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Israeli PM Netanyahu slams Palestine's unity efforts


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That report is so pre-9/11 ...

That is such a typically paranoid phobia.

Perhaps but it wasn't Mormons who ran planes into the WTC.

Maybe this is relevant, maybe it isn't --

Global Muslims, 23 percent of the world, about 1.57 billion people (largest group of ANY religion and growing fast)

Global Jews, a tiny fraction of one percent, about 13.5 million people (and shrinking)

1.57 billion people, what they have to to with 9/11?

A growing group? what is the problem?

Point 1), 4) and 8) from the Islamophobia list. You are practicing it.

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So your knee jerk reaction every time someone correctly identifies some of your thoughts as anti-semitic to post your Holy List of Islamophobia is intellectually lazy to an extreme.

Where? You are lying, again.

Hypocrite! You cumulatively post antisemitic propaganda 24/7, the odd post in isolation might not constitute it, but en massse your agenda is patently clear to everyone. Then when the true agenda of your beloved extremists is spelled out you belch out a diversionary cloud by alledging Islamophobia. Well there are millions of Muslims in the west, the vast majority are perfectly decent human beings living their lives according to the secular laws of the Countries they live in, but their voices are drowned out by your beloved Islamofascists who silence them with threats, intimidation and even murder.

I would no doubt be considered Christian-phobic if I lived in the middle ages and criticized the crusades, witch trials, burning at the stake of gays and heretics, surpression of science and the forced conversion or death of non-believers.

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So your knee jerk reaction every time someone correctly identifies some of your thoughts as anti-semitic to post your Holy List of Islamophobia is intellectually lazy to an extreme.

Where? You are lying, again.

... You cumulatively post antisemitic propaganda 24/7, the odd post in isolation might not constitute it, but en massse your agenda is patently clear to everyone. Then when the true agenda of your beloved extremists is spelled out you belch out a diversionary cloud by alledging Islamophobia.

Those are the facts. :thumbsup:

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So your knee jerk reaction every time someone correctly identifies some of your thoughts as anti-semitic to post your Holy List of Islamophobia is intellectually lazy to an extreme.

Where? You are lying, again.

Hypocrite! You cumulatively post antisemitic propaganda 24/7, the odd post in isolation might not constitute it, but en massse your agenda is patently clear to everyone.

Where? You are lying, again.

Edited by bangkokeddy
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could be time to pull the plug on this one. Getting out of line and way of the topic which is off course

Israeli PM Netanyahu slams Palestine's unity efforts :mfr_closed1:

" Well, there’s no understanding of the Palestinians at all. I mean, they’re living there and these people want to come and take their homes and land and water and kill their children and kill them. How many are still under arrest in Israel—never been charged, never been tried, never been convicted? Thousands. Why? Meanwhile, we keep giving Israel everything. Our government bribes the Israelis by saying, “Please come to the [negotiating] table and we’ll give you this and we’ll give you that.” Obama’s last offer to the Israelis was $22 billion in new fighter planes, a veto at the UN for anything pro-Arab or pro-Palestinian and a three-month freeze on the colonization and settlers. I mean, what is this? They gave away the store, just as Reagan and every other president did. Why do you have to bribe people to do the right thing? I don’t want my government bribing anybody. I want them demanding. Stop all this aid to Israel when they’re killing people " :clap2:


Edited by midas
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could be time to pull the plug on this one. Getting out of line and way of the topic which is off course

Israeli PM Netanyahu slams Palestine's unity efforts :mfr_closed1:

" Well, there’s no understanding of the Palestinians at all. I mean, they’re living there and these people want to come and take their homes and land and water and kill their children and kill them. How many are still under arrest in Israel—never been charged, never been tried, never been convicted? Thousands. Why? Meanwhile, we keep giving Israel everything. Our government bribes the Israelis by saying, “Please come to the [negotiating] table and we’ll give you this and we’ll give you that.” Obama’s last offer to the Israelis was $22 billion in new fighter planes, a veto at the UN for anything pro-Arab or pro-Palestinian and a three-month freeze on the colonization and settlers. I mean, what is this? They gave away the store, just as Reagan and every other president did. Why do you have to bribe people to do the right thing? I don’t want my government bribing anybody. I want them demanding. Stop all this aid to Israel when they’re killing people " :clap2:


I believe its already been established that Arab King owns White House, sure helps to read the thread prior to posting ;)

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could be time to pull the plug on this one. Getting out of line and way of the topic which is off course

Israeli PM Netanyahu slams Palestine's unity efforts :mfr_closed1:

" Well, there's no understanding of the Palestinians at all. I mean, they're living there and these people want to come and take their homes and land and water and kill their children and kill them. How many are still under arrest in Israel—never been charged, never been tried, never been convicted? Thousands. Why? Meanwhile, we keep giving Israel everything. Our government bribes the Israelis by saying, "Please come to the [negotiating] table and we'll give you this and we'll give you that." Obama's last offer to the Israelis was $22 billion in new fighter planes, a veto at the UN for anything pro-Arab or pro-Palestinian and a three-month freeze on the colonization and settlers. I mean, what is this? They gave away the store, just as Reagan and every other president did. Why do you have to bribe people to do the right thing? I don't want my government bribing anybody. I want them demanding. Stop all this aid to Israel when they're killing people " :clap2:


I believe its already been established that Arab King owns White House, sure helps to read the thread prior to posting ;)

That is a paranoid conspiricy theory and you dam_n well know it. Everything posted above is fact that cannot be refuted. In fact it has been well documented in text, live media and in the US State Departments foreign policy and once again you, Kuffki, are in denial. No need to reply to my post cuz I already know what your response will be. DENIAL of the facts.

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could be time to pull the plug on this one. Getting out of line and way of the topic which is off course

Israeli PM Netanyahu slams Palestine's unity efforts :mfr_closed1:

" Well, there’s no understanding of the Palestinians at all. I mean, they’re living there and these people want to come and take their homes and land and water and kill their children and kill them. How many are still under arrest in Israel—never been charged, never been tried, never been convicted? Thousands. Why? Meanwhile, we keep giving Israel everything. Our government bribes the Israelis by saying, “Please come to the [negotiating] table and we’ll give you this and we’ll give you that.” Obama’s last offer to the Israelis was $22 billion in new fighter planes, a veto at the UN for anything pro-Arab or pro-Palestinian and a three-month freeze on the colonization and settlers. I mean, what is this? They gave away the store, just as Reagan and every other president did. Why do you have to bribe people to do the right thing? I don’t want my government bribing anybody. I want them demanding. Stop all this aid to Israel when they’re killing people " :clap2:


I believe its already been established that Arab King owns White House, sure helps to read the thread prior to posting ;)

That is not true because its who controls the money that controls the White House and

we know who " they " are :bah:

"Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes it's laws"

— Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild

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Brahmburgers, Thanks for your insight, that was most interesting. I think any arguements based on genetic differences between people tends towards racism, human development is predominantly of a cultural nature and here is where change has to happen. If you teach your children to hate and fill their heads with superstitious nonsense there can never be peace, but if you let them develop as human beings then future generations have hope. This applies to the children from left wing liberal parents as well as Muslim children. :)

What is your definition of " superstitious nonsense " ?

Some children perhaps merely hear their parents commenting when someone

asks Israel about certain matters, they never get an answer for. Only

an accusation that you are anti- semetic just for asking those questions ? :blink:

So some children may then grow up simply not trusting Jews - but this does not have to be the

same as hating them ?

Just a small sample of the kind of outstanding questions :-

1. Why is Israel allowed to possess the only nuclear arsenal in the Middle East and not

even have to comply with NPT ?

2. Why hasn't Israel cooperated with the findings of the Goldstone Report .

3. Who exactly owns The Federal Reserve Bank of USA ( of course we know :rolleyes:)and

why is this ridiculous situation allowed to continue ?

1. The NPT, Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, wasn't signed by the Zionists. Its an international treaty and for Zionist it doest matter what the world or international community has to say. They ignore it.

Why they have nuclear weapons? Zionism a militant and agressive movement making Israel to a militaristic state. Zionism has nothing to do with peace.

2. Zionist don't accept the Goldstone report, the the UN Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza conflict, because in their paranoid worldview is the whole word already against them.

3. I don't know.

The pro-Israel policy of the USA is maybe partly a result of Zionist lobby work, but much more a result of the US global interests. The USA like to have friends around the globe and supported and supports various more or less questionable figures, not only the Zionists. If times are changing the USA is also willing to end support and friendship.

Historical there was support as a counter balance to the growing influence of the soviet union in the region.

Israel is always protected by US-veto in the UN Security Council. Veto power an old cold war instrument to protect interests. And it becomes more and more difficult to continue to use the veto right to protect Israel, as Israel becomes more and more international isolated and the USA having a few more interests than only Israel.

well here is a hint.....and it goes back a long time...... :bah:

"Some people think the Federal Reserve Banks are the United States government's institutions.

They are not government institutions. They are private credit monopolies which prey upon the people of the United States for the benefit of themselves and their foreign swindlers" — Congressional Record 12595-12603 — Louis T. McFadden, Chairman of the Committee on Banking and Currency (12 years) June 10, 1932

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Again, it's already been established that Arab king owns the fed which means the money which means the white house, which means Arab king owns the white house.

Again read the thread.

keep taking the pills - i am sure you will recover :blink:

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That is not true because its who controls the money that controls the White House and

we know who " they " are :bah:

"Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes it's laws"

— Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild

"They" huh?

I see they're still selling copies of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, one of the books Hitler didn't burn.

Again, why is such blatant antisemitic propaganda tolerated on this board?

Bullet item 2 --


Edited by Jingthing
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could be time to pull the plug on this one. Getting out of line and way of the topic which is off course

Israeli PM Netanyahu slams Palestine's unity efforts :mfr_closed1:

Stop all this aid to Israel when they’re killing people " :clap2:


As long as they keep killing Iran-backed Hamas what's the problem? Oh, that Hamas hides behind women and children? Maybe we could start a campaign for Iran to stop aid to Hamas until they quit using women and children as shields.

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Midas is now in with denial? Or more nonsense? Or possibly just trolling in denial???

Naam already provided undisputed evidence of the facts yet Midas will continue with nonsense

Oh dear :huh:

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That is not true because its who controls the money that controls the White House and

we know who " they " are :bah:

"Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes it's laws"

— Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild

More antisemitic propaganda from the crowd that keep insisting that anti-Semitism is nothing but a myth. :whistling:

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could be time to pull the plug on this one. Getting out of line and way of the topic which is off course

Israeli PM Netanyahu slams Palestine's unity efforts :mfr_closed1:

" Well, there's no understanding of the Palestinians at all. I mean, they're living there and these people want to come and take their homes and land and water and kill their children and kill them. How many are still under arrest in Israel—never been charged, never been tried, never been convicted? Thousands. Why? Meanwhile, we keep giving Israel everything. Our government bribes the Israelis by saying, "Please come to the [negotiating] table and we'll give you this and we'll give you that." Obama's last offer to the Israelis was $22 billion in new fighter planes, a veto at the UN for anything pro-Arab or pro-Palestinian and a three-month freeze on the colonization and settlers. I mean, what is this? They gave away the store, just as Reagan and every other president did. Why do you have to bribe people to do the right thing? I don't want my government bribing anybody. I want them demanding. Stop all this aid to Israel when they're killing people " :clap2:


I believe its already been established that Arab King owns White House, sure helps to read the thread prior to posting ;)

That is a paranoid conspiricy theory and you dam_n well know it. Everything posted above is fact that cannot be refuted. In fact it has been well documented in text, live media and in the US State Departments foreign policy and once again you, Kuffki, are in denial. No need to reply to my post cuz I already know what your response will be. DENIAL of the facts.

Well since its all a conspiracy theory why did you not dispute it when Naam posted?

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What is your definition of " superstitious nonsense " ?

Some children perhaps merely hear their parents commenting when someone

asks Israel about certain matters, they never get an answer for. Only

an accusation that you are anti- semetic just for asking those questions ? :blink:

So some children may then grow up simply not trusting Jews - but this does not have to be the

same as hating them ?

Just a small sample of the kind of outstanding questions :-

1. Why is Israel allowed to possess the only nuclear arsenal in the Middle East and not

even have to comply with NPT ?

2. Why hasn't Israel cooperated with the findings of the Goldstone Report .

3. Who exactly owns The Federal Reserve Bank of USA ( of course we know :rolleyes:)and

why is this ridiculous situation allowed to continue ?

1. The NPT, Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, wasn't signed by the Zionists. Its an international treaty and for Zionist it doest matter what the world or international community has to say. They ignore it.

Why they have nuclear weapons? Zionism a militant and agressive movement making Israel to a militaristic state. Zionism has nothing to do with peace.

2. Zionist don't accept the Goldstone report, the the UN Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza conflict, because in their paranoid worldview is the whole word already against them.

3. I don't know.

The pro-Israel policy of the USA is maybe partly a result of Zionist lobby work, but much more a result of the US global interests. The USA like to have friends around the globe and supported and supports various more or less questionable figures, not only the Zionists. If times are changing the USA is also willing to end support and friendship.

Historical there was support as a counter balance to the growing influence of the soviet union in the region.

Israel is always protected by US-veto in the UN Security Council. Veto power an old cold war instrument to protect interests. And it becomes more and more difficult to continue to use the veto right to protect Israel, as Israel becomes more and more international isolated and the USA having a few more interests than only Israel.

well here is a hint.....and it goes back a long time...... :bah:

"Some people think the Federal Reserve Banks are the United States government's institutions.

They are not government institutions. They are private credit monopolies which prey upon the people of the United States for the benefit of themselves and their foreign swindlers" — Congressional Record 12595-12603 — Louis T. McFadden, Chairman of the Committee on Banking and Currency (12 years) June 10, 1932

Louis T. McFadden, who is that? with his rant against foreigners he would almost make up a good Zionist. They also believe that foreigners, if not the whole world are against them.

The 30's of the last century ... lots of nutcases were running around in those days.

If you wanna bring him as example that the USA have nothing to say about other countries, in correspondence to Ulysses G. words 'Russia has nothing to say...' you are probably right.

Lets focus more on Nethayahu and why any peace efforts are doomed with this man.

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For the record, Louis T. McFadden was clearly a rabid antisemite. Midas quoted him, so that was totally predictable.


McFadden was known for openly attacking alleged Jewish control of the banking system. He claimed that Jews controlled the American economy He also said that the United States had to choose between "God and the money changers who have unlawfully taken our gold and lawful money into their possession."[2] McFadden also blamed Jews for president Roosevelt's decision to abandon the gold standard, and claimed that "in the United States today, the Gentiles have the slips of paper while the Jews have the lawful money."[3] McFadden was also a supporter of Hitler and the Nazis' anti-Jewish policies before the WW2. McFadden encouraged Hitler's attempts to destroy the Jewish control of the German economy, media, education, and professions in the early 30's before the start of the WW2.[4] When McFadden ran for the presidency in 1936, one of his slogans was “Christianity instead of Judaism.”[5]

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For the record, Louis T. McFadden was clearly a rabid antisemite. Midas quoted him, so that was totally predictable.


McFadden was known for openly attacking alleged Jewish control of the banking system. He claimed that Jews controlled the American economy He also said that the United States had to choose between "God and the money changers who have unlawfully taken our gold and lawful money into their possession."[2] McFadden also blamed Jews for president Roosevelt's decision to abandon the gold standard, and claimed that "in the United States today, the Gentiles have the slips of paper while the Jews have the lawful money."[3] McFadden was also a supporter of Hitler and the Nazis' anti-Jewish policies before the WW2. McFadden encouraged Hitler's attempts to destroy the Jewish control of the German economy, media, education, and professions in the early 30's before the start of the WW2.[4] When McFadden ran for the presidency in 1936, one of his slogans was “Christianity instead of Judaism.”[5]

Interesting source you are quoting there JT!

Metapedia is a white nationalist and extreme right-wing online encyclopedia. (taken from Wikipedia)

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My mistake, that would be an inappropriate source. However, his fed reserve "foreigner" rhetoric does sound classically antisemitic.

This is better.

May 2 (1934)

Congressman Louis T. McFadden delivers an antisemitic speech on the floor of the United States House of Representatives.


Edited by Jingthing
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For the record, Louis T. McFadden was clearly a rabid antisemite. Midas quoted him, so that was totally predictable.


McFadden was known for openly attacking alleged Jewish control of the banking system. He claimed that Jews controlled the American economy He also said that the United States had to choose between "God and the money changers who have unlawfully taken our gold and lawful money into their possession."[2] McFadden also blamed Jews for president Roosevelt's decision to abandon the gold standard, and claimed that "in the United States today, the Gentiles have the slips of paper while the Jews have the lawful money."[3] McFadden was also a supporter of Hitler and the Nazis' anti-Jewish policies before the WW2. McFadden encouraged Hitler's attempts to destroy the Jewish control of the German economy, media, education, and professions in the early 30's before the start of the WW2.[4] When McFadden ran for the presidency in 1936, one of his slogans was “Christianity instead of Judaism.”[5]

Interesting source you are quoting there JT!

Metapedia is a white nationalist and extreme right-wing online encyclopedia. (taken from Wikipedia)

I see. He died 1936, but would have later probably supported the idea of the creation of a state of Israel in the middle east, so that they can send the Jews over there and prevent further immigration to the USA.

Something what is called ethnopluralism today.


I think it doesn't matter who 'owns' the FRB and some theory of a Jewish conspiracy is of course BS

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Metapedia is a white nationalist and extreme right-wing online encyclopedia.

Well, they are the experts when it comes to knowing a fellow anti-Semite. :o

It did strike me as a bit odd that they painted him so negatively since he clearly shared a lot of their views.

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My mistake, that would be an inappropriate source. However, his fed reserve "foreigner" rhetoric does sound classically antisemitic.

One could argue his "foreigner" rhetoric does sound classically Zionist.

Lieberman: 'World supporting creation of terror state'

By JPOST.COM STAFF 03/19/2011 12:43

All others, the world, the foreigners, against Israel.

Or look at all the xenophobic anti-islam rhetoric at this board the pro-zionist flood every middle east topic with.

Western hate speech against Muslims. disgusting.

No surprise that some of them browse around on a white nationalist and extreme right-wing online encyclopedia and get their facts from there.

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Metapedia is a white nationalist and extreme right-wing online encyclopedia.

Well, they are the experts when it comes to knowing a fellow anti-Semite. :o

It did strike me as a bit odd that they painted him so negatively since he clearly shared a lot of their views.

They probably thought that those were compliments. emoticons_free_5.gif

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Or look at all the xenophobic anti-islam rhetoric at this board

Some people have the nerve to complain about radical Islamic terrorism. What is the world coming to? cry-blow.gif

Nothing wrong with that, but some people are unable to differentiate between some Islamist extremists and terrorists and the 'Muslims world'.

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