ..........it's long enough to be out. then....... Quote: I ain't a Thai- basher by posting this thread but I want something to be fixed.

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The bit that caught my eye in this report was how the motorcycle taxi drivers along with the other beach vendors were laughing their heads off at yet another victim of this legalised extortion, they must teach all thais that farang are fair game and if you net one screw him for as much as you can because the police will help you do it.

The very sad irony here is that countless members of the private sector – hotels, airlines, travel agents and other businesses which depend on tourism, do nothing to protect their own clients. There are numerous long-established collectives such as the Thai Travel Agents Association (ATTA) the Thai Hotels Association (THA) the Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) and the regional SKAL Clubs, all of which have a highly respected membership, amongst whom are many influential and highly respected personalities representing the Thai tourism sector.

Despite their obvious potential to bring professional, collective and sustained pressure on the powers that be, nothing happens, they all sit on their hands, attend meetings, and socialise, whilst the abuse of their own customers continues unchallenged, not only in Pattaya, but in the multiple tourist scams and rip-offs elsewhere. The Bangkok Gem Scam has been going on successfully for decades, with known complicity in high authority.

Kudos therefore to Tim Bull. The only one, apparently, with the balls to do something, single-handed.

agree! VIP Thais and their VIP farang apologists are only interested in feathering their own nests. They either don't give a flying fug for the little people (the suckers who get extorted by jet-ski and taxi operators every day), or they adhere so tightly to the system of 'don't rock the boat' 'don't bite the hand that pats you on the back' mentality - that they look the other way.

Interesting that the most expensive real estate in Thailand for farang to reside - are also the places with most extortion and crime and least friendly locals. Doesn't say much for the intelligence of retired farang, does it?

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"All that's necessary for the forces of evil to win in the world is for enough good men to do nothing."

~ Edmund Burke

If the "jet ski mafia" goes after someone for exposing their well known crimes then that means they are scared and scared people are not as powerful as they would like you to think they are.

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Funny thing, as my wife got scammed by police in BKK today - just the usual 500 baht for something that was very clearly not a traffic offense - I was thinking how to counter that, and the only thing that could actually work is a public opinion campaign.

Every scamming officer gets filmed. Every "offense" gets disputed in the courts. How long would the traffic police corruption last? Not long. But some people would get intimidated/beat up along the way, and the person starting this would basically have a target painted on their chest.

ps: yes I told her to not stop, but she wouldn't listen - growing up here can do this to you I guess. I never stop for them anymore. If it's a scam, they won't come after you because for one they can hardly start a police action for nothing ("didn't pay me 500 baht for a traffic violation I just invented"); and secondly, in the time it takes to go after you they could scam 5 other people instead.

Just do what I did: put 3 to 4 dummy camera's with a led light in the camera and tell the police officer to smile, because your camera's are running all the time.

He'll smile back and let you drive on....

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I"d like to see something like this for Phuket. Come on Governor, set up a facebook site and watch the feedback pour in.

I would like to see this in Patong (Phuket) also. Unfortunately I do not think it will happen, The Pattaya crooks are sent to the Patong Beach Scam School of Rip Off Excellency, where they are taught, amongst other things, to be more offensive, more aggressive many ways to scam the tourists and how to use the police to your advantage. The Advanced Course includes Weapons Training, knives, machetes, sawn off shot guns etc.

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According to a website to do with doors made of teak and Phuketwan, JJ is back in action at Patong and recently tried to extort B100k from two Aussie girls. The Phuket governor's pledge to introduce compulsory insurance for jet skis was obviously just eyewash. Let's see if the Mayor of Pattaya is going to be any different but don't hold your breath. The only solution to this problem seems to be to ban jet skis entirely.

Edited by Arkady
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When you think of all the loopholes, sincere or not, the Mayor hasn't really provided a viable, foolproof solution with his negotiating team proposal. It will continue. Most victims won't even know there is someone to call that could help, and the same violence/intimidation ploys will be used. Not to mention the faked damage and the no negotiators available huge sinkhole of a loophole. It would indeed involve a very sophisticated (and yes expensive) comprehensive plan to really solve this problem. This obviously isn't it. Not sure this is any worse than a politician would come up with in any country, clearly Pattaya is under pressure from TAT to throw some water on this PR disaster. But a real solution? Not even close.

Edited by Jingthing
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According to a website to do with doors made of teak and Phuketwan, JJ is back in action at Patong and recently tried to extort B100k from two Aussie girls. The Phuket governor's pledge to introduce compulsory insurance for jet skis was obviously just eyewash. Let's see if the Mayor of Pattaya is going to be any different but don't hold your breath. The only solution to this problem seems to be to ban jet skis entirely.

Still his father have been disappeared for almost a decade....... I was told how he get elected as the Mayor. There are stories behind............ Now to prove he can work , clean the entire Pattaya up then.

Edited by dunkin2012
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While I'd like to see something happen, I will be surprised if the Mayor does anything other than drum up some press for himself. He could shut these crooks down in a day if he wanted to.

I hope I'm wrong.

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A very simple start if Thailand was really serious about the scams would be for the immigration officers to give every tourist a pamphlet detailing the scams to be wary of. Very simple stamp the passport give the pamphlet and on your way would take a sply second and it would be a start to show that they are serious.

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shouldn't the thai tourist authority and the legitimate operators be pressing for something to done about these problems.

after all they are trying to encourage more tourists to return to LOS aren't they?????????????

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A very simple start if Thailand was really serious about the scams would be for the immigration officers to give every tourist a pamphlet detailing the scams to be wary of. Very simple stamp the passport give the pamphlet and on your way would take a sply second and it would be a start to show that they are serious.

I've thought the same for a long time. They'll never do it though - too many people stand to lose money and the entire country would lose face by admitting there are people doing this kind of thing. It's a great idea, but it will never happen. :huh:

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Needs a high-up out of the kickback equation to simply say 'no more jet-skis in Pattaya! Apologies to the legit operators but your brethren have screwed it for you.' Yes, I know, all a bit Singapore-esque and neat.

Abandon jet-skis everywhere. People wanting to fuc_k around on that noisy and polluting shit deserve to be scammed in the first place :)

Wholeheartedly agree. Bunch of stupid (given international press coverage), selfish (well, I'm on 'oliday in' I) priks.

And for the umpteenth time, are they legal, or not?

As to BiB pulling cars/motorbikes over, you know they're going to extract their 'tea money' so don't bloody stop! Am constantly amazed at the number of (predominantly farang) who pull meekly into the curb. Charge at the fckrs, that gets them out of your way post haste.

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If you do the damage, you have to pay the price.

But that's the whole point of this thread; people DO NOT do the damage, the scam is to accuse them of it and profit from it.

A small percentage do damage. I reckon most of them are aware they did it and are willing to pay a FAIR compensation. But even those people are scammed as the fees are wildly inflated. That is the argument the scammers will always have, that they have the right to get compensation for real damage, that gives them the foot in the door to develop their schemes to the mad level they have evolved.

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Good to see someone doing something - well done!

It is true that people have been shot for less - al ot less - in thailand, but I like to think that even the MAFIA would realise that this man's death would bring about such a public (and hopefully government) reaction their businesses and livelihoods would be at an end - hoorah for Mr Bull!!

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If you do the damage, you have to pay the price.

But that's the whole point of this thread; people DO NOT do the damage, the scam is to accuse them of it and profit from it.

A small percentage do damage. I reckon most of them are aware they did it and are willing to pay a FAIR compensation. But even those people are scammed as the fees are wildly inflated. That is the argument the scammers will always have, that they have the right to get compensation for real damage, that gives them the foot in the door to develop their schemes to the mad level they have evolved.

Jeez! - actual damage is irrelevant to the scam - I thought even the most simple of minds would grasp that - no wonder these people get away with this sort of stuff - if that is the average intelligence of their punters.

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A very simple start if Thailand was really serious about the scams would be for the immigration officers to give every tourist a pamphlet detailing the scams to be wary of. Very simple stamp the passport give the pamphlet and on your way would take a sply second and it would be a start to show that they are serious.

I've thought the same for a long time. They'll never do it though - too many people stand to lose money and the entire country would lose face by admitting there are people doing this kind of thing. It's a great idea, but it will never happen. :huh:

Well I guess you and I look at things differently to Thais. Tourists will still spend thier money but on more legitamate activities. The only ones who would loose would be the shonky wheelers and dealers. As to thier perceived loss of face well that is riduculous and my personal opinion is they are loosing more face in the eyes of tourists whilst allowing these scams to continue. Again just my personal opinion but I think tourists would hold thailand in a much higher esteem if they did warn people of pending scams. I guess "Logic" is not in the Thai dictionary.

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If you do the damage, you have to pay the price.

But that's the whole point of this thread; people DO NOT do the damage, the scam is to accuse them of it and profit from it.

A small percentage do damage. I reckon most of them are aware they did it and are willing to pay a FAIR compensation. But even those people are scammed as the fees are wildly inflated. That is the argument the scammers will always have, that they have the right to get compensation for real damage, that gives them the foot in the door to develop their schemes to the mad level they have evolved.

Jeez! - actual damage is irrelevant to the scam - I thought even the most simple of minds would grasp that - no wonder these people get away with this sort of stuff - if that is the average intelligence of their punters.

I know ThaiVisa is the most argumentative site in the LOS - but the evidence on the 2 Facebooks sites and the blog looks very clear to me ... gansters extracting money with threats of violence supported by corrupt policemen .... this would still be wrong if you totalled their tatty old Jet Skis. With enough international publicity this campaign might just damage the legitimate tourist industry enough to force some action. Or am I being as naive as the poster who thinks the scam is OK because the riders might have actually scratched the jet ski?

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It is about time these scammers were exposed. I would also put up posters with these faces around Pattaya - that should start the ball rolling. Safety comes in using a longer lens from a greater distance or use a GoPro HD camera strapped to your chest - a little bigger than a matchbox and wide angle. Hang a towel over your shoulders and set the camera in between - worked for me.

Good luck Talen. Keep your head down. ph34r.gif

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